It's a tough call. Sort of an apples to oranges comparison. Nothing in real life has been quite like having my pick from a roomful of strippers, all acting like nymphomaniacs who'd like nothing better than to rub their bodies all over mine. On the other hand, eroticism in unexpected settings can be intensely memorable. And, of course, real sex is pretty hard to beat in comparison to anything.
BTW, I don't get the "especially when growing up" part of the question. I didn't have any experiences in strip clubs until I was a totally grown-ass man.
I've had some very erotic experiences inside and outside strip clubs... One experience comes to mind, though, because it was fairly recent and very erotic... My first kiss (DFK) with my ATF - probably THE hottest kiss I've ever had in my life.
That's an easy question since I had never even visited a strip club until I was in my mid 20's. I may have never visited either except my boss at work wanted to take me to one. I think in hindsite he just wanted some company since he wasn't always the most likeable guy. Private moments are always the best as far as I'm concerned.
Most erotic experience? Well, I suppose 'skydiving' is out!!
I'd have to say I've met many erotic experiences in SCs. Most memorable would be last year at a Memphis club where another dancer and I were receiving couch dances from another dancer! The dancer sitting with me on the couch was ensuring I stayed "EXCITED" while getting her "EXCITEMENT" from the other dancer. AND, vice versa... when the dancer was dancing for me, I made sure my couch dancer got involved fully!!
6 months after my first wife invited me out the door, In October 1999 I met a NJ 42 Yr-Old divorcee with an incredible libido (I was 41).... One of our first nights, we hit a hotel near the Meadowlands, and I had 4 orgasms, She had 6 orgasms, for a total of 10 inexplicable orgasms in a four-hour span. I even got it up a fifth time that night but that one just stayed at attention.
We had other similar nights and the relationship lasted just over two years. For whatever reason, sex with that woman was always perfect.
Maybe I'm different but I find girls to be at their most erotic when they aren't trying to be and a are just being themselves. For example, I think seeing girls on a nude or topless beach is far more erotic than seeing them onstage in a strip club. When I used to go see my ATF dance, I always sat near the steps that led on stage, because after they were done dancing they'd put their clothes back on there. And I found that to be far more erotic - when they were just being themselves and getting dressed without being aware that anyone was watching - than anything they did on stage. I also think most dancers are sexier when they're sitting and talking with me than when they are trying to act sexy.
Some girls are better at acting sexy than others. Way better. I do agree that eroticism has the most impact in unexpected situations. Which is why I find topless beaches about the least erotic of all places.
Sounds to me like you guys have never been to South Beach. Last time I was there the first person I saw was a drop-dead gorgeous young woman in skimpy bikini bottoms kicking around a soccer ball with her (probably) BF. I don't think I've ever seen a stripper look as good. There may have been some fuglies nearby but I never noticed. In fact I never noticed anyone else.
I kinda don't like seeing hot chicks in public -- it just makes me feel even more ineffectual. My mind instantly goes, "If that dude who played soccer with her is her boyfriend, how come *I* can't get a girl who is as hot as her?"
It's all about insecurity for me, isn't it? I'm just all over the Freudian couch these last few days ... humph ...
For me, the level of quality on display at topless beaches is not the issue. It's context. Seeing a girl go topless at a regular beach would be sexy. At a beach that's labeled topless, it's kind of dull. People doing everyday things without their clothes on, like playing shuffleboard at a nudist camp, I would consider the opposite of sexy.
And no, I've never been to South Beach, but I like seeing a gorgeous young woman anywhere, even if it has to be at a topless beach.
Is it unreasonable to gawp and ogle at South Beach? I imagine a thousand frat boys on spring break egging some dumpy sorority sister into slipping one cup of her brassiere off for two seconds, and then all the guys screaming and whooping and spraying beer all over ...
last commentBTW, I don't get the "especially when growing up" part of the question. I didn't have any experiences in strip clubs until I was a totally grown-ass man.
I'd have to say I've met many erotic experiences in SCs. Most memorable would be last year at a Memphis club where another dancer and I were receiving couch dances from another dancer! The dancer sitting with me on the couch was ensuring I stayed "EXCITED" while getting her "EXCITEMENT" from the other dancer. AND, vice versa... when the dancer was dancing for me, I made sure my couch dancer got involved fully!!
We had other similar nights and the relationship lasted just over two years. For whatever reason, sex with that woman was always perfect.
It's all about insecurity for me, isn't it? I'm just all over the Freudian couch these last few days ... humph ...
And no, I've never been to South Beach, but I like seeing a gorgeous young woman anywhere, even if it has to be at a topless beach.