
Comments by jablake (page 22)

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    16 years ago
    In through the Out door
    Yeah, I agree with shadowcat. Perhaps I'm just too conservative, but anal sex doesn't in any form seem appealing. Who knows it I tried it, then I might like it.
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    16 years ago
    Going to Strip Clubs, Wast of time??
    Finding love in a stripclub makes sense, if that is your background. It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for me to be seeking a woman who is a true believer. Yes, I had thought my long time girlfriend was a true believer because she went to church every Sunday and wanted me to go as well. To my great surprise she didn't even believe in God let alone the teachings of the church. She did believe is social order and believed it was wonderful that the dummies had rituals and meetings to strengthen social bonds and keep 'em obedient. The woman that I should be looking for is lower income and lower education and counter-culture or ghetto culture or red neck culture. A stripper or hooker is ideal. A teacher not so much. A secretary not so much. And, it seems like most strippers realize that they're actually better off with the loser boyfriend than some upstanding citizen. Too bad the upstanding citizen can't comprehend that. I did see some strippers getting wet over military men, especially if the men were rough cut.
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    16 years ago
    Give Your Kidney to a Stranger
    One of my younger relatives who left the United States is very altruistic. Both she and her husband have multiple doctorates. In explaining why she is practically willing to give the shirt off her back she says God blessed her for a reason. The reason was to help those who were in need. Considering how much money she and her husband earn it is shocking how few possessions they have. They'd rather be giving to those in need. I assume someone could make the argument that both she and her husband are truly mercenary. The point is that people who place a high value on money generally believe that everyone else has the same perspective especially when their beliefs are in the majority. Idolatry of money is definitely a majority religion or practice. Strippers, imo, don't seem particularly idolatrous of money. I'd say more like idolatrous of love or idolatrous of feeling good. Even the sybarite strippers don't necessarily place much value on money, but rather see it as a means of luxury and pleasure; that which they do seeketh. The stripclub customer who is generally much more money based normally doesn't see this at all. Typically the proof in the pudding *to the customer* is that the stripper only cares about the customer for his money. Yep, that is proof positive *in his mind* that she is a money grubber who merely seeks dollars above all else. Seems completely brain dead to me, but hell if a customer's top priority is dollars then it almost impossible to convince him that his dollar desire isn't universal.
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    16 years ago
    Going to Strip Clubs, Wast of time??
    Excellent post TUSCL_Brother. But, for a tiny minority it is an easy and fun job. That is a tiny minority, which feels like that. I had this sweetie over at Angels and probably the last thing on her mind was making money. Yes, I did pay her----it was like forcing money on her and then she'd insist on doing free dances. Some customers didn't like it because they just want to cum fast and go. They wouldn't like her wanting to spend time hanging out and she wasn't interested in just doing a fast service.
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    16 years ago
    Going to Strip Clubs, Wast of time??
    A person may perceive it as a "waste of time" in that they could or should have been doing something else. That something else is normally making money or positioning oneself to make money e.g. higher education. It can also be a "waste of time" in retrospection. For example, I loved spending time with my girlfriend. That wasn't the point. I desired more of a permanent type relationship wherein she desired more of a government marriage type relationship e.g. if the relationship fails the government should beat the living hell out of me. Her demand for a government marriage was a deal breaker after over a decade together----I didn't recover from the loss for many years. I wasted a lot of time that could have been better spent nurturing relationships with strippers. :)
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    16 years ago
    Going to Strip Clubs, Wast of time??
    Well, money ain't the end all be all. My former employer was extremely sharp and wealthy. He always told me this crapola that *I* didn't need money. The truth was *he* didn't need money. He buys a mansion. He buys another mansion. He buys a Mercedes. He buys another Mercedes. He buys a woman. He buys another woman. He travels the world. He travels the world again. Sigh, poor man is all tired out of things to spend his money on and worse he is unhappy!!! His unhappiness is why he always told me that crapola (that he honestly believed) that *I* didn't money. Bottom line there are people who have much more money than they'd ever wish to spend and for whatever reasons they ain't happy. They might even rather waste time in a stripclub and get something valuable like a good time and entertainment rather than something worthless like more money. IOWs, for some the stripclub is a much better deal than the stock market.
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    16 years ago
    Phone number
    I wouldn't put much into it. Could be on the level or just part of the fantasy she is selling.
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    The lady advertising on Craigslist (I think I'd seen her working at Cocos as a stripper) was so fearful that I didn't even get an appointment. Which wasn't a loss given all her nervous questions. She claimed she'd been busted before yada yada yada and she didn't want to go back to jail. Then she wants to know what services do I want. I tell her that I just pay for time and she can pretty much run the show. She talks all this explicit stuff and I need to repeat that I'm focused on time the services have no value to me. She says she doesn't believe me. I said you must of had customers that weren't focused on services and just wanted to spend a little time relaxing for an hour or so. She says oh no all her customers want services. Then she deduces that only a cop would claim not to want services. I'm like whatever; I pay for time and maybe we can just watch TV or grab a bite to eat at Burger King. Never did see her again on Craigslist or at the stripclub. Can't say that I was disappointed that it was a failed appointment. That woman was so in fear she would have had me biting my nails waiting for a SWAT team to start kicking in doors and filling spaces with made in China bullets. (Thank goodness they don't be wasting money buying American bullets.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Non Sequitur . . .
    The non sequitur that I was thinking of was confelicity----the pleasure in other's happiness. Just cause the stripper ain't being sexually aroused don't mean she ain't having a fantastic time watching her customer achieve bliss. It is sorta like the bliss that I've felt when a coke addict let's me experience their pleasure vicariously. Those who are sexually repressed or focused on punishment to control others probably can't begin to understand that some people could actually enjoy immensely giving another person sexual pleasure even if that person didn't receive any sexual enjoyment in return. A little more off topic, I'd always assumed the dancer telling one whopper after another was just a saleswoman or fraudster-----macarism, the practice of making others happy through praise and felicitation, may have been the busy bee.
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    they're pros or not.
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    It is funny listening to the CNN story it sounded like Craigslist was just completely obstinate and oblivious to pleas by law enforcement. And, who knows maybe it is just South Florida that is requiring the credit cards and cooperating with the 40 Attorney Generals. Also, there was bragging about how Craigslist had helped local police put more people behind bars; essentially it was like shooting fish in a barrel. And, Craigslist along with the police should have been given medals for putting more people in prison because maybe some of those folks are Charlie Mansons. This one lady that I spoke with before the crack down was extremely fearful. And, I wasn't talking sex or BJs or anything of that nature. I don't care for the coarse discourse. The woman wants to get paid for just talk, then that is fine with me. The woman wants action (some do because it harder work for some of them to talk; that shouldn't come as too much of a shock) and that is fine too. My concern about paying for "nothing" is about zero. I expect that corruption is the rule everywhere even when I have numerous positive experiences and besides I enjoy talking with pretty ladies whether their pros or not.
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    As far as President Obama, I'm in love with the man because he doesn't yap "terrorist" every sentence. I'm a little concerned that he is too "conservative" meaning he supports endless wars plus more government and to boot the stimulus package is far too niggardly. (I apologize for to any and all who are genuinely upset by the word niggardly and perhaps that word should join the N word even though they're etymologically unrelated.) I assume President Obama wishes to reduce individual freedom and replace it with collective freedom and as such I expect Craigslist will become less valuable to those who'd like to have a little sexual fun. Could it really be about money? Could be. But, I think it is more about power and the type of power that cares little about money.
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    Yes the butterfly's wings move mountains. The carbon monoxide alarm off the cuff seems like a waste of dollars sorta akin to not swimming in the ocean due to a fear of getting attacked by a toothy shark. As I essentially said not a bad idea following the money. A buddy once said scarcity of money is the root of all evil, but my rough feeling is the original saying was correct. Supposedly WINNING millions in the lottery makes people as happy as if they'd gotten a leg hacked off or lost a beloved pet or child. If true, then it doesn't surprise me a bit. So add lottery winners to religious nut jobs, racists, environmental nut jobs, and druggies. Is said Sheriff focused on the dollar? Hearing him on CNN my guess would be NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After listening to said Sheriff whimpering about crime and Craigslist's facilitation of crime it just leaves me very doubtful that *his* main interest is money or *his* interest in the least. Could be the thrill of the hunt or publicity that motivates him or he may just be a standard issue bully or a do-gooder. Of course, I could be wrong in the case of the Sheriff and the whole Craigslist charade is just about filling his pockets with money . . . seems like that is the purpose of most laws.
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    How could I have forgotten environmental nut jobs and druggies? Woe is me! Yep, ain't no shortage of environmentalist who have contempt for money and believe in the nonsense of saving the planet or the whale or the spotted owl. These nut jobs are just a couple of moral steps above former President Bush---ehhh, make that a half-step above. The druggies. Wonderful people many of 'em, but they (hard core) in general just don't value the dollar! Better government brainwashing that the dollar is the be all and end all of existence might mean far fewer druggies. :( Again-------I'm a proud money grubber and think generally dollars are more important than people and damn sure worth more than a spotted owl or a bald eagle. Having said that it ain't all about the money by a long shot. NO. NO. NO. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    An honest stripper
    My neighbor has been buying cars all over the country. People don't have to deliver the paid for car (they get CASH), but again and again the "cattle class" prove their honesty. Even many of the political elite are surprisingly honest----but, the system is completely corrupt. Sorta strange how you can have honest high quality politicians and yet it is one corrupt scam after another on their playing field. Honesty is a joke and disability in that playground. Now, this is an important distinct which many can't fathom. Just cause "cattle class" people aren't stealing from my vulnerable neighbor doesn't mean that they ain't engaged in all manner of crimes including "fraud," etc. Fraud to steal or whatever ain't always bad boys and girls, just as engaging in crime ain't always bad. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    Hi Clubber, I guess I know different types of people. Some of the religious nuts place an extremely low value on money. Some of the racists place and extremely low value on money. I've always considered myself to be a money grubber worshiping the almighty dollar. However, as my needs are met the value of the dollar to me declines precipitously. It is the old story about the young clown stealing textbooks from me. It meant nothing at that time and place. Having thousands stolen from me also meant nothing at the right time and place. OTOH, a 50 cent off coupon was very important to me at the right time and place. I don't think there are any shortage of religious nuts that truly don't set their clocks by the dollar. I don't think there is any shortage of strippers who gladly give all their money to a loser boyfriend because love means much more to *them* than stacks of $100 bills. There is now a shortage of racists at least among the people that I know, but decades back there wasn't a shortage of racists who had relatively little interest in money. The first black stripper at Angels could have made a lot more money at Coco's, but her highest priority was integration; imho she should have been in favor of strict segregation! I like to think of myself as a money grubber, but my decisions aren't always money based. Morals at one time meant a hell of a lot more to me than money. Now, I don't think morals are worth even a single penny. Sorta like I don't think Republicans are worth even a single penny while Democrats are worth a couple dollars each! And, their value is steadily rising in my book. :)
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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    I was listening to an attorney on CNN opine that because Craigslist is facilitating crime there isn't a First Amendment protection. Cute. If TUSCL facilitates crime, then civil and criminal penalties could be imposed. I'm not an attorney and I think the First Amendment is pretty much a joke and losing it completely would hardly be missed. If TUSCL going bye bye? Well as long as founder doesn't start posting pics from soldiers in Iraq, then the risk should be fairly minute. Follow the money? Not a bad idea, but sometime it is just about power or a moral high or moral righteousness.
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    15 years ago
    Non Sequitur . . .
    "If you had the number of sex partners in a day she probably has, would you be aroused?" Yes, indeed. Sometimes, I'd get a windfall. I'd be at the club all day and all night. And, this could go on for days. $5 dances can go a long long way, btw. :) My damn balls would be bloody and I just change the menu a little. Instead of lapping, I'd try for cuddling and other sexual contact that AVOIDED my bloody balls. Hell, the damn club could closing and I'd have prefer staying as long as hotties were available. Good looking women are fantastic especially if they're willing to be even a little nice to me. :)
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    15 years ago
    Non Sequitur . . .
    Shy spent hours and hours and hours with me at Angels one Saturday. She was very surprised that I didn't get tired or bored. She was providing what I needed. The only fly in the ointment was that I only had $30! :( She knew that when she started dancing and when I tried to give her the $30----she said you need that money a lot more than me. I told her I'd feel guilty if she didn't take it. She took it after fighting and said I was being stupid and she also apologized for cutting our session short. A big spender came in---she said he'd easily spend $300 or more without blinking an eye. Taking $30 from me was just stupid, in her opinion, no matter which way you looked at it. That $30 led to much unhapiness between us---she believed in free and I saw that as negative stealing. You don't go to a working girl's job and then not pay her for taking care of you!!! Anyway, much unhappiness because I wasn't going to be bossed by a female and she was super stubborn. I like women who do what the man says----she didn't understand and was spouting nonsense about equality. Equality? Like she doesn't notice her tits, ass, and honey box. Makes me riled every time I think of all the needless grief she put me thru. :( Women love to ruin a good thing . . . marriage, baby, equality, etc.
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    15 years ago
    Non Sequitur . . .
    Other reasons why a stripper would enjoy having sex with a customer and not necessarily become sexually aroused? Self-esteem. Some of these ladies have very low self-esteem. The customer's desire for them is a wonderful if temporary ego boost. Nurturing. Some of these ladies are natural moms. Their motherly instincts can get off track with love of loser boyfriends and love of incompetent customers. Contact. My longtime girlfriend was a physical therapist because *she* needed the contact. Some people need to talk. Others need to listen. And, believe it or not she needed contact. Putting her in an environment without plenty of touch would be painful to her.
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    16 years ago
    I like take home, but then I don't have a lot to lose.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    "On second thought, make that: 'Abused Psychotic Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Stripper with Sleazy Boyfriend and baby" aka 'My Dream Girl'" Yes, the babies can be very endearing. Gambling dancer's child is very sweet. Unfortunately, he has learned that he is supposed to give money to little girls. Gambling dancer has always wanted him to be a pimp and take money from women. In fact, she wanted me to be a pimp some years ago. In her world slow women are in desperate need of a pimp. :)
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    What I get from watching the dancer on stage
    I don't care much about stage performance. But, normally I don't care for the good stage dancers---that seems to be a clue that that is their interest and NOT providing a GFE. Don't understand those guys who are interested in the dancing part of the stage show. I like the stage show solely to determine if she is as hot naked as with clothes. The putting out (if desired) is normally a given at the clubs that I frequent so it isn't something that I'm looking for and besides my interest in hardcore prostitution is fairly low.
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    16 years ago
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. John Lennon (1940 - 1980), "Beautiful Boy" http://www.quotationspage.com/subjects/life/