
BI or not?

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:29 PM
I first met her about 3 years ago. Very tall. At least 5'10". Hard bodied and did a fairly good lap dance. Not good enough to make it to my favorits list. At this time I suspected that she might be BI or lesbian. She seemed to have the hots for one of the dancers on my favorites list. Whenever the other dancer was on stage, she would whistle and shout. Told me that she thought she was hot. I saw the other dancer once doing a private dance for a couple. It was so erotic that I couldn't keep my eyes off of them and get into the dancer that I was with. I said to myself, "She has got to be BI". She turned out to be full of stripper shit and is no longer working at the club. Back to the first dancer. 15 months ago, I saw her come into the club with another girl. She remained in street clothes and the other was wearing a military uniform. They were doing a lot of drinking and stage tipping. Next thing I see is them doing a whole lot of kissing and fondling each other. And I don't mean casually. They were into tits and pussy. I'm talking about right out in the open. 9 months ago she told me that it was her last night working there. She had bought a condo in CO. and was moving there. She reappeared at the club 3 months ago. I asked her "what are you doing here. You are supposed to be in CO". She shook her head, NO, I had a baby. Later I found out from one of my favorites that she was actually married. I still, sometimes get dances from her but each time, I have to wonder if she is BI or not.


    17 years ago
    Why do you care? What difference does it make?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I really don't care. I just post this stuff to encourage member participation. Share expierences. I could really care less about a lot of shit that gets posted here that has nothing to do with strippers of strip clubs As founder says "Keep it real".
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    It can be fun talking to a bi dancer. She may point out other dancers you didn't really notice before. You can both talk with interest about the same girls in a club or on the internet.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Some years ago, my ATF had a thing for a dancer that worked with her. Didn't see anything major between them, but I did enjoy watching my ATF tip her. She told me she was bi, and I've never had a reason to doubt it, nor do I care.
  • Pete22z
    17 years ago
    I got a memorable dance from a cute brunette in KY. She was kinda into the whole goth thing, but was really interesting to talk to. Well anyway, she was giving me a couch dance, and I noticed she kept looking at another girl lapping across the room...my goth gal really seemed into her which seemed to translate into a very enthusiastic dance for me. Maybe I was only seeing what I wanted to see, but I'm gonna stick to my hot, aroused lesbian theory.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    She might have been lesbian before, then became heterosexual. To be bisexual, she would have to be into both pussy and dick at the same time.
  • IDleStripper
    17 years ago
    Bi or not? That's a question some of the girls at P+ have about John and Herb.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    Most of the girls I get dances fom claim to be at least bi, but who really knows how much is true & how much is just what they think I want to hear? I have met a few lesbian dancers, and it's interesting to watch them give guys dances. In judging from the dances, you would never know that they were gay. Ironically, one of my present favorite girls to get dances from is as straight as an arrow. Claims to have never been with a woman, nor does she care to try. But she sures gives me a great dance. A fine art of acting, to be sure....but I'm not complaining!
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Lowpaw: Maybe she's a little bi curious and just doesn't want to admit to it. When girls give you a dance, do they usually just play with the "girls", or do they actually venture to that special moist spot? Do you let them venture inside your panties, or do they try? Sorry.. I know, way too personal, but I'm still enjoying the thoughts that are running in my mind...
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I read that human females essentially have little or no sexuality -- to them, images or thoughts of naked women are sexy or unsexy to equal degree that those same images or thoughts stimulate heterosexual males. Basically, bisexuality or homosexuality (or, by implication, heterosexuality) for females is more a "lifestyle choice" than a hard-wired sexual response, so the scientists say; whereas for males, the quest for a perfect mate is hard-wired, and the definition of it is as well, to the point that homosexual males can actually be caused to have the retch-response (beginning to vomit) at depictions of heterosexual liaisons or of female sexuality. Weird. So chicks ARE wired differently? I don't know if I like that or dislike it. On the one hand, chicks getting it on with one another can sure be a turn-on to me; on the other, it makes me superfluous ...
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    "Lifestyle choice"? HA! I don't know where you read that, or who those scientists are, but they obviously never met ME! My inate sexual feelings for other women is very much hard-wired into me....there is no other way to explain it. While I believe that some women are very fluid along the sexuality lines, there are PLENTY of us that are "hard-wired" sexually in our responses and attitudes. Although I can not remember ever projectile vomiting at the sight of male sexuality. At least not so far. I'll keep you all posted on that one. DougS- Most every dance I've ever had I've had alot of mutual interaction with the dancer......most will initially ask me if it's ok to touch me, to which I always scream out "HELL YEAH!" Most like to play with the nekkid boobies, and at least do alot of touching of the nether region outside of the clothing. A good third of them have ventured inside, much to my chagrin. I think that alot of the dancers get to play with their "bi" side when they have a willing female custie, and I'm all too happy to oblige them!
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Seems like the concept of "Lifestyle Choice" is more junk Christian Science. Besides what is the big deal anyway? Are people here intimidated by a bisexual woman?
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I'm not INTIMIDATED by bi-females or by lesbians. But if the woman in question is hot, I'm DISAPPOINTED that she isn't more male-centric or, to put it directly, ME-centric. About "lifestyle choice." I've read enough mainstream science to believe they've found a biological link between male homosexuality and certain genetic traits, so I think it's actually not a choice at all, at least for the guys. I haven't read similar findings about the girls.
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Homosexuality is a recurrent theme in your posts IgiveUp. Why is that? Something you want to get off your chest?
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Sorry, in retrospect that last post was a little hostile.
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