
Comments by apesht45 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    College student strippers: Myth or Reality?
    Chandler posted the following: "Why is the myth so appealing? I think PLs want to believe that the young women to whom they give large sums of cash are using it to prepare for a better future, not blowing it on a dead end life of drugs and icky boyfriends. Strippers understand this, and play to the myth in order to keep the cash flowing. For me, the biggest appeal is imagining innocent looking young things carrying books around campus in the daytime, all the while leading a secret double life as disreputable sex workers, allowing any slimeball stranger with twenty dollars to paw their sweet young bodies." Chandler I hope you are speaking for yourself. If you believe you are a PL and a slimeball that is fine. I do not see myself like that. I go to strip clubs for some entertainment. It is not my lifestyle, compulsion, only social interaction or any other catagory that fits you. Perhaps some of the posters here could benefit from your examples of what not to do or how to view one's self. Otherwise it seems to me that every thread you are on all you do is whine, complain, be negitive and try to make the subjrct all about you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Maybe it is the consistant yammering that causes people to view your posts with a blank stare Chandler. You tend to talk down to others here a lot. It does not suprise me when you do not recieve the reactions you desire.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The fantasy here is Chandler believeing he is more creative or imaginative than the average TUSCLer. That is funny. From his post about how and what he role plays could be a bad xerox copy of any bullshit Penthouse Forum story. Big imagination there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what's the real purpose of "making it rain" on a dancer??
    Well because Chandler pronounces something "OK" then it must be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what's the real purpose of "making it rain" on a dancer??
    It is a vulgar, low class move if you ask me. I would never be caught dead doing that. Not too long ago I went to a club I went with my wife and another lady friend of ours. (Both of them way into strippers!) We had a fantastic evening at a semi-local establishment with 4 very lovely dancers. They made quite a bit of $$$ just on lap dances and stage tips, but when we were wrapping things up at the end of the night I made sure to fold a few big bills for each of them. As we all hugged goodbye I handed each their extra tip and thanked them for making the evening extra special. A little class goes a long way, though we were very well treated regulars before; this has paid off in spades. You should get treated half as well as we do now. Shower money? Fuck no. - Have a little dignity, treat others with the same, and your strip club visits will get better and better!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The other strippers in the club: Do they matter?
    Like a Robert Palmer video.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BI or not?
    Sorry, in retrospect that last post was a little hostile.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I expect nothing other than to go out and have a fun evening. I like for things to happen as they may. When out in public I treat others as I would like them to treat me. Theefore, I do expect to be treated respectfully by club staff. I expect my drinks to be properly mixed. And I expect to have a good time. I do not like people who interfere with that. This includes obnoxious patrons, scamming or theiving dancers, goons or off duty cops for bouncers, ect.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strip voyeurism...
    Just what everyone here wants! A hidden camera feed so lazy perverts like posaune can stay home and whack off to the lap dances you are paying for. Real good idea numb nuts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The other strippers in the club: Do they matter?
    I think everyone here would prefer a multitude of attractive girls for the reasons you have stated. That said, I have had an excellent time in my favorite club spending my time and money with just one dancer for the entire evening. She was the only one there at the time who I thought worth the effort.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    I am no fan of fake tits. Some boob jobs are better than others but overall I prefer natural. I see no correlation between fake tits and tattoos. I like most but not all tattoos that I have seen on women at the clubs. Every now and then you do see one that is frightening, but thats life. Do you find every single woman you see attractive?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BI or not?
    Homosexuality is a recurrent theme in your posts IgiveUp. Why is that? Something you want to get off your chest?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    Sorry made a mistake. I confused two replys and addressed the wrong person. Chandler I apologise. I meant to direct the first part of that comment at Clubber. The part about wanting to be a dictator, that was for you Chandler.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    BookGuy - I just always asumed that body modification as more of a rite of passage or a way of marking life's more important events. But your overcrowding theory is very interesting. Chandler, Get over yourself! This thread targeted no one in particular but rather addressed what I percieved as a trend. Believe it or not your age does not make you the most important person on the planet. Nor the most intelligent. I can see from your last post that you would indeed enjoy the position of deciding what is and isn't acceptable for the rest of us. Don't worry you are in good company. Just ask Adolph.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    Clubber, I suppose your definition of mutilation is a matter of perception. What in the tattoo process is permanantly damaged? If the person is happy with the tattoo then the result seems positive to me. The injury comes from breaking the skin. It will heal just as any cosmetic procedure would. Perfection is also a matter of perception. What may appear as a defacement to you may be an adornment to the wearer. I was unaware that your opinion on things has more weight than the person with the tattoo. I'm not saying you have to like them, just that it is rude to comment on someone else's tastes in body art.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    Parachute pants? BG do you jump up on the stage and break dance whenever the DJ plays any Michael Jackson? I could sell you a half of a pair of gloves if you are interested...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    An open letter to my favorite dancer...
    Thios has got to be a joke. You would seriously send someone a letter like that? Jesus Christ.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    These answers are awesome, keep them coming. I am shocked at some of the attitudes. Namely that it is mutilation or a defacement of the body. I see it as an adornment. Sure there are some tattoos or styles that I do not particularly care for but still, to knock an entire genre of art because you do not find all of it pleasing is kind of shortsighted and sad. Even better is Igiveup's equation of tattoos with homosexuality. IGU just for your information they have nothing to do with each other. The biggest problem I see here is AGE! Some of you are so worried about being percived as old. I'm 38 but identify with a younger crowd. Lighten up. Mu life is good at 38, i suspect it will be at 48 and 58 too. Much older than that forget it! J/K
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat...
    Sounds like bragging just to make yourself sound important. These were not erotic adventures. That would imply some eroticism. This was a big YAWN!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BI or not?
    Seems like the concept of "Lifestyle Choice" is more junk Christian Science. Besides what is the big deal anyway? Are people here intimidated by a bisexual woman?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How much do women really weigh
    Obsess much BG? A pound of flesh is a pound of flesh.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To share strip club/stripper information or not?
    The whole point of this message board? To SHARE information. Thinking your reviews actually influnce a club's traffic? You PRETENDING that you are someone important or more knowledgeable than you are.