Dancers with Rules
I think it's ok that they have them. However, I kinda wished she can't break a rule for those regulars who she have known for months or several months. One, she does not do anything OTC. I just wanted to have dinners or dancing. I know she feared that guys would not understand boundaries and phone etiques. Just because she goes out with you, it does not mean anytime or often. Plus over using the phone calls are bad, too. Need to keep it professional.
Probably excellent that she won't do dinners or dancing OTC for you. You seem to get way too attached, imo.
Actually, that could be a pretty decent dancer ploy. If she knows she's willing to do something with you, she can tell you it's against her rules, then do it anyway, thus making you feel special. More free advice for you dancers...
Ha, in my case it's my wife that sets the boundaries. Simply stated, I can do anything with my hands and nothing with my dick. One of my favs sure wants shattered my boundaries. "Come in on Wednesday, its always dead. We'll have the VIP to ourselves and we can play," as she's showing me a bottle of K-Y Silk.