
Trump's VP is chosen

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
JD Vance.

Not who I would have gone with,



  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    Argh. Mini me. Adds nothing to the ticket, no significant accomplishments, no demographics, no states. This is an unforced error.
  • apieceofsausage
    3 months ago
    Seriously strange choice. I don't think anybody was particularly gunning for this guy to be the pick.
  • TheeOSU
    3 months ago
    Vance hasn't been a senator for long but from what I've seen of him, I like him but I'd rather have him stay in the senate for now. Trump will likely win Ohio anyway and i don't see Vance helping him much in other states.
  • crosscheck
    3 months ago
    To me, this was his worst possible pick for VP. I said to someone yesterday that after the assassination attempt, I was sure that he was going to pick Vance. After brushing with his own mortality, he went with the guy whom he is most sure if something happens to him, will govern in the manner that Trump will, as opposed to someone like Burgum, Youngkin, Rubio etc. that would have likely governed more moderately than Trump.

    He will not appear to undecideds much at all. Trump had a chance to reach out here and try to widen the net a bit and instead chose to throw red meat to his base. Again.
  • Muddy
    3 months ago
    It was never gonna be Glenn Youngkin as some were saying. He might be the leading candidate for 2028 for the GOP but for VP he’s really tall. Orange people are sensitive to having tall people near because Umpa Lumpa comparisons. Trump was not allowing that.
  • Muddy
    3 months ago
    I would’ve went Tulsi or Donalds personally but I see why he went Vance. Get somebody from the rust belt who can appeal to folks near the Great Lakes. He needs Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    Bottom line, most people don't vote based on the VP.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    Tulsi? Why? Longtime progressive Democrat. I don't trust recent converts.

    I would have preferred Youngkin, Stefanik, or Scott.
  • gammanu95
    3 months ago
    I simply do not feel that Senators have the appropriate experience to be Chief Executive. I like to see former governors who have demonstrable track records and leadership experience. The two worst presidents in history came from the Senate: Obama and Biden.
  • dickdecker
    3 months ago
    Good choice, young, Smart ( Yale Law School) swing state, appeals to the working class ( from his backround) I hate Trump and his politics but I gotta give it to him he know what hot buttons to push with the voters
  • motorhead
    3 months ago
    I’ve lived in Ohio for 3 years now and quite honestly I don’t know a lot about Vance. In the 2022 elections he dominated the state except for the urban areas and the college towns. Looking at the election map, it’s a microcosm of the US. The whole state is red except for dots of blue in the high population cities.
  • whodey
    3 months ago
    Odd choice given his previous "Never Trump" stance before converting to a Trump supporter a few years ago. I expect at least one PAC will be running ads full of Vance's past comments on Trump before the convention is over.

    Trump was already going to win Ohio, maybe Vance helps in nearby swing states like Pennsylvania and Michigan. His "Hillbilly Elegy" background and Marine Corp service (though non-combat role) could appeal to to some voters who see Trump as a rich elitist. However his background also invites the same type of attacks based on his family's long history of heavy drug use as Biden has dealt with over Hunter.

    In the end, I don't recall many people ever saying they were convinced to vote for a Presidential candidate based on their running mate. I do however recall some that hesitated to vote for Biden because of Kamala and for McCain because of Palin because they didn't want either of them to take over if the elderly man they were on the ticket with kicked the bucket while in office.
  • twentyfive
    3 months ago
    >>Not who I would have gone with,<<

    You notice that neither Trump or anyone in his organization asked for your advice, and why would they?
  • crosscheck
    3 months ago
    For all who are saying that the VP pick doesn't make much of an impact, that very well might usually be the case, but as far as I am aware this is the first time in the history of this country that a nominee for President has named their VP nominee days after an assassination attempt, thereby highlighting precisely how important a VP could potentially be. We are in uncharted waters right now.
  • jaybud999
    3 months ago
    On a much more serious note: his wife, before the three children....freshman or sophomore year of Yale....you know you'd put up $20-$30 for a floor dance.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    @crosscheck - I think the people who say the VP pick doesn't make much of an impact, it's usually because their guy made a bad one. Pence helped Trump. Palin hurt McCain. I don't think Vance is going to hurt Trump but he won't help him like any of the ones I mentioned would have.

    @jaybud999 - Feed us those delicious liberal tears!
  • gammanu95
    3 months ago
    The Donald has confirmed that he chose Sen. Vance because he wanted someone he felt would continue the same policies of American greatness and American First that underpin MAGA, should Trump be unable to complete his term. I can respect that thinking, and I can begrudgingly accept Vance's explanation for the evolution of his opinion about Trump. In 2016, Trump was not my pick until he won enough primaries to cinch the nomination. After the nomination, I was all in to beat Hillary, but not all in on Trump. Then Trump turned out not to be a good president, but to be a GREAT president who went about fixing problems as far back as the Clinton Administration! That's when I became pro-Trump.

    I think Vance took his criticism of Trump too far, and said some things that I would not have forgiven. Of the final front-runners for VP, he was as good as any, though. Maybe Vivek could have been better. No matter, the die is cast.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    ^ Vivek should be in his cabinet.
  • captainfun
    3 months ago
    I know nothing about his politics but he punched above his weight in the wife department
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    ^ Usha Vance is rather easy on the eyes. Not a goddess but I'd definitely smash.
  • captainfun
    3 months ago
    For sure on Usha. She reminds me of many cute Indian women that I’d ever seen at work conferences over the years that I’d love to bang. lol
  • jaybud999
    3 months ago

    C'mon clown, I don't actually give a shit about politics. I'm just here to fuck around with the demographic that thinks "this side or that side" is the problem.

    So, you WOULD try for extras with her right?
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    ^ LOL, if you don't give a shit, you fooled everyone.
    I would, if available. Indian strippers are fucking rare though.
  • wld4tatas
    3 months ago
    I am pleased with the VP decision.
  • jaybud999
    3 months ago

    I've been looking HARD for an Indian dancer.......unicorns!

    I'm getting ready to do my annual 3 day run in Vegas......I'll be looking!
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    @jaybud - only place I ever saw one was in Niagara Falls. Think there are a lot around Toronto. Some recent review said they saw one in California. Someone else mentioned a Pakistani dancer around Chicago. For a while there was an Indian dancer here who danced at a club in northern Mass. Wasn't an extras club though.

    Fucking A, they're so rare that we have to discuss individual sightings of them.
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    Elon Musk pledged $45,000,000 to Trump super-pac.
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    Oh wait, I almost forgot, that's $45,000,000 A MONTH!
  • motorhead
    3 months ago
    Watching Kristi Noem - gots to wonder why she wasn’t the nominee
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    ^ The dog thing. In some people's mind it's one step away from twisting the heads off kittens. Very stupid to put that in her book. Clearly no political instincts.
  • mogul1985
    3 months ago
    $45M/month from Musk is really interesting. Trump did a 50 minute, unscripted, podcast with All-In - Silicon Valley Billionaires who are not exactly even Right leaning. All-In offered same to Biden, no response; Jimmy Fallon is more his speed.

    This has been one the oddest, craziest political 8-years that I can recall. trump had 0 (gov't) political experience when he ran as 45th, and was vilified enough by Dems they brainwashed someone to try to assassinate him. One whack job even tried to assassinate SCJ Kavanaugh. Being a billionaire real estate developer does mean you deal with politics, just not as an elected one.

    JD Vance has no political experience, 18-months as a Senator. May take is, I'd rather this than an "experienced" politician, we've had enough of those assholes for way too long.

    From "John Carpenter's The Thing": MacReady: "Why don't we just wait here for a little while........see what happens?" Get plenty of beer and popcorn ready.
  • goldeneagles9
    3 months ago
    The toothless wonders who dominate the rural areas and the low income south have no idea of the polices they are actually voting for when they cast their vote for Trump. You really can't live on God.... The Bible is fiction and tells the story of a cult. No one ever parted the Red Sea or built an ark for animals. Guns.... I guess to protect their 600 ft square foot shack with a litany of car parts in the front yard.... Country..... It really does not exist any more. Let's vote republican so your daughter can't get medical attention for a toxic pregnancy. Let's vote republican so the health care they currently have will be taken away from them because the local supermarket does not have health insurance for their employees. Let's vote republican so I can't collect their social security that they have collected working minimum wage jobs their entire life. Let's vote republican so we can have lower taxes by cutting the very public schools that they send their kids to get an education who later tell those kids to drop out and get a job. Let's vote republican so I can continue to work a non union job because I will make more money than the guy next to me because I work harder than him or her. A convicted felon, a liar, a cheater, an adulter, no morals, someone who was an outcast in NYC affluent circles because he only has the illusion of money, no wonder he appeals to individuals that have nothing, he is just like all of them.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    ^ Growth, low inflation, strength abroad, controlled borders, none of this woke shit... and as you so ably demonstrated, complete contempt for them. You're going to have a lot of soul searching come November.
  • whodey
    3 months ago
    "Let's vote republican so I can continue to work a non union job because I will make more money than the guy next to me because I work harder than him or her." You must suffer from the same dementia that Joe has if you don't think that someone who works harder should make more money than the slacker next to him.

    As for God and the Bible, each person is free to believe whatever they want about religion. Not only is that a tight protected by the 1st Amendment, it is just common decency not to try to force others to share your beliefs.

    Guns, they protect more than just someone's property. They protect our lives, they protect our family, they protect our family and they protect our rights.

    Country, you're right the country isn't the same as the one that we remember and love thanks to the socialist agenda of people like Biden and Obama. That doesn't mean we shouldn't work to bring it back to what it should be. I think you may have even seen some red hats with a slogan about the issue.

    No Republican would want to prevent their daughter from getting proper medical care when she is pregnant or any other time. I assume you are referring to abortion, which isn't medical care it is murdering an innocent child. Instead we prefer to teach our children that sex has consequences including pregnancy and that they shouldn't do it if they aren't ready to handle those consequences. If they do end up pregnant and don't want to raise the child, there are options. Either a family member will step up and raise the child or an adoption agency can help find a loving family for the child.

    Health insurance, nobody is trying to take away your ability to get health insurance, we just don't like the government mandating that everyone has to buy it. If you want it and your job doesn't offer it either get a different job or buy it yourself from one of the companies that have always offered to sell it to anyone that wants to buy it.

    Social Security, again nobody is saying that you shouldn't be able to choose it if you want it but again don't force it on everyone. Let people decide if they want to put their money towards Social Security or a different retirement investment strategy. I always find it odd when Democrats say Republicans want to take away Social Security when one of the largest Democratic voting blocs (Teachers Union) doesn't use Social Security and instead uses their own retirement system. I guess they feel they are entitled to a better system than other are allowed.

    Yes let's lower taxes, including those that go to schools. This can be done without having an effect on the core education of the students by eliminating unnecessary administrative bureaucracy and cutting tax payer funding for unnecessary clubs and extracurriculars. The closest thing I have seen any Republican say to your bit about "tell them to drop out and get a job" is that not everyone needs to go to college because there are plenty of well paying careers that don't need a college degree or the debt and liberal brainwashing that comes with it.

  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    Nice to see a dumbfuck impotent bigot like Goldeneagles spewing to remind me that progressives are worth as much as a dirty, semen-stained mattress in a dumpster.
  • rickdugan
    3 months ago
    Trump had no choice but to pick somebody relatively unknown. He couldn't exactly pick anyone who ran against him in a primary. Every insult and criticism that was leveled by that person against Trump during the primaries would be regurgitated in Biden campaign ads and by Biden's cheerleading squad, otherwise known as the mainstream media.

    So J.D. Vance it is. He doesn't add a ton, but he doesn't hurt either. It's also believed that, given his background, he might be able to help the campaign in some of the swing states - namely PA and WI.
  • mogul1985
    3 months ago
    @Goldeneagles: go ahead and spew, rant and cry that 4-years of Trump will improve your life. The threats we have to America are: Mass Migration to change America import 3rd world people you become a 3rd world country; DEI; Progressive/socialist planks; appeasing evil gov'ts like China, Russia, Iran; expanding gov't power and control; Lawfare to take out those that are a "fly in your progressive ointment"; higher taxes; more control over your life; giving away American Taxpayer money to countries that use us as a piggy bank; a worthless UN; and bowing/capitulating to other countries that want to dominate.

    THIS is this direction that those who control the WH and Congress are taking us deeper into. Do you honest think that Biden is more than just a Tool that does what he is told? Besides his corruption with Bagman Hunter selling his daddy's influence, what policies has he signed to actually help Americans; shuffling student loan debt to the National Debt/Taxpayers' is just moving deck furniture on the Titanic.

    As far as JD Vance goes, we'll see. In 4 years he may be a nothing burger. Keywords are may be. We'll see.
  • gammanu95
    3 months ago
    Ge9 cannot possibly be dumb enough to believe all of the CNN and MSDNC lies he just regurgitated... can he?
  • goldeneagles9
    3 months ago
    @ g95 @ m1985

    Who is crying? Maybe if you had an income you would realize the Republicans are the ones that raise taxes. What rights have Republicans given us? I can name a whole litany of things they have taken away? Ask people who are in Florida, just because there is no income tax does not mean there are no taxes. Clearly you are one of those kids that dropped out of school to work at the supermarket.
    BTW I forgot he is also a rapist. Republican or Democrat the office og the president should be filled by someone who can act in a dignified manner. I don't watch either one of those channels but you may want to stop watching Fox News. Even Hannity sent his kids to public schools and everyone who works there had to get a covid shot.
  • whodey
    3 months ago
    Goldeneagle9:"What rights have Republicans given us?"

    Why don't we start with the biggest one, the right to not be owned as slaves. That was a right brought to Americans by a Republican named Abraham Lincoln.

    How about the right for women to vote? The Republican Party led the way for women's suffrage.

    How about providing the country with safe food to eat through Teddy Roosevelt pushing for the Pure Food and Drug Act to establish safety and quality standards for food?

    How about ending segregation in schools thanks to Chief Justice Warren?

    How about the federal highway system to bring the country together and to spur economic development throughout the country?

    How about winning the Cold War and preventing the spread of communist control?
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    Rapist? You mean Bill Clinton raping Juanita Broderick?
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    "What rights have Republicans given us? I can name a whole litany of things they have taken away"
    Abortion is in the states, where it is meant to be.
    Not allowing gender "affirming" surgically and chemically fucking kids up is ethical.
    Taking away books depicting graphic gay pedo sex from school libraries isn't even banning it.

    Meanwhile let's see the Democratic scorecard on that front... pressuring social media... nibbling at the second amendment ... overly forceful raid on Mar a Lago... excessive fines on Trump and weaponization of the justice system (see the threats of double digits to Abortion clinic protesters while barely investigating firebombings of pro life pregnancy centers).

    Democrats are the totalitarian party. Full stop.
  • goldeneagles9
    3 months ago
    Give me a break. The republican party back then was totally different. Things change over a hundred years. I'm done with this. Clearly you have issues. I hope one day you can talk from a position of knowledge and not talking points based on false facts.
  • skibum609
    3 months ago
    ^ There is no one so blind as the one who will not see. Orwell had the Democrats pegged when he wrote 1984. One party, one brain.
  • wld4tatas
    3 months ago
    >what policies has he signed to actually help Americans

    Oy vey. Biden has signed plenty, some of which you've probably heard of and are conveniently or willfully forgetting. There will be plenty of advertising in the runup to November to remind Americans.
  • wld4tatas
    3 months ago
    >the Republicans are the ones that raise taxes.

    @goldeneagles9 - At first I thought you were completely off on this comment, but then I remembered that Trump's SALT cap increased my tax bill in NJ. But generally, Republicans are the ones who cut taxes, usually in a way that increases economic inequality. It would be good to have a discussion / debate about the merits of Biden's vs Trump's tax plans.
  • JamesSD
    3 months ago
    I did not expect to come here and see you guys crapping on Vance.

    He's young and from a swing state. It's funny he used to be an anti Trump Republican.
  • mogul1985
    3 months ago

    So, Goldeneagle, "talk from a position of knowledge and not talking points based on false facts" ya becha I will. "You can't handle the truth!"

    Trump Tax Cuts: According to IRS data, The Middle & Lower Classes benefited more from Trumps Tax Cuts than did high income levels. https://heartland.org/publications/measu…

    As far as the SALT cap: get high state taxes cut,. That's a state/local problem. In 2020 when nurses, doctors and healthcare workers volunteered to help NYC, they later found out that NYC and NYS applied their income tax on these people, no exceptions. That was a rude punch in the face as these people had no idea they'd be taxed like that. An exception should have been made.

    The Democrat Party of Slavery, Segregation and Plantations hasn't changed. In 1908, the Republicans created the NAACP. During WWII it was the Democrats that enforced segregation in the military. LBJ had to twist Dem arms to pass the Civil Right and Voting Acts. When Senate Majority Leader Robert "KKK/Sheets" Byrd (D-WV) assumed room temp, Biden. Clinton AND OBAMA (of all people) spoke well of him at his eulogy. And yet the Democrats have the gall to call the GOP "Racists".

    The Democrats and their support of the "Progressive" crowd supported the BLM Riots and "Summer of Love", and the Pro-Hamas riots. Even Jewish Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) said very little at all with the riots and take-overs at Columbia and NYU. Appalling.

    It is the Democrats today that support Open Borders, aka Mass Migration, and Migrant Crime where between $10M-14M (the number is unknown as 10M were counted and so many were uncounted "Gottaways" including those from countries that hate America.

    It was the Obama and Biden Administrations that bowed to Iran that allowed their terrorist proxy soldiers to attack Israel, and now Biden wants Israel to stop.

    Biden is limiting the use of weapons we supplied, with no financial accountability for the cash, to Ukraine on how deep they can attack into Russia yet Russia is free to use hypersonic missiles to blow-up a children's hospital and civilian areas.

    It was Biden who stopped the USA from selling LNG to Europe, our NATO Allies, forcing them to buy NatGas from Russia. During the NATO visit last week, the President of Hungary chose to skip speaking to Biden and talked to Trump.

    It is Biden who still, t this day, spreads the lie about "Good People" at Charleston. It's taken out of context.

    Biden is like a rotary phone, a VCR with 12:00 flashing, he's in his Corvette up on blocks stepping on the gas pedal going no where, he yells at people like an old guy "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

    Biden claims he has done a lot of events with "1,000s" in attendance; you don't get 1,000s at a Waffle House and he was really ignored. At a single rally in The Bronx, about as BLUE as it gets, Trump had more than all of the events Biden has done the past 5 years.

    When Trump was shot, 1 person murdered and two other wounded, the supporters who showed up 12 hours before the start of the Rally were PISSED OFF and wanted to get the shooter. Had this horrific event happened at a Dem gathering, people would have shit their pants while running over each other to escape.

    Yeah, I get a tad wound-up when I hear Dem malarky.
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