Comments by jablake (page 78)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for old timers
    Hi clubber, So what happened with The Trap wasn't part of a trend in your opinion? The Mons sounds like a total rip joint compared to what it was when I visited many years ago. At that time it was a totally inexpensive dive with super hot babes. The latest reports are $30??? for a dance at a dive? Of course, I blame the situation on the ever dwindling freedoms thanks to the government restricting new small clubs and attacking existing ones as well as eliminating freedom of association. I lived in the middle of strip club heaven with choices galore. Now basically it seems like expensive gentlemens clubs, which have absolutely NO value to me. Oh perhaps, an expensive dive like the Mons has supposedly evolved into, or The Trap? That has even less value than a GC. The black clubs would be total heaven except that it seems like they're all anti-conversation, which is the way I've always remembered it and why I hung out a cheap all white clubs primarily. Are there any cheap white clubs left in South Florida? Black is fine, but for the anti-conversation bias----otherwise, I never would have gone predominately to cheap white clubs. Cheap white meant you could relax and shoot the breeze, while at a local black clubs it was rare to get that consistently if at all and the dancing was just too hyper for my tastes. Angels once it became black was the huge exception for a long time because they were working hard at keeping as many white customers as possible while offering only black dancers. Once I saw the the number of wealthy black customers increase substantially, then it seemed to be more of just another noise house without the wonderful conversation. Bottom line, imo, is the costs have increased substantially in many ways and the quality has fallen substantially in many ways. Diversity? Seems very dead compared to the old days.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    I spoke with one black dancer who had a "horrible" tattoo in that the color was all screwed up --- barely visible. She blamed it on cheap ink and was planning on getting it redone. I told her that I couldn't believe the artist would use cheap ink, but of course I don't know. Her reply was what else could be the problem? I don't know the answer and it is funny because gambling dancer actually owns a professional tattoo set, but her skill is poor----in her opinion. Her brother is supposed to be a hot shot when it comes to art, but he just didn't have the drive. I had asked her about the quality of the ink and she said that despite putting out the money for the equipment she just didn't have that much knowledge. Now, one very black dancer had such high quality color tats that I felt compelled to ask her about why the colors were so good. She said she paid a huge amount extra to get the good inks. I'm thinking is this ink, gold or something? Again, I don't know why the tats aren't "better." I think very wealthy blacks have the same types of tats so expensive ink shouldn't be the problem. I do know some would definitely like better color tats and some prefer a tougher look.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    At the RolLexx, I think every dancer has at least one tattoo. One who didn't said she was saving up for a large black stallion.
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Hi clubber, Well that does sound too extreme, but it wouldn't surprise me greatly if it was true. The local government school from what I can see based on the neighbor kids' homework is big on indoctrination and discourages thinking. I try and show them different viewpoints, and then explain why I think I'm correct. :) They say, but, the teacher wont like that . . . yes, so give the teacher whatever answer she be looking for then and just keep in your own mind that there are other viewpoints and that just cause its in writing don't make it true.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Positive Surprises??? :)
    Here is an unpleasant surprise that some TUSCLers may think is positive. Young dancer desperate to get me off during a $5 table dances does the obvious. She puts her had down my shorts to free willy and starts jerking like an old pro, which despite her very tender years she is. I'm pushing her to get her away. Sorry, shooting my load in the club ain't my idea of fun in the least. She pushes back even harder. I don't want to use what strength I have because she is wearing high heals and I'm afraid I could send her flying inadvertantly. I continue to push to try an tell her to back off. The stinking noise pollution, "music" oughta be criminalized big time, keeps any conversation to zero. :( So she is pushing harder and harder and jerking faster and faster. And, I'm NOT a happy customer although I'm rock hard thanks to all her work. I explode covering her with sperm everywhere. The goo is in her hair, on her face, on her hands, on her tits, etc. I don't think I've ever shot so much volume or so far ever. :( She is screaming like a total nut job. The whole club comes to a grinding halt with all eyes looking at me and looking at her. She wants "damages" in the form of $10 and I say you'll be lucky to get the $5 that I owe you----I don't appreciate get jerked off like that. Anyway, yada yada yada. Who know perhaps most guys want the garbage that I experienced. :( I like SLOW, SLOW, SLOW!!! I don't need anyone jerking me off fast no matter how skilled. So would this be a pleasant surprise for some of you if you experienced it?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Soft core or hard core?
    I like the softcore, but then from your posts it is difficult to see you in that light. Sounds like you had enough NOs in hellish marriage to last 100 lifetimes. At the very least get the hardcore first and when you're worn out a little hard to get might not be so horrible. Good luck! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Positive Surprises??? :)
    Hi arbeeguy, Sounds like a fun surprise. :) I haven't met any women that claimed to liked it in the ass, but then I don't have much experience with hardcore; softcore is more stimulating for me. My single attempt at ass banging was an abject failure. The woman even though she was eager to try was way too tiny even with gobs of lube; a mere finger was a tight fit. That was one sweet woman, who wanted to try everything and had non-stop energy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Positive Surprises??? :)
    There was a very nice payoff if you have a dream girl for six years plus and counting: Yes, it was paid for and that was part of the pleasure. Now, if you don't like long term paid relationships or haven't enjoyed same then yes I guess the "real" payoff would elude you. Your story doesn't seem too surprising, but then I'm use to Miami clubs. No, I'm more interested in true surprises that are positive. For example, you loaned a desperate dancer $100 and she paid you back not only the $100, but gave you a connection to cheap smoking hot young hooker that liked it real slow; real slow. Or, you fix an ugly dancer's car in the parking lot and refuse payment so a month later she introduces you to her hot younger sister who has just turned 18 and needs some birthday money. Or, you prepay for some erotic fun for a buddy and not only does the woman show she goes 100 extra miles to make him happy. Not only doesn't she disappoint you, but you buddy thinks you know something about getting good ho's and better still the ho thanks you! :) In my case, I like long term and paid----no filth i.e. non-paid for me thank you very much. See, the problem I'm having with my little stripper buddy is she is trying to turn something good into something nasty and disgusting. Sorry, I just don't have too many positive non-paid relationships to see it in any other than a very negative light. Now, you and maybe most people see these positive realtionships and if so more power to you. :) What I see is divorce and abuse and real cheating (where the other spouse doesn't know or consent) and theft and most importantly very little sex. :( So care to relate, in much detail, any positive stripclub surprises? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    At the Mons many years back when it was a cheap dive this super hot latin dancer was trying desperately to get a some DATY while on the main stage. The young customer was looking hungry, but declined. I had an extremely powerful urge to just chow down because not only was she exceptionally beautiful so was her pussy, but pathophobia won out. If a customer had chow down at the main stage, then would there have been a problem? I doubt it; it was that type of dive. With its current pricing it might as well be a gentlemen's club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    The war wasn't about Northern Imperalism and corrupt war profiteering? And, Lincoln wasn't a bloody thirsty mad dog even reviled by most yankees theyselves? Slavery? Yeah, enslaving soldiers to do his killing and stealing for him and his cronies. Apparently, you learned a very different history than that which I was taught. Of course, your'n has to be the correct one cause the victors write the history for the de most part. Gambling stripper even be reminding me the South lost the war! As if I tweren't aware of that. But, does that mean the Union is going to endure for even the next fifty years?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Amateur nite in GA, AL, SC or FLA?
    I think the RolLexx has an amateur night and I think Coco's does as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    Asians can definitely be HOT! :) I don't seem to be able to make much of a connection with them, however. But, then they're fairly rare in the stripclubs over here. At the medium old Tootsies I spent all of my money on one. She was a rare treat---big eyes, full lips, soft shiny black hair, soft perfect very light almost white golden skin, medium up-turned breasts, curvaceous behind, slender legs, and so innocent with a mellifluous voice and speech. Definitely worth going broke over. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    until it is applied as a universal rule.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    I don't think the experts would have the answer either. :) I've heard the idiocy more than once that it is society that determines what is attractive to a person----well, it isn't actually an idiocy until it is applied universal rule. Some people do accept whatever the "official" beauty standard is without question and others are heavily influenced. At least as far as I'm concerned I think it is genetic. I like small and cute regardless of skin color. I like soft and submissive. Blubber is usually a huge turn-off. Fancy is a huge turn-off.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for old timers
    Well, it used to be you had little cheap clubs very close to one another and it was really no big deal. Most things weren't seen as governments' business. Also, different clubs had very different personalities despite there propinquity. For example, Cherry's catered to the wild motorcyle crowd. Angels catered to poor rednecks. Candycanes was more for tourists. Segregation was still in effect into the 90's. You had loud clubs and quiet clubs. Brightly lit clubs and clubs where the lights were practically out. Now, there are much fewer choices and leo is a problem and even when the price has stayed the same it has gone up----the money isn't appreciated as much because it just isn't worth as much. You have the gentlemens clubs and if you're low income the black clubs. Even with the greater prosperity it seems like the people are under much greater stress. The drug money seems to have created a more volatile scene. Formerly poor men can be handing out $20s like nothing. But, that is a roller coaster (arrests do happen) for the dancers and everyone else. I liked the clubs of the old days much better.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    Hi clubber, Yeah, if you aren't into black women period, then neither the RolLexx nor any of the black clubs would be for you. Customers from what I can see have very different tastes in what is attractive. Now, if these black women at the RolLexx were white, then I'd still be very excited by them. And, sometimes you will see all white girls at Tootsies that are exactly what I'm looking for, but normally the dancers are larger and taller than I like and more glitz and other fakeness. Even at the black clubs, often I find the dancers comming into work are much more attract without the makeup and fancy clothes and fortunately I don't see many boob jobs! Just the normal small woman next door is extremely attractive to me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "The damage caused by the Supreme Court as the result of its palace coup is incalculable and in all likelihood irreparable. The legal "reasoning" used by the Court in Bush v. Gore was, to anyone familiar with constitutional law and, indeed, to anyone who understands American democracy, astonishingly dishonest. (As far as Scalia's call during the 60 Minutes interview for honesty is concerned, the Justice claimed that the decision was 7-2, when it was actually 5-4.)" ---- ---- When I heard Scalia state it was a 7-2 decision, my immediate thought was WTF! Could Scalia acually be correct??? At the time I thought the decision was closer to 5-4, but it was difficult to tell since some of the decisions were so poorly written----notably Souter's if I recall correctly.
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    16 years ago
    Worst tab payment scenario
    Everyone knows the "Number One Rule" is not to bring your car title. I very vaguely knew this poor druggie (he got hooked overnight it seemed). He was whimpering to me that the bad drug dealer only gave him $50 for his new car and now he didn't have a car. Worse, the $50 wasn't enough to buy the drugs he needed so he was forced to engage in homosexual sex to pay for his fix. :( For some wacked out reason he thought that I could command the dealer to give him (I very vaguely knew the dealer), his car back! I said to him, even if I could get your car back what is the point? You'll just use it to buy more drugs in the future----he says EXACTLY!!! His car is worth more than $50 in drugs and if he could sell it for a fair price then he wouldn't have to sell himself for sex. :( I don't even know what the fair price would be even though it was a nice new car----I assume it went to a chop shop, but who knows . . . I assume it isn't too common, but stripclubbers have been known to trade their car title for stripper services. Yes, the addiction to strippers can rival the addiction to drugs so best to criminalize both??? For whatever its worth, I think (it was a million years ago) that I got an extra $100 out of the dealer for his car----a $100 was cheap to put a little more of smile on his face and besides that money was going directly back to the dealer so it wasn't a real $100. Not only did the dealer keep the customer happy, he got a desperate ho for those into that. From this little story I think everyone can plainly see how horrible freedom is and that the goverment needs more powers and more prisons.
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    So Scalia is just attempting to interpret the Constitution to the best of his ability? :) I especially like how the government has the lawful power to torture people as long as it isn't for the purpose of "punishment." :) Yep, good old Scalia just another honest hardworking judge.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When a visit to an escort goes wrong....
    Liberals who think they know best thru the force of goverment, imo. And, then much slower witted conservatives followed suit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    DATY in the VIP
    If you got the skill, then you'd have dancers at Angels lined up for your service. (This is probably the case at most stripclubs, imho.) Seems like having her stand over you would be the best option; floors are nasty and sometimes you get to see just how nasty when a dancer has knelt down to do a good job and then gets up. Assuming she wasn't full of another's man's passionate pop and she didn't have communicable STDs, then yes sounds like more fun than getting a lap dance or table dance. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    Something froze my computer while surfing TUSCL. It said something about a Microsoft add on and if I trusted this site. Very difficult to close the window and I needed to use ctrl + alt + del and even it took some time. I have Trend Micro protection running, btw.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he doesn't see anything in the Constitution that prohibits the torture of detainees for the purpose of getting information. Scalia told a BBC interviewer that torture would be unconstitutional if it were inflicted as a punishment." ---- ----
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." So, "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," actually translates into "[Neither] Congress [nor any State] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, . . . "? :) It might be well intentioned to extend the Constitutional prohibition that "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech," to the States. If the State of Florida wants to pass a law banning hate speech or flag burning how would that deny equal protections of the laws?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "Another example of Scalia's inconsistency is when he recently 'debated' issues with ACLU President Nadine Strosser where he argued on one hand that he is deciding issues based on the written U.S. Constitution, not 'common law' or international law, and shouldn't be concerned with arguments based on writings or laws from foreign countries. He proceeds then to argue that the Supreme Court has the right to rule on prohibitions to sexual behavior, even between consenting adults in private, because 'every society in history has regulated such behavior', or words to that effect. No Constitutional argument there." --- --- ,