Phone number

avatar for mreef
After spending a while with one girl, she asked if I was married. I replied Yes and she said "oh well, I was going to give you my number".

I don't spend a lot of time in clubs and don't waste time talking to the girls (just the LDs, as quickly as I can and then leave). So the whole phone number thing caught me off guard.

I don't really want anyone's phone number, but could you more experiened TUSCL'ers tell me how to interpret this?


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avatar for jablake
16 years ago
I wouldn't put much into it. Could be on the level or just part of the fantasy she is selling.
The most obvious reason is public relations. To keep you interested in spending money on her. There are exceptions. Like the favorite that was going to visit her parents and gave me their phone number. I actually talked to her dad. Or the one that wrote her number on a napkin and right below it wrote her husbands name and cell number. She said if I ever needed help to call her and if I couldn't get a hold of her to call him. I will usually take the number and then discard it later. You will learn that most of them will not answer or give an excuse or not return your call. I just chalk it up to experience.
avatar for icedawg
16 years ago
usually, its an electronic tag. you call them and then they have your number. they call it in on a slow night. or whenever they think itll be a sure thing for them.
Icedawg has it right. The phone number gambit is a way of keeping a stable of regulars who are called in on slow nights when the dancer needs money.
avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
Girls are being a lot more friendly nowadays, may be due to the economy. Just last week, one gal pounced on my dick-no condom, asking only 200 when most girls charge 300 for a fuck. Days later, at the same club, a gal provided a TUSCL'er a BBBJCIM. At another club, in the VIP, I was allowed to be as nude as the dancer in the VIP room for a noisy fuck (creak, creak).

I think girls are just working harder nowadays at marketing themselves.
avatar for Slothrop
16 years ago
If she's gorgeous and she had nice breasts and your erectile tissue is highly engorged, then, hell yes, take the phone number. If she gets your number and calls you because she's having a slow night, all the better. Go give her some money and allow her to place her body in the grindage position. That's what it's all about.
"If she gets your number and calls you because she's having a slow night, all the better." Uh, no. Did you not see the OP saying he's married? Do you not think it might be a little difficult for him to explain a stripper calling when at home with the wife and kids?
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

He told the dancer he was married, and that is not always the same as being married. Customers lie as well as do the dancers. In any case, he did say, "I don't really want anyone's phone number...".
It's all been stated... In most cases it means nothing, keep or toss as you wish. Although most of the time the only good it will do you is finding out if she will be working that night, and often not even that.
For meeting an ATF at the club, phone numbers may be good. Anything else is a waste of time and energy.
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