OT: Let COVID have the win
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Cases in Europe are trending higher than they did during the March peak. New Zealand had completely eradicated the virus, which then came back from unknown origins. China continues to get outbreaks, which they attempt to suppress (information, not infection). (The high rates of infection and deaths in the US are the result of living in a free society, full of idiots who make poor decisions. They are not the result of presidential policy). Even after the introduction of a vaccine, you can be reinfected by a different strain of COVID-19.
I say fuck it. COVID is real. COVID is deadly. COVID is not a hoax, not comparable to the flu, and not overhyped. COVID is an omnipresent threat. So is cancer. So is death by automobile. You could be walking down the street and struck dead by lightning, a falling window pane, tree branch, or escaped dangerous dog.
As a society, globally, we should just accept it as a new part of our lives. Masks off, 100% capacity in all venues, government intrusion rescinded, and go about our lives. If you are part of that particularly vulnerable population, then you will need to make adjustments and accept some risks. Again, you don't avoid walking down the sidewalk because a car may jump the curb and mow you down. You accept the risk or you don't go for a walk.
Nothing has successfully halted the spread. The only measurable effects have been a recession, an eviction crisis, and discord often elevated to violence. Isolate and punish China. Defund WHO for their malfeasance, incompetence, and corruption. Halt visas to and from countries which would likely attempt to export additional cases to our nation. Tighten restrictions at the borders and ports of entry. However, allow citizens and our economic drivers the freedom to accept the risk and mitigate to whatever level makes us comfortable.
COVID: 1, Earth: 0
I say fuck it. COVID is real. COVID is deadly. COVID is not a hoax, not comparable to the flu, and not overhyped. COVID is an omnipresent threat. So is cancer. So is death by automobile. You could be walking down the street and struck dead by lightning, a falling window pane, tree branch, or escaped dangerous dog.
As a society, globally, we should just accept it as a new part of our lives. Masks off, 100% capacity in all venues, government intrusion rescinded, and go about our lives. If you are part of that particularly vulnerable population, then you will need to make adjustments and accept some risks. Again, you don't avoid walking down the sidewalk because a car may jump the curb and mow you down. You accept the risk or you don't go for a walk.
Nothing has successfully halted the spread. The only measurable effects have been a recession, an eviction crisis, and discord often elevated to violence. Isolate and punish China. Defund WHO for their malfeasance, incompetence, and corruption. Halt visas to and from countries which would likely attempt to export additional cases to our nation. Tighten restrictions at the borders and ports of entry. However, allow citizens and our economic drivers the freedom to accept the risk and mitigate to whatever level makes us comfortable.
COVID: 1, Earth: 0
The only thing you didn't account for is that this virus has become a political and monetary tool. Because governments have opened their treasuries to fight this virus, every opportunity to blame a death on Covid is taken. Doctors fall under the same pressures to produce numbers as well as any employee. Not that they got into medicine for the wrong reasons but they find a path of less resistance if they follow the company/hospital line. In come cases, they might get compensated better for following the corporate line. Again, not corruption but making life easier. I saw this from a personal perspective when my mom was in the final stages of life and saw the tests doctors ordered that weren't necessary. They have to bleed Medicare because they don't reimburse enough to cover costs in the US with all the medical litigation.
Besides the financial aspects, Covid becomes a political tool for the opposition party to beat up the current party in power.
If only Covid was just a medical problem to solve.
At the very least we should mask mandates. I'm also in favor of closing clubs and banning indoor dining. Until we have a vaccine.
Here's why Trump doesn't like masks: people walk around and remind each other that Covid risk is still with us and it hurts his reelection chances. That's about the extent of the logic and he doesn't give a shit whether people live or die.
You dirty dog pump & dumper you. We've had countless TUSCLers post about doing just that. At some point the quality out there disappears.
???? rumdum for the second night in a row you didn't follow up with a *correction.
You're obviously still distressed regarding your memories sucking off and taking it up the ass from those unwashed old men in those Calcutta back alleys and your ongoing issues with your STS, Sore Twat Syndrome affliction. Well that and being bitch slapped multiple times last night even though one would think that after all these years you're used to that. Add to that all the years of hiding behind your multiple troll accounts, josh43, realdougster, mtent, and the tittyfag and drphil dots, among others, and it's obvious that you're really hurting inside, not to mention your throat, twat, and sphincter.
The cure for all is confession. So what other troll accounts are yours rummy? Don't hold it in. Confess, free your soul and become the carefree ballerina butterfly that you aspire to be.
Boy oh boy, this one is not that quick.
You don’t have to stick to “dirty dog” either. As far as insults go, it’s not cruel enough. Dogs are friendly and loyal animals. Also most are far more intelligent than Randumb.
My "joke" about your father wasn't funny, @Windex.
No one ever said there is no illness, but yes we have said its a ridiculously overhyped hysteria. Do you really want to throw your life away out of fear of some minor disease that has a 99.7% survival rate? Is the "cure" not worse the the problem?
At this point that's all I can really say to people. I can't relate to people still falling for this scamdemic. God help us.
You cower behind these references to "science" when you really mean ideological bureaucrats with agendas telling policy makers what they have to do.
Where did the idea that the response to a minor illness with a miniscule death rate is to arbitrarily shut down selected businesses and obliterate the right of people to live normal lives indefinitely? How is that philosophical decision about "epidemiology" or even "science"?
It's a moral and practical decision based on many factors. "Science" provides data to help make that philosophical and policy choice. "Science" and "epidimiology" don't make policy decisions. A small chosen cadre of government and big university "epidemiologists" spouting selected "data" is not policy making.
To President Trump's eternal shame he went along with this scam. That said, anyone at this point still pimping this complete scamdemic is below unhuman.
We need to burn the ridiculous masks, end all arbitrary lockdowns and selective shutdowns, and return to full and normal life with an apology to humanity for this unjustified and absurd abomination. Enough is enough!
You're an idiot Icey. No law passed by the Federal Government overrules the Constitution, so stfu up and go back to pretending to be a man.
One of the things fake news mainstream media doesn't cover is how many police and sheriff's departments are simply ignoring these "state" mandates and refusing to enforce them. That is the future.
The "why" behind the examples that demonstrates the understanding logic is called Federalism. The US is unique in that it limits the powers of the Federal government (at least in theory - the Feds do overstep it regularly and sometimes the Supreme Court slaps them down, other times they get away with it) are defined by the Constitution. Most (possibly all) other countries specifically limit the power of the Federal government in a handful of areas, but anything not specifically mentioned is free game.
Under Federalism, there are certain powers specifically granted to the Federal government. The 8th and 9th amendments collectively grant any powers not specifically given to the Federal government.
Since the 8th and 9th amendments don't get into the power to mandate mask wearing during pandemics, they aren't a Federal issue.
On a side note, Biden is running television commercials in Arizona - one of the things he mentions that he will do is enact a national mask mandate.
Seatbelt laws are constitutional because states have the right to protect residents welfare and safety. The supreme court has never addressed the matter which in turn makes it constitutional and reasonable.
Cars aren't a right.
Barry's picks are running hog wild as super-activist judiciaries, ignoring the law and applying their own feckless morality; meanwhile, W's picks are wringing their hands worried about how future liberal professors will write about them, and Trump's picks are forgetting who smeared and lynched them, and who defended them and their character. It's fuckin bizarro world out there.
Practicing your French rumdum? You're spelling it wrong, it's oui.
Or were you telling your mom you have to tinkle?
It couldn't be that you had another brain fart and fucked up what you wanted to post yet for the third time in a row, you didn't add your *correction in a follow up post, could it?
It appears that the guilt feelings of your earlier days as a Calcutta alley whore and years of trolling TUSCL using multiple alias accounts have come home to roost. We have 5 documented alias accounts of yours and there's another couple that I forgot but we still don't know the total. Could it be that there are so many that even you lost track? That would be normal for a lifelong dipshit such as yourself.
But it's not too late, you can still redeem yourself by confessing to the aliases that you remember. Stifel your anxiety attacks and lower your stress, open up and admit to your numerous accounts and free yourself. Morph from being a dung beetle into the pretty butterfly that you so much want to be.
to our individual comfort and convenience levels.
It has also been shown that antibodies from one strain of COVID do not protect you from other strains. Additionally, it has been proven that all antibodies leave your system in months, like flu and cold viruses.
When vaccines become available, it may be like the flu. There will be a COVID season and seasonal COVID, with virologists attempting to forecast which COVID strains will be prevalent each year and annual vaccinations recommended. Again, it will be an individual option to respond according to your personal comfort level. There will likely be lingering recommendations regarding masks and social distancing for those highbriskngroups.
@Gammanu95, man you're a contrarian. You down vote me for agreeing with you that there are going to be multiple ongoing strains of Covid.