
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Selective Dancers
    I don't ever recall (but then I am really really old), having a dancer turn me down. However, I've gotten dances (usually at the old PP in Memphis) where a very hot looking dancer would hardly do anything lap dancing for me. There are dancers that could be considered stuck-up, but most will lap dance for anyone for the $$$$$.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    happylap - You can bet I'll hit the I.S. in Hammond. Hell Hammond's is only a stones throw away from Gary. david120 - Yeah, I hear ya' david. I figured CT's was a bookstore/theater type place. I've been to Gary and Hammond long time ago while serving (TDY) during the early 1980s. I'll check out www.packing.org & check out Indiana's concealed carry permit laws on out of state permits. But, if I do go into the theater, being a hit or miss thingy, I'll be sure to carry a "holster for my other weapon"!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    DougS - Christ almighty! I didn't want to hear that!!! Now I don't know if it's worth travelling 4 hours to Indy to go to Brad's! If I do, my next visit is going to be an early afternoon, where the VIP lounge is less crowded. I bet "our sweetheart" ate some tasty 'you know what' and had some guy fall in love with her mouth and promised to marry her! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Giving a dancer a Facial
    Dittos on the BBInt! Sounds cute, but I am at a loss for words. Could it be BareBaclIntercourse? BBInt If you like shootin' the juice in or on dancers in the club, visit Diva's in Kokomo, IN. 95% will let you have your way with them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good places to go in Portland, OR
    Laws were made to be broken......... that's why we got COPS and COURTS! In Ohio, they have a strict no touch law, but it is all up to the clubs and dancers. Dancers wouldn't make much money if you or they couldn't touch. The Columbus clubs pretty much enforce the no-touch laws. However, you drive north to Cleveland, and you'll find dancers in some of their clubs that will literally suckee - fuckee! GO FIGURE! My only suggestion is: NOT to invest big bucks on a dancer till you determine she's gonna' put out some. And don't go by what she promises. Personally, as long as the dancer is touching all over me, I could care less about touching her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    CT's Adult Superstore
    Ya' know? I just might have to make a trip northwest of my home and check this Gary, Indiana club out myself. Sounds to damn good to be true, but if the club is everything the reviewers say it is, I might be spending some $$$$$$. If I ever get up there, ya'll know you can count on me to post a TRUTHFUL and probably "dirty" review on the club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    favorite alcholic drink...In oreder from top to bottom
    White Wines Grey Goose & Red Bull Beer (preferably German) Pepsi or Coke Jaeger Bombs
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cameras In Strip Clubs (and OTC) - not hidden variety
    My cell phone has a camera, but I still take it in clubs. The only times I used my camera in a club was to take pictures of some dancers with their permission. Some were with outfits, some topless, and a couple completely nude. There was one occassion where a dancer had me take videos of her, using her camera. Other than that, I have never dared to use my cell phone camera inside a club without permission.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good places to go in Portland, OR
    dc2000 - Just checked the "recent reviews". Check out the club called Jiggles in Tualatin (in the Portland area). Reviews rated the club high and sounded interesting. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Old Timers Tour
    If you're still up to the old timer's tour Aug 13, 14,or 15th, give me an email.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Martini, anyone?
    Shadowcat: I hate Scotch too! If anyone can acquire a taste for Scotch, in my opinion, is already an alcoholic. Let's see how much "that line" opens up this discussion. LOL I'll nurse a beer ITC, but from then on it's Red Bull or plain coke. I don't want my 'belly' full of bear when I'm being POUNCED upon by a lovely ass!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where do you keep your cash?
    Christ.... I didn't mean to duplicate this topic. Sorry.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where do you keep your cash?
    Myself, when I go to SCs, this is my method: 1) If I wear a shirt with a shirt pocket, my smokes and twenty-dollar bills go in that pocket. I know the starting cash at all times. 2) I break a $20 bill for CC & drinks, seperating the one-dollar bills and placing them in my right front pants/shorts pocket. I go to that pocket for tipping. 3) I have addition cash in my wallet of $20 bills stashed away in 5 bill packets, so that I only bring out 5 twenty-dollar bills at a time. 4) If I run out of "on hand" cash, I store some cash in my car (undisclosed location). I don't believe in club ATMs! 5) If I purchase champaigne rooms or VIP room charges, I usually credit card or check card those expenses. You see..... I don't have an SO to hide these charges from. So, how about others? What's your technique?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't forget Oct 26 meet at Columbia PP...
    Well.... I like NOT be so settle sometimes on this board. But, after reading your reviews and topics on CAE PP visits.... it just gets me in a real NASTY DIRTY mood!!! :-) After all, 'your' club is the best for FUN & GAMES & EXTRAS & & & & & & & & & &
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Martini, anyone?
    Like happylap, I've never acquired a taste for martinis. If I want to get a QUICK BUZZ, I'll order vodka and Red Bull! For a quicker BUZZ, I'll order a Jager Bomb! To me, Martinis are for the more uppity ups in this world, and I can't imagine Shadowcat being an uppity up! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    If a dancer once picked your pocket and you got her fired, would you tell her?
    I remember getting pickpocketed outside an adult bookstore that had private dance booths in Memphis back in 1984. Actually, it was one of those two-way window dividers between you and the girl, but if you met the $$$$ price, she met you in a movie peep booth for action. Anyway, I was TDY (temporary duty) from Fort Bragg, NC, in suit and carrying my .38 caliber S$W service revolver. A black babe approached my open driver's side window and put her hand down my front left pocket and began playing with Mr Happy through the pants, trying to get me to go with her. After turning her down and her leaving, I discovered she had taken my money clip with about $60 in it. Too bad I was "packing" on my left hip rather than my right hip.... or she would have felt the revolver and changed her mind quickly. This was the only time I was pickpocketed and learned a $60 lesson. For others.... becareful and consider carrying a little cash in the wallet and cash in other areas of the body, so you don't loose IT ALL in one PINCH!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good places to go in Portland, OR
    dc2000 - your question peeked my interest, so I looked at all the SCs in Portland and read the reviews of Sugar Shack. With the available money in hand, and being the Bones, I would be checking all of the clubs to see which ones give the most for the least! That's just the way I operate. If you want to be selective..... read all of the reviews for 2007 on ALL of the clubs and pick and choose. Good luck and hope you report your findings for us.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Which would you prefer The High Mileage dancer, or the honest dancer
    I agree with Jpac73.... any two way contact is high mileage. If the two way contact goes to XXXX-tras..... then that is XXXX-tra High Mileage. As far as honest dancers, I have gotten fucked and sucked by some of the most profound honest dancers on this earth!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you a gentleman?
    AN brings out a good point as far as 'what is considered gentleman behavior' in and out of a SC enviornment. Like the "Candyman", I always am a gentleman in a SC, but my actions may not be so "gentlemanly" with the dancers. After all, I'm in there to get frisky, get my dick hard, complete a fantasy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    another fake review?
    I agree with shadowcat, I think the reviewer is confused as to what "industrial area" really means. But, the drinks aren't that expensive either for a local area SC. Everything he says in his review could have been gotten from previous reviews. Why anyone would want to do a fake review and risk putting in eroneous information is way past my logical thinking.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    I try to limit myself to $200 now a days. However, if I ever get my hands on that HOT BITCH dancer at Brad's that DougS told me about..... I'll could easily double or triple that figure!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't forget Oct 26 meet at Columbia PP...
    magicrat: I'm not sure about Ashley anymore. Being a reported heroine addict and all. Besides, I've had her and that's that. Looking for some fresh new pussy in the house (PP). Gonna' get me some of that 'nasty' T__i stuff and some red headed shit too! :-) I remember Jodi, what a real slut.... loved it! Mickey, eh?? I wonder if she'll responded to the command "OPEN YOUR MOUTH SWEETIE!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going to Memphis..Help !
    Just passed the club last week, and yes, it is still closed. Christie's and The Pony are the next two good clubs. Also, try The Gold Club on corner of Summer and White Station.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Giving a dancer a Facial
    Never game a facial in a SC. But, back in the early 1980s, inbetween my marriages, I was dating this 'cum freak' girl who loved getting her face splashed all the time. Course, she loved sucking cock too all the time. At times, I would almost have to beg her to let me just fuck her for a change.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lindsey, Britney, Paris. Talk about stripper shit.
    Paris is a REAL slut! I'd probably fuck her too, but go get checked for STD right afterward! In her X-rated home movies, she never seems to be enjoying herself. What's with that? Is she another Linda Lovelace in Deep Throat who finds her clitoris at the back of her throat?