
Comments by deogol (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Big Brother
    The idea of registering your guns sounded good... until Hitler came to power. Personally, I think there is a revolution brewing in this country. Alatard best watch out!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    Alucard is just flat out UNAMERICAN. Wants moderation on board - anti-1st amendment Wants to ban self-protection - anti-2nd amendment Wants to ban NRA - anti-1st amendment Has said banning alcohol - anti-21st amendment
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A disturbing event
    Oh Shadow, the horror!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    Alucard's thinking shows how limited and closed minded in thinking those who are in the gun ban club really are. Don't think like Alucard, life is better with an open mind.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More fun & games at 2AM.
    National Restaurant Association
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More fun & games at 2AM.
    Not surprised at the suspect.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who wants to marry a stripper?
    Interesting quote given Socrates died of hemlock poisoning (forced suicide)...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Moderator: Yes or no
    PREJUDICE against hunks of metal!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I guess touching a stripper's ass was not enough. :)
    Huh oh! http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/24809593 Katy Perry overtakes Justin Bieber on Twitter followers
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Food Stamp Cuts today
    Read and weep. (There is upcoming legislation to ban it though.) http://nypost.com/2013/01/06/welfare-recipients-take-out-cash-at-strip-clubs-liquor-stores-and-x-rated-shops/
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ban Airplanes!
    You watch that too, Motorhead?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Oh Alucard!
    :) (Munch munch munch - popcorn good!)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ban Airplanes!
    Planes. Them flying bastards! We obviously NEED MORE SECURITY. You know, so we develop more government hating AMERICANS, er, CRAZY PEOPLE! Demand background checks of ALL PEOPLE hoping to get IN an airport!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any Freudian Psychologists Out There?
    LOL Motor!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Food Stamp Cuts today
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Unconventional lodging for Exotic Dancers such as camp sites
    There is no such thing as temporary living quarters.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Food Stamp Cuts today
    THE DOT is needed!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Food Stamp Cuts today
    "why? People on food stamps can't afford to visit the strip club" Oh to be young again...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Posting as others: Re: Alucard.
    There is no way to prevent people from "filling a board... responding to themselves" without banning IP addresses. Of course, when you do that, you are potentially banning future users. It's better that their IP(s) sees their postings but no one else does >:).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Does anyone else find that a Dancer claims them as "thier" customer?
    Just got to reach out and make a point of not being "claimed."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Posting as others: Re: Alucard.
    Let me add, that both names are a pseudonym, a fictitious name. Both are posting anonymously. So no claim can be made that it is effecting their real lives.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Posting as others: Re: Alucard.
    I think s/he shouldn't be banned. 1) S/he didn't crack Alucard's account and begin posting as him. So no admin/software damage was done. 2) It wasn't long before the difference between "Alucard" and "Alucard." was known by the membership. Thus, no board or social damage was done. 3) This really is "was Alucard damaged?" Perhaps. However, he has somewhat asked for it with multiple abuses hurled from ugly PMs calling people names to indecipherable "list" postings to calling people names in public postings. Perhaps this event is actually a form of community self-policing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    True dat, slick ^^^
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    pick up game
    Wait. People want to date strippers?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why did you first go to a strip club and how old were you?