
Moderator: Yes or no

I'm been trying to ignore all this shit, but this shit is getting out of control. I've never been in favor of a moderator, but I'm starting to turn the other way.


  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    I don't see what argument could be made for not having a moderator.

    ANY forum or discussion board you go to online has a moderator

    TUSCL doesn't

    What does that tell you?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    That the persons who are running amok on this forum will eventually destroy it. Some are VERY vocally against moderation so they can continue their shit.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I'm not against a moderator - but it must be a moderator with a certain amount restraint. Just from looking in on SW from time to time, I see how Yoda handles things. And it's absolutely the WRONG way. Anything said that even mildiy disagrees with his opinion, he puts then on double secret probation or bans them.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    As of now, we have no moderator. The best thing that we can do to keep this a positive and viable forum is to continue to post entertaining, informative, and provacative threads. They don't always have to be about strip clubs. Alucard's post about the NFL is back got some 100+ hits.
    Almost everybody had an on topic point to make.

    If somebody creates something that you don't like, post something that you feel is poignant.

    If somebody is a troll and they post something that makes me laugh or if I feel that I can get a laugh in their post, I'm posting.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    If you're not acquainted with the phrase "double secret probabation," see this:


    It's explained at 1:00.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago

    “ANY forum or discussion board you go to online has a moderator

    TUSCL doesn't

    What does that tell you?”

    it tells me that your supposition that “ANY forum or discussion board you go to online has a moderator” is incorrect.

    @ranukam. ask yourself who MORE than ANYONE else WANTS a moderator and you will have the answer to who is spamming the board. just ignore him and he will get frustrated like the last time he did this.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Only communists support moderation. You folks aren't commies now, are you? Hmmmmmmm?
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Use the grey circle with the x, and you will be the Moderator of Your Domain.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    ignore does a pretty good job considering...
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Hell no to moderator
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Oh, yes. Besides communists there is another group of people who support moderation - faggots.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Alucard- I agree. Eventually it'll get to the point where the forum will be ruined completely. Another thing is that a all these stupid threads just drive members away from the board who provide good insight.

    Motor- what you're describing is obviously a power trip. That's not right. We just need a moderator to ban all the trolls and delete the dumb threads.

    It's sad to me how one or two people who troll can ruin the forum for EVERYONE. I don't know who it is, but it's pretty obvious that all the troll accounts on here are controlled by the same one or two people. I just don't get why someone would want to ruin this great site TUSCL. This place is headed down hill fast unless we get a moderator. Papi Chulo would be perfect for the position
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Papi is a commie.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    ilbbaicnl has it right. I used to never use it, but now am a proponent of ignore. Every once in awhile I'll check and see what some idiot posted that has caused an uproar. Wouldn't get to see the complete idiocy if a moderator didn't allow them to post.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    The techniques I'm aware of for detecting sock puppets are either easy to get around, or can be to arbitrary and strict, and punish innocents. Whether a trouble-making handle is a sock puppet or a new wanker, only takes a second to hit ignore.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    ilbbaicnl and Clubba:

    I think what you two are overlooking is that there are new people who join this site everyday. Many of them probably aren't aware we even have an ignore function . Once they see all those stupid threads in the discussion forum, I'm sure that'll drive them away from the board

    Plus, there's a possibility that the ignore list has a limit. Then what will ya'll do?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Yep! Ranky I'm been trying also.But I've spent weeks on the Obama Care website and just don't care about a moderator.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    No. Use the ignore function to rid yourself of the annoying little insects. Simply stop reading if a thread is stupid.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    I agree that there should be a moderator. But since Founder and I are the only ones qualified to do the job properly, I don't want one unless it's one of those two.

    I guess that I am logging into a different TUSCL that those who see it going "downhill". I just don't see the same decline.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Pootie for moderator!

    Pootie! Pootie! Pootie!
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Yes, I've used ignore also. I have about 20 on my ignore list (most of them aliases of you know who). The problem with ignore is that their name shows up in blue (so you still know they're causing havoc) and if they post 10 discussions on the first page, you will only be able to read 5 discussions on the first page. I wish ignore would remove them completely.

    The personal attacks, off topic stuff, I don't mind that stuff, lots of websites have that, but the spamming garbage is what a moderator. For example when juice forgets to take his meds and he posts 20 spamming threads in a row, a moderator would delete them quickly, that could be helpful.

    All the spamming and other garbage have scared off the dancers who were good contributors and other strip club patrons that might have good intel that want to post on here, but they think the discussion board is out of control, so they don't post.

    This is a great site, but it wasn't out of control like this three years ago. I hope TUSCL lasts for eternity, but there are a few people that are trying to take it down (maybe mad because they were banned).

    It looks like most of you feel a moderator is not needed. That's fine with me I will continue the ignore function. I acknowledge it would be hard to find a moderator without any bias.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Ranukam...I don't know if I'm on your ignore list but I'm going to reply with something serious. I really do think people can self moderate. In my opinion, the biggest problem is when people who SUPPOSEDLY don't like joke threads invade joke threads. Why do people do that? It accomplishes nothing. The folks who are joking continue to joke but now they have a target. It encourages more of the same kind of behavior that these folks CLAIM to dislike.

    I think the folks like Bonesbrother and 23cambyman are the real trolls. I suspect they like all the shit they stir up. I think you're asking a serious question so I'm not putting you in this category. I will, however, suggest a solution:

    1. If you genuinely don't like something IGNORE IT. And by that I mean REALLY IGNORE IT. Don't bitch about it or hurl insults or tell people they are on your ignore list. Those who do that are either stupid or they are trying to get a rise out of their opponents. I admit that I'm trying to get a rise out of folks like Tittyfag. IF he actually dislikes it he could do one of two things: send a polite PM asking me to stop (I would do so IF he also disengaged) -or- simply disengage. He does neither. So I conclude he likes the sparring.

    2. Organize the posts by "Last Comment". The serious threads come to the top if folks like them. The GOOD joke theads also come to the top. Combine this tactic with ignore an 95% of the problems disappear. But remember, ignore only works if your ACTUALLY IGNORE people!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Ths site is where a bunch of grown men like to occassionally post like kids. I don't know if the rest of their lives is so controlled that this is an outlet or if that is normal. I have enjoyed posting whatever I felt like even if hardly no one read it.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I agree with gmd. This fiction that there was some haclyon golden age on here before the trolls starting ruining the place... I've been on this board a long time and flame wars has always been the norm. Judging from comments from SuperDude and shark it seems it was even worse before I joined and goes back to at least 2000. Maybe even earlier.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    This site is also where a bunch of supposedly grown men like to post words of HATRED & PREJUDICE.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    PREJUDICE against hunks of metal!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ You find prejudice acceptable deogol? Here's where a moderator takes care of "members" like you.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    I don't see why it needs a moderator. It's pretty easy to figure out what threads are a waste of time and what posts to ignore based on the names etc. I guess I don't mind just skipping some stuff, I can only see a moderator being a detriment. Sure some of the nonsense will disappear, but so will some of the good stuff. My opinion on it anyway.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "good stuff"

    What so called "good stuff" would disappear with a moderator in your opinion?
  • ime
    11 years ago
    i'd say it's two things. One is I think people are going to be more reserved with big brother watching and less likely to contribute.

    Also this is an adult forum and people shouldn't have to censor what they want to say. If the moderator makes it anything even close to SW this place will go from great to absolute shit.

    Juice can be nonsense and he can be good stuff, i get he's not for everyone and I understand why some people don't like it but when he was just juice and not 20 other characters, he was actually pretty funny. Sometimes people do post some nonsens but it can be funny that can be "good stuff". Feel free to disagree, but I don't think one person should decide what is good everyone else.

    I could also see a moderator destroying the place. If losing one handle created so many other handles, i can only imagine how many new profiles would be created and I think that could be the real undoing of the forum. Whats to stop someone who has the time to just go nuts creating characters and flood the board just to make the moderator want to quit.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I believe there needs to be a crack down on a lot of stuff that is said here. Personal attacks are things that would disappear with an ironfisted moderator. Nothing wrong with multiple aliases as long as they follow posting rules & don't run amok attacking & mocking & posting other destructive things.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    i guess we agree to disagree the last kind of moderator i want to see is an ironfisted one. I'd prefer a laid back let them play kind of situation.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I bet that moderator would get sick of alutard himself in a few days flat and stick that iron fist right up alutard's ass.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ime: " but when he was just juice and not 20 other characters, he was actually pretty funny."

    juice actually puts some work into make all his aliases have different personalities. Silliness is generally the underlying theme, but I say it's, usually, funny as hell. Don't know if I could pull something like that off.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    i just thought the that juice one liners were the best when it was just kind of randomly in a real thread.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I know how to follow rules Dougster & would. You wouldn't & can't.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    That is just a conjecture of your retarded mind, alutard. In any case, you ain't getting your moderate whine as you may, so keeping up your pointless crying for one. It is very amusing.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Who knows Dougster, it may happen. I'd LOVE to see your face should it occur. LOL
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Turd doesn't realize that a moderator would ban some of turds own posts like the ones where he lists members names like it is a hit list. What an idiot.
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