
Comments by motorhead (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    New York
    Smash or Pass?
    She’s pretty cute. I wouldn’t say no. But she’s certainly not in the top 10 or 20 most beautiful women in the world like I’ve seen her on some lists. Those lists are usually trash anyway
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    I was hoping for a Hail Mary pass during the convention that the Republicans would nominate a better candidate. Now I fear this verdict may have handed the election to Trump. It seems only the hardcore Democratic base seems this is fair. I think many middle of the road independents might swing red.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Baby, Savvy & Rockin' Strippers Rule!
    Strip Club Music
    The fact that dancers choose their music based upon what they like and not the customers again proves what a bizarro upside world strip clubs are. Every other industry caters to their customer. I go to the Lexus dealer for an oil change and they have free coffee and soda and comfortable chairs and computer work stations for my comfort. I go to a strip club in the afternoon where 90% of the customers are white Boomers who grew up on Classic rock and the dancers on stage are blasting some ghetto gangsta rap.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Nude on stage?
    “gg egg” In English please?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Blonde is ok but the other one belongs on a farm. Moo.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Smash or Pass
    There was a time I’d smash but I bet those tits feel like bowling balls. So pass
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Driving in 2024
    Gamm- - disagree with some of your points. The slowest people to go on green aren’t the elderly but the god damn young people on their phones
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    “It would was terrible and you can make all of the laws restricting abortion you like, it’s still not going to stop desperate women from getting pregnant and aborting their fetus” — Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. 😊 The same could be said for gun control laws. The left clamors for restrictive gun control laws after every mass shooting yet no law will stop the desperate criminal from obtaining one.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Closing down
    Yeah, hated the rules. But the times I visited years ago they always had there share of my favs - hot Eastern Euros
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    “Welcome to the world of political candidates working to jail the opposition.” — I do not like Trump. But let the above statement sink in. It’s chilling. Is America becoming the Soviet Union, or Cuba or China?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Restaurant Apocalypse
    I’m not even sure what the “hip” or “trendy” restaurants are now. Certainly just not be any chains. All the chains mentioned are thought of by Gen-Z as their grandparent’s restaurants. I can remember in the late 80’s early 90’s one could not find a seat at a Red Lobster on Sunday after church. And now it’s bankrupt
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    “On occasion the exchanges have somewhat aggressive. It's only been with black strippers. Never Latina's, Asians” — Interesting because the most racially aggressive stripper I’ve encountered was Asian. A tiny, skinny Cambodian girl - far from type - who accused me of being racist. Few experiences in black clubs - but typically it’s “are you a cop” ?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Restaurant Apocalypse
    And it’s affecting fast food also in my opinion. Depending on what route I take to work I may pass one two McDonald’s. 10-15 years ago, there used to be long lines at any early morning McD’s drive-thru. Some mornings, there’s not a single car. I’ve seen reports they menu prices have doubled in 10 years
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Driving in 2024
    You can definitely stereotype certain vehicles with having bad drivers….but if it’s true, is it a stereotype? As mentioned, women in large SVU’s seem particularly aggressive as do men in large pick ups. I’ve never been a cigarette smoker, so I don’t understand the appeal or the affect on the brain. But I’ve noticed smokers are among the most aggressive drivers out there. And if you ever see a vehicle pulled up past a crosswalk and the driver is all fidgety and anxious to go, I bet 90% of the time it’s a guy with a cigarette
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Driving in 2024
    Seems the days of 18-wheelers having “professional” drivers has passed. And just watching driver complaints on YouTube, apparently Amazon drivers are the worst.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Driving in 2024
    Just last night I was on a service road and a guy pulls out from Target right in front of me. I have a new car - less than 6 months old and I couldn’t find the horn. In hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t blow my horn. Is getting shot worth the price of some moron’s stupid driving
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Driving in 2024
    Well said. My thoughts exactly. During my morning and evening commute I have a choice of taking the interstate (faster) or back country roads. Unless it’s snowing I almost always choose the slower route. People are so impatient. Lately, merging is my pet peeve. People have lost total patience and awareness when merging properly. And in-town driving isn’t much better. Running red lights is the new normal. And I’m not talking about ducking in under the yellow. I’m talking 4 or 5 cars screaming thru the intersection after the light turns red.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Gen Z woman floored by 35-year-old man’s text after first date
    This is a new one I just heard. 25% of the recent crop of Gen-Z college grads are bringing their parents to job interviews. Actually, I might prefer some of the moms over the nose studded green haired Gen Z strippers
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Memorial Day
    Perfectly said
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Likes large natural tits
    ugly piercings
    “If you're going to have sexy fun time with women decades younger than you, then don't expect them to have the same beauty standards you grew up with.” — That’s exactly why Hank’s premise that strip clubs are a “perfect market” is false. There are barriers to entry that strippers face that don’t exist in other jobs. Sex workers are still stigmatized so “the best and the brightest” don’t enter the profession. Sex is on the lowest tier of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - it’s something every human desires like food and air. Men will “settle” for less just to fulfill this need. Also, when guys go to a club looking for pleasure, they may be under time constraints so again they “settle” for poor quality but still pay a premium price. Far from a perfect mind. Having said all this - of course I would never directly tell a dancer her piercings and tats are hideous. But it’s not a perfect market so the dancers don’t eventually get weeded out of the club
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Likes large natural tits
    ugly piercings
    ^^ So by that logic if you go to Starbucks and the barista gives you coffee with 20 packs of sugar because that’s what she likes, you just leave it on the table and walk out?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    I always thought Gabrielle was hotter
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Smash or pass?
    Ugh. Why did I look
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    spend too much on dancers 🤯
    Key phrases to properly use Quebecois French to speed up my trip to Montreal?!
    How does one say DFK in French? Is it just a “kiss”
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    "Always do right — this will gratify some and astonish the rest." - Mark Twain
    One can make $150 k by mowing lawns. Get off your lazy ass