Comments by jablake (page 77)

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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "A discrimination lawsuit filed by African-American employees against the Secret Service has dragged on for more than eight years, prompting the plaintiffs to accuse the government's lawyers of dragging their feet." ---- ---- My little case, which was about as simple as a case could be drug on for years and years. No jury trial allowed due to the court scam of "summary judgment." Eight years? I think if the average Joe looked at the discrimination case, supra, he would be thinking 6 months would be a long time and in my little case a week would be considered a long time. And, yet people still believe that their freedoms are being protected or that if a law is clear and simple then a judge will obey it; the judge may or may not; generally the highest value judges seem to hold is getting $400 per hour and much higher fees for their fellow lawyers, imo. Why blame a stripper for being a little dishonest or even a lot dishonest? When in America do as the Americans do . . . or perhaps strippers should be held to higher standards?
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    16 years ago
    Best South Florida Clubs
    Oh one very important point: The quality at the black clubs can really vary from day to day and hour to hour. I've been at Angels when it is packed with customers and there are only 3 dancers. Other times the club is filled with hot dancers and they're aren't any customers. Sometimes the dancers are all GIANTS and other times it is one hottie after another. Finally, with Angels there is currently a never ending renovation and other steps were taken to slow the club down e.g. eliminating parking.
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    16 years ago
    Best South Florida Clubs
    Hi a66tee, Do you mind all black clubs? If not then my order of preference is Angels (small), RolLexx (big), and Coco's (attractive). VIP (big, but is part gay now) might still be special, but they don't always open. Take One Lounge was packed and I've heard the dance price has increased to $10. The Mint is supposed to be doing fantastic, but I've never felt comfortable with a police station directly across the street. Secrets has gone up to $10 a dance; I liked the fact "non-pros" (night shift) would sometimes wander in and try and earn a few bucks. Two very poor quality black clubs are Black Gold and The Trap. Diamonds is a gentlemen's club that might be good or not. It is a beautiful large club. They don't honor their admission coupons and admission was $20 with parking another $3 plus expected tips. The treatment of dancers at Diamonds was truly deplorable. When I asked about it, I was told dancers are a dime a dozen so the club doesn't care if they're happy or not. :( It is also a club where a dancer could get canned for having pink nail polish instead of light pink nail polish or for no reason at all. Just a power trip. The result was turn-over was high which some customers just love because they never want to see the same dancer twice. On the plus side lots of action with management not concerned at all as long as it is in the VIPs.
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Unauthorized Immigration is NOT a Criminal Offense Illegal Immigration is a Crime "Legal Implications: Living in the United States illegally -- either by sneaking in or by overstaying a visa -- is a violation under the civil code, not the criminal code. However, illegal immigrants can be incarcerated as part of the deportation process. Sneaking across the border is currently a criminal misdemeanor that can result in six months in prison. Immigration legislation passed by the U.S. House in December would make it a felony to live in the United States without authorization." --- ---- The truth is even the top lawyers and top judges may not know if "illegal immigrants" are truly illegal. Yep, I know that is difficult for most people to believe, but that is the way the system works or fails to work. Do we have a right to bear arms? I think the answer is a definite HELL NO! Will the Supreme Court make a decision or will it be more corruption? I'd have to believe more corruption, but I hope they give a clear decision one way or the other.
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "Former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani said Friday that illegal immigration is not a crime, prompting immediate criticism from his presidential rivals on an incendiary issue for Republican voters. Giuliani made the comments during a CNN interview with host Glenn Beck on Headline News, saying that violations of the nation's immigration laws are civil violations, not criminal infractions. 'I know that's very hard for people to understand, but it's not a federal crime,' Giuiani said, adding later that 'I was U.S. attorney in the Southern district of New York. So believe me, I know this. In fact, when you throw an immigrant out of the country, it's not a criminal proceeding. It's a civil proceeding.'" --- ---- The "law" is generally a crime, and the fact is former U.S. attorney in the Southern district of New York may be correct that "it's not a federal crime." Or, it may be a federal crime. :)
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Well, I had NO interest in this election and haven't voted in at least 10 years or 20 years or whatever that I can recall. A dancer buddy offered a BJ for an Obama vote and that sounds like a hell of a good deal. So, like I told her unless there is a better offer it is a vote for Obama for United States President. A McCain vote would require 3 BJs or better consideration. Sort of a miracle in that this might be my first vote ever that is worth something. :)
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    The reason I like meeting the family is because for me it can add a lot to the fantasy. More than a few strippers have said that I need a real girlfriend and not a fake GFE. That doesn't make any sense to me. A real girlfriend just seems like such a bad deal--financially and emotionall--especially compared to a skilled GFE provider. Why trade Heaven for a mess? And, what is negative about caring about a skilled GFE provider? She needs to move on and boom she is gone. I need to move on and I just stop spending money or insist on spending money--either way problem solved with little drama or cost.
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi gk, Depending on what I'm looking for and the value that I place on it, then 10 straight negative experiences could be a cheap price to pay if number 11 is a BINGO. A hottie was playing a hard game with me years back and so my buddy is like are you crazy?! I'll get you a replacement. Sounds good so far. So he introduces me to a lady who is maybe an 8 being extremely generous. I point out the obvious and he says yes, but she is nice. YUCK. I don't need nice, I need hot. :) For him, looks weren't too important and he believed every man truly felt the same way if only they would admit it. Turn out the lights, was his refrain, and you wont even know the difference.
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    16 years ago
    A sad, but common, strip club tale
    Unfortunately, I think it is too common. So do you protect the weaker members of society at the expense of other people's freedoms. For example, many people love beer and it is probably even a health food believe it or not! :) For other people it leads to total destruction. I believe many people would think Singapore is an ideal, but it is very unappealing to me what little I learned about.
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    16 years ago
    The one raid that I can recall being present for was at Angels. An army of police showed up surrounding the club with squad cars and vans and police---with and without uniforms. The club pretty much cleared except for management, gambling dancer, and me. Anyway the whole point apparently was to clear the club with a massive show of force. So terrified management is asking me why I'm not leaving and I say the police have surrounded the club? He says they're everywhere. I say it is a little late to run and if arrests are the game then it makes no different run or stay. He points to gambling dancer and she says I'm staying with him! :) She is literally shaking. :( Of course, I'm hardly fear free. Still I ask gambling dancer to start dancing for me. She gives me the look and says are you really that crazy? I laugh and say it is a free country right? She starts shaking her head NO. She is pro-America, btw. Anyway, a lone older man saunters in and despite his lack of "instrumentalities" I signal to gambling dancer that this is the man. He comes over and pulls out his badge and politely asks if I'm wanted or have any warrants. I say No. He points to gambling dancer and she just shakes her head No. Then he asks why I'm still in the club. I say you wanted me to leave? He seems confused. So, I state do you want me to leave. He says that would be a good idea. I leave and so does gambling dancer and neither her nor I were arrested. Impressive display of force.
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    16 years ago
    Learning the truth (about dating Dancers)
    Hi quimby, The same nonsense takes place in construction work depending on who is running the show. The owner of a roofing company was riding one of the best workers demanding all manner of free help for different projects. Well, the worker wants to be paid. Well, that is a good way to get fired as he learned. Once the worker gets fired then he understands that basically he is screwed every which way unless he obeys. He has a wife and child and other responsibilities that don't disappear when the income does. I just think it is human nature to abuse power. To be fair to the stripclub managers some of these dancers are more than a little challenging to manage. So, if the dancers can act crazy perhaps the manager feels he should have the same rights. At one company a friend worked for the manager was wonderful except that he had an extreme weakness for a certain very hot very young woman. The hottie is driving everyone crazy and the manager is trying to douse (behind the hottie's back) all the fires she is starting. So the other women (married or not) in the company want to be the manager's favorite because putting out is nothing compared to all the perks the manager has given her----sexual harassment can be wonderful if you on the receiving end. :) So my buddy says he wouldn't mind playing catch or doing whatever for the manager, which had me choking. He says hell the manager is super nice and super generous and if that is what it takes to get ahead then he's ready to play ball. I'm looking at him like he has lost his mind because at the time homosexuality wasn't nearly as acceptable as it is today. But, he didn't back down.
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    16 years ago
    Learning the truth (about dating Dancers)
    Dancers do sometimes get fired because managers don't like them---there isn't a one size fits all rule. A beautiful example is the nonsense that was happening at The Trap. White dancers could work forever and violate rules and basically were given leeway. I saw black dancer after black dancer get canned. The original explanation was that the black dancers were just too wild and refused to obey the rules; or left voluntarily (a HUGE WHOPPER of a lie, btw). OK, didn't seem too outlandish about refusing to obey the rules in that black women, imo, seem generally to have a more dominant and wild streak compared to the typical white dancer. But, NO that wasn't what was happening at all. The black dancers just weren't wanted---period. It was just another stupid racist game that was being played among many to try desperately to keep the club white. See, The Trap wasn't just canning dominant rule violating black dancers. They canned sweet submissive dancers that were smoking hot. They went so far as to lie to me and claim one of the dancers didn't want to work there and had left voluntarily! Only as I learned more and more was the truth finally admitted: The black dancers had no value in club's eyes; no matter how hot or nice or whatever. At Angels if the manager doesn't like the dancer same deal. Screw the "money" the dancer brings in. The clubs have the power and NOT the customers or dancers----wonderful government at work. Coco's had even more dominant management than Angels--at least when I was familar with Coco's management. RolLexx *supposedly* isn't run for the dollar----I say supposedly because I don't know the management, but it wouldn't shock in the least if money wasn't the primary objective or if it was. Anyway, there isn't a one size fits all rule. Some clubs might be all about the money and in other clubs different games may rule.
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Hi Book Guy, I'm not sure if it works that way in reality or not. One fatal assumption of economics is that people are supposed to act rationally. It is just supposed to be about the money, which just isn't true and it doesn't even seem rational to claim that should be the case, imo. A buddy screwed himself because he didn't want to sell to blacks (in this case it *may* have been about the money--in some convoluted way). He understood that he was screwing himself and yet he would rather take a financial beating on that one deal than to sell to a black. Sometimes "when it doesn't really work that way in reality!" it actually does work, but you need to dig a little deeper to try and understand the "irrationality" may be very rational. Getting back to my buddy who turned down an offer that he would have jumped at aggressively if made by a white buyer perhaps his refusal wasn't as "irrational" as it seemed at first glance. I was disgusted with him not because he didn't want to deal with blacks (in a free country that should *generally* be his right, imo), but because he didn't tell me beforehand that a black would be subject to a super high penalty if he wanted to buy the property. How could it possibly be financially rational? Well, it seems like my buddy doesn't view a property sale as a one time event, but as a link to future opportunities. Because he feels uncomfortable with blacks, he is unlikely to be able to do future business with them, in his opinion. Worse, he feels he might be tainted by doing business with them. So a white person offers him less and his brain may be thinking yes I can establish a rapport with this person and make money in the future. I will make less money today, but there are other opportunities if the deal is smooth and friendly. Happily sold to the white buyer at a far lesser price than to the black buyer who was willing to pay a good amount more. Doesn't seem fair. Well, if fairness is important then the first places to bulldoze are the governments' courts.
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi Bobbyl, My interest in fucking them doesn't exist until I get to know them somewhat. No one night stands for me.
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi Bookguy, Some strippers even carry family to work with them----no matter how abusive!
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi chitownlawyer, In the flesh can be far more exciting. A friend dragged me kicking and screaming to a live play and worse than that actually paid some exorbitant price for the tickets e.g. he could have treated me to some fine ass hookers for a week or two instead. Why go to a live play when the big screened movie houses were available at a pittance of the cost? Seemed like just another way rich folk liked to throw money away. I LOVED the play, which considering my attitude going in seemed astronomically remote. The only negative is that that entertainment was way beyond my means and besides I really would of rather had the hookers. :)
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi flop987, Yes, I guess it could be considered a form of inkblot; execellent point. :)
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi SuperDude, Where there is one hottie there could be more. :)
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    16 years ago
    Do You Enjoy Meeting Her Family?
    Hi mmdv26, Good story. I trust you would have felt different if it was her hot sister. :)
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    16 years ago
    Learning the truth (about dating Dancers)
    Dancers do lie about other dancers. But, dancers do have sex in the VIP. If you don't want to ruin a good thing and you can't handle knowing, then things be.
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    16 years ago
    The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
    Never stop paying them even if they want a "real" or "free" relationship----hint: a "real" relationship with strippers or non-strippers is more expensive by far! Caring about them or treating them like a girlfriend is fine, however.
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    16 years ago
    Question for old timers
    Hi clubber, I misunderstood your point. I was thinking about all the small clubs that were shut down by government knows best types. Especially, the weird little stripclubs that effectively aren't allowed anymore.
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    16 years ago
    Rating the RolLexx a 10 . . .
    "First off let me congratulate you for thinking this through. Lets deal with the keloid first. Ask the tattooist that you pick to run a clean needle loaded with alcohol across the skin in an inconspicuos place. Wait 7 to 10 days to see if it keloids. Also ask the tattooist if you can see photos of other African Americans that they tattooed. Darker skin takes a certain touch and must be handled differently than lighter colored skin. Dark skin can be easily overworked ao you will need to find an artsit that knows how to do it with out overworking. When choosing colors for your tattoo stay away from lighter colors. You will want to use richer darker colors, i.e.; Black, Green, Dark Purple, Medium Purple, Dark Blue, Medium Blue, Brown, Red and in some intances Dark Orange. You will want to avoid Pink, Light Blue, Lavender or Violet, Light Orange, Yellow and White. Tattoo pigments are translucent which means that darker skin has an effect on how the color will look. I tattoo a lot of African Americans and I have no problems with medium tinted skin." ---- ---- Ok, that is a news. The ink is translucent so therefore you want to avoid lighter colors like white. I would have thought that white would make a nice contrast.
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    The paper can be all important, which is depressing if your culture is more straight forward. Whatever the children want to believe is fine with me, but I expect them to question even the "obvious" at least in their own minds.
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    16 years ago
    Question for old timers
    My last visit to The Trap was a sort of surprising in that it was very crowded. Dancers were ugly as hell, imo. Seemed like mainly the giants from Angels. Very nice women, but I just don't want to see them naked or get sevices from them. Dance price is holding firm at $25 per lap dance and if I was offered 25 cent or even penny lap dances the answer would be a firm NO! I don't like blubber jumping on me or getting unclothed. Yes, I do feel bad about saying that because as people I like those giant dancers from Angels; very sweet and real. I didn't see anyone buying dances, but who knows at another hour they might be selling dances. The noise was horrible. Next they'll be getting a DJ to make even more noise. Free market? What a sick joke. A free market means being allowed to open competing clubs without a lot of BS and threats and government mandated costs. I think the Mons and The Trap both show the customer is getting a hell of a lot less. With the Mons if money is garbage to you or you don't like to go every few days, then the greatly reduced value isn't as obvious. With The Trap, well yes there is a huge demand for fat girls, but at $25 per lap? Too bad I can't have a club like the old days----very quiet and relaxing with cheap prices and all the contact and nudity you so desire. At least the $5 loud black clubs are hanging on for the moment----for the moment, and that has nothing to do with the "free" market.