Is Joe Biden going to be the Democratic nominee?

avatar for Muddy
Is it too late to change out?

I could see if he has a rough debate here coming up, he'll get some "mysterious illness" and have to step down. The polling is not looking great right now, why would they go ahead if they think they are going to lose.

Gavin Newsome. Record is bad but he can talk real well, tall and handsome. Has the balls to go on conservative media. Dangerous. But California plan is probably too far left for swing state voters.

Hillary Clinton. I would never count her out.

Michelle Obama. Never a politician, would she be ready in a few months?

If I was running the Dem party I just ask one of these moderate Dem governors to run. Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. Those guys could actually win.


last comment
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
They say they wouldn't want to back seat Kamala. Bad optics. But I think in this case just winning and staying in power is the one thing that trumps DEI.
avatar for ww
8 months ago
Why did you make this BS thread?

Unless the man succumbs to a serious illness, injury or, heaven forbid, death, he will be the nominee.

Case closed.

His debate performance won't mean a damn to being the nominee.
avatar for ww
8 months ago
And the reason why Biden was sought after to be the 2020 nominee was because he was the ONLY one that could challenge and win against Trump.

That still holds in 2024.

No other Democrat has a chance of beating Trump.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
@ww I respect that view but I just couldn't disagree more. They really don't want Trump to win. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
And I think Biden in 2020 was a wildly different option in back then vs. 2024. Voters thought they were getting something like Bill Clinton. Throwback democrat. When really they were getting AOC. I mean open borders is a pretty radical thing (in my view, open war against the American people but that's just me) plus this level of government spending that was already crazy in the past has been taken to the max.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Can't see how he stays in, even if he has a good debate. If that old prick wins, he won't make it even 1 year of the term, and the say hello to President Harris. That will make the Democrats look like fools and they won't win again for at least a decade.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
The problem is that Biden might still be their best possible option. When they were running polls of Michelle/Newsom/Whitmer/Harris/Biden against Trump, Biden actually performed BETTER than the others.

Would the DEI party tell a black female to get to the back of the bus, except for another black female? Michelle Obama has repeatedly said she didn't want to run, and Kamala Harris came in 5th in her own home state's primaries. Really, Trump would smoke Harris like a Cuban cigar. Unless they were to run that non-binary transvestite puppy-play clothes thief, they don't have anyone who touches more of their demographic orgasm boxes. Hillary Clinton, I have a better chance of fucking her in the ass tonight than she does of beating Trump.

But it wouldn't matter. Any Democrat would be controlled by the same group of donors, radical activists, and party powerbrokers. We'd only hear it expressed in a slightly more articulate fashion.
avatar for ww
8 months ago

Biden was the only one they could grab that had a chance to beat Trump and still is.

Of course, the Dems want to win, but they aren't winning against Trump with anyone else. Heck, the Republicans would have preferred anyone to Trump, but he beat everyone they threw at him.

And the people weren't picking Biden as something akin to Clinton. It was to piggyback off what he did with Obama.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
What a silly thread. He's AI generated, everything will be fine.
avatar for JamesSD
8 months ago
I love these "is the sky pink?" threads.

Biden is the nominee. He will win the popular vote by a huge margin and squeak out the electoral college.
avatar for jackslash
8 months ago
Biden will be the nominee. Trump is the convicted felon who needs to be looking for a cell mate rather than a running mate.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
8 months ago
You could’ve swapped the Farty Felon for Biden and made the same thread. Haley or Desantis would’ve beaten Biden by a mile. Only reason this election is close is we couldn’t get past His Magasty in the primary.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Ahh the popular vote, the last refuge of the Constitutionally ignorant and pretend americans. Massachusetts and Rhode Island both elected convicted felons to the governorship, although to be fair, in Massachusetts the Governor was still in jail at the time. Americans will have to avoid collapse and total failure in the next 4 years and by then hopefully Trump will be gone and the Republicans can go back to being the only pollical party for Americans.
The effect all of this will have on me? I will have to fail to declare more cash to make up for the huge tax increase coming in 2025, when the tax cuts expire for everyone who works and makes over $20,000.00 a year.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
Abortion is the only reason we're still talking about this. If not for Dobbs, the only debate would be if Trump clears 400 EVs.

Because Biden has to ask Americans "who are ya gonna believe, me or yer lyin' eyes?" (Or gas receipt, or grocery receipt)

No other Dem would do better since they're offering the same policies, some even moreso. Can you imagine Newsom?-- the campaign ads of "make America Oakland" would write themselves!
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
The only question to ask is not whether Biden will be the nominee, rather will Trump find some way to weasel out of tomorrow nights debate.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Trump wanted to debate. Team Biden put all the terms to advantage their guy and conceal his debility. Only question is if they'll have Biden so tweaked he'll have a coronary on stage.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ that’s really interesting and should be an interesting reason why Trump doesn’t show up.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Bless your heart
avatar for ww
8 months ago
What debate has Trump not shown up?

Dudes just like saying any old thang when it comes to politics.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ Bingo
avatar for rattdog
8 months ago
i'll throw this theory out there - trump also may take a dose of that diaper joe cocktail himself. of course the media will cherry pick clips of trump slurring some words, looking a bit loopy. reminds me of the ped era of baseball.

should these two take piss tests before and after their anticipated debate?
avatar for dustyj
8 months ago
Actually Biden did very well in his 90 plus minute address and since many people do not want a lying, rapist, business fraud who sold our country's secrets to foreign enemies, a guy who lied over and over about election fraud because he refused to accept that he obviously lost. Many Americans would crawl through broken glass to vote against a guy who blatantly obviously only cares about himself. People talk about Biden's age. Who do you think would win a race between Biden and Trump? Who could do more push-ups? Who doesn't spell like he's in first grade? Biden.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
8 months ago
I’m wondering if Trump will shit his pants mid-debate!
avatar for JamesSD
8 months ago
I'm pretty sure Trump will attend the debate, but is laying the groundwork to tantrum "rigged!" about the fair rules he agreed to.

It's gonna be a shit show. Trump has given some truly unhinged speeches lately.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Biden was a fucking stupid moron in 1988 and has deteriorated since then. Biden is also no different in Trump as he has groped plenty of women, but democrats like Epstein and Clinton paved the way for such conduct for as we know Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderick and Hillary Clinton had Vince Foster murdered.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
8 months ago

“Abortion is the only reason we're still talking about this. If not for Dobbs, the only debate would be if Trump clears 400 EVs.”

You and I are consistently on opposite sides when it comes to the Very Stable Genius but your statement falls into the category of “if my aunt had a dick she’d be my uncle.”

Of course Dobbs is an issue. Abortion has been a hyper voting issue since before we all were born and President 34 Felonies is taking credit for it. McConnell was the principal orchestrator of controlling the court appointments, but that’s another conversation. We’re here in a close race precisely because it’s a close race.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
@hank - I agree that it's an if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle situation. We could say the same if Haley or DeSantis were the nominee

But my point is that we're in a much different situation than 2020, and this wouldn't be much of a race if this one thing didn't happen.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
But I disagree that Trump is taking credit for Dobbs. He's been very cagey about it. The smart take would be that it's in its constitutionally-proper place in the states.

You might not like him (I'm a pretty reluctant Trumper myself), but you have to admit he's much more disciplined than he was in 20.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
The Democrat party is stuck with Joe Biden. If he drops out or cannot run for any reason, they will have to go with Kamala Harris. She polls and performs even worse than her boss
but she checks all the woke boxes that got her the VP slot in the first place.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
Checking boxes is all that there is to either major party any more. (I say this as an agreement with @gammanu95, not as an attempt at contradicting or arguing.) My personal politics are generally far Left of the USA's Center -- I would like the Scandinavian Model for our social services and taxation, for example, and sympathize with Europe's Greens generally -- but I am consistently driven to anger and annoyance at the ways Democrats simply cater to the woke crowd. Similarly, I think most traditional conservatives would agree, the Trump and MAGA movements are also catering to a crowd within the usual Republican category. Both sides are shoehorned by the more extreme element. Maybe it's time for a "moderate" third party. Recent third-party candidates have been more, not less, extreme in one of the two directions.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Hate Trump. Hate Biden. Hate anyone who thinks either is competent or deserving to be President. As a Mass. resident my vote for resident is inconsequential, but these are the reasons I will vote Trump: Obama and Biden' fucked this country with Obama's personal deal (not a treaty at all) with Iran and giving them money, which is 100% the cause of what is happening in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen; Buying student votes with taxpayer money, pretending Russia is a danger if Trump is elected, when Russia attacked Ukraine under his watchdog, Crimea under Biden's and no one under Trump, running away from Afghanistan is a cowardly manner and then saying he had no choice because Trump said he'd withdraw; the open border policy with Mexico allowing enough terrorists, gang members, criminals and welfare leeches in to destroy tgis country before the next generation attains the age of majority; oh and another one claiming inflation was an issue under Trump (it was 1.8% when Biden took office) and that he fixed it by letting it go to 10%, blaming supply side issues when it was his financial strategy that caused it (money give aways to the crud that makes up the base of the democratic party) and then taking credit for lowering it to 5%. Biden is an even bigger fucking asshole than that fucking asshole Trump. No matter who is the next President, the Federal government will remain the biggest enemy of the American people. Real Americans, not progressives.
avatar for dickdecker
8 months ago
Just like aging boxers, politicians always stay just one fight too many
avatar for drewcareypnw
8 months ago
I hate Trump. I don't like Biden. I'd vote for Romney or HW in a minute in this lineup. But Joe Biden is going to be the nominee, unless he is massively incapacitated. And I mean in a "can only blink once for yes twice for no" kind of way, not in the sense that he's a shadow of his former self. There won't be a secret campaign to get him to quit.

It *could* happen, but it ain't gonna happen.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
@book guy - we've PMed about this a little bit, but we can't make ourselves Scandinavia. These countries are much more ethnically homogeneous, much higher level of social cohesion, and generally a lot harder to immigrate to. There's a reason why the first universal healthcare system was instituted by Bismarck, who "made Germany great and Germans small." Also America has a MUCH stronger independent streak. It explains a lot that we were born as a nation of insubordinate gun nuts.

I also don't think Trump is ideologically that different from "traditional" conservatives. If anything he's back towards the pre-neocon strain that warned against getting entangled in foreign affairs.

The big Trump difference is temperamental. He's bombastic, a cad, an asshole (I doubt he'd even say otherwise in private), but he doesn't back down. He's not one of the wishy washy Republicans who's content to put up token resistance to the left. Even if he was born with a silver spoon up his ass and made his bones in Manhattan real estate, he doesn't tell the working class that they're backwards tards who don't know what's best for them. The wokes are bad, and probably the worst of them, but even mainstream Dems insult the working class (particularly the white working class) regularly.

@skibum - pretty much with you. I've gone from being a vocal Never-Trumper to donating A LOT to his campaign.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
8 months ago
You’re wasting your money dummy. Spend it on the stable of whores at the club instead.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
^Even if you don't have cable, the debate is being broadcast for free on most networks and radio news stations, so that statement does not hold water.

Now, if you had said that you are wasting your time listening to two demented old political hacks shouting, mumbling, rambling, and spittling all over the stage all over the stage on live TV for two hours, you would have been right. That said, I'll probably have it on in the background anyway, just to provide context for the analysts later.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
@hunny, hedging against a second Biden administration is money well spent.
Inflation + probably mandatory trans quotas in strip clubs.
I'll get fired and cancelled because I won't suck "her" dick.
avatar for funonthaside
8 months ago
Aren't there ballot registration deadlines in most states, after which candidates cannot be added to ballot?

I wonder what occurs if a candidate is added to ballot, then passes away shortly before election.

If Biden were to pass away, and is on ballot, and has more electoral votes than Trump, would the Democratic VP immediately become the President-elect?
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ according to the twentieth amendment to the constitution the vice president elect becomes president
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
^ What happens if Biden dies before the election? Then there is a serious legal question as to whether a dead person can be elected President. There is no doubt Harris becomes President after his death and serves out his term, but what about the new term? I find that to be a glaring hole in the amendment and wrongfully assumed there'd be some form of case law from which to draw a conclusion, or a parallel, but I was incorrect as there are no cases on the 20th amendment.
For the sake of the country I hope Biden doesn't go trick or treating on Halloween as it would be dangerous so close to the election to get such a sugar high.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Does anyone else think that his choosing Kamala to be his VP as an insurance against the 25th amendment despite the risk of her ascension to the presidency for more natural causes, to be the most callous demonstration of disregard for the welfare of the nation?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ It's up there, but his 10 million plus over he border is worst.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
"What happens if Biden dies before the election?"
I hope he dies right in the middle of the debate tonight.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Holy shit. What the fuck is this asshole Biden even talking about? He's done. He couldn't even explain how to screw in a light bulb.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
This debate was like Mike Tyson fighting Little Bo Peep.
avatar for doctorevil
8 months ago
Wow, watching MSNBC--even they are admitting this was a disaster for Biden.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Hahaha... No way he can finish his term as President. He needs to step down and be hospitalized. And America needs Kamala to show us how bad it can REALLY be.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
First female President! Whoo hoo!
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
And despite his poor delivery at times, Biden still won on substance.
avatar for rattdog
8 months ago
first prez debate ever that i've ever seen that had two commercial breaks. the fuck?
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
@wld4, yeah, you're right. This was a victory for Biden. Just turn on CNN or MSNBC and you'll see. I'm watching right now and laughing my ass off.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
I'd say Trump won on style. Biden on substance. Overall it was bad and nobody won.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Kamala interview coming up. Any thoughts on how she might respond to this disaster? Declare 25th? Fall on the sword, support him and bash Trump?
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Welp, it's the latter. Anderson Cooper is now debating Kamala about Joe's performance, and she's talking about the pathetic literal interpretation of "dictator on first day".
avatar for TheeOSU
8 months ago
'And despite his poor delivery at times, Biden still won on substance.'

LMAO! What else could we expect from the eternal kool aide drinking delusional leftist shill? the reincarnation of rumdummember?
why it's wild4testes whose definition of substance is the disjointed mumbling slurred gibberish known as biden speak!
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
Piss poor performances by both, Biden looks lost Trump looks like a creepy pos.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
^^ "wild4testes" Haha fuckin great. I don't think we ever used that one before!
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
CNN is openly saying they're in shock, and they think Kamala has appeal to American voters. Lol. Never seen this level of desperation. John King just said she's got "star power". Oh man, how pathetic.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 months ago
Lol, i've been calling him wild4testes for a couple years now. He loves me so much for it that he defiantly proclaimed that he was sticking his head in the sand and putting me on ignore.
Truth is I know he still reads my comments.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
It's like they're dying of thirst in the ocean and drinking the seawater.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 months ago

I don't know who john king is, but he sounds like he might just be wild4testes.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Haha. The Democrat party is imploding.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 months ago
Yeah but never underestimate their ability to lie and spin their way out of trouble and also the ignorance of half the American public to support them no matter what happens.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
^ good point
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Sleepy Joe gonna take a dirt nap.
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
"And despite his poor delivery at times, Biden still won on substance."

you guys are too much 😂😂😂
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Wld4cock: "Biden won on substance "
Jism Jill: "You did such a good job, Joe, you answered every question. Here's your participation trophy and a juice box"

Even CNN couldn't stop fact checking all of Joe's lies!
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
My wife said to me last night: Biden lost and Trump looked different in a creepy fucking way, so what 25 said should be the consensus. Biden won on substance? Apparently who is the dumbest most pathetic dumbfuck on earth is no longer in dispute.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
CNN reported Trump at 30 lies and Biden at 9. No contest who was bullshitting more.

Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate — far more than Biden…
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ I was laughing too hard at your first two words to read the rest.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
^ predictable lol
Gamma referenced CNN's fact checking so I posted their actual assessment. Why don't you help us out and point out where their assessment is off ? You won't find any robust fact checking tally on Fox News, I wonder why that is.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
Why don't you ask Gamma why he thinks it's credible? I just had a laugh that YOU think it (as well as other left shill outlets like NYT and WaPo) think something is true because CNN said so.

"Fact checking" is a marketing scheme for dying outlets to pander to their audience. Not a guarantee of objectivity, especially from an outlet who fired a CEO because he had the gall to move coverage back to the center. It's yet another spin outlet

Nor do I care what the left's all-purpose bete noire Fox News says, as I don't watch them either. Go ahead and tilt at that windmill, I don't care. I read a number of sources and decide what argument has the most merit.

You'll never catch me saying that Trump never lies--he speaks without regard for the truth, only for what's convenient, and only gets corrected later. I don't defend him as anything other than the main bulwark against the forces of chaos right now.
avatar for drewcareypnw
8 months ago
“ It *could* happen, but it ain't gonna happen”

Ok post “debate”, I’m going to say that it *should* happen. Biden is beyond fucked and so is this election unless you like making American great again. He should be allowed to order lunch much less the us military.
avatar for drewcareypnw
8 months ago
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
Well, this aged like milk outside on a summer day:

"Why did you make this BS thread?
Unless the man succumbs to a serious illness, injury or, heaven forbid, death, he will be the nominee. Case closed. His debate performance won't mean a damn to being the nominee."
avatar for motorhead
8 months ago
Yeah, I think Biden will still be the nominee. But I sure wouldn’t bet the farm on it.

I think there’s a chance the power players in the Democratic party watched the debate and whispered amongst themselves “we are fucked”. Sticking with Biden will guarantee a win for Trump. There might be a strong enough voice to force him to bow out.
avatar for drewcareypnw
8 months ago
Biden and co are proving what a bunch of lying chicken shit assholes they are.

* they had to have known how far gone he is, yet have covered it up until now. LIARS.

* 99% of the dems legislators are saying "we are backing Biden", pretending he can do the job, even though they know he is unfit. LIARS.

* the party is saying that the only person in America who can choose whether Biden will run or not is Joe. So, the decision whether or not we hand the country back to Trump with a new hall pass from the supreme court is sitting with one old man because he's "stubborn". CHICKEN SHIT ASSHOLES.

Every day dems delay in calling this pig a pig, they prove to their constituency that they are craven cowardly liars who don't deserve our votes. Dems are going to get what they deserve in November: a rout. Americans are going to get a 4 year shit show from a wannabe dictator, and the Dems had 4 damn years to prevent it by not being lying chicken shit assholes. But now, it's too late.

To be clear, I will still vote for this POS dem POTUS, I'd rather vote for my cat than Trump. But fuck these democrats. They don't deserve shit.
avatar for datinman
8 months ago
Let's play the "what if" game for a moment. Had Joe Manchin agreed to be the No Labels party candidate, where would we be at today? I certainly think he would have gotten high enough polling numbers that he would've been on stage during the presidential debate. Granted he's only two years younger than Trump, but having a lucid centrist as a third option would have definitely gained traction after that shit show of a debate. Of course, even if he managed to get the largest number of electoral college votes, he still would be unlikely to hit the magic 270. In which case the House would just appoint Trump anyway. (And oddly the Senate would have to chose between Biden and Manchin to be VP.) Still, I would vote for him in a heartbeat come November if I have that option.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Here's a what if: What if he refuses to pull out of the campaign, and he's removed by the party elites because of cognitive issues. We'll, if he's not fit to run, then it follows that he's not fit to continue his current term as President either. Haha. Dems have really dug themselves into a hole.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
This crackup would be more amusing if it didn't potentially leave us with 4 more years of an ever declining vegetable, or a laughing incompetent idiot like Harris.

I'm seeing a near even split from pundits, party operatives, and donors as to whether or not Biden should leave, but any political message board I follow it's 90% Biden has to go. The First Cunt won't permit that, and even if Joe is forced out against his will, it will cause a schism in the party and leave them with Harris, because the identity obsessed party could never push aside a black woman.

This will send waves down the ticket too, as the naked dishonesty of the Democratic party and liberal media is no longer debatable.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
The more I think about it, the Dems should not be allowed to remove Biden. Even if he's in a mental institution. They voted for him and they're stuck with him. It's like playing cards, you can't take it back. A card laid is a card played.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
^I would agree if we did not have the global rogues gallery like China, Russia, Iran, DPRK, ISIS, Taliban, and al-Qaeda looking to capitalize on our weak and feckless leadership.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
8 months ago
^ I agree with drewcarey 100%.

Yesterday afternoon, The NY Times published a piece citing an anonymous close advisor to Biden, or something like that. The source said Biden asked if he should withdraw. I took the fact that a close advisor was allowed to go to the press with that story as Biden floating a balloon to see what the reaction will be if he pulls out. I didn’t think it was possible before, but I think there’s actually a realistic chance he pulls out. Kamala hasn’t distinguished herself as VP and wasn’t doing well in the 2020 primaries so she’s not my first or sixth choice. I know nothing about Shapiro, but some combination of him, Newsome, Whitmer, Pritzker, Jefferies or Moore would give us the best chance to avoid another four years of Cheeto Mussolini.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
I'm a Republican and optimistic about our chances but there's no such thing as an election in the bag... as long as there's even a ghost of a chance for a Democrat to get elected I'd rather it not be Biden.

Xi, Putin, Kim, and Khamenei have to be licking their chops over attacking the US outside of President McVegetable's 10a-4p window of lucidity.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ I’d say more likely Putin, Kim, Khameni, and Xi, are more likely to be licking their chops over the prospect of a President who doesn’t believe his in his intelligence agencies and doubts his military commanders, but hey you guys keep pushing hard.
My opinion is my own.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
^and your opinion is 100% incorrect, not based in fact, and purely grounded in deranged "orange man bad" logic. Putin, Kim, Khameni, and Xi, as well as ISIS, the Taliban, and AQ, were either defeated or chose to remain dormant and wait out the Trump presidency. These are facts, not opinions. What data, if any, do you have to base your opinion on?
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Under Obama, Russia invaded Crimea. Under Boden Russia invaded Ukraine. Under Trump Russia invaded no one. Those re plain facts and failing to recognize and accept them is beyond ridiculous. It is reason number 4,829 of why I would never consider anyone identifying as a Democrat seriously.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ our resident dumbass never misses an opportunity to display his belligerent ignorance.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
my comment was addressed gammonu
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Except that @gamnanu is right. Under whom did those rogue states grow stronger? Obama and Biden, not Trump. The proof is in the pudding.
President Sundowning is a danger to America, more than anyone else in the race. He still has 6 months to get tested.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ what a silly little comment, gammanu doesn’t even know what an opinion is, he’s never expressed an original opinion in his entire history here on TUSCL, all he ever does is spout Fox News talking points and his posts are usually just a screed of ultra right wing nonsense.
But like I said my opinions are my own, you folks are incredibly indoctrinated by the maga bullshit.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ LOL you can't look at facts because you have a retarded little feud. Completely fact free comment. Weak.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ I don’t have any feud I just responded to a dumbass that instead of responding to my opinion with his own opinion, decided to insult me for having an opinion that wast approved by the dumbass
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Except he's right, all you have is Orange Man Bad. Your opinion is not based on fact.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ BTW you too have a similar problem you don’t have to agree with me IDGAF, but sniping at my opinion and misrepresenting what I’ve actually stated aren’t a very strong look for you either.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
Let’s be crystal clear, Donald Trump is not now nor ever will be an honest person, and he does not have the character necessary to lead this country no matter how many misguided people he manages to hoodwink.
I stand by this statement 1000%
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ I'm not asking you to like Donald Trump, just don't expect me not to call out bullshit. I'm not sniping, I'm saying it outright. I agree that Trump is an asshole but I see the alternative as far worse.

Under which presidents did Russia make territorial incursions? Barack "more latitude after the election" Obama and Joe "minor incursion" Biden.

Which presidents coddled Iran? Not Trump, who quickly droned the guy who attacked the American embassy. Obama's nuclear deal without verification and Biden under whom an American passport became worth a billion dollars.

Calling something MAGA is not a logical refutation.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ All I have is orange man bad according to you, basically the same insult as gammanu you just left off the deranged comment
I don’t care to engage in debate with someone who saw DJT leave a summit with Putin and say, ‘ I don’t he says he didn’t interfere in our elections, why shouldn’t I take him at his word’
That’s not the exact quote from Helsinki but it’s pretty clear he said words to that effect, we all saw it live at the news conference at the summit b
There’s plenty more just like that from ‘there were very fine people on both sides’ through ‘we won the election’.
Now I’m going to get my barbecue started I have about 30 friends and neighbors due to be here by 330-4 PM and I aim to have some good food, some liquor, enjoy my company, then watch the fireworks this evening
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Because it's true. "Because Trump" isn't an argument.
The summit doesn't affect my daily life--shit, I'd be shocked if we, Russia, and China WEREN'T intervening in each others' elections.
"Very fine people" is completely out of context and refers to the removal of statues. If you're going to cite that, at least be honest and point out where he said neo-Nazis "should be condemned totally"

Have fun barbecuing.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Translation: 25 has no facts or data to back up his foolish and wrong-headed opinion. Rather than try and debate, he goes straw man and attacks me. Bottom line: if you do not predicate your political opinions on the "orange man bad" starting point, you cannot find any logic or agreement on his arguments.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ you son are an idiot who thinks he’s smart, every post I make you respond to with an attack on me personally, it’s obvious to all what and who you are
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
Hahaha wow PuddyTat is still stuck to his seat, having to quickly reply to every post that doesn't fit his agenda. Perhaps he's being paid to post on internet message boards and not allowed to take a break.

Let's flip the question and ask - who has done more to strengthen NATO and diminish Russian power, Biden or Trump? No contest there.

Putin knows Biden is more of a threat. Trump has basically telegraphed he is willing to cut a deal, and quickly. This would almost certainly cede Ukrainian land to Russia. And provide more incentive for bad actors to plan their next move. For this reason alone, Trump is unfit to be leader of the free world again.

Obama showed weakness in the US response to Crimea. Trump was a one term president who just got lucky on timing, there's no evidence anything he did deterred anything. It's an unproven right wing talking point. Putin might have been thinking Dems would again be passive on Ukraine, but Biden has cleary disproven that.

From a forward looking perspective, it's clear which party will be a stronger world leader and defender of democracy.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
Damn, mashing that delete all alerts button.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
LOL @mild4facts - I thought you were on some international mongering paradise vacation. At least you must not be wasting much time with these moronic replies. Don't start what you can't finish.

Trump got NATO paying; Minor Incursion Biden got Russia into Ukraine, and is giving them JUST enough to prolong the war. He has a legacy of failure from Russia to Gaza to Iran to Afghanistan.

I know how you think because we're seeing a lot of it can't attribute ANYTHING positive to Trump so you come up with these bullshit rationalizations. Putin moved in Crimea under More Latitude after the Election Obama, and Ukraine under Minor Incursion Biden, but not under Trump, so Trump was "lucky." Did Putin decide, fuck it, I don't want Ukraine, under Trump?

Democrats are the party of weakness and diffidence abroad. They are concerned with being liked in Turtle Bay, Brussels, and Davos. But in AMERICA where it matters, Biden is MINUS-27(!!!) in approval rating! https://www.realclearpolling.c…
Of course you think you're somehow more enlightened than the rest of the American people, but to people using facts and logic, you're just a rationalizing idiot who's embarrassing himself here.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Lol @ 25. What happened to your "barbecue"? Even your imaginary friends abandoned you, rotflmao! Living rent-free in your head, all day every day.

Wld4testes is as full of shit as 25. There's no grand vacation. He just needed more time to get talking points from the DNC. Neither of them can just shut up and admit when they are wrong.
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
Came back here to relive more priceless quotes which have aged worse than Al Gore's "no more snow on Kilimanjaro" global warming prediction:

"It's gonna be a shit show. Trump has given some truly unhinged speeches lately."
- Trump was so poised and calm that the plan B talking points of "Biden won on substance, Trump won on style" had to get peddled.

"I’m wondering if Trump will shit his pants mid-debate!"
- From the looks of the way that mf'er shuffled off the stage at the end and had to get helped down a small step, I'm wondering if Biden shit HIS pants... tell me that dude doesn't have some diapers on. Just look at this:…

But look how nice he is, shaking the moderators' hands after it was over. What a nice guy. Just admit it, you don't like Trump because he's an asshole. You pretend it's because he's a criminal, but you know Biden is too and you turn a blind eye. Burisma, the "big guy" ... c'mon, you aren't really stupid enough to think Joe Biden is a some straight shooter lifelong politician from Scranton who has a clean nose are you? Vote for whoever tf you want to but at least admit what it's really about.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
My bar-b-cue was great, what did you do for the Fourth, sit home and sulk all night.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
Trip is good too, took a day off to recharge after 6 in 5 days. Have a bit of down time to check in here, but not a lot.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
Wow another immediate response from PuddyTat. He probably even has an alarm that goes off when he takes a bio-break, so he knows when he has to hurry back to his computer to post again.

Clearly lacking a good argument that Biden hasn't been strong on Ukraine, he pivots to a talking point that Biden caused the invasion, and some irrelevant nonsense about Turtle Bay and Davos. Here's what PuddyTat omits with his minor incursion talking point. First, Russia was already massing on the border by that time. Second, the White House issued a subsequent clear statement that the response to any Russian forces crossing the border would be swift, severe, and united. And third, Putin attempted far more than a minor incursion. Only a fool, or a low information voter, would conclude that Biden's statement had any impact on Putin's plans.

Trump gets some credit for getting NATO members to spend more on defense, but otherwise he's been a disaster for our Western alliances. Not only did Biden strengthen our alliances, but NATO members have continued to increase their defense spending since Biden took office.

PuddyTat is flailing with his weak and irrelevant counterpoints, that disprove nothing in my earlier post. When it comes to biased bullshit, he needs to look in the mirror.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
So much cope. I'm waiting for a girl in Desire, you're supposedly on some paradise international mongering trip but feel so compelled to defend the vegetable at 1600 Pennsylvania that you prefer arguing with me to "tatas."

Strong on Ukraine? Showing weakness everywhere isn't strong in anything, from groveling before the mullahs to humiliating us in Afghanistan. Now, our halfway response means Ukraine is out of military age men.

Again, you have no counter for the fact that Putin did not invade under Trump. I can just keep pointing that out and you have nothing to say.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
Anyone watch the prerecorded interview by George Stephanopoulos? I was surprised that he leaned into Biden pretty hard on the cognitive issue. One of Biden's push-back comments: "I'm the guy who shut down Putin." Haha, was that another joke Joe? Cause it was pretty fucking funny. When asked if he had watched the debate on video he said, "I don't think so." Lol.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Demented Joe publicly stomped on the hearts of the dozens of Gold Star families by denying their children were killed and wounded during his administration, including the globally embarrassing evacuation from the Taliban (let's not forget he impatiently watched the clock while their remains were being repatriated). Now, he is personally attacking decorated veterans in his own party:…

You cannot seriously boast about your love of country and veterans while trying to boost this jerk. It is mutually exclusive at a fundamental level.
avatar for motorhead
8 months ago
It’s looking more and more that there’s a chance Biden could step aside. The Republicans might end up regretting what they wished for. If Biden runs it could be a Republican sweep. If it’s Harris - even though any sane person realizes she is utterly unqualified to be president - every woman, every BLM supporter, every Gen Z and Millennial raised on CRT are going to turn out and vote for her.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Here are four simple salient facts: Russia loves it when a Democrat is President because they are weak. Ukraine destroyed under Biden. Crimea captured under Obama. Nothing happened at all under Trump. Simple facts and to say otherwise makes your opinion and statements here valueless.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
Russia became stronger under Trump, and weaker under Biden.

Now Putin is counting on a Trump/Vance win to cede Ukraine territory and help Putin win. What a shameful moment that will be for the US if that happens.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
^^ @wld4 - Everything is black and white to you simpleton progressive baboons. Ukraine wouldn't be in the position it's in if Trump was still President. Now the situation has devolved into an unwinnable conflict that will continue for as long as we keep supplying billions and billions worth of weapons. People on both sides keep dying, we get deeper in debt, and only Putin wins. I don't know why I'm bothering to argue with an idiot.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 months ago
^ Nailed it! wild4testes is a baboon that learned how to type but can't comprehend real life, truly shameful.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
"Russia became stronger under Trump, and weaker under Biden."

No. Skibum said it best, look under whom Putin invaded. Ukraine is getting ground to dust. They're running out of soldiers. Russia is far more committed to victory there than the west is.

Resuming aid to the Palestine death cult and funds to Iran is directly responsible for that situation. We also look piss ass weak in the Afghanistan withdrawal and against China. We have imported millions of criminals and terrorists over the southern border.

Obama and Biden have straight up given up our asshole to foreign enemies.

Trump/Vance 2024 to be stronger and respected in the world.
avatar for motorhead
8 months ago
I’ve just watched the convention off and on. But the future sure looks bright for the Republicans. I thought Vivek, Kristy Noem, and Vance all have nice speeches.

Not sure if I’m allowed to say this since Trump’s granddaughter is in 17, but she’s a cute one
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
On the wires this morning: "President Biden may decide to drop out of the presidential race as soon as this weekend, according to several top Democrats who believe the rising pressure will persuade the 81-year-old."…

As usual, those so blinded by your own biases couldn't see just how frail this old man was. People in his own corner begging him to leave. The hubris to think you know the future and mock those who ask legitimate questions...

"I love these "is the sky pink?" threads. Biden is the nominee. He will win the popular vote by a huge margin"

I hope he stays in the race, but is the sky looking a little more pink now?
avatar for RonJax2
8 months ago
This news also just dropped:

Obama tells allies Biden needs to seriously consider his viability |…

And the other tea leaf is the DNC postponing the virtual roll call vote. Which gives the party more time to maneuver on a replacement candidate.

I think it was another thread I said this in, but my prediction has always been that Obama would be the one to tip the scales. I thought it unlikely that Biden would drop out last week, now I'm thinking it's likely with Obama weighing in. I think the two of them do have a solid relationship and Obama is one of the few people that has the gravitas to actually make a sitting POTUS listen.

Betting markets have the odds of Biden dropping out at 67% right now.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ Wow. Polling odds have Trump 63, Harris 17, Biden 11. Biden's bump due to the assassination attempt distracting the party didn't last very long.

Doesn't help that he seems to stumble over words every appearance.

I don't think Harris improves their odds much, though. She came in 5th in her home state.
avatar for RonJax2
8 months ago
FWIW, I'm much more skeptical of betting markets than I am of poll-based models.

538's model right now has Biden at a 54% of winning.

Nate Silver, 538's founder who has since left and has his own model (that you have to pay for), gives Biden a 30% chance of winning. Though I don't like the news Nate carries, I have more faith in his model than that of his former colleagues. Nate knows his shit.

The problem Trump faces is he has a very low ceiling, due to a number of liabilities, such as Roe, a felony conviction and attempting to overturn the last election. He has a very energized base but that alone won't be enough to prevail in November. If there's a high turnout election, he'll lose. His best hope is that Biden stays in the race and Dem enthusiasm is low.

A new candidate, whether it's Kamala, Newsom or someone else will be a game changer. Watch if this happens, suddenly Trump's age will be a seriously liability, and every week will be shark week.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
It seems RonJax2 clicks to Drudge Report as well.…

It is over. Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and even Obama now have told Biden he cannot win. Stick a fork in him. He had a chance to step aside honorable, and now suffers the shame and indignity of having been told to move out of the way. The original post has been answered "No." So who takes over? Whitmer and Newsom are nationally unpopular. Everyone knows the wicked witch of the north shut down her own state and wanted Michigan state police to arrest people just for leaving their homes. Newsom got his ass handed to him by DeSantis, and even his own in-laws publicly boasted of quitting CA for FL. If they drop Harris, they will lose 80% of the black female vote. This is quite a pickle.
avatar for funonthaside
8 months ago
Now that Pelosi and Schumer are putting on the pressure, Biden will soon withdraw. I would be curious to know if he really does have Covid....there is speculation he is using that as an easy way out.

He can barely walk, and looks stoned most of the time. The only reason I can think of that Jill and Hunter want him to continue is so that he dies in office, so he gets more attention.
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
@RonJax "The problem Trump faces is he has a very low ceiling, due to a number of liabilities, such as":

"Roe" - he supports the 3 exceptions and has stated multiple times he will not support a federal ban. keeps abortion status quo, nothing rocking the boat here.
"a felony conviction" - nobody cares
"attempting to overturn the last election" - even fewer people care. it's been 4 years, what's next, going to call the russia hoax a liability?

"A new candidate, whether it's Kamala, Newsom or someone else will be a game changer. Watch if this happens, suddenly Trump's age will be a seriously liability, and every week will be shark week."

RealClear shows Trump +4 vs Harris, but that was before they tried to kill him, so I expect that would be a wider margin today.

Trump's only 4 years younger than Biden but he seems about 20 years younger. Compared to Harris/Newsome he'd obviously look older, but I haven't even seen dems try to paint Trump as "old guy" yet. It would be a bad move to label someone as "old" while they told us all how capable a walking corpse was for 4 years.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
@RonJax - I know we're going to disagree on who's better for America. Let's put that side.

Trump has a low ceiling but as Biden has stumbled, he has built on his lead and has crazy momentum right now. He regarded as a hero, even divinely protected, after the assassination attempt. Even left commentators said the Republican convention is suffused with enthusiasm and optimism. JD Vance wasn't my first choice but he's putting a younger face on the GOP, and is going to make Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan even harder for Democrats.

Moreover, Trump, despite leading the average of polls, has outperformed his polls in the last couple elections and has a couple points natural advantage in the electoral college.

Dems are in quite a predicament. Harris was chosen for having the right skin color and gonads. Uncharismatic and owns the administration's greatest fuckup, the border. But if they push her out, they'll anger the intersectionality party, not to mention lose campaign funds.

Newsom loses handily as well. All the Republicans have to do is run clips of crime and urban blight in California. America doesn't want to be California, the moving data says it all.

The issue isn't Biden's age, it's his mental capabilities. Trump just showed brass balls in the assassination attempt. He hasn't magically aged since the debate.

In short, none of the trends favor the Democrats right now. If they want to win, Democrats need to coalesce around one person, greasing palms if they have to. And put forth some kind of alternative vision. Trump fear got them where they are now, behind, in chaos, and failing hard in damage control. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Trump couldn't have wished for better enemies. Talk about the devil's own luck.
avatar for Studme53
8 months ago
Will he be the nominee ? - I was dubious about him stepping down but news today says he’s considering it.
Magic 8 Ball went from “Reply hazy, try again” to “As I see it, yes”.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
>Ukraine wouldn't be in the position it's in if Trump was still President.

LOL It's pure right wing fantasy to think Trump would have deterred Putin in a second term. I'm going to spend even less time than you did, arguing with an idiot.

Speculating on the past is ultimately a waste of time. What matters is where we are now and what happens next. Ceding Ukrainian territory to Russia will not make the US respected again, just the opposite.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
>Simple facts and to say otherwise makes your opinion and statements here valueless.

Here's a few more facts:

- Under Trump, the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6% to 6.3%.
- The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
- The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
- The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
- The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997.
avatar for misterorange
8 months ago
@wld4dogshit - I could have fucked your mother but her pussy was so infested with roaches and maggots I almost puked, so I did it with your sister instead. Your mom collected a fee of 10 bucks, and I still felt like I got ripped off.
avatar for mike710
8 months ago
Fauci forcing an economic shutdown that lasted for months was a convenient way to kill the economy before an election.
avatar for mike710
8 months ago
For those that want proof. Here it is.…
avatar for motorhead
8 months ago
Ya know the Democrats are in trouble and grasping at straws when the best criticism of Trump that CNN can come up is that Trump went off script without using the Teleprompter

Biden couldn’t give a 10 minute speech without staring unblinking at the teleprompter.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
"LOL It's pure right wing fantasy to think Trump would have deterred Putin in a second term."

It's pure left wing blindness not to notice he didn't invade under Trump like he did under Latitude Obama and Minor Incursion Biden.

What are you willing to sacrifice to drive Russia out? How many trillions of dollars? How many American and European lives, since the average Ukrainian soldier is middle aged and so many military aged men have fled the country? Numbers, please.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Trump campaign: Candidate gets shot in the head. Gets up, rallies crowd. Just days later, accepts nomination at Convention with heartfelt 90-minute speech.

Biden Campaign: Gets sniffle and goes home.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Milwaukee, WI, July 19, 2024: "WE LOVE TRUMP! WE LOVE TRUMP!"

Meanwhile, in Delaware: "Joe, no one likes you, just drop out already."

avatar for rickdugan
8 months ago
The Dems have clearly entered the bargaining stage of the 5 stages of grief. They are still clinging to the belief that, after all of this, they can still push Biden to resign. LOL.

Time is on Biden's side. The DNC has made it clear that they will conduct the virtual delegate roll call to nominate Biden no later than August 5th in order to avoid potential legal complications in Ohio. All Biden has to do now is sit tight for two more weeks.
avatar for Studme53
8 months ago
I have friends in the Delaware State Police who say there are a ton of skeletons in Biden’s closet and that Jill actually can’t stand to be in the same room or car with him.
avatar for wld4tatas
8 months ago
>It's pure left wing blindness not to notice he didn't invade under Trump

Of course I notice that. You are blind if you think I don't.

But nobody knows what Putin's plans were for 2016-2020. Russia had just annexed Crimea in 2014 and it's very plausible Putin was solidifying a new base before moving to his next phase. How do you know Putin was definitely planning to invade again in 2016-20 but Trump got elected and deterred him? Are you psychic? Anyone who states this as a fact is detached from reality.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
^ I know you noticed it, but you seem to downplay it. We know when the invasions happened and when they didn't. Putin always wanted Ukraine, he didn't just stop during the Trump years.
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
"I'm not blind, you're blind". How pathetically juvenile.

Of course, the democrat party and their liberal shills downplay and ignore how weak they are on national security. They let our foreign enemies run amok inside and outside our borders, while making up domestic "white nationalist" boogeyman campfire stories and fabricating criminal charges against their political opposition.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
Looks like I called it here
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
7 months ago
@Studme interesting about Jill disliking Joe, and skeletons, would like to know what the rumors are. Not confirming or denying, just curious.
avatar for gammanu95
7 months ago
Brandon quit, and not by his own choice. The whole of the democrat party apparatchik forced him to suspend his campaign. The former Speaker, the House minority leader, the Senate majority leader, an independent who caucuses with the democrat party, all of the donors, the leading liberal media shills and regular representatives and senators galore united to force him to suspend his campaign. But you cannot honestly state that Joe chose this. He has been forced, even coerced, to quit his campaign. And, best of all, he's forcing them to run with Kamala.
avatar for twentyfive
7 months ago
The real question here is whether the Democratic Party give the nomination to Harris, the rest of this is if she doesn’t get the nomination, who can inherit the apparatus that will be necessary to get out the vote over the next few months The good news here is that Trump doesn’t have a guaranteed coronation. The likelihood of Trump winning the election just dropped by 15 percentage points.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
I'm thinking he got quite the consolation prize to drop out. Probably involved Jill getting Air Force 3.

Now we have Harris who came in 5th in her home state and owns the border fiasco. This is going to be interesting.

Trump/Vance 2024, bitches.
avatar for motorhead
7 months ago
I was looking forward to the Vance / Harris debate. He would have destroyed her.
avatar for motorhead
7 months ago
She didn’t do well 4 years ago.

Fox News called her an extreme radical liberal
The NY Times called her a moderate

4 years later I’m still not sure who she is. She doesn’t seem very smart but I’m afraid she could make a race out of it just because she gets DEI votes even if the far left viewed her 4 years ago as a law and order centrist.
avatar for funonthaside
7 months ago
Don't the first sign of Cumula potentially succeeding at becoming the first female President, the Clinton clan will make her disappear.
avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago
@wld4tatas thankfully, many on the left are not as disingenuous as you. You willfully misrepresented the facts.

"- Under Trump, the economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6% to 6.3%."

Unemployment numbers were historically low under Trump's first 3 years, and then this thing called "Covid" hit which is the sole cause of that spike, and you know it.

"- The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997."

And in 2021, 2022, and 2023, it was higher than it was in 2018 or 2019. Under Biden it's been worse. But unlike you, I don't suck political dick, so I understand that there are many variables here, and that a single person can't be blamed for a murder rate, so I'm not screaming at Biden for everything wrong with America.

I can be objective. Your point about going further into debt is true. In fact, the only spender bigger than Trump is Biden. But you're either stupid, or just plain misleading. I understand stupidity, but intentionally misrepresenting facts is real bush league shit.

So which one is it, you fucking prick?
avatar for wld4tatas
7 months ago

Guess you missed the point, dopey. Those are not figures I usually cite, but they were in response to others repeating right wing talking points out of context. Of course context is important. If someone wants to pin all the Covid-related issues that happened under Biden on Biden, then one should equally pin all the issues that happened under Trump on Trump. Fair, no?

This post did have out of context facts but was in jest, which you missed. Let's see if you're willing to call out similar posts from the TUSCL right wingers. If you can't, then I will conclude you are biased.
avatar for WiseToo
7 months ago
The Dems had to get Biden to step down now. It's well known Biden criticized Netanyahu's handling of the Israel-Hamas war. And Netanyahu could help Trump by making Biden look bad when he addresses Congress in two days. With Biden out of the running, that risk is minimized.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
7 months ago
Biden got 81 million votes in 2020 but 80,999,997 were votes against Trump and really had nothing to do with Joe. This time, even Joe and Jill will vote FOR the democrat nominee. They lose 1 vote now that Hunter is a felon.
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