
Give Your Kidney to a Stranger

Thursday, March 12, 2009 1:39 PM

"When Matthew Jones decided to donate a kidney to a stranger, the Michigan father of five had no idea he'd be starting a lifesaving, 'pay it forward' chain." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29641064

Seems insane to me, but I've known a couple strippers who'd think that was the greatest idea and be brain dead enough to do it. The majority may be mercenary, but macarism compounded with a rejection of pelf is alive among strippers, nurses, teachers, and believe it or not even attorneys and judges! Don't faint or scoff! There are attorneys who don't care even a little bit about money. Yeah, I can hear the noise about how they supposedly have to work to make a living----that ain't true for everyone. A few folks are born into wealth or win the lottery----lottery winners like strippers are very interesting if you wish a better understand of true human nature.

Lottery winners----teach a hell of a lot.

Strippers-----teach a hell of a lot assuming you spend day after day in the clubs and the clubs ain't too noisy!

Foreigners-----teach a hell of a lot especially if they ain't your typical WASP.

Would I give up a kidney? HELL FREAKING NO!!! I won't even give blood!!! Well, if I know the person I'd be willing to give blood assuming they ain't any other volunteers. I have a donor card (actually it's government DL) for when I die, but upon my driver license renewal (actually when I'm forced to get a new one) that provision will be deleted----no more giving by me.

My bet is and I may be a 100% wrong is that strippers are more likely to be donors (the macarism mindset) than non-strippers. I'm normally much more focused on the dollar than all but the most money grubbing strippers. I'm a money grubber and dang proud of it, btw. :)

1 comment

  • jablake
    16 years ago

    One of my younger relatives who left the United States is very altruistic. Both she and her husband have multiple doctorates. In explaining why she is practically willing to give the shirt off her back she says God blessed her for a reason. The reason was to help those who were in need. Considering how much money she and her husband earn it is shocking how few possessions they have. They'd rather be giving to those in need.

    I assume someone could make the argument that both she and her husband are truly mercenary.

    The point is that people who place a high value on money generally believe that everyone else has the same perspective especially when their beliefs are in the majority. Idolatry of money is definitely a majority religion or practice.

    Strippers, imo, don't seem particularly idolatrous of money. I'd say more like idolatrous of love or idolatrous of feeling good. Even the sybarite strippers don't necessarily place much value on money, but rather see it as a means of luxury and pleasure; that which they do seeketh. The stripclub customer who is generally much more money based normally doesn't see this at all. Typically the proof in the pudding *to the customer* is that the stripper only cares about the customer for his money. Yep, that is proof positive *in his mind* that she is a money grubber who merely seeks dollars above all else. Seems completely brain dead to me, but hell if a customer's top priority is dollars then it almost impossible to convince him that his dollar desire isn't universal.

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