
Comments by FONDL (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody going to a strip in the near future?
    Shadowcat, if someone offers you a penny for your thoughts and you oblige by putting your two cents in, what happens to the other penny? Does some stripper get it?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Thanks, Shadowcat. I don't intentionally read much about politics either and I almsot never watch a TV show that has anything to do with politics. But I do read 2-3 novels a week and it's amazing how much factual information that you can get from a well-written novel. In fact I've come to believe that a lot of novels are more factually correct than are many so-called works of non-fiction in our politically-correct world.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    I agree with Yoda. I also think that dancers read customers pretty much the same way we try to read them. They then treat different customers differently depending on that reading. So for some customers, yes, it will be all about the money, and for others it won't. Whenever this topic comes up, I am always reminded of a time when a dancer I knew fairly well was sitting with a customer at the bar while he had lunch. After he left I said to her something like, "Didn't he even tip you?" (He hadn't bought any dances from her or any drinks, he just had lunch, talked to her and left.) To which she replied, "No, but that's OK, I really enjoyed talking with him." It's always been my impression that, as long as they are generally making what they expect to make on a weekly basis, most dancers are pretty philosophical about individual customers - they know some will spend a lot and some won't and they just accept it. They don't mind taking a break with a friendly customer who treats them well but doesn't spend much because they know the big spender will show up eventually. In fact if you want to have any sort of personal relationship with a dancer, you're probably better off not spending very much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Zerzan has made the logical falacy common to much of our media, which is to judge some bygone historical period according to today's standards. That's comparing apples to oranges. He also has bought into the factually-incorrect assertions of our media that slavery was a uniquely US and white-vs-black event. Slavery has existed for thousands of years and still exists in some countires, and all races have participated as both slave owner and slave. And as AN correctly points out, ours was the first government to outlaw it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The issue of truth
    As I've said here before, we're all liars. IMO, anyone who frequents strip clubs regularly has almost certainly told friends, co-workers, or family that they were going somewhere else on occasion. This site is for entertainment purposes only, anyone expecting truthfulness should go elsewhere. And frankly, who cares.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    This whole discussion of how long someone can last strikes me as silly. I suspect we can all last however long we want to, just by focusing our thoughts on something else. But some us may not want to last very long, especially when we're paying by the minute. So once again I'd suspect that different people have diferent objectives. We're not all alike and we don't all enjoy the same things. Why do some here have trouble understanding that concept?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    I'm glad I live in a country where a discussion like this could take place. But I'm saddened that there are people who refuse to appreciate how truly fortunate we all are. I will never understand why some people choose to spread hatred and be miserable rather than happy. Their loss, not mine. But it seems to me that the more prosperous we become, the more such people we a creating. I wonder why that is? This kind of discussion also reinforces my belief that it was a huge mistake to discontinue the draft. My stint in the military was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Unfortunately the people who would benefit the most are precisely those least likely to volunteer. I can read this thread and guess who is and who is not a veteran and be pretty close to correct. As can any other veteran here. And like most veterans, I have little time for people who haven't served but feel compelled to criticize.
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    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    I agree with the original premise but I also relaize that everyone starts out as a newbie and we should be willing to make allowances for that. We can't expect people who are new here to understand our unwitten rules. I think if we were all more courteous and welcoming we'd have a better overall discussion board. Isn't that something we all want?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    I think Chandler makes a good point. I also think the economic reasoning breaks down if you don't take into account that the interests of the dancer and the club are often very different. One other flaw here is David's premise that "Why do girls - who choose to make stripping a career ..." IME, very few girls ever consciously choose to make stripping a career. Their objective is usually to make enough cash for their current needs. They tend to have a very short-term focus, which means that they're main interest is paying thier current bills and having something left over for fun, not in maximizing their income. And they're not interested in working very hard. I've only ever met a few dancers who were willing to work hard at maximizing their income, it's pretty rare. Most dancers wouldn't have the faintest idea how to go about it even if they wanted to.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As it turns out, David 9999 was right afterall.
    David, I probably assumed Midwest because fot the past year he has been complaining about how weak the economy is in his area, and to me that sounds like the Midwest, which I think has been the weakest region for the last year and probably longer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    Got to agree with Ironcat here. A club is a very different place on Tuesday afternoon when all the girls are sitting by themselves then on Saturday night when guys are lined up with fists full of money waiting their turn for an LD. Which is why I always preferred Tuesday afternoon.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As it turns out, David 9999 was right afterall.
    Shadowcat, I'm under the impression that David9999 is from the Midwest from some of his previous posts about the economy. Sorry if that's incorrect. The point I was trying to make is that our economy is very regional and always has been. What you see depends very much on where you are. There's no recession in my area, not even close in fact there are help wanted ads everywhere, and not at minimum wage either. Our unemployment rate remains near it's all time low, which is true for most of the country. It's been so long since we've had a recession that people have forgotten what one looks like.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    I've told this story here before but there are probably some new guys who haven't heard it. I once went into a tiny club in rural upstate NY and was the only customer in the place. Nothing was going on, just a bartender and a young average-looking dancer sitting at the bar. So I sat with them, ordered a beer, and started talking to the girl. Eventually I asked if there were any private dances. She said yes but she didn't do them, I had to talk to the other girl, who had just come out onstage. So I went over to see her and she turned out to be about 50, huge fake boobs, and few teeth. And she immediately quoted me her price list for everything you can think of. I left. In and out in about 15 minutes, probably my shortest strip club visit ever. I still laugh when I think about it. What a dump.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As it turns out, David 9999 was right afterall.
    Let me see if I understand what this thread is all about. (1) The Midwest has suffered an economic downturn because of it's reliance on the cyclical auto industry, and strip clubs in the area aren't doing as well as usual. (2) RL is a jerk. Wow, what revelations! Actually I always thought that RL (plus the other names he went by) was an annoying 13 year old kid pulling our chains, which is why I put him (them) on ignore the day the feature first became available. And I always kinda enjoyed Kyle1111's posts, I thought they were funny.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Londonguy, it varies from club to club. Some clubs have one or more VIP rooms that you may be sharing with other couples. Some clubs have small private rooms where it's just the two of you. Some clubs have both. Some clubs have neither. And in some clubs the rooms are monitored frequently by a bouncer, waitress, or a TV camera, while in others they aren't. And regardless of the layout, in every club some girls will do more than others will. Virtually every club has some girls who sell sexual services, either inside the club or elsewhere, and others who don't.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    Shadowcat, I think you missed my point. I know lots of clubs where you can get a great LD for $20 or less and if I wanted an LD that's where i'd go. The point I was trying to make was to answer the question of why more expensive clubs don't lower their prices. The answer sometimes is that the club makes money from the higher prices because they take a cut, even though it probably hurts the girls. I stopped going to my last regular club because of their high prices. And I agree that girls rarely make anywhere near $600 an hour - mostly they sit around hoping someone will buy an occasional dance. And the higher the price the fewer they sell.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Banning parody man...
    I use the "ignore" feature for the immature people who make vicious personal attacks on others here. For people whose posts rarely interest me, I just don't bother reading them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    Dick, the lower price might make sense for the girls but it may not for the club. In clubs where the price is high the house usually takes a cut, where if they lowered the price they wouldn't be able to. For example, I know a club where you pay $20 for the private room and another $20 for the girl, both per song. If the club did away with the room charge the girls would make a lot more but the club would make a lot less. It's a pretty popular place by the way.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The point always missed
    Shadowcat, that was funny. I almost said that you were probably the exception to my post, and here you are the first to admit it. I believe about half of what I read here, which is about what I believe of anything I see on the internet. If something doesn't ring true, it probably isn't. I don't think this board is any better of worse than any other. And frankly who cares what's true and what isn't, if it's entertaining that's all I care about.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Secret Revealed: Why some board posters haven't reviewed any clubs...
    I don't think the failure to write a review means anything except maybe that they guy isn't interested in a free membership. I can think of a lot of reasons why a person wouldn't want to write any reviews. For one thing, I think a lot of them, including Chandler's examples, are phony so why bother? And if someone spends most of his time in one or two local clubs, he may not want to mention it because it would reveal where he's from.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The point always missed
    I think the point that's often missed here is that there is almost always likely to be a lot of lying going on. Let's face it, if you're a regular strip club customer, you're probably used to lying about it - to your SO, your friends, your co-workers. How many paople here have never told someone they were going somewhere else when they went clubbing? We're probably all liars. So why should anyone expect to find much truthfulness on this board?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When money gets tighter, are strip clubs your #1 source to cut back on?
    Since I retired, I don't think I've cut back on my total entertainment expenses (except for what used to be covered by expense accounts.) But I have changed the allocation to areas where I think I get more bang for the buck. And since I think most strip clubs are overpriced compared to other kinds of entertainment that are available, that means I've cut way back on strip club visits.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    I agree with AN 99% of the way. There are very few real alpha males out there, the vast majority of them are just pretenders, it's all an act. Really get to know them and most of them are pretty pathetic, their obnoxious behavior covers up their lack of self confidence. The real ones project a presence that stands out because it's so rare. And they don't fit the stereotype at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    number of strip club visits per year
    I've had one club visit so far this year. None last year. Prior to that I was fairly regular. Probably the most I've ever done was 10 years ago when my ATF danced and I used to stop in to see her every week. I'ts been tapering off ever since. It just isn't as much fun anymore for me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The 10% qualitative factor
    Once a dancer passes my minimum looks threshold (which most of them don't these days) the rest is all qualitative for me. It's hard for me to describe what I like because my favorites have been so different from each other. The only two things that they all had in common, other than being attractive, is that they all had some intelligence and they all treated me with respect. And that's about all I ask of a dancer. Why is it so hard to find?