Which is worse?

avatar for gammanu95
Election deniers, such as Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Al Gore, Matt Gaetz, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Kari Lake, Stacy Abrams, the entire democrat party, all of CNN, MSNBC, AP, Axios, Salone, etc...?

Or Supreme Court deniers attempting to thwart their constitutional authority and autonomy such as Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, AOC, all of CNN, all of MSNBC, all of the MSM?

OR those who already have and will continue to deny Americans' rights to free speech such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, the entire DNC, Chuck Schumer, Merrick Garland, Anthony Fauci, Twitter, Meta (facebook), Alphabet (google/youtube), SCOTUS, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, the entire MSM - CNN. NYT, ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, et al?


last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
In reverse order.

Far and away worst are the Democrats trying to take away the Bill of Rights by using the government to lean on social media or control the flow of information to pro-regime viewpoints.

But I think you forgot the DoJ and their dicks standards. Hiding the trans shooter in Nashville's manifesto because it would cause "hate." When it's an alt right shooter, that manifesto is public before the gun barrel is cool. That's why I'm suspect about the 7/13 assassin, because all of a sudden after the shooting he's the most anonymous man in the world.

Look at the differential prosecutions of pro-life protesters who get a step too close (even if they're pulling a pro abortion agitator out of their kid's face) or the surgeon who outed transgender surgeries at the children's hospital in Houston. A clear "make an example" fine of a victimless "crime" by Trump. Meanwhile they barely investigate literal FIREBOMBINGS of crisis pregnancy centers because "it was too dark." The differential application of the law leaves me gobsmacked.

The deniers of separation of powers are pretty bad too. They loved it when it found rights to abortion and gay marriage... now that it's finding otherwise it's suddenly unethical and overpowered. AOC, Whitehouse, Schumer, Biden etc are trying to legislate by other means.

Election deniers, we've become a whiny ass nation. Complain more than LeBron when he gets poked.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
Chuck Schumer to the Supreme Court “You won’t know what hit you”
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
So much cope and seething... as one would say

I wonder why Trump even had to find a new VP? With JD Vance, Trump has now fully surrounded himself with election deniers, people who are ready to again attempt to subvert the will of the American people if the next election results do not go their way.
avatar for Mate27
8 months ago
Jesus fucking Christ on the political ocd. There’s a reason why it’s called Hollywood for ugly people. All politics are local, so go see some tits and ass at a nearby club, and enjoy.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
@muddy - we can walk and chew gum at the same time

@wld 2 be the puddy tat's scratching post - top of the morning to you too, bro.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
The will of the American people would be illegals thrown out ad never permitted to return; no immigrants from enemy countries; cutting the pay of all Federal officials; lowering taxes; harsher on crime; none of this trans bullshit and for once in the last 50 years; honest mainstream media..
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
Boring debate, the OP obviously has no life, we all can see how limited his interests are.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ I remember you said you never start shit with @gammanu, only defend yourself, but you're obviously so butthurt over recent political events that you can't help yourself.
avatar for mogul1985
8 months ago
All you need to know about the Democrats is Jewish Senate Major Leader Charles Schumer's (D-NY) reaction, or lack thereof, to the Pro-Hamas rioters/supporters at NYC "universities" and the number of pro-Iranian "professors" hired w/tenure at these colleges. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY) was also quiet as was Pelosi. Yet, Brandon is still fast to whip the SC "Good People" propaganda even to today.

The GOP also has some flushing to do. At least George Santos (D-NY) was booted out of the House, while Schumer "asked" Bob Menendez (D-NJ) to leave the Senate yet left him on committees with highly confidential briefings; of course Schumer had to know this POS Senator was as corrupt as they come. While Menendez is now an "Independent" he still votes the Dem Party line as a loyal tool. The douche bag even tossed his wife with breast cancer under a bus.
avatar for mogul1985
8 months ago
BTW, in case this was missed: Biden is now promoting term limits on SCJs. When the SC has 9-0 and 8-1 rulings, it's a tad difficult to see it as biased. Yet, the Dems never complain about The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (CA) that has had 80.3% of their rulings over-turned by the SC since 2007. That's a real call for replacing those "judges".
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
That’s not starting that’s just responding to a comment from another thread. Why do you give a fuck anyway?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Because you're being an obnoxious hypocritical troll.
Don't want me to say anything about it? Move it to PM.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ I don’t give a fuck, you want to be the center of attention, you’re doing more than a little bit of trolling yourself.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Then don't complain, gramps. I'm adding to the discussion, you're just shitting all over the place because TUSCL feuds are a disproportionate amount of your life. Touch grass.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ Sure thing sparky, you seem to be around all the time yourself.
BTW it ain’t feuds (plural) it’s a feud (singular) get it right at least.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Biden promoting term limits on Scotus is more of Biden on his knees, ass cheeks spread wide and some homo progressive sticking it in him.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Puddy Tat, you were 100% on target when you named 25IQ as an obnoxious, hypocritical troll. He is a demented narcissist and completely out of touch with reality. Don't waste your yime.talking sense to him. Just dismiss him as the toothless, witless, drooling, old loser he is and focus on people willing and able to have a meaningful conversation on here
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
And Biden is also a hypocritical asshole for going after the Supreme Court. I look at the lies and lawlessness from AG Garland and that McConnell that he never got a lifetime SCOTUS appointment.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
The TUSCL right wingers once again win the class act of the day award. Here are some of their fine contributions today.

douche bag
obnoxious hypocritical troll
hypocritical asshole
toothless, witless, drooling, old loser
homo progressive
avatar for motorhead
8 months ago
For what’s wrong with America? Let’s start with the northeast Ivy League institutions.

When blue haired college protesters wear t-shirts that say “Lesbans for Hamas” you know they’ve got on the crazy train. Stick to studying Fourier transforms and PDE’s
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Schools are part of it, but the common thread to the original post is the mainstream media continues the lies and indoctrination which really have been starting in grade school. It is just the current college generation which feels safe and protected enough to riot in support of terrorist organizations and against America. With the liberal commie professors and mainstream media functioning as stamped, certified indoctrination and propaganda arms of the leftist democrat socialist party, it very closely parallels the National Socialist party when they took control of the German government. To wit, many of skibum's arguments to beware of what comes next are pretty cogent. We need for the population to push back and defy the MSM as they have begun to dismiss and seek career training beyond colleges and universities.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
@motorhead - I don't think they're studying Fourier Transforms. More like indigenous bi-curious interpretive dance. LGBTQ for Hamas are chickens for Colonel Sanders.

@wld2cope - Add this to your list. When you're desperate, just go with the "you're not a nice person!" I've seen suicide notes less passive aggressive than you.

So much hurt progressive asshole on this thread. I'd suggest sticking to the front room.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Maybe the liberal media denying that their lies and vitriol caused an assassin to target Donald Trump is worst.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago

YOU'RE the worst......your viewpoints and cut and dry perspectives will pass with your generation. Puddy might last a few more years than you, but his time will pass as well. And the world will still continue.

Cubans will still be in the club. Conservatives, liberals, and independents will still continue to spend money on them. The Supreme court will not be able to help you with this. Trump can't help you with this. Biden can't help you with this. The media can't help you with this.

Only your wallet helps with this (or your money clip if you don't carry a wallet into the club). In fact, I want you to take your pants off gamm......can you do it for $40?

That is all.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
@jaybud - don't worry about me, sport. I've prospered during both parties.

It's a fact that liberals are more neurotic and less happy than conservatives. You might jump off a skyscraper before I'm eligible for suicidal security. Or at least make it to the sanitarium.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
Lol. Social security. You'll be the suicidal ones after this election. I see it already. Not good for your blood pressure.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
>>Maybe the liberal media denying that their lies and vitriol caused an assassin to target Donald Trump is worst.<<

Maybe you should use your own past criticism of the liberal media and put the blame squarely where it belongs, on the shooter.
You good MAGA folks always trot that out any time every time there’s a shooting and now you can say it again.
avatar for jaybud999
7 months ago

"It's a fact that liberals are more neurotic and less happy than conservatives. You might jump off a skyscraper before I'm eligible for suicidal security. Or at least make it to the sanitarium."

"... liberals are more neurotic..."

Uh hunh.

Or I might climb up on a roof with a long gun with some rudimentary explosive devices in my car....and proceed to get my face spattered.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Yeah, Democrat donors aren't in their right mind. He certainly wasn't MAGA.

Here's the study. Cope.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
^ you didn’t try to get it you just tried to change what I said.
I didn’t say the shooter was MAGA, he was just the dupe, what I said was every time there’s a shooting, your gang denies that anything they said was leading, your cult keeps trying to make it personal responsibility, so here you are, nothing anyone else said was the reason a deranged man took a gun and senselessly started shooting killing one and wounding a few innocent bystanders.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Think you were referring to someone else. "Senselessly killing one," you make it sound line he didn't go through the effort to shoot at the tightly guarded Republican presidential candidate. If he just wanted to rack up bodies he could have gone to the local mall.

I don't recall saying ordinary Democrats were responsible. We'll find out about his psychological state soon, but it's suspicious that they suddenly can't find anything about him.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Not sure why the minimum wage loser jaybud is making it personal. I can buy and sell him and his trick mother, then he can take it personally.

I said ordinary democrats are responsible, RINO liberals like 25 are responsible, communist liberals like book bitch are responsible. Common sense dictates that this Crooks guy would not have attempted to assassinate Trump if he hadn't been radicalized by the liberal media repeating false democrat party narratives. That's the truth, go ahead and be triggered because you can't handle it.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
^ You’re a riot boy, you’re making threads left and right and commenting nonstop nonsense, yet you’re calling me and others triggered, what a clown.
Sad to think you’re serious.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
Your idiot child did it again,

>> ordinary democrats are responsible, RINO liberals like 25 are responsible, communist liberals like book bitch are responsible. Common sense dictates that this Crooks guy would not have attempted to assassinate Trump if he hadn't been radicalized by the liberal media repeating false democrat party narratives. That's the truth, go ahead and be triggered because you can't handle it.<<<

He’s usually the first one to make the personal responsibility statement and here he goes, blaming everyone except the shooter.
Keep denying the truth it’s right above my post.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ well I'm not his mother, so you can take his statements up with him. Note the "I don't recall saying."
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^^ but if he's my child, I hope his mom had big tits.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
^ well you do keep defending the dope.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ your silly little feud. I'll call out whoever is behaving badly.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
I don’t see you calling him out, he practically accused me of being one of the reasons the shooter did this
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^he's expressing a point of view. You're slinging insults. The Puddy Tat will keep his claws and teeth clean.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Omg 25, you have the worst tiny dick syndrome ever and I am not the first to note that. If liberals, like you, could disagree without being disagreeable, the nut jobs, like Crooks and so many others, would not get riled up and cause such violence and mayhem. Is it the sole causal factor? Of course not. However, it is the most obvious contributing factor. Occam's Razor.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
^ you’re so easily manipulated it’s pathetic, if you weren’t so obnoxious I’d actually feel sorry for you.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Copying things I've already noted about you, again. Are you sundowning, or just lazy? Maybe 25 stands for your tiny 2.5cm penis.
avatar for wld4tatas
7 months ago
I had a pleasant experience with a Trump supporter today.

A hot Brasileira, easily an 8.5. I'd been with her once before, but it had been awhile. We were cozy bar side having a drink, with some flirty petting in all the right spots, talking about her small side business. At one point she somehow brought up that she likes Trump and doesn't like Biden. We kept talking and later in the convo she again came back to politics and asked if I liked Biden. Instead of wading into Trump vs. Biden, I just simply explained why I believe Democrat policies are generally better for the poor and middle class. She smiled with a hint of embarrassment and promised "no more politics!". Later in the VIP it was one of the most hardcore sessions I've had at this club. Full on DFK, BBBJ, FS and CIM finish. I won't hold her politics against her.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
@wld4tatas - I know a fair amount of Brasileiras (not strippers, through friends married to them) and a lot of them are diehard Republicans. They were Bolsonaro fans too. One posted on Facebook how Trump's ear wound was literally a sign of God's favor and anointing. Forget the verses but damn that's hardcore.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
^^^^He’s expressing a POV, and I’m slinging insults really @PT you must be dyslexic.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
Im not sure middle class benefits from democratic policies. They seem to help primarily the wealthy and the poor. So its perfect for the tech and finance bros, and also people making under 50k a year.

People have to understand some of the dumb or questionable stuff trump says, can at times be a tactic to attract a certain group of voters. Either religious extremists or racial extremists.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
It's key to note the Brasileira had a small side business. Small businesses are almost always going.to benefit more from Republican policies than democrat party policies, and no president has done more to help minority, female, and small businesses than Pres. Trump.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
@25 - are you really a grown ass man complaining that a third party won't take your side in an internet feud? Geezus.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
I don’t care what side you take, it’s obvious you’ve gone all in on the feeb. You seem to be looking for some drama, you’re not getting much traction on the other idiot, the dong something or other, so you're looking for some drama, all I ever said was don’t insult me by interjection, and I won’t throw shade in your direction.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
^an old man tries to use millennial slang and looks like a complete tool
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
@25 - lol what a victim you are. Thanks for making my point. Good luck on your internet feud here.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
Puddy tat you got owned by 25 my friend… he might be older .. but he can still whoop any younger guy any day
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ LOL OK AdolfPicoBrain
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