
Comments by fxxychick

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper tattoos, like em, hate em, or don't care too much?
    Hey guys, Wow, i never knew so many guys hated tattoos on dancers. And the "tramp stamp" is rather funny and appalling. I had my first tattoo placed on my lower back for professional reasons. I wanted a tattoo but I knew I didn't want one on a body part that may be visible in a professional setting or on parts that were subject to gravity as your body changes (saggy tits=saggy tit tattoo). Plus my tattoo was done while I was in college and before I became a dancer. Granted if I had been a dancer before the tattoo, I would have put it in the same place for the same reasons.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    the little things
    LOL!!! D120, I am so guilty of leaving my $$ bag and stuff with my regs. I will do things like call them or send them text msgs on holidays, or just call during week to see how things are going. I try to remember their bdays and get them just lil small gifts, like a shirt or something. They usually do the same, they will leave stacks of $$ on the table we are sitting @ while they go to the restroom, and get me little gifts for my bday and holidays. Hell some have even hung out with my BF in the club where I work. I have built trust and friendships with them (so I think).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    Being a dancer, I have moments when I am selective, and it's moreso the customer and their demeanor and not how much money they are or arent spending. I generally try to avoid the guys that come off as assholes who think we are supposed to paw and beg for their $$$. On the other hand, if I notice a guy, no matter what he looks like, who has been just sitting by himself for a few mins, I will stop by his table and chop it up with him for a while just to make sure he is having a good time. Once I noticed this guy who had been in the club for about an hour and no one stopped by to at least speak to him. He had a friggid look and came off as a shy, standoff-ish guy. He wasnt very attractive but he wasnt ugly either. He was just an average guy. I stopped by his table and sat down to talk to him and out of the blue he hands me a $100 just for taking the time to acknowledge him. I found out he was in the military, was leaving in three wks to go overseas, and his fam was pretty well off. After that night, he came in every night I worked, until he left, and spent a lot of $$ on me. He also brought in friends a few times before he left who still come into the club although he is overseas now. Similar things have happened with other guys who were just happy someone noticed them and made them have a good time. I think some dancers forget the fact that one person can either start a buzz or keep people away from the club where you work. So as a way of maybe saying "hey you chose our club, have fun, and hopefully you will come back", I just try to make them feel comfy and welcomed. Just because they may not spend much that particular night doesnt mean they will not come back and spend. I have had many guys come back with friends because I was so nice that they figure most of the girls in our club were the same way and they would spend loads of $$. Afterall, you never know who enters a club and I'm a firm believer in not judging a book by its cover. (or maybe I'm just a happy go lucky person and I like to have happy people around me)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    DougS, Actually yes I was apprehensive. Never before had I mixed business with pleasure in the form of a relationship or anything else. Yet, as stated before, he would just come in and hang out with me while I was working. Actually I think the fact that he would come in and we would just chill out, laugh, and have a few drinks is what drew me to him. He never really pushed the issue, as far has having my phone number, or going on a date. He didnt come across as the typical guy trying to pick up a girl, or dancer, like most I've come into contact with. The irony of it all is, through our many conversations, we discovered that we grew up in the same part of town, had previously hung out in the same places, knew a lot of the same people, and had alot in common, as far as our personalities and views on life, but never crossed paths before (seems like something out of a movie, right?). Yes, there were a few dances here and there, but a good person is a good person. So by the time he asked me out, which was a lunch break from work (4 him), I took a chance and it's been almost 2 yrs now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    Well Doug, I am an entertainer and I have a BF. I actually met my current BF in the club where I am currently employed. It started out as him and his friends hanging out with me there, and then we started dating casually outside of the club. Over time our feelings grew and he realized that I was a good girl. One I think a man, or any person, should realize that where you work, or your job, does not dictate who you are as a person. Two, he has to trust that the woman he is with is a "stand-up" gal. An honest woman is an honest woman, and a skank is a skank no matter where she works. For all any guy knows, their darling wife, or GF, could be sleeping with her boss @ her nice office job just to get a raise (now there's something to think about). I think a man has to be one whom is content with himself, which makes him not so envious. My BF has no problem with me continuing to work there nor has he every pressured me to stop. He makes good $$ @ his job so he doesnt need my $$. He still hangs out in there with his friends while I'm working. We have a great relationship because my job it is what it is; just work. And that doesnt or hasnt changed the fact that we get along like best friends, we hang out in other strip clubs together, we are both silly as all hell, care about each other, and we both know where each others head and heart are.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    Thanks Chandler and Doug. I guess because outside of the club I am just as laid back. I just try to have fun and get everyone around to have fun while I am working. On occassion I dont mind throwing in a free dance or buying a drink for a nice guy here and there. My only vice is I can drink with the best of them and I tend to get others around me kinda wasted, but hey I will make sure you get home safe even if I have to call a cab to come and pick you up, hell I will even pay for it. Doug, I actually work @ this lil club called Charlies in Bham, AL. If you are ever in Birmingham, or plan on visiting just drop me a line and I will let you know if I will be working. And to all of the nice gentlemen who frequent gentlemen's clubs, I greatly appreciate you and the way you respect us by not giving us strippers "customer shit"!! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    Thanks guys for the ensight. BG: I dont mind turning guys on, I'm pretty sure I do that most of the time when I am working. Hence, why I have my regulars or repeat customers (who dont come in as much as my regulars do but they do come back). It's just that it has never happened to that point, to my knowledge. I guess I would have expected it to come from one of my regulars or someone else who frequents the club whom I am familiar with because they have seen me in action week in and week out over time. Chandler: I agree 100% although you didnt creep me out more. Just now knowing and I really cant remember exactly what he looks like although I do remember the encounter, hell even the table we were sitting @ in the club, is what's probably the source of my reaction. I guess its a comfort zone issue. Moreover, I figured if a guy were turned on and decided to tell me, he wouldn't go so far in depth as to how much he was turned on. Maybe its knowing that a few girls who still work, or have worked, with me have had stalkers and people follow them when they leave the club, and it started with something similar that they thought was just flattery or BS.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bones vs shadowcat.
    I work in a club in 'Bama that has been open for 25yrs. Although I have only worked here for 2yrs, I must say a ton of our business comes from those who love our little club out in the woods and have been coming here for yrs. Personally, I enjoy working here because it has a "Cheers"-like atmosphere. Everyone knows everyone. At times we get wild-n-wacky and it feels like you are just hanging out even if you work there because its so laid back.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    The one thing I find funny is I am honest with customers I sit with. I tell them straight up that I dont give out my #, I'm not interested in a date, yes I do have a BF, and Im rather blunt when I make it known that I'm not going to lie and tell them what they want to hear to make $$ because its not worth the time. I just let them know if they want, they can come back and see me so we can chat, have some drinks, laugh, and dance a lil. There are the few that think that I am giving them "stripper shit" when I state this. Most accept it and tip me better because of my honesty. Its a damned if I do or damned if I dont situation. Hell, I have tons of regulars, and they all know and have met my BF and one has hung out with me and my BF in the club where I work. By the way, how about "customer shit"? I always love the asshole that thinks that since he has a lot of $$ to throw around that he can treat the girls like shit. I have actually taken $$ from that type of guy and thrown it right back @ him while I was on stage several different times. And the funny thing is most of the other guys in the club applaud and tip me and the other girls better for having to deal with "customer shit".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    your opininions gentlemen please
    Wedgeworth, All of the guys here have made some valid points, but I will give you some perspective as a woman and entertainer. It depends on the type of woman she is. If she is strong willed, motivated, and knows how to handle her business than there should be no problems. My advice, for her or any woman thinking of entering this business, is be true to yourself. I've met a lot of nice people and I enjoy my job. I have worked in the same club now for over 2 years, although I started dancing 4 yrs ago(with a break here and there). I have never tried drugs, never gotten caught up in the "drama" that comes along with the job nor have I had to have OTC sexual expeciences to make extra $$$. Yeah the $$ comes fast, so be smart with it. Take out what $$ you need to pay your bills and expenses then put what's left in the bank and reinvest it (CD's, IRA's, stocks or whatever). You will be surprised how fast it adds up. There will be some ups and downs though. Envy from other dancers: fuck it. Just do you and remember you are there for you and to better yourself so to hell with what others think. Its ok to have a few chatter buddies that work with you so leave it @ that; chat about random things but nothing too personal. Leave your personal affairs @ home and never get involved in anyone else's crap or the club gossip to avoid drama because it will make you lose sight of your purpose. Afterall, this is a job whether its a club or not. Some nights will be pretty crappy, but hell compared to working 40+ hr wks, its not all that bad. My motto is 'Yeah to some it's bad that I may work in a strip club, so the least I can do is do my job with integrity." Not saying that I have all of the answers, but I have followed and still do follow these guidlines when I work and I haven't had any problems with being strictly an entertainer or making (and saving) tons of $$$. STAY FOCUSED!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    On previous msg, it should read: I did not intend to insult anyone. Ooops, thought I correct that before "english teacher" Bookguy had something else smug to say.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    Bookguy by the way I've noticed you have reviews from NOLA. I am in town right now, and I dare you to say it to my face. You can find me @ the Royal Senesta Hotel on Bourbon St. Or maybe I will run into you in the clubs tonight before I leave town. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    Bookguy: #1 I did intend to insult anyone, I was merely adding to the topic. #2 fuck you and your smug attempt to bash me. I have read plenty of yoor comments and all of them do not contain perfect grammar and/or spelling. Nor do you ever make any valid points. You just sit around on this website waiting to citique someone. I appreciate those who understand or understood my point of view. So again, fuck you. Goodbye!! Chandler: Thank you for being kind. Obviously you get it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    By the way, I do have pics for the nay-sayers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Its a touchy thing. Myself I am black and yes I have worked in a club. Funny story, I am 5'3", my measurements are 34-27-40ish, and I weigh 150lbs(yeah I'm the classic small waist but bootilicious). I have a lot of muscle mass because I do lift weights. I have never worked in a black club, but I have worked @ the Furnace and Charlies in Bham, AL. I have never had a prob making money and have been admired for having a smokin bod and personality (hell the bulk of my regs are/were older white guys whom i still have contact with). However, I tried to work @ Sammys and the day mgr told me i needed to lose 15lbs and come back and audition again, although I was a great dancer. It was funny to me cuz my abs were tighter than some of the dancers I saw there. So obviously some clubs prefer skinny-fat girls (skinny girls with pot bellies) than girls with a full booty on them. It made me laugh cuz I'm like dude the Furnace has way harder standards, better clientelle, and a better club than Sammys and they thought I was adorable. I dunno, what do u think?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a woman, with very small tits, nurse a baby?
    OMG!! It's obvious you are all men and very ill-informed. The size of the breast does not matter when it comes to breastfeeding. The female mammory glands begin producing milk while you are pregnant. After giving birth, engorgement happens which is the breast begin to swell to make room for milk to feed the infant. If a chick told you her breast were too small, it was because she didnt want to breast feed...point blank. And breastfeeding does not make your breast saggy. I breastfed my son, who is now 5 yrs old, and it didnt make my breast saggy. If anything it made them larger, not too sure if that was a result of feeding or the weight gain of pregnancy. Either way every woman is different after giving birth. I know some whose breast became larger and some whose became smaller, however, none a direct result from breastfeeding. If that were the case my mom would have terrible boobs because she breastfed all six of us, yes six kids. She will be 50 in July and her's are perkier than some 20 yr olds', not to mention she doesnt look a day over 35, without ever having any nips and tucks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you consider a club that overpriced dances a scam??
    It depends on the guidelines of the club. I worked in a club where there was a minimum price for dances. Meaning a dancer was not allowed to offer a dance lower than that price yet @ the same time its the dancers discretion to price the dances she gives @ whatever. So whereas the min may be $10, the dancer could charge more because there was no set rate just a minimum rate. And to those on the outside coming in, if you dont know that and someone told you "oh dances there are $10", you may think you are being scammed if you ask a dancer for a dance and she gives a higher price. And that is not necessarily the case.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stealing dancers clothes
    A dancers clothing is like owning a business. U have to put a little of what you make back into it. Yeah the whole idea of a strip club is taking the clothes off, but it also helps to have something flattering on to begin with to draw attention from the customers in the club. Not saying that a $500 outfit makes since, but @ the same time yes dancers' clothing can be very expensive. And it sucks when some raggedy, shady ass bitch, who doesnt have the sense or decensy to get her own shit in order to improve her craft, just steals someone elses.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memphis Platinum Plus
    I have never visited a strip club in Memphis, but the same thing is going on in Alabama. It is now illegal to be topless in a bar as a form of employment, meaning the girls who work in clubs either have to keep their tops on, wear pasties, or latex paint over their nipples to avoid being arrested and fines. Personally I think there are way more pressing problems in Alabama such as unemployment, the poor education system state-wide, and etc. Especially since the revenue from such clubs generate millions of $$ for the govt.