Who’s organizing the riots ?

avatar for mark94
An article describing the findings of a 10 year investigation of the 1960s riots reveals that today’s BLM riots are being organized in exactly the same way.

-A group of mostly-white, bored rich kids is drawn to Marxism as a way of rebelling against their upbringing.

- They spread their anti-police, anti-capitalism beliefs within the black community and universities.

-They train others in Marxist tactics for creating unrest and violence through riots.

-They unleash violence, in a highly organized and coordinated way, using the frustration of the underclass to paralyze society.

-The inner city black community suffers the most from this violence.



last comment
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
And people argued with me when I said black people weren’t the ones burning shit up, that it was in fact white suburban kids coming out at our peaceful protest fucking shit up.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
My dick is hard now
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Looking at pics of gay sex^
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
No I’m jacking off at u racist being wrong and mad.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I am a winner son. It has to do with culture and yours is fucking pathetically stupid. Amazing how some minorities succeed though education and some fail by always having their hand pout and whining about skin color. Buh bye little gay jack off breh. Get a job you lazy fuck......
avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago
"A group of mostly-white, bored rich kids is drawn to Marxism..."

Without any real evidence, I'll assume this is another paranoid, right-wing, conspiracy theory.
avatar for ime
4 years ago
We will all just continue to assume you are a huge douche bag Random, though I think we have enough evidence.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Tom Hayden. Jerry Rubin. Patty Hearst, SDS, Symbionese Liberation Front, etc. Bored, rich, white kids drawn to Marxism and anarchy. Anti-police and anti-capitalism. Spoiled brats. History repeats with Antifa.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
New York Post published the names; addresses and history of 8 of these assholes, but the fraud called Random refuses to actually learn. PussyHairlessDick is his real phd.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago
“An agent provocateur (French for "inciting agent") is a person who commits or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act, so as to ruin the reputation or entice legal action against the target or a group they belong to.

An agent provocateur may be a member of a law enforcement agency acting out of their own sense of duty or under orders, or other entity.

They may target any group, such as a peaceful protest or demonstration, a union, a political party or a company.”

In the United States, the COINTELPRO program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation included FBI agents posing as political activists to disrupt the activities of political groups in the U.S.


To answer your question:

Who’s organizing the riots?

The Fascist Government of the USA at the service of the 1%.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
So basically its a continuation of the civil rights movement and youre on the wrong side of history
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Civil rights movement morphed into terrorism and extortion. Certain communities don't seem to have the intelligence top understand that the path to success is good grades in school and hard work.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
You do understand that most of the 1%, on WallStreet, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Chamber of Commerce Titans, Personal Injury Lawyers, and pro sports will vote for Biden, right ?

The Democrats became the guardians of the 1% starting with Bill Clinton and continuing through Barack.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
The Republicans morphed into right wing extremists
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Reagan qnd Eisenhower are turning over in their graves
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
@ Comrade Jackoff - I hear North Korea is nice this time of year.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Studs Terkel said that all causes become a business and then they become a racket. That’s where we are with the Civil Rights movement. Martin Luther King accomplished his goal. Now, we’ve got race hustlers like Al Sharpton.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
For years we've had an indu$trial race complex
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
What is described in the OP def correlates to what is going on today - with the difference that the anarchist Marxists have gotten more sophisticated about it - they realized from the 60s and 70s that they couldn't take on the government w/ arms, so they have decided to use indoctrination as their main weapon and the internet has aided them mightily in spreading their anti-America message.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
The hypocrisy of the left:

"Retailer Lululemon Mocked For Urging Customers To ‘Resist Capitalism’ While Selling $120 Leggings"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"peaceful protesters"

These are the scum and lowlifes the dems, libs, media, support:

"... Alleged Black Lives Matter activists attempted to block the entrance to a hospital in Los Angeles late on Saturday night that two deputies were rushed to after being shot during an apparent assassination attempt. Witnesses later said that the far-left activists, who shouted outside that they hoped the deputies died, attempted to storm the emergency room where the deputies were taken ..."


They celebrate the fact these 2 officers were basically assassinated and are basically rioting outside the hospital while these officers are fighting for their lives - this bullshit is getting out of hand - I can't believe the Dems have stooped this low to support this BS by allowing it to fester and even supporting it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
More "peaceful anti-Trumpers"

This bullshit of it being open-season on Trump supporters needs to f'ing stop - these two lowlife bitches harass a mom and her 7 y/o boy - it's disgusting:


avatar for ime
4 years ago
Hey why do all the dirty work yourself when you can get minorities to burn loot and steal to help you create chaos. The term useful idiots comes to mind.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
This site should be a required reading for angry white male studies

avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I knew if Icey posted it, it would be about cock.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I don't know Icee You seem to be quite angry yourself and your posts are particularly vile lately spewing hatred toward the suicide of an Asian woman, and musing about running trains of underage girls you are pretty sick yourself
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
I never mentioned underage girls. Unlike your pedo musings in VIP.

And I stated that sex tourism is vile and leads to such tragedies.

Youre a sick fuck
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
sick fuck
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@TwentyFive - did you see the thread where he bragged about having sex in a church?
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
One if my favorite times was tge roof top of a high rise looking over the edge
avatar for Longneck
4 years ago
The majority of the violence occurring has been pro established people vs anti establishment people but the anti establishment people are the ones who have a legitimate concern.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... High School Warned Football Players Not To Fly Pro-Police Flag During 9/11 Game. They Did It, Now They’re Suspended From The Team ..."

"... Superintendent Greg Power suggested that the boy’s decision to show respect for first responders by flying the flags represented a political point of view ..."

^ Bullshit

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"DHS Has ‘Overwhelming’ Intel That Portland Violence ‘Organized’ By ‘Violent Antifa Anarchists,’ Leaked Email Says"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Man Arrested For Starting Wildfire With Molotov Cocktail, Gets Released From Jail, Starts 6 More Fires"


This is what happens when law-and-order is thrown out the window - the lowlifes of society are emboldened to do w/e the f*** they wanna do
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"University Of Chicago: Graduate English Department Only Accepting ‘Applicants Interested In Working In And With Black Studies’"

"... If you want to be accepted as a graduate student in the University of Chicago’s English Department, you will not succeed in your application unless you want to work in and with black studies ..."

"... The English department at the University of Chicago believes that Black Lives Matter, and that the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and Rayshard Brooks matter, as do thousands of others named and unnamed who have been subject to police violence ... As literary scholars, we attend to the histories, atmospheres, and scenes of anti-Black racism and racial violence in the United States and across the world. We are committed to the struggle of Black and Indigenous people, and all racialized and dispossessed people, against inequality and brutality. For the 2020-2021 graduate admissions cycle, the University of Chicago English Department is accepting only applicants interested in working in and with Black Studies ..."

"... The statement continued by claiming, “English as a discipline has a long history of providing aesthetic rationalizations for colonization, exploitation, extraction, and anti-Blackness,” ... Our discipline is responsible for developing hierarchies of cultural production that have contributed directly to social and systemic determinations of whose lives matter and why. And while inroads have been made in terms of acknowledging the centrality of both individual literary works and collective histories of racialized and colonized people, there is still much to do as a discipline and as a department to build a more inclusive and equitable field for describing, studying, and teaching the relationship between aesthetics, representation, inequality, and power ..."

".... The statement insisted, “We believe that undoing persistent, recalcitrant anti-Blackness in our discipline and in our institutions must be the collective responsibility of all faculty, here and elsewhere.” ...."


Da fuck? Who are these people? Seems as if we are headed for two Americas - if Trump wins, these loony-tunes are gonna lose their minds.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
The ironies/hypocrisies of the left:

"Kamala 2019: Ban Imported Assault Weapons. Kamala, Miami 2020: Guarded With Assault Weapon"

"... In May 2019, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) promised she would ban imports of AR-15-style assault weapons in her first 100 days if she were elected president, arguing in New Hampshire, “I am also prepared, and I am announcing it for the first time today here with you, to take executive action to ban the import of assault weapons into our country.” ... Because of her much-reported vow to ban the weapon, photographs from a campaign event last week have raised some eyebrows. While visiting Florida Memorial University, Harris was seen being protected with an AR-15 held by a Secret Service agent. The Daily Mail reported, “In the photos exclusively obtained by DailyMail.com, the VP hopeful is seen leaving Florida Memorial University on Thursday, ironically being protected by the same assault rifle that she promised to ban within the first 100 days of her term.” ..."


To add to the irony - Florida Memorial University is a mostly black school in a mostly black Miami neighborhood
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I don't think she has very much say in what weapons the Secret Service Protective Unit chooses to use.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
These libs have no shame - Portland is now fining the Federal Government $500 every 15-minutes they have the fence around the courthouse up - i.e. the Feds put up the fence to protect the Fed courthouse from the violent anarchists and now Portland is telling them it's an illegal fence that has to be taken down - what a bunch of fucking Marxists taking the side of anarchist mobs:

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
From the Federalist

“The Black Futures Lab, a venture of Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza, is sponsored by the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA), an organization that works with China’s communist government to push its agenda in the United States, according to an investigation by the Heritage Foundation’s Mike Gonzalez.

Gonzalez discovered that the Black Futures Lab donation page explicitly states they are “a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association,” explaining where donations to Black Futures Lab are funneled.”

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
More PDS (Pocahontas Deranged Syndrome)

"... A University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student has resigned from her teaching position and lost a teaching job at another university after admitting to falsely claiming to be a person of color.

CV Vitolo-Haddad admitted to posing as a person of color and apologized in two Medium posts last week, CNN reported. Vitolo-Haddad, who also uses the pronouns they/them and also claims to be nonbinary, announced they were resigning as co-president of UW’s Teaching Assistants’ Association.

Vitolo-Haddad’s troubles began on September 4, when an anonymous person on Medium accused the undergraduate student of falsely identifying as black and continually changing their story on their family history ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... A reward for information that leads to the conviction of a gunman for shooting two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies has skyrocketed to nearly $700,000 in just a few days ..."

That's a lot of $$$ - I have a good mind to turn in @twentyfive even if he didn't do it.

"... A separate fund is also growing to help the two deputies shot in the incident recover. A GoFundMe page launched by sheriff’s detective Keegan McInnis and dedicated to paying the deputies’ substantial medical bills had soared past $660,000 by Friday morning on toward its goal of $750,000 ..."

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I’m organizing the riots with my Cubano buddies we gonna take over Miami it’s gonna be the Juban Gang and our slogan is que pasol baby 👶
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
kamala harris asking for donations to be made for the minnesota freedom fund, which enables rioters to be bailed out.

avatar for winex
4 years ago
I don't think the Minnesota "Freedom" Fund is limited to rioters. It's available to all criminals (in Minnesota).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
More examples of the f'ed up "cops are the problem not the criminals" Libertard thinking:

"... A bail fund promoted by Democrat vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) reportedly helped an alleged child rapist get out of jail over the summer.

Harris solicited donations from her millions of followers on Twitter for the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which has helped numerous allegedly violent criminals post bail. As of Friday morning, the link directed users to a landing page that featured Harris on the campaign trail and asked the users to donate to the fund.

Timothy Wayne Columbus, 36, faces up to 30 years in prison for allegedly sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl in 2015, court records show. He was released from a Minneapolis jail in early July on $75,000 bail, according to jail records.

Minnesota prosecutors provided graphic details of Columbus’s alleged sexual assault of the eight-year-old girl in her mother’s home, records reviewed by the DCNF show ... “Victim stated ‘Tim’ laid her on the couch and held her down as he unbuckled his pants and pulled down her pants. Victim stated he then ‘put his thing inside me,’” the statement of probable cause read ... “Victim stated ‘Tim’ told her not to tell anyone and continued to penetrate her,” the statement added.

The DCNF noted that Columbus was already a registered sex offender due to a separate prior incident.

MFF paid $350,000 in cash to get a twice-convicted rapist released from jail who was facing kidnapping and sexual assault charges.

MFF helped bail out a man accused of breaking into a 71-year-old woman’s home and violently attacking her. The suspect was charged with burglary and 1st-degree assault.

MFF helped a 33-year-old man get out of jail after he was arrested for allegedly beating a robbing a man who was leaning on a cane. The suspect is accused of kicking and punching the victim while the victim was on the ground. The suspect is alleged to have stomped on the victim’s head ..."

avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Papi - in all fairness, the pedophile vote has been neglected for quite a while...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ not anymore apparently

I'm sure the Dems will also get the "Cuties" vote
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Paying attention to pedophiles is what earned them the support of RandumbMember.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
LOL - "birds of a feather ... "
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
i guess jailbaits aren't interested in coffee, much less unpaid meet and greets at some starbucks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he was creating the “1776 Commission” to promote patriotism in U.S. education as part of the administration’s efforts to combat the far Left’s agenda of trying to re-write American history.

“Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character,” Trump said at the White House Conference on American History, hosted at the National Archives Museum. “We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and classrooms, and teach our children the magnificent truth about our country. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.”

Trump’s speech comes after the administration announced two weeks ago that it was cancelling all federal funding that was going toward promoting critical race theory ... Trump then announced that the National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a grant to support the development of a pro-American curriculum to be taught in U.S. schools that celebrates the truth about our nation’s great history ..."


avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Finally - the voice of reason:

"Lady Gaga: ‘When You’re Born In This Country, We All Drink The Poison That Is White Supremacy’"

"... Speaking with Billboard in a wide-ranging interview, the “Bad Romance” singer said that she has been working hard to undo the white supremacist ingrained in her from birth ... “I am in the process of learning and unlearning things I’ve been taught my whole life,” she said, as reported by The Hill. “When you’re born in this country, we all drink the poison that is white supremacy. Social justice is not just a literacy, it’s a lifestyle.” ..."


I imagine @Icey is gonna LDK when he reads that
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Maine Police Looking For Woman Allegedly Leaving Poop In Trump Supporters’ Mailboxes"

"... Alyshia Canwell, a patrol officer with Hampden Public Safety, told WGME, “She has been picking up dog feces and putting it in mailboxes, specifically of people who have Trump signs outside,” adding, “She has been also defacing Trump signs, writing comments on the signs.” ..."

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I like that maybe I could get my Jubanos to do that as well ya better take down that sign Papi 😁😁😁😁
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago

"Princeton Prez: We Must Cleanse Our University Of Racism. DeVos: You’re Racist? We’ll Investigate You Now"

"... On September 2, the president of Princeton University, Christopher Eisgruber, issued a mea culpa in a letter in which he argued that Princeton still evinced racism, writing, “Racism and the damage it does to people of color nevertheless persist at Princeton as in our society … racist assumptions from the past also remain embedded in structures of the University itself.”

On Wednesday, the Department of Education fired off a letter to Princeton University declaring that the university would be investigated, stating it was “concerned Princeton’s nondiscrimination and equal opportunity assurances in its Program Participation Agreements from at least 2013 to the present may have been false.” ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Damn - this is starting to be an epidemic

"White Black Lives Matter Activist Apologizes And Promises To Seek Help After Pretending To Be Black"

"... A prominent Black Lives Matter activist from Indiana apologized for pretending to be black and vowed to seek help after it was revealed that she was lying about her race.

Satchuel Cole, who was born Jennifer Benton to white parents, came clean after a report from BlackIndyLive.com revealed that she was not black. The outlet discovered Benton’s yearbook photos and legal documents that proved her parents were white and that she once identified as white.

The outlet also reported that Benton, who reportedly uses “they/them” pronouns, changed her name in 2010, after which time her profile as an activist began to skyrocket ..."

avatar for jvTroop
4 years ago
You fucking idiots! I am the one organizing the riots! I love chaos!!! My dick is hard now!
avatar for jvTroop
4 years ago
I’m jacking off at u dumbasses being wrong and mad.
avatar for ime
4 years ago
Weird how if white privilege is such a problem, people go out of their way to claim being something other than white. Seems like the privilege is foynd by not being white. Maybe we have an anything other than white privilege problem.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@jvTroop - you sound like a ChickenShit to me.

How about if I just call you that from now on ChickenShit?
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Excellent point IME
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Massive ‘F--k Cuomo and de Blasio’ mural painted on Brooklyn street"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Even With Lockdowns, Emmys Post Lowest Ratings Ever"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"BLM Deletes ‘What We Believe’ Section Of Website. Here Are The Agenda Items They No Longer Want You To See"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Proposes New Felony Charges For ‘Violent Protesters,’ Harsh Penalties For Cities That Defund Police"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago

"Woman Driver Taunts, Flips Off Trump Supporters. Then She Plows Into The Car In Front Of Her"

Video at bottom of article:

avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago

It would have been better if she plowed into a pond.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ or plowed into a cop
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"‘Defund The Police’ Activist Alyssa Milano Triggers Massive Law Enforcement Response Over Gun Threat"

"... Actress Alyssa Milano, who recently became a top supporter of the “Defund the Police” movement, which seeks to disband police departments and redirect funds to “community organizations” was quick to call the cops, the Daily Mail reports, over reports of an “armed gunman” in her neighborhood ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
More examples of why "we must defund the police":

"Young Woman Alone On Miami Metro Viciously Attacked As Assailant Hurls Her Into Wall, Punches Her In Head Repeatedly"


"Man arrested in connection with brutal beating of 73-year-old on Miami Metromover"


I wonder if this is related to all the "white-privilege" aka "get whitey" BS going around.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Where did Rachel go, with all his bragging about killing Atlanta cops and getting away with it?
avatar for winex
4 years ago
ChickenShit is still here. She just came out of the closet.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Buying votes

"Bloomberg pays fines for 32,000 felons in Florida so they can vote"

"... Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has reportedly raised more than $16 million in an effort to help convicted felons in Florida register to vote ... The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition estimated Bloomberg's fundraising push has already paid off monetary obligations for 32,000 felons ... Last week, several television networks also pledged to donate money to the cause ..."

"... Bloomberg, who ran in the Democratic primary for president, has endorsed the party's nominee, Joe Biden, and has donated at least $100 million to the former vice president's campaign to defeat President Trump ..."

avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
bloomberg was a NYPD supporter during his tenure as mayor. now this - what the fuck?
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
There are State and Federal laws against buying votes. Also, these beneficiaries of this "gift" will face possible gift tax liability.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
It's being reported that all the ex-cons that have received this in FL are black or latino
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"The de Blasio-Carranza ‘diversity’ drive isn’t just wrong, it looks corrupt, too"

"... "Never waste a good crisis to transform a system,” Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza said at the height of the pandemic ..."

"... Carranza, progressive activists and operatives linked to City Hall are seeking to ram through a radical agenda before the mayor leaves office ... “We see [the crisis] as an opportunity to finally push and move and be very strategic in a very aggressive way what we know is the equity agenda for our kids,” ..."

"... District 28 is the epicenter of that effort. In December, the district CEC hosted the first meeting in the Department of Education’s “Diversity-Planning Process.” Kids, it appeared, would be moved to different schools to achieve oracial balance ..."

avatar for winex
4 years ago

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody sent a letter to the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Monday, asking them to investigate the millions that billionaire Mike Bloomberg helped raise to offset fines and court costs for felons so they can vote.

In addition, Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis asked the Florida Elections Commission to also investigate the debts that were paid through Bloomberg’s organization.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
More leftist looney-tunes:

"Seattle Hires Former Pimp As ‘Street Czar,’ Pays $150K Per Year To Develop ‘Alternatives To Policing’"


That's more than most state governors get paid:

avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
My first thought was phatty loco finally got himself a job but then it hit me that he's a wannabe pimp, not a real one so he's still unemployed unless you count him selling fentanyl to junkies.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Charles Barkley Blasts ‘Fools’ Pushing ‘Defund The Police’: ‘Who Are Black People Supposed To Call? Ghostbusters?’"

Former NBA player and current commentator Charles Barkley blasted the “fools on TV” who are pushing the leftist “defund the police” movement, saying that black people need police “when we have crime in our neighborhoods.”

“We have to really be careful on these, you know, I hear these fools on TV talking about ‘defund the police’ and things like that,” Barkley said. “We need police reform and prison reform and things like that because you know who ain’t going to defund the cops? White neighborhoods and rich neighborhoods.”

avatar for winex
4 years ago
I always liked Barkley. It was great when he played for the Suns.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Race-baiting paying off better than ever:

"Atlanta BLM Activist Facing Fraud Charges After Raising $200K And Reportedly Spending It On Himself"

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"Minneapolis Plan To Defund The Police Collapses, City Council Members ‘Regret’ Making Pledge"

Minneapolis, Minnesota’s plan to defund and then disband their local police force has “collapsed” according to a New York Times report from over the weekend. Some of the Minneapolis City Council members who pledged to abolish the city’s law enforcement — including the City Council president — now say they regret making that promise.

The Times headline blares that the “pledge to dismantle the police department has collapsed,” and notes that “a majority of City Council members promised to ‘end policing as we know it'” after George Floyd died while in the custody of the Minneapolis police department. Instead, though “they became a case study in how idealistic calls for structural change can falter.”

Back in June, the Minneapolis City Council was clear that the Minneapolis Police Department was on borrowed time. The City Council president, Lisa Bender — a self-described progressive — told residents that she had a vision of a “transformative new model of public safety” and now-famously added that anyone worried that a lack of law enforcement would result in a spike in crime was speaking from a place of “privilege.”

At the time, Bender even challenged her fellow councilmembers to stick with the plan to dismantle the MPD, lest they be complicit in “white supremacy.”

“If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it? Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system?” she mused.

She got the timeline nearly right — for herself. Bender is now among those who say abolishing the police is not the right approach.

“Councilor Andrew Johnson, one of the nine members who supported the pledge in June, said in an interview that he meant the words ‘in spirit,’ not by the letter,” according to the NY Times. “Another councilor, Phillipe Cunningham, said that the language in the pledge was “up for interpretation” and that even among council members soon after the promise was made, ‘it was very clear that most of us had interpreted that language differently.”’

“Lisa Bender, the council president, paused for 16 seconds when asked if the council’s statement had led to uncertainty at a pivotal moment for the city,” the NY Times adds. “’I think our pledge created confusion in the community and in our wards,’ she said.”

Over the last month, Minneapolis officials have moved to “formalize a retreat that has quietly played out in Minneapolis in the months since George Floyd was killed by the police and the ensuing national uproar over the treatment of Black Americans by law enforcement and the country at large. After a summer that challenged society’s commitment to racial equality and raised the prospect of sweeping political change, a cool autumn reality is settling in,” the NY Times reports.

“National polls show decreasing support for Black Lives Matter since a sea change of goodwill in June. In Minneapolis, the most far-reaching policy efforts meant to address police violence have all but collapsed,” the outlet adds.

That’s partly because Minneapolis has experienced an unprecedented spike in violent crime, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, and partly because the City Council had no plans beyond defunding and dismantling the police department — something the city’s charter explicitly disallows.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Someone from the silent-majority with the balls to stand his ground:


(Video at end of article)
avatar for cranknyank
4 years ago
Papi Chulo, You can very easily come up with extreme articles on either side. At the end of the day, people are getting mistreated by police and protesters are mad. Sure you can criticize the people taking advantage but that would be like criticizing the white nationalists at a Trump convention. Their presence doesn’t mean the whole convention is full of racists.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Everyone has the right to post w/e articles they wish, and they do - folks are gonna post articles according to their viewpoints and/or interests whether they are political articles or not.
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