
Comments by jablake (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How much do LD's really cost?
    "Most in the US have ZERO economic understanding. That is why they raise prices. Just the opposite of what should be done." Raising prices might be the smartest move. The businessman needs to know his customers. The wage slaves may not even be able to afford $5 dances during an economic down turn. Meanwhile the drug lord or attorney may see $50 or $100 dances as acceptable. So, yes raise the prices thru the roof if your wage slave clients are so poor that even dirt cheap dances are too much of a budget buster for 'em. Resell to the big boys who make real money. OTOH, if the wage slaves will start buying dances at $5, then a lot more money may be made by slashing prices. I don't think it makes much sense to slash dance prices in Coral Gables----for example-----might want to double or triple the prices and cater to those who see $100s as pocket change. Yes, there are people like that. There is Gambling dancer, for example. She wasn't shy about asking for $1,000s in Cutler Ridge. Why not? Her customers had money and she had what they wanted. Would it have been smarter for her to charge $20 an hour? :) It is funny that despite growing up extremely poor that she understood that the old men had money to throw away on the right product. She understood that a few thousand dollars was like $20s to a normal wage slave.
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    15 years ago
    Economic question - Do you think the recession will be over sometime next year?
    I read a little squib on fusion. That one high tech success could equal money raining from the sky. Many years back The Wall Street Journal had an opinion piece by a big league economist who asserted free energy had practically NO value and would only lead to cost cuts of about 15% and it would cause misery to gas workers, coal workers, sewage treatment workers, etc. Anyway, my 2 cent opinion is that the economist is brain dead and if you get free energy the whole world changes. Maybe even Peter Drucker's prediction about wealth being irrelevant could come true. :) Wealth being irrelevant means no more stripclubs??? America seems to be pretty damn good when it comes to the production of weapons. A fine industrial base, indeed! :) OK Saddam, you don't want to take U.S. dollars for your oil??? equals dead Saddam and plenty of fear for those who might be tempted to disobey the "paper" tiger. China needs dollars? Why exactly does China need dollars??? Perhaps just a strategy to keep America's warmongering a wee bit tamed? Perhaps they're desperate for American products? Perhaps they're desperate for American land? For those who love America, should keep praying that China will continue to want U.S. dollars because imagining NO Chinese products is too depressing. All those poor working class Americans who might be pushed back into the factory dungeons of the recent past and American pricing for common manufactured goods. :(
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Small tits are fine, but but fakes aren't---imho. Also, 26 generally is too old for my tastes----most clubbers probably don't care about the number, but how you look.
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    15 years ago
    Do you think any vice cops work as dancers?
    Entrapment has a very different meaning for the judiciary and law enforcement. For example, a police officer is allowed to dress up as prostitute and wiggle her ass, bounce her breasts, and blow kisses to potential law violators. No entrapment according to the judiciary---just good police work to make our streets safe from law violators. Somehow the same police officer working in a stripclub is entrapment? Seems less like entrapment, imo.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When a stripper asks "Do you have a girlfriend?"
    Depends on dancer, but generally just small talk to fill space and give you an opportunity to talk about you! :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dance Cost? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    "Do they do lapdances for $5?" Yes. In fact, some of the harder core clubbers were paying $2 to $3. Of course, those were the loser boyfriend types. :) Usually, I'll get the $5 table top and that turns into the $5 lap. What is that acronym . . . YMMV . . . YMWV.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dance Cost? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    Well, divebaradventures.com is already taken. :) The 5Dollardancelocator.com is definitely a site that I'd be interested in surfing. Nothing like a $5 club, imo. Shadowcat, glad you appreciated it. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you get off by just grinding?
    "Learn something new everyday. Tribadism, can't wait to use it in a sentence." Yes, and an superb word at that. :) I saw an adorable tribade, at least I thought she was a tribade, yesterday. She was small, wearing a tank top that showed bullet breasts that seemed too confined. It appeared was trying to conceal 'em without success. Her plaid boxer shorts were pulled real high; even higher than the young guys do. Her blue jean shorts were well fitting and appropriately short revealing so shapely thighs. I sorta got stuck at the thighs. :) Yummy was my main thought with a little envy of her girlfriends. I had some nice imagery of tribadism and they definitely seemed to know what they were doing for such young women. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cheerleader strippers?
    Gambling dancer was a cheerleader. She was a very popular girl. The school fortunately or unfortunately just passed her thru the grades regardless of merit. Surprisingly, ime, for a girl that was so popular and hot she didn't have an attitude.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers Shoes
    "Well, I have to tell you...I am really enjoying this whole thing. It is very exciting for me." Old men can do that to a woman every time. ;)
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    15 years ago
    Dancers Shoes
    "Judy, I thought that you were gone. You said in your PM that it was a one time only fantasy but you keep coming back for more." With gentlemen such as yourself, how could she possibly leave? :)
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    15 years ago
    Dancers with Rules
    Probably excellent that she won't do dinners or dancing OTC for you. You seem to get way too attached, imo.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers spanking themselves
    I don't like it. It is a turn-off. Seems like most of the customers like it.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers with sleazy boyfriends
    I knew a wonderful stripper with a very bad boyfriend. She thought she was worthless. I told her she could do much better so she asked me if I'd be willing to be her boyfriend. :( I told her she was missing the point that she was worth a lot and should expect the world from a man lucky enough to be her boyfriend. She thought I was full of shit because I didn't want to be her boyfriend----I wouldn't want to be the boyfriend of the prettiest most successful woman in the world. I have zero interest in a girlfriend no matter how fantastic. The damn girl just refused to believe me and thought it was because she was unworthy---that her loser boyfriend was right. :(
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requiring Bennies for a Room?
    I did get bennies in exchange for waffles from the local waffle house. :) I'd taken the girl to Winn Dixie so she could buy all manner of food that she likes. Next morning she wants breakfast. I say fine you bought creal, yogurt, fruits, bacon and eggs, bagels and cream cheese, etc. and I even have some pancake mix that hasn't been opened. The girl is oh, no she NEEDS waffles. She also NEEDS me to drive her and pay for the waffles. I tell her there ain't no way I'm driving her or buying her waffles. NO WAY!!! She starts pouting that she NEEDS waffles. I say do want to earn the waffles? She says NO. I say fine then you really don't NEED the waffles or you could have bought some yesterday when I took you shopping over at Winn Dixie. She says she NEEDS real waffles and not those from a grocery story. I just laugh and tell life is tough so get use to it. Bottom line she gives me the bennies and is thrilled to go to the waffle house. She doesn't think it was right that she had to give bennies to get waffles. I probably should of insisted she call a cop an report the crime---I'm hoping to earn a spot in the local paper under weird news. :) Old man faces 5 years for buying young woman waffles . . . strange, but true.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    Gambling dancer is a perfect example of a stripper who you could give a few million dollars to and she'd be at the club getting "nasty" for the $5. When I first met her some 8 years ago, I thought she disliked whites. She didn't want my $5. She wasn't approaching white customers for dances. In fact, mainly she was about goofing off with her buddies. Yes, I'd see her give scorching sensual dances to black customers. It was easy to see her focus wasn't on the $$$. If you speak with her, then she'll that she is 100% just about the dollar. :) And, she'll also tell you she never worked at Angels to make money. :) Watch her in action at Angels, wasting time ignoring the dollar and paying huge fees to be there and it sorta becomes apparent that she isn't making money at Angels. I had wrongly believed for many years that she was just a $5 ho who didn't realize that she was smoking hot. No, she definitely did realize it. She did profit from it, but in Cutler Ridge where she charged big bucks to service old white men. She says she is making so much money for doing nothing that she didn't even know how to spend the money. She grew up dirt poor and suddenly it is raining money on her for in her words just being herself. She thought it was just amazing that old white men wanted to shower money on her for just normal man woman relations. Was there some shortage of white women or did they just secretly love blacks? Whatever, she thought it was a blast. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    "This was a blast for me , I went out and had some fun..... I do not even need the money." Sorry, you are only allowed to strip for the love of money. Yes, I know that is silly, but that is the rule and you don't dare wish to violate the rule. ;) There was a very wealthy white lady---smoking hot--- that danced at Angels; briefly before her life was threatened. She rejected me and other white customers, because she was into black men. Black men that she could just use and forget about. Money? She though the $5 dances were some type of demented joke especially when the poor dancer often has to pay $100 plus to club upfront for the opportunity to take her clothes off.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    "So you're saying that most strippers would rather be jerking off fat, ugly, gameless middle aged white guys for money rather than be corporate wage slaves? In fact they would going to back to doing it even if they won the lottery?" Yes. Now, if you ask 'em the answer would be HELL NO! To get at the truth you need to test 'em. The closest analogy is the study of million dollar lottery winners. Those people could be cleaning toilets for a living and yet despite having millions in the bank it is back to toilet cleaning for them! :) Strippers may deal with all manner of hate filled customers. What I learned is that different people react very differently to good treatment or hellish treatment. Imagine a super hot black stripper eager to service dirty, violent, racist, and meaner than a junk yard dog customers? Hard to imagine, but I've seen it. It ain't about the money. LOL! Not at all. This belief system that money is the be all end for everyone is just so lame. Those dancers could have made real money at Coco's. I would describe it as love of humanity and an extreme willingness to help other people at their own extreme expense and peril.
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    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    "If they weren't don't you think they would be doing something besides stripping at that point?" Not if they're smart. Gee, you think being a secretary is better? I know what about a lawyer? You think law is a field where there are a bunch of happy people? A career in banking? Sounds too depressing. A real estate broker, insurance agent, police officer? For the right person stripping is an ideal job, if they need the money or not. BTW, in research of those who won multi-million dollar lotteries most were MUCH happier before getting the money. That includes bottom rung wage slaves. Give a hundred experienced strippers $10 million each and don't be surprised if they continue the stripper lifestyle even with a bank account bursting with cash. Most people, including strippers, want the daily grind of even a seemingly "bad" jobs that they supposedly loathe. Of the people that I know it is better than 95% who are desperate to work regardless of money and regardless of profession. I had a relative crying nonstop how he wanted to retire. One week off the job and he is pleading with his employer to be rehired. He missed his fellow employees and his stupid boss and the foul customers. Did that surprise me? Not at all. And, soon he was yapping how he wished to retire yet again---which of course he was free to do, but didn't. Money wasn't an issue. This anti-sex mentality is depressing, imo.
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    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    "It's unfair but real--young dancers can get away with being dumb--older ones are expected to know something about the world." The old ones do seem either more intelligent or at least knowledgeable.
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    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    "Seriously, if they are dancing after late 20's they are very likely serious fuck ups." Or more likely they know how to have a good time. Being a good little corporate slave and following the rules imposed by your masters thinking that that is freedom or being responsible? That seems like seriously fucked up. What is worse is when the slave gets sacked and watches all those dreams go up in smoke. :(
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    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    "What I would like to share with you is that we women in most cases are not ready to fall apart after 40." That is your opinion and I think most men---both old and young would agree with you. When I was young, even a very old lady would have been fantastic----60, 70, 80-----just bring the hot oldies to me! :) Now that I'm old my desire is limited to 18 to 25 year olds. The best, imo, are 18 to 19. Yes, there is the rare exception of a 30 year old or even a 40 year old turning my eyes. What I need is the younger woman. My ability to perform with one versus the other is the difference between night and day. Even a good looking 40 year old who is skilled and eager to please will normally find it difficult to arouse me at all. This one old lady (37) at Angels was just fantastic when it came to company or conversation and most clubbers were definitely interested in her. Mainly, I was just attempting to nicely push her away. It wasn't her fault or my fault. She is giving me this very nice below the belt massage and she is getting upset that it is broken. I say No, it works just fine if you're 18 or 19 and super hot. She starts objecting. I see a smoking hot 20 year old who is drool city that I buy dances from. I aggressively motion her over and explain that I need her hand for a second. That was all I needed. In a second, I was like a teenage stud again and the young dancer was laughing and shaking her head. The oldster couldn't believe it. I told her that that was just the way that I was built and if she'd lose a couple decades then she'd get the same reaction. I don't like OLD even a little bit. I don't like the make up or fancy clothes. I don't like the fake titties. I don't like upscale. I don't like music. LOL! On the plus side, I definitely know what will cause me to feel like a million dollars. A hot young woman can temporarily make me forget all my pain and health problems. It is like getting a good second start, but it just lasts for how many dances I decide to buy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    Yep, I think the posters can be too aggressive or insulting (myself included). Having said that I have zero interest in older women, but for most guys that I know it is a non issue if the woman is looking to play-----for pay or free. If grandma still wants action, then bring her on even if she is 99 and toothless seems to be the rule. Having said that I have zero interest in older women, I should also say there are rare exceptions. The oldster who looks and acts young----very few and far between in my opinion----can attract me. Most of those will refuse to state their age generally due to negative reactions. A woman tells me, she is 40 and I'm thinking that she is ready to fall apart (maybe within the next few days) even if she is looking fantastic.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Female customers not welcome?
    The clubs that I go to LOVE female customers (dancers and management)-------HOWEVER, if the female seems like she is actually looking for males (business opportunities) then there is going to be trouble. The super shy young innocent female customer won't have a problem. The tough butch who is more male than many a customer won't have a problem. The spender won't have a problem. Look like you're available to males, bingo, a real problem. Even if the female customer wants to give it away to a male without any interest in $$$ there is a problem.