
Comments by harrydave (page 41)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    I think there is a double-edged sword here. On the one side, strippers are less inhibited, and are more likely to be wild in bed. So there is the possibility of doing things you have never done before. On the other side, strippers tend to have relationship issues, which can translate into self absorption and greed. So the long term sex outlook is for a lack of two-way communication and reciprocity. Of course, I've got an assumption going here - that one is interested in both emotional and physical intimacy, to make the sex all that more fulfilling. If the physical thing is all that counts, the relationship challenges don't matter, and we are back to the joys of wild sex. So, intellectualism aside...the first time I ever got a blow job to completion (I wasted the first half of my life) was from a stripper, in my car, while I was driving to Vegas on a State highway, going 80 mph. I managed to stay on the road, just barely. That was mighty fine!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years. We're living together and are making future plans. WHile going to school, she works (dances) limited hours, usually a couple of weekdays for the lunch crowd in one of the better clubs in town. On slow Fridays, I go in and give her moral support. Some days the rejection gets to her. We both play it very cool. I think 1 or 2 people know we are an item outside the club. When I met her, she was stripping to support herself and the previous boyfriend. He was jealous, and used to threaten to visit the club, but had the good sense to stay away. Jealousy is a horrible emotion, and says a lot about a person's lack of self confidence. I've never been jealous in the club. What the guys expect (knucklehead fantasies) and what the girls expect (hassle free income redistribution) are two different worlds. Sometimes, but not too often, I feel sorry for the guys who can't see it from the girls' perspective. They are reading from the wrong playbook.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do some strippers want to do more than the club/law allows?
    In a word, "Yes". Why? To make money faster. Do they "want" to do this? It seems pretty intentional to me. But every girl has her limits. I personally like the girl who starts mild, and slowly ramps things up over the course of an evening or several visits, eventually committing misdemeanors at the rate of 5 or 6 a minute. That keeps my interest, and goes hand-in-hand with fun conversation, familiarity, and the first glimmers of human relationship.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    Ok, let me see if I can make a list of common and not-so-common dumb-ass things: 1) In a club in Akron, girls were only allowed to do 2 dances in a row (then they had to take at least a one song break). I was dumbfounded. 2) In a variety of clubs, the tee-shirt or baseball cap hustle, in which girls are forced to peddle these things to guys who would rather spend their money on dances, rather than memorabilia their wife might not appreciate. 3) The whole ticket/coupon and money shuffle thing, as described by others, wherein the girl is not allowed to handle the money ('cuz the girls cheat and the management is greedy) 4) The buy-the-girl-a-drink hustle, which in my opinion only serves to piss off the majority of customers 5) Incredibly loud music, presumably the result of the DJ going deaf; it supresses conversation, gives you a headache, and drives you back out on the street 6) three song dance sets; she stays clothed for song one, top off for song two, etc. In one club in Dallas, there are 7 stages, and each girl rotates through them all, so if you spot your honey on stage 1, you might as well take a nap. Oh, enough of this griping. Clearly many places survive despite being badly run, which probably says something about dumb-ass customers rather than club management. Damn it!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    FONDL, you have touched upon a pet peeve of mine, namely dumb-ass strip club management. I think it was Ben Franklin who said, "Show me a bad strip club, and I will show you either bad laws or bad management." Wait, I think it was Abe Lincoln who said that, while hanging out at one the clip joints in DC that pass for strip clubs. There is a club in Phoenix that has a prime location in a crappy neighborhood with a plentiful supply of crack whores, and heavy traffic on the street outside. Despite these obvious advantages, it is poorly attended and poorly rated in TUSCL. Why? Well, maybe it is because of the following things: 1) the floors, walls, and ceiling, all of which have not been visited by a cleaning implement in 25 years; 2) the lack of a DJ or even a jukebox, and music supplied by the girls with their own CDs and a boombox; 3) a private dance area that consists of a few chairs on one side of the stage that look suspiciously like the arrangement on the other side of the stage; and 4) an oddly conceived dance price of $41, in which $20 goes to the dancer and $21 goes to the exceptionally cheap and greedy management. Who wants to create an international strip club management consulting firm? We could call it Boozer, Fondler and Lapper, LLC. I want to be a field auditor. Who wants to be CEO?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    Ummyeah, great story! Bones, when we give a girl a ride home, isn't it because the little head is still in control? We need to start a new thread, something like: Stupidest Thing My Little Head Convinced Me to Do. I wouldn't know where to start.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    FONDL, great story. Did I tell you about the time I stayed at a club in Phoenix til closing time (1 AM) and gave a ride home to this really petite girl? Turns out, she lived in an industrial area, inside a fenced off compound, in a small trailer, with the duct-taped A/C unit hanging out the window, a doberman ranging about the enclosed area, and a 250 pound bearded biker (sort of friend/protector) due home at any minute. She said, you wanna come in for a while? Which I did. How dumb was that?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers and Childhood Abuse
    Yeah, the association is there. In my experience, but only based on girls I have really gotten to know, sexual abuse and physical abuse are common, as is family drug abuse or alcoholism. But not always, and that is what makes it so interesting. Worst case is former ATF, who was raped by a neighbor, spent her teenage years in a crystal meth haze with everybody else around her, and then had her dad leave and get a sex change operation. I met Dad, who is, uhhhh, husky. Needless to say, she (the real girl) had some unresolved issues.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can publicity ruin a club?
    I think supply and demand, and cycles (the usual ups and downs) cover most of the long term change. But the bigger issue in my mind (goes to the supply side) is the difficulty of opening a new club. In so many jursidictions, existing clubs are "grandfathered", and new clubs are almost (but not quite...a nod and a wink to te Constitution) impossible to locate and license. So, fixed or limited supply, followed by upswing in demand, equals higher prices. I say, we need more strip clubs!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mileage vs. ethnicity
    I think FONDL is on to something. Let's see...poorer neighborhood ---> poorer dancers ---> more desperate dancers ---> higher mileage, and poorer neighborhood ---> more blacks and latinas. Oh, and most everybody said "who the hell cares", "treat 'em as individuals". I agree. Show 'em respect, show 'em you're horny, and show 'em you got some cash. Nature (mutual self interest) will take care of the rest!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mileage vs. ethnicity
    I have a strong preference for girls that are white, black, latino, or asian...but for the sake of starting an argument, here are my imprudent opinions about the differences: 1) White - all kinds; very tough to generalize, but probably have a higher proportion of "stuck up" types and air dancers 2) Black - can get dirty faster than anyone else, but also can be mercenary (worst dance over-count I have experienced); also way too much emphasis on booty shaking as a substitute for real grinding. 3) Latino - damned Catholic upbringing means they will only go so far, but also more natural and willing to laugh; tendency to gain poundage after kids; and try harder with dances as a result, an interesting tradeoff. 4) Asian - an enigma, wrapped in a mystery; more subtle, but can be very sensual if not outright nasty. 5) Eastern European - a white subset; almost feral; can over-promise and under-deliver 6) Brazilians - you are lucky if you have some at your local club; uninhibited; get ready for the ride There, how's that for stereotyping?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    Casualguy, good stories, but what is it with you and the biters? ;-) Anyway, I have the impression a fair percentage of strippers have been mistreated by guys and are simultaneously seeking their attention and acting out their revenge. I've had some dances I could best describe as "assault and battery with a knee to the groin".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    And just to wipe out the bad images from my previous story, here's another one of a whacky strip club experience. I was in Vegas for the first time, and not too savvy about the clubs, so the first evening, I went to a club (Masters?) around 7PM. No cover (hmmm) and...no customers. The bartender, the bouncer, and one girl in some sort og cowgirl outfit, hanging out at the bar. So, instead of turning tail, I decided to at least get a drink. Sure enough, Cowgirl saunters over, and makes small talk for a while. She's blonde, 30 something, carrying a little extra around the middle, so I'm not inspired. But she offers me essentially a 2 for 1 deal, in the upstairs VIP area, so I figure why not? We go up there, she does a standard first dance for me, nothing special. Then in the break between songs she gets up and clears the other tables and chairs away so there is a 10 or 12 foot space in front of us. She backs up, the music starts, shes gives me this big grin, and says " Are you ready?". I say, "Sure". She says, "Spread your legs honey and keep your hands to your sides.". So I assume the pose, and she rears back, takes a quick step forward, tucks her head down, and does a forward somersault on the floor, ending up with her butt in my lap and her legs over my shoulders! What the hell? She gives this big laugh, and says "How'd ya like that?" I was a little in shock, so I think I just mumbled something like "Wow, pretty impressive." Anyway, the dance finished soon enough, and we skedadled back to the bar, where the other two are now digging into a pizza. "You wanna slice?" says the bartender. I hung out for another 20 minutes or so, finished my drink, and said my goodbyes. I think I was the entertainment for the evening.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I would second the nomination of Cheetah in Hallandale. Quality girls and high mileage, if not outright sex in the booth. I so much enjoyed my first night, I went back the next.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    How do Rhode Island Clubs Compare?
    Thanks, Yoda. That pretty much jives with the TUSCL reviews. Bones, thanks for all the reviews. Your stamina and quickly dwindling bank account are impressive. As for Columbus, I have calibrated my expectations for clubs there. You're right, the clubs and girls are attractive. What I really object to is the drink hustle, even though the girl makes a percentage. I much prefer clubs that make their money off the cover, the drinks sold to customers, and a cut of the lap dance action (preferably a fixed payout from each dancer). Oh well, the OH puritans have the upper hand...for now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    Ok, here's one of the sick variety. I went to a club in NJ, Vic's Place. A little hole in the wall in a bad neighborhood. I occasionally like to wallow around at the bottom of the barrel. The existential question is, "What's below the bottom?" Now I know. It was a dark and dingy place. Guys were sitting at the bar and standing along most walls. Tons of girls in bikinis either cruised or pressed up against the guys, and an acrid smell was in the air. Not the usual sweat, plus beer, plus perfume, plus smoke smell. Something different, a trifle impertinent, running right through the usual stink. 45 minutes and $50 later I scuttled out of the club, with the unknown oderiferous ingredient positively identified. Unmistakenly, a ripe mixture of fresh, turning, and rotting sperm. Walking up the sidewalk to my car, I looked around, shook my head, and took a deep breath. Car exhaust never smelled so sweet!
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    I have posted before about this...
    Obvious shill. All 6 of his reviews are pure marketing.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Cheaters Cabaret has benefited from an...
    A nice little piece of ad copy (a shill).
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Worst ever, don't go there. ...
    Got pissed for some reason. Not a review, just a complaint.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    The best just keeps getting better! First...
    It took a while, but this guy is now boosting the club without shame.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    Guys, The World Famous Tobies is...
    Its an obvious advertisement.
  • review comment
    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Living Dolls is Number ONE! Last Friday...
    Several shill reviews past few months.
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    Hong Kong Club: Part Deux in TJ
    Dr. F. - enjoyed your article. I can relate to your "relational" and light-hearted approach, and to your comments about international experience. I've got a house in AZ, am renting a villa in Muscat, and aO'm bout to buy a small place in Khon Kaen for my wife's sister and grand-daughter to use while the girl goes to school in the big city. Guys, I left out country names so you can take a break from TUSCL and try google maps search feature. As for the huge controversy surrounding your chosen entry point into TJ, and the horror of multiple border crossings, I understand your risk assessment. Stolen or damaged car versus an extra hour or two of inconvenience. I've been to TJ a couple of times. I'm sure I would enjoy a return visit. For me now, a visit to Dubai is the immoral equivalent. Writing this from NJ. I do get around. Merry Christmas!