
Comments by dusty (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Top Gun is back!
    Wanna hear something funny TGG, I was just thinking about the "where are they nows" andy ou wre one of them.. so glad to have you back!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Most Dancers are insecure and nasty acting people!
    Yoda you are right on the money there... Alot of dancers have jealousy issues, when it comes to some girls making more than others... but one thing I have found to be true, is the girls who goes back into the dressing room and brags about how much she made that night are the ones who feel like the other girls are jealous of them... There was one girl who would be int he dressing room and the end of the shift, and she would ALWAYS say stuff like... all I made was 800.00 tonight.. when she knew it was a crapy night for the rest of us.. so in turn alot of girls assumed she was doing more than just dances
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Songs that should never be played in strip clubs...
    pinhead said the one I was going to say.... and I definately agree the american idol songs area big downer.... give me some rock and roll with a fast beat!.. something to get everyone going, not fall asleep.
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    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    I used to love it when I would get female customers... I always thought they tipped better than the men.... But that could just be because I would make every female customer feel special... its hard to be a female in a room full of naked women.. so I would make them feel as special as possible so that they would think they are wanted there. But on a side note, I went to a strip club last year with my husband and some of his friends.... they all brougt thier girlfriends... I had to constantly tell them girls to shut the fuck up because they were making fun of every dancer that walked by.... I had to remind them often that the only reason why they were making fun of the dancers is because none of them could do it themselves... So yes I would say some women go to the clubs to compare themselves with the other women... I love going to strip clubs with my husband... not to compare or anything like that... I like to go and make the girls dancing feel special too... I think at the club I worked at... we would have at least 5-10 women there every weekend.... strip club are just more main stream then they were say 20 shit even 10 years ago.
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    20 years ago
    Rookie Dancers --You Break 'em in?
    While I was dancing, there were these to men that were there every other day I would say.... Well anyhow... they would tip me every time I was on stage, and would buy 5 or six dollar dances each every time I came around... But I had never seen them get dances with any other dancer except one.. I never even seen any other dancer even go to them to talk... well one day I would say about my 3rd or 4th week.. one of them guys came up to me and asked me for a dance... I was so damn scared to dance for him, because I thought that thier AFT would rip my eyes out if she found out... Well anyhow back to the subject, he told me to do alot of things that I didn't normally do, and it was the best advice I had ever gotten.... after that I used what he taught me in most of my dances... I was so thankful for him ... so if you are will .. I say take ont he rookies, and shape them into your new AFT...
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    20 years ago
    Body Glitter, Lipstick and Strong Perfume
    Well of course us women like to keep a part of the club with us when we get home... we don't have to hide it from anyone... I think body glitter is the most horrible thing ever made... most seasoned dancers don't use it...Hello we want our customers to keep comming back... not get them in trouble at home... so they can't.... Lipstick was a must for me... I am way to pale not to have extra color on my face... I never used perfume... I always used body spray, and it ususally was a lighter fragrance... But out of all these things, I think the only one that a dancer has to have is body spray... or else we would be very stinky after sweating all night.. and especially when the men come in with tons of cologne on.. we have to cover up thier smell before we dance for another man... would you want to smell some other mans cologne on the dancer?
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    20 years ago
    Body Glitter, Lipstick and Strong Perfume
    I don't know about where you are at, but the clubs I have visited... have friends at.. or worked at ... none of them had showers in the back. I worked inthe Chicago area, and all my friends still do... I can ask if they have worked in a place with a shower... But the only one I can accually think of is in the downtown Chicago area that accually has a shower...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    SUPPOSEDLY fully nude clubs where the girls DON'T go fully nude
    I have never worked in a nude club, so I don't know the rules for them.. I have gone to a few nude clubs that none of the girls go nude on stage... but did go nude durring private dances.. I have also gone to topless clubs that none of the girl went topless on stage.. but they did go topless during private dances... but those could have been code reasons... But I did work at a topless club, and I have no idea why the girls wouldn't go topless... why on earth would you be dancing there at all then? right? Maybe the girls that weren't going topless thought they were to good for topless on stage... Were they going topless in private dances? I too never made much on stage... I accually avoided stage sitters .. and what I mean by that is the men who sit at the stage the whole night... so please don't be offended by that... I am sure you don't just sit at the stage all the time....
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    20 years ago
    Strippers' Assets
    I personally don't think size matters, as long as you are comfortable in your skin and have enough confidence then more power to you!! I just wanted to add a few things... When I was dancing I was wearing probably like a 9-10 so yeah I was "bigger" than most of the girls....Let me tell you this, you may have to try harder to get the same amount of money as the so called " perfect girls". I know it seems unfair, but personality will get you further with the guys... be nice.. and have patience... Another thing I noticed is... some guys don't get dances witht the bigger girls for fear that they will look different than the majority of the men at the club... But I would be happy to get a dance from a less than "perfect" dancer... GOOD LUCK!!! I am here rooting for you!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Songs that should never be played in strip clubs...
    OH OH !! I know some!! Hey mickey The chicken dance anything Vanilla Ice made LOL... we only danced to this stuff when no one was in the club to witness it lol...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What does the average dancer make?
    I don't think there is an average... that are way too many variables... Looks.. Club... Location... Contact...Prices... Tip out... Gosh How would anyone really be able to find out... There could be nights I walke dout with nothing after house fees.. and other nights I felt I had banked... so I can't say there is an average.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Most Dancers are insecure and nasty acting people!
    TGG.. oh I know exactly what you are saying... personally it didn't bother me when she would say stupid stuff like that.... I was just pointing out that there is tons of Jealousy issues between dancers... Especially when it came to money... and you are right... the ones who don't brag are the ones with the loote..
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    A quote that discusses STRIPPER LYING!
    HA HA HA HA HA... I wrote this quote a year ago... that is too funny.... Guess what I still believe the same thing now as I did back then... RL you are one weird dude...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What more (or less) do you want from a strip club ?
    All I care to see in a club is Pretty girls, Cheap drinks, and a bar like atmosphere... I don't care for all the glitz and glamour.. I just go to get dances and enjoy the scenery...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why do Pathetic Trolls like Romantic Lover have to hide behind a handle?
    Have you noticed that on the threads that no one posts to .. he begs and pleads for posts and uproar... finally it goes away... I think if we just ignore him as long as possible.. and he doesn't get the rise he looks so forward to, then maybe he will go away... HA HA yeah right