Comments by jablake (page 79)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Scalia, merely interprets the laws? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    The States' rights propaganda seemed like a conspiracy. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sometimes the best looking girl isn't the "right" girl
    I probably wouldn't do it, but if she said $25 to me when the price is supposed to be $20, I be tempted to say "Don't you mean $15"? When she balks, then you explain "Gee it isn't very nice or honest when the price is changed without prior notice is it"? I've had that happen and it just makes me feel disgusted and unwilling to buy dances from the ROB in the future. Now, if she tells me upfront there is NO problem.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sometimes the best looking girl isn't the "right" girl
    Over at Angels there is a strong demand for leviathans. And, for me they aren't in the least libidinous, lubricious, or lascivious; just LARGE. However, they generally have much better personalities than the little dancers even though they're subject to ludicrous doses of positive fawning and pawing most probably received for their largess of lard.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Also, who sits on the Supreme Court is pretty much irrelevant to my freedoms in the sense that a local judge could pretty much do whatever he wishes against me and the chance the Supreme Court would intervene, timely or not, is essentially less none. A solider may squawk about fighting for my freedoms, but that is just so far from reality: It is like he is part of a cult.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Hi clubber, I brought up the First Amendment because originally it ONLY limited *Congress*. The Fourteenth Amendment *according to the Supreme Court* effectively applied those limitations against the States and their political subdivisons. Some people, probably the vast majority, may feel that this is wonderful because it means that in theory States are now limited in the same way Congress is by the First Amendment. If Congress wasn't permitted to abridge your freedom of speech, then a State sure as hell shouldn't be allowed that power!!! Right??? Or, are you in favor of judicial activism when it *seems* to bestow greater protection in the form of limiting the States' power to limit speech, relgion, assembly, etc.?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economics affecting strip clubs in your area now?
    Hi casualguy, Here in Miami it seems like there is some real pain. The family next door who has lived next to me for almost a decade is losing their home. With the clubs it is harder to tell, but the dancers have been telling me that customers are spending less. Seems like the jobs available are greatly reduced. The big bright spot that I saw was at a propane company where times are good. The price of my propane for a 20lb tank doubled to just under $14.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Also, to those conservatives who believe the Supreme Court is basically just ignoring the Constitution then are the lower courts any better? And, if these judges are basically just legislating from the bench how exactly are people's rights protected?
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    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    I think it is states' power that is at issue and not states' rights.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Hi clubber, The text of the First Amendment reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." I'm curious do you believe the First Amendment applies to the States? If yes, then what is your rationale?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Pseudocyesis 4 $$$ - I was right :)
    Just got in "The Transitive Vampire: A Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed," by Karen Elizabeth Gordon. --- --- Young dancers in general seem to LOVE vampires for whatever reason. A cute fun book with plenty of "goth like" drawings.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    Oh, I did try downloading and installing firefox again and I don't see the positives on my machine. This site in particular seems to jerk or shake? a little before settling down. Anyway, seems like most people like firefox better.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    Hi founder, When I click on "Back to Discussion Board" the next screen comes up nicely, but then it seems to take longer to show the threads. Also, if I click "Discussion Board" the actual showing of the threads seems delayed. Other than that I haven't noticed any slowness.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Yes, I was thinking after a couple weeks they most likely will have moved on. So I will just stay away for a while.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    I like receiving unless they're phoney; what a big dick you have, etc. Giving compliments is nice and often their appreciated with the big exception of looks in general. With black women becareful of complimenting the hairdo even if it fits them very well. Complimenting their smile if they have a nice smile seems to be appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Pseudocyesis 4 $$$ - I was right :)
    7. Rule 6 should be violated if the stripper is fugly.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Pseudocyesis 4 $$$ - I was right :)
    Here are some more "rules" for those who live to obey: "1. You may not start a sentence with because. 2. You may not start a sentence with and or but. 3. Sometimes periods and commas go inside the quotation marks and sometimes they go outside; it depends on the sentence. 4. You may not end a sentence with a preposition. 5. You may not split an infinitive." ---- --- It's sort of humorous that those who enjoy stripclubs would be so interested in living by other people's rules even when those rules aren't laws. I doubt we'd enjoy either booze or dancers or speeding if some brave criminal souls weren't willing to rip the envelope open or at least in the case of Playboy magazine push push push. Of couse, maybe society would be better off if people blinding obeyed their betters (government officials). :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Hi alexsa, My conservative friends are that way in the extreme. I hate to admit it, but I'm a conservative. In a federal case the judge actually instructed the jurors NOT to put themselves in the shoes of the defendant. I found that disgusting and sickening. The judge also refused the jury's request for a transcript of the defendant's testimony--supposedly it would take too much time. Yes, the man is facing 30 years or more and it takes too much time to get a transcript. Brilliant. , **************************************************************** I've had more than one police officer tell me that around 15 to 20 percent of the people behind bars are innocent and they thought that was much better than the alternative in that one criminal can commit a lot of crime. Over at Angels (THE STRIP CLUB) there was a stabbing around December 28, 2008. I've heard different accounts of what happened. The lady bartender claimed that the dancer was naked on stage and a pregnant lady in street clothes walked-in. Immediately the dancer jumps off the stage and tries to give the terrified woman an abortion! I say where did she get the knife from? Bartender says the crazy bitch whipped it out of her hair and then showed the knife strokes the dancer allegedly used. Anyway that is neither here nor there in what I'm trying to convey. It just, I hope, made good reading. :) The important point is the police failed to seize the taped evidence of the attacks and thus an innocent young woman may be doing some serious prison time. I've heard conflicting stories on the taped evidence. One story is that immediately after the police left it was destroyed. Another story is that the evidence is safe and sound and will if absolutely necessary be available for trial. The dancer who claims she is innocent says her only hope is the tape. I said you're assuming the attack was caught on tape. She says NO, I KNOW it was caught on tape. I sure as hell wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to get involved with the courts even if it meant an innocent person does serious jail time. Anyway, it is difficult to understand why the police as a matter of routine wouldn't seize tapes especially in this day and age. A relative who is a social worker says the big problem is that there isn't a demand that the police do a better job; the prisons need to be filled. ,
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    Seems a lot slower. I hope this isn't perceived as a "slam" inasmuch as I thought the founder was looking for feedback. ,
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    Seems like everytime I click on the link titled "Back To Discussion Board" at the bottom of a thread, I get the following message: "File Not Found There was a problem finding the file were looking for. The webmaster has been notified."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hi Doug, Mileage has historically been excellent. Sorry, that I can't be helpful since I haven't been in maybe 6 months. Of course, I haven't bought any dance since the price went to $25----the dancers I spoke with said there weren't any dances cheaper than that. When I use to buy, I would pay $10 and get high mileage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Angels definitely isn't for everyone (and NOT just due to skin color; the small white clubs when they were allowed seemed to have a starkly different culture). Not interested in FREE at all and I don't mind paying even high prices if it is within my budget. FREE is actually a turn-off . . . it really doesn't seem similar to paying for a service i.e. dances. There is, for me, a confelicity in paying, that is extremely enjoyable. If I wanted free, then that is what I would work at getting. YUCK. With my dancer buddy who is refusing to sell or provide free except on her terms, think drip-drop, it would be like having a real girlfriend. Very unpleasant because the volume of free is much lower than I would like. So dancer buddy is willing to provide FREE and how is that a good deal for me? Even if she provided FREE at a volume that I wanted, it still wouldn't be a good deal. It would be a relationship with all the problems that go with that. I want the fantasy girl friend experience and not a real relationship. Anyway, $20 is way out of my budget. If I'm doing well, then heck for many dancers it would be a bargain because they do such a fantastic job.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    "Section 13A-12-120: Prostitution defined For the purpose of this division, the term "prostitution" shall mean the commission by a person of any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact for monetary consideration or other thing of value."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Probably way too simplistic, but democracy? I mean there are a lot of people who believe the government should be making choices for you. Even the people who want the government off their backs when it comes to sex may love omnipotent government in most other areas. A complete alcoholic may be an ardent supporter of the governments' War on Drugs as long as that war doesn't include the booze he drinks. An avid hunter who believes he has a right to hunt with a "hunting rifle" that cannot be infringed upon by the government may be a strong supporter of banning "Saturday Night Specials." Basically, I think there is a very strong majority in this country that wants the government to use as much force as necessary to impose "good views" and "good behaviours" on others. Remember the constant mantra that there is "a shortage of prison cells;" double or triple the number of prison cells and there would probably still be "a shortage." ,
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    According to The Wall Street Journals the purpose of blaring destroy your hearing music at some clubs is so that you'll spend your money and move on. I use to be able to spend the whole night at Angels talking with the dancers and just having a great time, but then as one club after another is closed and replacements not allowed it changes the "market." With *real* competition allowed, I don't think The Trap in its current form would last 6 months. ,