Before anyone bitches, everyone has different definitions of what high cost or high volume is. A 10 w/ great personality and service at $800 can both be higher cost and higher volume than a sloppy 6 @ one hundo.
Everyone has a different opinion on this and that is ok - to each his own.
For me, volume matters and price alone is not the only way to gauge it, but it's a starting point. Only dealing with girls who work in clubs where high mileage is not allowed is also a great next step. It's also telling if she is generally available whenever I want her, which is a sign that I'm not competing against several other dudes for her time.
Nowadays I just don't have a lot of interest in being X of YY served on a given night. Again though to each his own. When I was younger it was different, but age seems to be changing my preferences.
===> "Before anyone bitches, everyone has different definitions of what high cost or high volume is. A 10 w/ great personality and service at $800 can both be higher cost and higher volume than a sloppy 6 @ one hundo."
Not likely dude. There are plenty of guys out there who will take that sloppy 6 for a benji over paying $800 for any one encounter. USASG is chalk full of these guys and they go to strip clubs too.
I try not to over think what is in essence nothing more than getting laid. When I was dating, I never took home a 4, just because I wanted sex. I do admit I woke up to a lot of 4s.
Of course we all want that harem of gorgeous vestal virgins waiting for us at the palace. But reality sets in. If you want what you want from a girl that is willing to do it for the amount you are willing to pay, then you get what you get.
I will always pay more for higher quality of girl and service, it isn't always the case but usually is. For me paying less doesn't make sense. If a girl I'd rate as a 6 approached me in a club and offered me FS for $100 I'd decline every time.
Does it even matter as long as you're getting the service you want at the price you're willing to pay??
It doesn’t matter.
Only if it is true that you sincerely believe and feel “you are getting the service you want at the price you're willing to pay”
From your post I am getting the impression you are having buyer’s remorse, the feeling of regret you get after making a purchase.
It is all inside your head, to prevent buyer’s remorse: Only spend money on things that you really love/want and are willing to pay the price that you truly sincerely believe is fair, and forget the rest.
No one knows for sure if the girl is “low volume” or not, who knows whatever she was doing before she did you.
Don’t overthink it, if you must ask her to take a shower together to make sure you both are clean.
Many in TUSCL have said they sincerely don’t regret what they paid for OTC with Dream Strippers, “worth every penny”.
And many talk about the bad experiences where they were ripped off, in dangerous situations and are lucky to have survived.
I am sure nobody here or anywhere is batting a thousand with women, in the stripper world or the civil world.
Sometimes you just have to pay to see their cards and learn to loose and learn from your experiences.
Kenny Rogers, the gambler, taught me that wins and losses are part of life and the “hobby”...
"Not likely dude. There are plenty of guys out there who will take that sloppy 6 for a benji over paying $800 for any one encounter. USASG is chalk full of these guys and they go to strip clubs too." -- rickdugan
You're right. There's the very high volume girls and the matching any pussy is pussy kinda guys. Both have a habit of being invisible to me.
"From your post I am getting the impression you are having buyer’s remorse," --cjkent
Is this thread inspired by Shadowcat’s thread against raising the price of pussy?
I guess I don’t completely understand the main point of this thread. What specific instances gives you your reasoning? Experience with different particular dancers or clubs?
I do get the impression you are somebody’s secondary account (created for anonymity reasons and not really trolling.) Which is fine, so I encourage you to be as detailed as you can be without giving yourself away.
I've never gone to a strip club with the intention of getting laid. To me, if that was my goal, an escort is a much more sure thing and probably cheaper in the long run based on prices I've seen paid for FS VIP here.
I go to have fun and have a possibility of a fun encounter without any certain expectation. In a strip club there is a large variety of choices and it's a bit of an adventure.
I have taken women from a strip club OTC but it's not a goal going in.
To me it's a trade off between cost, and looks and skills. The only point where volume comes in is if the dancer I am interested in is so popular that to get her I would have to wait for 3 hours, then it's down to the the next one on my list.
Here are some examples
9 or 10 looks, and 9 or 10 skills, and I would probably go for an hour or two in the champagne room for up to $500. same woman at 8 skills then probably $300, 7 $200, 6 $150.
Below an 8 looks and skills no champagne room.
An 8 and with a 10 skills she gets $300, between 7 and 9 then $200, below 7 nope.
A 7 with 10 skills gets $200, 8 to 9 $200, 7 $150, below that no.
A 6 would have to be a 10 in skills and then only for $125 or less.
Costs - It is a service. You can rent a Kia or you can rent a McLaren. Just don't pay Ferrari prices for a Ford. Volume - I try to stay in the moment. I don't concern myself with thoughts about their private lives, boyfriend, husband, kids, how often they have had sex that day, etc. My only considerations with a sex worker is, Does this seem to be a conscious career choice? Not interested in sex with a tweaking addict or Someone forced into human trafficking.
last commentNAAAASTY
For me, volume matters and price alone is not the only way to gauge it, but it's a starting point. Only dealing with girls who work in clubs where high mileage is not allowed is also a great next step. It's also telling if she is generally available whenever I want her, which is a sign that I'm not competing against several other dudes for her time.
Nowadays I just don't have a lot of interest in being X of YY served on a given night. Again though to each his own. When I was younger it was different, but age seems to be changing my preferences.
Not likely dude. There are plenty of guys out there who will take that sloppy 6 for a benji over paying $800 for any one encounter. USASG is chalk full of these guys and they go to strip clubs too.
I will play along and answer your question:
Does it even matter as long as you're getting the service you want at the price you're willing to pay??
It doesn’t matter.
Only if it is true that you sincerely believe and feel “you are getting the service you want at the price you're willing to pay”
From your post I am getting the impression you are having buyer’s remorse, the feeling of regret you get after making a purchase.
It is all inside your head, to prevent buyer’s remorse: Only spend money on things that you really love/want and are willing to pay the price that you truly sincerely believe is fair, and forget the rest.
No one knows for sure if the girl is “low volume” or not, who knows whatever she was doing before she did you.
Don’t overthink it, if you must ask her to take a shower together to make sure you both are clean.
Many in TUSCL have said they sincerely don’t regret what they paid for OTC with Dream Strippers, “worth every penny”.
And many talk about the bad experiences where they were ripped off, in dangerous situations and are lucky to have survived.
I am sure nobody here or anywhere is batting a thousand with women, in the stripper world or the civil world.
Sometimes you just have to pay to see their cards and learn to loose and learn from your experiences.
Kenny Rogers, the gambler, taught me that wins and losses are part of life and the “hobby”...
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler (with lyrics)…
You're right. There's the very high volume girls and the matching any pussy is pussy kinda guys. Both have a habit of being invisible to me.
"From your post I am getting the impression you are having buyer’s remorse," --cjkent
pics or didn't happen ;)
I guess I don’t completely understand the main point of this thread. What specific instances gives you your reasoning? Experience with different particular dancers or clubs?
I do get the impression you are somebody’s secondary account (created for anonymity reasons and not really trolling.) Which is fine, so I encourage you to be as detailed as you can be without giving yourself away.
I go to have fun and have a possibility of a fun encounter without any certain expectation. In a strip club there is a large variety of choices and it's a bit of an adventure.
I have taken women from a strip club OTC but it's not a goal going in.
Here are some examples
9 or 10 looks, and 9 or 10 skills, and I would probably go for an hour or two in the champagne room for up to $500. same woman at 8 skills then probably $300, 7 $200, 6 $150.
Below an 8 looks and skills no champagne room.
An 8 and with a 10 skills she gets $300, between 7 and 9 then $200, below 7 nope.
A 7 with 10 skills gets $200, 8 to 9 $200, 7 $150, below that no.
A 6 would have to be a 10 in skills and then only for $125 or less.
Volume - I try to stay in the moment. I don't concern myself with thoughts about their private lives, boyfriend, husband, kids, how often they have had sex that day, etc. My only considerations with a sex worker is, Does this seem to be a conscious career choice? Not interested in sex with a tweaking addict or Someone forced into human trafficking.