Still Donald Chump

He started off sounding like a human being that was actually touching. Then he got off the teleprompter and he started with his usual nonsense.
I wonder how much the DNC paid Melania to show up to give the illusion that the marriage is still strong.
I'm not a fan of CNN, but facts are facts. Those of you that watch Fox News... You may want to lookup what a fact is.
His rambling speech that took 6 months to finish was filled with his normal lies.
I'm curious how he would have stopped Russia from invading or how he can end the war in 24 hrs. Again no plan or strategy is ever mentioned.
Also, how he plans to drill his was out of rescission when America is currently the top producer in the world or how he will magically lower interest rates and lower home prices which is dictated by the federal reserve and the free market respectively. Trump should not be President and neither should Biden. Neither one of them will have the mental capacity to finish out a last term.…
I wonder how much the DNC paid Melania to show up to give the illusion that the marriage is still strong.
I'm not a fan of CNN, but facts are facts. Those of you that watch Fox News... You may want to lookup what a fact is.
His rambling speech that took 6 months to finish was filled with his normal lies.
I'm curious how he would have stopped Russia from invading or how he can end the war in 24 hrs. Again no plan or strategy is ever mentioned.
Also, how he plans to drill his was out of rescission when America is currently the top producer in the world or how he will magically lower interest rates and lower home prices which is dictated by the federal reserve and the free market respectively. Trump should not be President and neither should Biden. Neither one of them will have the mental capacity to finish out a last term.…
last commentAll Trump has to say is: growth, low inflation, controlled border, fewer international flashpoints.
You've got a long few months ahead...
I personally don't support Biden very strongly, and I'm on good record here saying I'm frustrated as heck with the Democratic party (for about two decades now!). But Trump ain't doing much to bring me along to his side.
Also hello Project 2025 run screaming
He's not really wedded to an ideology, except "winning," defined as getting more than he's giving up. Foreign, domestic, social, it's all the same. But he has this--low inflation, growth, cheap gas, peace and strength, a controlled border. He can hammer this and win. He got the fuck out of the way of the economy. He didn't try to push EV mandates before EVs were anywhere near ready. Now he can say he's going to remove those aspects of the government whose job it is to make life harder.
Biden had a natural rebound and threw gas on the flames of inflation. Opened up the border, and his putting some half-measures in the other month just says he knows it's unpopular and could have done this a lot earlier. Embarrassed himself in Afghanistan, funded Iran and Hamas. Russia, you can't prove Trump would have stopped it, but the undisputed fact is that Putin did not invade under Trump, yet he made moves under Obama and Biden.
He lost because of the worst pandemic in over 100 years, Biden could at least impersonate a functional mind in short bursts, and people were tired of his abrasive personality--and even there, he only won by a few thousand votes in swing states. In 2016 and 2020 he outperformed polls. Now, Biden is in free fall--you hear what he said about "the black guy" as Secretary of Defense and his mom wanting him to be Obama's VP because he was black? Good fucking gravy that's bad. And Trump looks like a mythical hero, pumping his fist with blood pouring out his ear. Even Zuckerberg said it's one of the most badass things he ever saw.
It also betrays two rots within the Democratic party. Both parties, but especially the Democrats, have oldsters holding onto power past their prime. If they had better--Harris, Whitmer, Newsom, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Moore--they would have pushed Biden out and run one of their young "stars." Instead they're headed for a War of the Roses-style primary.
The bigger rot, though, is the extreme disconnect between the party's donors and activists, and its rank and file base. If this was the Democratic party of Bill Clinton's day, no way in hell would Trump have the Teamsters Union head speaking at his nominating convention. Instead, they're focused on identity politics and climate change, and campaigning on fear of a riot from 4 years ago that doesn't affect anyone's lives and out-of-context "threat to democracy" nonsense when Trump wasn't a dictator in his first term either.
OP just vented the rant of a frustrated, impotent man.
Needs some titties and whiskey. Or porn and hand lotion.…
Trump does ramble too much. WTF? He’s winning- who’s coaching him?
He’s got the base. Win some people on the fence - don’t drone on with your usual rhetoric. Fucking stupid.
Donald On Who Wants To Be a Millionaire…
I just don't see that Trump has demonstrated any reason for me to believe Trump will do those good things. If he gets elected and then he will, in fact, do those things, like he says he will, and he has good plans for accomplishing those things, then yes, more power to him, I'm glad for him and for the country. I hope he would if he does get elected.
But, sadly, I don't buy it. He's lied his way this far, he's led an insurrection, Project 2025 makes clear what the real agenda is. He talks a good game, full of falsehoods, is my impression. After having listened to him and his verbal style, sentence by sentence tone, and over-all off-script rambling, I've got serious concerns about his mental stability. I've heard the shrinks say he ticks all the boxes for various disorders and now I believe them. I can't defend Biden, he may be too old, I'm not saying here that either is necessarily a better choice. I'm just indicating my distrust of Trump, based on past record and, now, based on present affect style and perception of psychological malady.
Example. I'm not averse to (f.e.) a bipartisan border deal, but Republicans have consistently squelched that idea, especially when Biden came up with one. If Trump will command his minions to vote in favor of their own bill, rather than (as he did) commanding them to torpedo it, then good, we'll get a bipartisan border bill. I would hope that this would happen, and I don't really care who gets the credit. I'm a "liberal" about immigration (I don't believe that there's a flood of criminals and drug dealers, f.e.) but I'm well aware that our border system is screwed up and needs significant congressional legislation to fix it. I simply do not have much faith that Trump will actually do this. I haven't seen anything that says "you can trust me to do those things", only things that say "this should be done" and "I'm an excellent choice to do those things."
So you see my conundrum. I'm not posting here to argue about who is better, I'm just explaining the single specific point that I don't trust that the good stuff will be done by Trump. Sounds great in isolation, spoken in advance; but hasn't made me believe he'll actually do it.
Sure sure they're all advertisers, they're all liars at heart, why would I distrust Trump more than any other choice? Project 2025, past record, insurrection.
Trump got the Abraham Accords going, progress no others have made in 70 years. He cut taxes that benefited the Middle Class more than the "1%" - this is from IRS data, you can look it up. He broke Iran economically. He stopped ISIS. He had an exit plan for AFG that Biden totally destroyed; having the Taliban provide "security" was like The Stones using Hell's Angels at Altamont on 100x worse.
Biden said no soldiers died on his watch. Really, tell that to the 13 Gold Star Families while you kept looking at your watch as the caskets were unloaded and you looked bored like a little kid, "Can we go now?"
BTW, Trump has nothing to do with "Project 2025". That is a Radical Right Wing Wish List, just as the Dems have their Bernie Sanders/AOC Radical Communist Wish List.
I found it quite creative that MSNBC did a Green Screen of the RNC while they sat in the NYC office acting like they were there. That was good, a "Cheap Fake" boy I'll hand it to them, they had people believing! Even that MSNBC Reporter who tried to get Don Jr talk about Caging and separating kids, Don's response was, "That was Obama", and the MSNBC said "No, it was Trump." Yes, Obama did that yet the MSNBC guy pressed it, and Don Jr just shooed him off and said "Go away." Even the photo that was used of "Cages" was pressed as Trump yet it was taken in 2014 under Obama.
Look, The Democrats act as a Politburo. They have no concern at all for "Democracy" as long as they can control it like a Plantation. They stacked the Dem Primary so only Biden would run and then changed up the order for states. No one started to say "Biden needs to go" until the Donors, Obama, Schumer and Pelosi green lighted it.
Obama is like a VCR with "12:00" flashing. The problem is, the Dems put him in and got him and Harris elected thinking "yeah, Kamala will be fine as she'll do as she is told. when she runs or takes over from Biden" Well, no one can understand her Word Salads, and she helped post bond for BLM Rioters and killers. She too is a hot mess they are stuck with. AND, she has like $80M of donations for Harris/Biden.
If the Dem Star Chamber decides they won't run her, wow, look for the screams of racism and misogyny.
The DNC now is like Igor in "Young Frankenstein" digging up the coffin of the Monster and saying, "Could be worse, could be raining." I give you the Dems/DNC Hurricane Brandon. This is priceless.
Melania is a good looking lady. And Ivanka is a smoke show.
Sometimes I let the hotness factor influence my common sense. I think Nikki is a smoke show. Next is Kristi Noem.and AOC might be a Marxist POS, she is looking hotter by the day
This can be a good thing where he's motivated to have good outcomes for key issues. He'll take the credit whether it was really due to him or not, but that can be tolerable if it's a good outcome like jobs, wage growth, security, energy, etc.
Where the problem comes in is his character. In order to win, we've seen time and again how he is willing to lie, deceive, and break the law in order to win. One need look no further than the long list of people who worked closely with him and have subsequently spoken out against him. And there is no greater example than Mike Pence. Just refresh on the events of January 6, what Trump and his team tried to do with Mike Pence, and how Trump reacted to the day's events including the chants of "Hang Mike Pence" (he chanted along).
Now, Trump and his supporters would like us to forget these things, to dismiss and invalidate the threat to democracy he posed, and is likely to pose again, now that he's completely surrounded himself with election deniers.
We just have to remember two words to understand what Trump is willing to do to "win": Mike Pence.
Project 2025 is a think tank idea that will never come to pass. Doesn't factor into my calculations.
As for lying, all politicians lie. CNN only cares about one side. Both lied about inflation but only Trump got called out on it.
Orange Man Bad won't win you the election when we have a full term of his to look back on.
Contrary to Trump's lies, he didn't build a great economy he inherited it. Under Obama, the unemployment rate came down from a high of 10% to 4.7%. Trump rode Obama's coattails down to 3.5%. The charts show it very clearly. Trump's only economic achievement he can take credit for are the individual and corporate tax cuts, which were a net massive giveaway to the rich. A chimpanzee in the Oval Office could have done the same job, and probably better, as we would not have exploded the debt to help the top 10%.
The 10th year of a recovery is a lot harder than the first. Obama and Biden got a rebound from a sharp deflationary event. A chimpanzee could have done that. Tell your Dem friends PLEASE run on the economy, on which Trump has much greater approval.
If Dems want to win they better ditch Biden and come up with a profoundly future facing vision. Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't working.
Why do you keep doubling down on a losing strategy?
That said, I think Trump is a bigger threat to limited government and the rule of law. He's saying our voting system is broken, but he has no real proposals to fix it. He just asserts he somehow knows he won. Combine that with his inaction after the violence began on January 6th. Kristallnacht was carried out by the Brown Shirts and by civilian Nazi sympathizers. The German police and military didn't participate, they were just never ordered to stop it. A government can take away people's rights, property and lives, without having a direct hand in it.
i'll pinch my nose and vote for the ego manic donald.
yeah. right.