How do Rhode Island Clubs Compare?
New Jersey
I'm passing through Providence area next month and have done the usual due diligence in TUSCL, so I've got the ratings and stories. But in my experience, ratings vary by region (I pity the fools in Columbus OH), and it takes a national perspective to render a useful opinion. So how about it; anybody care to compare RI clubs to some of the better places in the USA? Just to benchmark my standards, my favorite clubs over the long run have been places like Mons Venus, Playhouse, Expose (Austin TX), Hiliter (Phoenix), and a handful of raunchy places when I'm in the mood for a bigger menu. Thanks!
Unless you're speaking of the "political fools" of Ohio, then I can agree with you. With that out of the way, "pity" as defined by a dictionary is representative of "misfortune or suffering of another". True, we in Ohio have the misfortune of having purist politicians in office, and we are going to be suffering from their decisions to try and close up topless/nude bars!
As far as Columbus is concerned, the law has been making the club owners strictly adhere to Ohio's "no touch law" in this vast city. Majority of the Columbus clubs are of the 'higher end' type clubs, big, classy, clean, and with beautiful dancers. If I were a club owner here, I'd have to tell the girls to forget about the 'no touch law' and make as much money as they can before September 4th, the time the new Ohio Bill 16 takes effect. As a club owner, I could see me "shutting" my doors on that day!
Ohio is not that large of a state, so I plan on hitting Indiana, West Virginia, and Kentucky for my clubbing.
Bones, thanks for all the reviews. Your stamina and quickly dwindling bank account are impressive. As for Columbus, I have calibrated my expectations for clubs there. You're right, the clubs and girls are attractive. What I really object to is the drink hustle, even though the girl makes a percentage. I much prefer clubs that make their money off the cover, the drinks sold to customers, and a cut of the lap dance action (preferably a fixed payout from each dancer). Oh well, the OH puritans have the upper hand...for now.