
Comments by jablake (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If marijuana was legalized, do you think strip clubs would ban it or that the ba
    Hi Dudester, I was watching this military attorney explaining drug tests as they impact soldiers. According to him, a soldier can be surrounded with pot smoking buddies blowing smoke in his face non-stop and it won't show up on the drug test. Make sense? Not to me, but then I know very little about drug tests. Back to the original question. I don't like smoke---but I'd rather have pipe smoke or marijuana smoke (assuming it was legal) than cigarette smoke. Getting home with that tobacco smell is an eye opener---feels like I need a bath and my clothes need an immediate trip to the laundry. As long as the government is going to have its drug wars then it'd be nice if alcohol and tobacco were added to their list. Think of all the Americans that could be saved as if that was some type of gold standard. lol . . . For those of you who do use illegal drugs the governments' drug war is serious, imho. I was pulled over in a random traffic stop----bad economy and police need to raise money. The police officer surprisingly asks if I mind if he does a search of the car. I say yes, that I do mind. The officer is oh, so have something to hide! I say not at all, but it is a waste of your time and mine. Of course, he does a full lengthy search and is actually surprised there is nothing. Now, he wants to know why I objected to the search. I explained that not only do attorneys recommend saying no to searches, but even some police officers are of the same opinion. Anyway, no harm done and it is definitely a reminder in the future to be very careful when friends or strippers or whoever has occupied a vehicle you are driving. You might be sure there are no drugs, but even a 10 year (or an 85 year old) is a suspect. Give a child or stripper a ride? See if a K-9 unit is available first. ;)
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    Looks are everything. Even somewhat attractive fat strippers with fantastic personalities are a dime a dozen.
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    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    Yes, she said that I will never ever get to take her for waffles again----even without bennies. I didn't like having her over even though she was well behaved because her ass was too tempting. She sleeps and her ass is sticking up, like ready for action, all night---it was the darndest thing I'd ever seen. Her titties seemed to be in a perpetual state of jutting out. Almost the entire stay she was almost undressed. It may sound like fun, but it was just plain frustrating because she wasn't available---unless I wished to demand (not a fun option) her services. Glad to help her out, but would rather she didn't ask in the future. I won't miss not buying waffles for her even though she made a nice scene at the waffle house. Little do the envious know she was a royal pain to get bennies out of. :(
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    15 years ago
    Don't you fucking hate it when....
    Not really. I do get a little irritated by dancers who assume all customers are losers. The point being that a real man doesn't have to pay for a woman. Well, there is an issue of quality----and that brings out the looks are irrelevant mantra. Looks may be irrelevant to most men and women, but not to me. :) I need very attractive. To each his own.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers with sleazy boyfriends
    "Once she is pregnant and poor the government will give her plenty of welfare and freebies." At least the government is good for something.
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    15 years ago
    Medication 4 Treating Addiction; CNN 8:00 PM Tonight . . .
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cognitive Mising as Applied to Stripclubbing . . .
    Hi Anna, Glad it gave you a smile. :) You may be the only one on the board that liked it. :) I finally got one of the book's questions correct. To wit: Premise 1: All living things need water Premise 2: Roses need water *Therefore*, Roses are living things Supposedly, 70 percent of university students got this incorrect agreeing that Premise 1 required the conclusion that Roses are living things. (Steam engines need water---does that mean they're living things.) Most likely the students prior knowledge that Roses are living things bushwhacked their thinking. The old short cut i.e. cognitive mising in action again. Not cognitive mising, but it is related and potentially practical: Let's say you normally spend $200 for 10 dances on your favorite stripper. And, have been seeing her on a regular basis. After buying the dances and giving her the $200, ask if she'd accept an additional $150 *now* in exchange for 10 dances on your next visit. I'm not saying this is optimal, but it does help, imo, put in perspective cognitive mising i.e. short cuts as well as the need for present gratification when delayed gratification is normally the better deal. (The book's example was some people preferring a $100 from the government today rather than $115 in 7 days.)
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    15 years ago
    (off topic) Hostage Rescue-the truth
    "[F]or driving to be as dangerous as flying, an incident on the scale of September 11 would have to occur once a month!" Assuming the above statement is correct, then it should give pause to those who believe they have a common sense point of view. President Obama may have been 100% correct to try and protect the lives of so called "criminals." According to the American propaganda that I've seen these buccaneers are viewed overwhelmingly as HEROES in their own communities. Anyway, the bloodlust of a few may drive these buccaneers into alliances that may truly cost American lives and treasure. I wonder if forced stripclubbing at the expense of government could help curb bloodlust? I have a feeling that some males are so aggressive merely because they ain't getting enough pussy. Hmmm . . . maybe pussy could cure patriotism as well. :)
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    15 years ago
    (off topic) Hostage Rescue-the truth
    The truth is if this incident improves President Obama's appeal, then it was well worth printing an extra billion dollars or so. The loss of life is tragic, but sometimes the greater good e.g. love of President Obama or money creation is actually served. Next bold decisive step? Drug decriminalization and saving stripclubs. Unfortunately, I'm concerned the government's interest in banning private ownership of guns will derail the freedom agenda as far as drugs and the spill over will be less freedom including stripclubs. For those who are hyped up about saving an American, think how many Americans could be saved if guns were banned. America could be the next Canada or United Kingdom. :) Even banning stripclubs might save an American life. LOL!
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    16 years ago
    (off topic) Hostage Rescue-the truth
    I'm a President Obama groupie---that is there ain't nothing better on the platter. Anyway, my 2 cents is that the post should stay even though it doesn't seem at all related to stripclubbing.
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    16 years ago
    Cognitive Mising as Applied to Stripclubbing . . .
    Correction: Point? When in a stripclub don't necessarily take the low hanging fruit i.e. the quick and easy conclusion.
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    16 years ago
    Medication 4 Treating Addiction; CNN 8:00 PM Tonight . . .
    Seems like the God of sheeple and cattle. Historically, I believe it was Jesus this and Jesus that. More interesting a read is that the original supposedly successful AA didn't even have God and only had a handful of steps---revisionist history? Anyway the God propaganda of AA don't seem like it be Baccus, the God of stripclubs and stills and sex. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    "Yeah, this chick is just plain selfish. First of all, she should have contributed to the room and board but not in the way of bennies." The reason she needed to stay with me was that she was broke. Worse, as she is staying with me the starter on her car went and bingo I needed to buy her a new starter ($60+) so she could get to work. At least she got back on her feet. (Was she appreciative? No. Still, I'm happy that I was able to help.) My goal wasn't to turn her into a renter or have her live me, but to get her out and on her feet; financial contribution by her would have meant a longer stay (that's negative).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    Also, I must say except for not providing bennies she was very easy to get along with during her stay. She left when she planned to. Not a bad experience except for the loss of money and being very frustrated. It could have been much worse so I consider myself lucky. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Look?
    The only thing missing is the ads on the side, which I think are generally positive or at least fill the sides with something.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Hi laxplayer, I think you were probably correct in your usage. Mainly, I just wanted to use malapropism and cacology. Sorry about that. In the past I wanted to use disestablishmentarianism as well, but was dissuaded (sp?) because of conflicting definitions. I like "ultra-libertarian" rhetoric. :) However, the few libertarians that I've met don't seem that libertarian---iows, they love the government when it does their bidding.
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    16 years ago
    New Look?
    Hi Founder, It looks fixed. Thank you. :)
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    16 years ago
    New Look?
    Hi Founder, Seems like everything is centered. The site. The text. I do see a naked lady asking me to click her. She looks like an improvement. I have version 5.0.
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    16 years ago
    New Look?
    Looks like a mess. Everything is centered. I have Firefox. Don't see any advantage, but then maybe it is my browser.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    "Before this thread got completely derailed by some whacky disestablishmentarianism rhetoric . . . " "disestablishmentarian –noun 1. a person who favors the separation of church and state, esp. the withdrawal of special rights, status, and support granted an established church by a state; an advocate of disestablishing a state church. –adjective 2. of, pertaining to, or favoring the disestablishment of a state church. Origin: 1880–85; dis- 1 + establishment + -arian Related forms: dis⋅es⋅tab⋅lish⋅men⋅tar⋅i⋅an⋅ism, noun " http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/disestablishmentarianism Malapropism or cacology, intended or not, is a hanging offense on this here board! :) Anyway, I like the dancer asking. Hopefully, it will give her a better idea of who I am and what I'm looking for.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strippers surrogates?
    It seems like some (a minority) definitely are more like surrogates than a stereotypically cold call girl. The skill set one stripper brings to me might be my dream world while another client would feel cheated by the same performance or behaviour. I have no interest in a girl friend or free sex so the fact that she is doing a job isn't negative in my eyes even a little. The negative is when they wish to stop being a pro. It is a hell of an experience when the stripper is willing to let herself go or seems to let herself go.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Hi gk, I got a stripper out of jail with the extraordinary help of a public defender. I thought the judge was going to hold the public defender in contempt of court. The other cases typically seemed to be handled in under a minute usually to the detriment of the defendant. Away the stripper was so confident that she would get her day in court in front of a jury. I explained that there was NO WAY she was going to be allowed a jury trial and the government would just drag her until she accepted a plea deal. The stripper is all I'm an American and I have rights, blah, blah, blah. BTW, this stripper is pro-government and might still be after she forgets the way she treated. She also claimed it was her right as an American to have a speedy trial. I just laughed and said you don't have any rights---period. She be making a lot of noise how she is going to show me and that America is the greatest. I roll my eyes a few times and shake my head in disgust and finally said that I hope you're right and I'm not. Unfortunately, I was right. The stripper? Filled with hate, but only temporary----give her 6 months and she be proudly yapping about all her alleged rights of being an American. She will forget all the abuse and lies by the government. I will give her first judge credit for 1) letting her out and 2) actually starting to side with the stripper. BTW, being a stripper generally doesn't help if you get before a judge and probably the same goes before a jury.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Anyway, back to my original stripclub point. This very nice young man who unfortunately, imo, is a U.S. veteran didn't want money. He wants to help and to serve. After sustaining severe injuries from a grenade does he get smart? No, he wants to help and serve his military buddies so he goes back to collect a bullet. His mindset is helping other people. He has helped me and I tried to pay him for his time and work and he is just stubborn when it came to accepting money for his hard work. Well, I *hate* this American made junker and figured since he likes American made and he loves to work on cars it makes a perfect thank you gift. Besides, I know he doesn't want me to send it the junk yard, which I most certainly will do. Anyway, now after the junker is starting to look good he wants to give it back! That is like the strippers that I know. No respect for the dollar. Some of these strippers not only do they wish to help and serve, but believe it or not they're also flag wavers! I'd like to set my Rambo veteran up with one of these hot strippers that shares his values at least as it concerns flag waving and helping and serving, but due to health and financial problems I haven't been to the clubs. :( So at least the broke strippers that I knew didn't have a focus on cash. Believe so in all cases and I think the customer is doing himself a disservice and might even be selling himself short. These flag waving strippers probably would go orgasmic over this young U.S. veteran due to his service and past injuries.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    So now freedom is anarchy? :) How convenient. Let the government give you a jury trial with non-English speaking jurors and then let me hear you yelp about all your alleged freedoms. It would be especially ironic if the nit wit government was trying you on a gun charge. You know how much weight the joke of a Second Amendment carries with this regime and past regimes. As far as I'm concerned the government can take all the weapons out private hands because gee giving people the right to bear arms is "anarchy." lol :) Drink a beer? Yep, must be "anarchy" cause government knows best.