
Comments by jablake (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    "'I think it would be just faster if they just shot me in the head. You know what I mean? How much more can he disenfranchise all of us? President Obama, why don't you just set us on fire?' -- Glenn Beck" Glenn Beck is the type of American, imo, who could be wearing chains and he yappity yaps about how the wonderful U.S. soldier died for all his freedoms. What freedoms? The government's chains of course! His next wonderful freedom will be to have the government set him of fire! If he survives, then he'll have the freedom to wave an American flag, which is even better probably in his mind than the chains and fire. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Wonderful for you if you think you're free or that they're killings for the government increased or protected your freedoms. That 5-4 decision from the Supreme Court should have opened your eyes a little. And, those boys and girls who wish to kill Americans it is because they're jealous of our alleged freedoms? Gee, is it possible the government gave billions in weapons and aid to their enemies? Is that at all possible? You know that this nit wit government may have put Americans at significant risk due to their love of meddling and choosing sides? I think you'd be loving America regardless of how little freedom you have or what system of control is in place. My neighbor whose English is extremely weak--I translate for him---was chosen as a juror and the government knew he couldn't speak English. When I complained to his wife about him serving as a juror, she said why he will make a fine juror. I said the trial is being held in English. She said doesn't the government know he doesn't understand English? I said they know and definitely approve. He voted guilty, but said he didn't care one way or the other because he couldn't understand what was being said---he just wanted to get back to work. He wasn't the only non-English speaking juror---go ahead and love this filth that is what I'd expect of a typical American. The government is a massive fraud and it ain't limited to giving away a few trillion dollars of funny money or passing special laws for lobbyists. You think that is freedom? Well, then enjoy. :) To me the typical soldier will accept whatever nonsense the government happens to spout at the moment and is mainly capable of merely flag waving mentality.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ever get tired of say no or no thanks to dancers asking for dances?
    "[B]ut I'd rather they say 'wanna dance' than nothing at all." I love "wanna dance." I don't desire conversation with unattractive dancers. I prefer direct and to the point. If she be attractive, then I'm buying. Unfortunately, I think overwhelmingly that customers don't like "wanna dance." Perhaps that is because they're paying $20 for a dance instead or $5.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Not joking in the least Clubber. I be thinking you might be ignorant concerning the War Between the States. Anyway, it ain't about history. It is about BS like the soldiers are fighting for our freedoms---what a sick pathetic joke. And, you don't have to be opposed to the U.S. military to feel that way.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    If you think the dancer is just interested in your cash, then you're selling yourself short; perhaps! :) The dollar is my master, but surprising how untrue that is for some people. I bought this old American junk vehicle and spent significant (for me) sums to fix it. Anyway, a young man from Advanced Discount Auto LOVES American made cars especially the muscle cars so I gave it to him. He has been working like a nut (he was severely wounded twice in Iraq so either he was brainwashed, born that way, etc.) trying to make it like new. Very impressed with how things are looking, but he has offered me the car back! I said after all the time and money you've wasted so far? He says it is just a real pleasure to help out and giving away a whole car is too generous. I told him that whether he believes it or not, I will have the American junk vehicle towed to the dump if he don't take it. He says he will take it with pride and that it isn't junk--It is AWESOME. Definitely a nut job. :( The point is I've met plenty of strippers with the same mentality as this young guy. Just wants to serve and be helpful. The key? He and the other goody 2 shoes are broke! The only thing that I don't like about him is that he served in the U.S. military, but then no one is perfect and besides I have known many outstanding veterans.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Love lost found? X-strippers & x-clients friends reunite here!
    If it is a spoof, then it is a good one. There are a couple of strippers that I'd LOVE to reconnect with. Number 1 is Felicity from the old Club Diamonds and she also worked at the $5 Club Honeys. She is due back pay of over $100. Wonderful and intelligent person. Worst thing about her is she can't stay away from the loser boyfriends cause she is so caring. Chance of reconnecting? I'd say about zero. There is another stripper from The Trap and from that $5 Latin club the government closed. I'd LOVE to reconnect if she'd agree to treat like any other CUSTOMER . . . she is a hooker and that is her JOB. My role is to pay money for a GFE and everyone ends up a winner. Dang, that woman was magic even though I only knew her briefly. This woman could also be a number 1 except she refuses to be paid which equals NO FUN. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would/Have you taken a stripper on vacation?
    If I had the financial means, then yes it sounds like fun. The only caveat is the stripper can be a very different person in normal life. I don't believe in paying for time because it just isn't that important to me, but if it was important and I had the financial means then imo it is no different than paying for sex.
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    16 years ago
    petite or full-figured
    "You know the question all of us fear during sex with a full-figured girl. 'Are you all the way in, yet?'" Fortunately, I don't let it get that far. It is strange in that generally I like the personality of full-figured women better---much better. They just seem sweeter and more caring. But, there isn't any interest on my part----even a BJ or HJ isn't appealing. With the BJ it is an absurd fear she might get too hungry. With the HJ it is the lack of visual stimulation---in fact the visual stimulation available is a turn-off. The dancer MUST be small and young/healthy looking. Probably the reason the dancer must be small is because I'm small. I'll always remember the dancer who took off her high heels to get me interested. A world of difference to me and I wasn't aware of what a difference mere heels would make. From zero interest to complete interest. Don't get me wrong--I prefer bare feet, but I didn't realize how negatively my eyes registered the high heels. Peaches over at The Trap was perfect without the high heels and even attractive with them. I mentioned that to her and she said she just had the wrong body type for high heels. Her breasts naturally jutted out and her butt naturally jutted out. The heels just made it absurd. 100% spinner. 0% full figure.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    Hi RickWood, She'll do extras if she feels like it; normally, that means the customer isn't bad looking and is being friendly and she is feeling good. Extras don't include FS---she was a prostitute when she was younger. I wasn't seeking FS and she was aware of that. She might have been miffed cause I wouldn't lick her pussy---LOL! I'd love to because she has a very nice pussy and it is enjoyable, but I'm just very afraid of disease. Her off and on good looking loser boyfriend (actually a very nice, but a slow fellow) doesn't seem too concerned about where he sticks it and I doubt he spends the $ on condoms. She might be thinking if the old man won't even lick my pussy, then why should I give him any relief? The answer is because the old man actually does try and help you when the chips are down and besides you know he is afraid of disease and government so show some empathy.
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    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    Also, she got me so hyper aroused that I blew money I couldn't really afford on other strippers. If she wasn't staying with me, then I'd have more self control. Also, even though I got relief at the clubs----there she is when I get home with her butt in the air. Man, I'd love that in girlfriend. I've never heard of a woman perpetually sleeping with her butt in the air. Very inviting. I even made a play which she firmly rebuffed----felt a little bad about waking her, but she was sleeping very very very late. I'd rate her ass a firm 10, btw. It is a heart shaped bubble butt and it feels fantastic! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Google vs TUSCL
    I googled stripclubs and TUSCL came in fourth and as you said in first when searching strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    what makes a lap dance great?
    Sometimes it is just chemistry. The dancer can even be clumsy. Usually it is slow, soft, and sensual.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    MUCH safer and more fun with the stalked druggie cheerleader stripper with sleazy boyfriend. :) If you marry her, then you deserved to be raped repeatedly in divorce court. So, say yes to druggie and no to "normal women."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    "The butt in the air would be hard to resist." I felt like crying. She is thinking that it is a benefit to have a hot babe with very little clothing just staying with me. It's not. She might have also been unhappy that I wanted her gone as agreed after the week was up---now, she wouldn't understand that if I was getting bennies my interest in seeing her leave on schedule would be severely weakened. Who knows maybe 2 weeks would be ok.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    bathroom attendents
    OK, my bad. The gentleman in question probably spits and polishes the door handle after each patron departs. Thus no dirty door handles to contend with. And, if he ain't keeping the door handle sparkling cleaned after each customer (washed hands or not) his head should be on a platter. Yes, I realize blood is messy. Sometimes doing the right thing ain't pretty especially if you be dealing with a punk that don't know his job---idiot oughta just get welfare instead of polluting the job market.
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    16 years ago
    bathroom attendents
    "What they do need is a troll to open the door for you when leaving because the guy in front of you did not wash his hands." He doesn't do that? How uncivilized and uncouth.
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    16 years ago
    bathroom attendents
    "I could do without them. BTW, has anyone EVER used the brushes or combs laying there? Yuck!" My guy had new free individually packaged and hermetically sealed combs and for the bigger leaguers (in wallet and hair) he had brushes of all types with cleanliness of course a priority. First class all the way. Need to be smelling your best? Get the right scent or deodorant for your sweat by having him perform a simple test with real Q-Tips. ;) Does it work? I think it helps him earn real tips from the fastidious so yeah at least in that sense it works. Of course, some customers just don't like hygiene in a stripclub and moreso in the men's room. The germs and smell are sacrosanct and as a real life Mr. Clean the attendant is public enemy No. 1. I think I'll give a couple of cases of Lysol for my guy to spray on the recalcitrant custys----the dancers might not even object to losing those types.
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    16 years ago
    bathroom attendents
    "What an existence: you're working in a topless bar and all night long you only see men taking a piss. What kind of person takes a job like that? The convenience store wasn't hiring for the all-night shift?" A desperate person? A perverted person? A desperate and perverted person? LOL! :) I can imagine some of the customers demanding the poor gentleman hold and aim for 'em. Is it worth it for a $100 tip? OK, a $1,000 tip? Last offer: You get to wear gloves plus a $1,000 tip. This begs the Ann Landers question: How much do you tip 'em for a hand job? The few that I've spoken with seem very nice even when they know that I only tip a $1. The most horrible obtrusive act that has been foisted upon me besides nice clean facilities? They turn the sink faucet on and off so that I don't need to dirty my hands. I hear some have a fetish for licking pussy and the dancers pay 'em for this service so the job does have its perks e.g. licking pussy for pay and it rougher side e.g. holding occasional johnsons. Of course, some of the men I know were probably consider both perks---they don't mind blubber so they're very hardy types.
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    15 years ago
    Non Sequitur . . .
    Hi lopaw, It is past my bedtime, but it seems like you may have done a non sequitur with harrydave.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    With the exception of cocaine, I think a druggie society contrary to expectations/conventional wisdom might be FANTASTIC!!! :) Marijuana is total heaven, ime. An LSD fiend, he seemed to use every day more than multiple times a day, that I knew was the nicest man that I'd ever met. A police got in his face and said to him you use LSD because you can't handle reality. The LSD fiend said officer you are 100% correct; I want people to have fun be happy 24/7. The officer decided not to make an arrest and just walked off shaking his head; damn fine officer. :) The roaring 20s? Yes, violate the vile laws and drink drink drink. Auto fatalities? The happy times, imo, are wayyyy worth it. MADD needs to be sent to drinking parties left right and center. Opium? An honorable drug in American society. Not saying there weren't victims, but automobiles have deaths numbering in excess of 40,000 YEARLY and most people don't get their panties in a prohibition bunch----sure if automobiles were just for letting the good times roll the prohibitionists would be going nutty for laws to ban or severely restrict automobiles. Up, up, up with drugs and herbs and down down down with prohibition and the prison state. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    bathroom attendents
    I like 'em. Keeps the restrooms nice and clean. Disgusting are the restrooms without 'em. An excellent deal, imo, for the $1.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club hours.
    "Why do it if you are not going to make enough to cover your daily overhead?" To keep your regulars so they still there when times get good. People get into patterns and they get out of patterns. In the book business it took a long time to build up a customer base (I was taking daily losses). Shut down for a few months and boy o boy then you have to work and wait to get regulars back into the habit. Basically, you need to figure out how much "good will" or "repeat customers" are worth to you and if you can afford some losses. Just look at from a strict profit loss perspective, but over a longer period of time. My boss who was very successful could endure short term financial beatings and did so only due to his LOVE of money. He knew the repeat customers were a gold mine and was willing to bleed to keep 'em. I heard too many times "you can close early" or "you can close a few days." Not really. You interrupt people's routine and before you know it they're gone. Also, some of these regulars would be making a special trip so disappoint 'em and they're a hell of a lot less likely to make the special trip in the future. Now the new owner of the bookstore didn't care even a little bit about profits. He told me he was losing money every month and just from what I could see that appeared to definitely be the case. He didn't care about repeat business or the bottom line. And, that worked for him. He didn't need money. For his tastes he had more money than he could spend.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club hours.
    The black clubs that I go to it is generally very slow as far as black customers in very late. The whites seem to go earlier. Sometimes much earlier. Over at the RolLexx, I'm ready for bed hours before the club is supposed to get busy. The hours you cite seem absurd at first glance.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper girlfriends
    Glad to hear it turned to be money well spent actually money well given. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper girlfriends
    Glad to hear it turned to be money well spent actually money well given. :)