Caught up....

avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
If you've ever gotten caught doing your club thing or otc thing, how did you get caught? What wrong move did you make that got you caught? Who caught you, and how long until you got back on the saddle and went again, if you had to let things cool down before venturing back into the scene.

Close calls also welcomed to be shared!

Love a good story :)


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avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
I got caught up in a shit truck job that took all night before. We had to get a backhoe and dig up the parking lot to fix that dam shitter. It took all night 🤮
avatar for 3131
4 years ago
Makeup ( foundation? ) on my collar. I missed seeing it. It didn't come out in the wash.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
Nothing big. Caught out in public at the grocer store with Makeup/foundation in my crotch when I wore a pair of jeans the next morning after a club visit.

Also, busted once by a bouncer with a nipple in my mouth. Nothing big, just told us to cool it down.
avatar for BabyDoc
4 years ago
Many, many years ago I was on a work contract and we had an early morning start. That meant all checked out of the hotel by something like 4 AM. One of my colleagues who was a close friend called my room to make sure I was awake and ready to go. The young non-English speaking lady who shared my bed the night before answered. Shit! I motioned for her to hang up.

I had never before admitted to partaking in paid for pleasure and my friend was giddy that he had caught me. When he came down to the lobby he had a shit eating grin and started to gloat. I feigned complete ignorance and told him with a straight face that I’d been down in the lobby all checked out for an hour. So if he spoke to any female in my room it must have been the maid or someone checking the mini-bar. It was just plausible enough that he began to doubt himself. I never told him the truth but I still find it amusing as all fuck.

avatar for Icey
4 years ago
I don't care if someone sees me in a club. And i don't do hookers. But I love the youtube channels where guys get caught with hookers lulz

avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Stripper caught feelings for me because we were doing irregular hookups whenever we got horny. Girlfriend at the time was getting crazy and unstable and hard to get rid of. The stripper came to my house one night and didn’t know my girlfriend was there. It really helped me out when this stripper knocked in the door after her shift at 11:00 at night. Needless to say the bat shit crazy girlfriend lost her marbles and hit the hint after that, which was good. The downside was the stripper thought we were a couple after that.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
It was after my 2nd visit - of the lap dance era - (I'd been an infrequent stage watcher for decades). Unlike my 1st visit, I'd learned my hands didn't have to stay at my side. God, what fun, hands caressing boobs, buns, legs, belly. Motorboating, hugging, sighs in ear, she laughed at my jokes. I could hardly believe it. Left me feeling horny. And a bit perfumed.

So, at home I throw clothes in washer, hop in the hot tub, hold my nose and go under to get bromine water everywhere, then take a shower before wife gets home. Later, horny becomes contagious, and wife and I enjoy a fantastic cannoddling. I'm lying on her catching my breath, and she says "how'd you get perfume in your nose?"
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
avatar for 3131
4 years ago
Someone fess up that it was the herpes that got them busted?
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I think that many of those that get caught on some level wanted to get caught
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
my second vip with a certain girl. frikin bouncer peeked in just after the clock started. threw my ass out. sroxnard.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ getting caught by a bouncer is usually the same as getting setup, having sex in a club is far from comfortable and isn’t on my agenda
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I had been married maybe a year. Buddy at work says Lets go out for a beer. Yes, he meant strip club. We go right after work. I"m there maybe 45 minutes and had two relatively tame lap dances. But the girl kisses me a lot. I then say Bye to my buddy and go home.
Pull up into the driveway is my wife, and my next door neighbors. As I get out of the car, I notice them staring at me as I say hello. The neighbor husband tells me to look in the mirror. Lipstick was smeered all over my face.
I come clean and my wife just teased me for several months.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
Stopped by a higher end club on a whim on a mid week afternoon. I wasn’t planning on spending too much, so I figured the $140 in my pocket would be more than enough for a short trip, perhaps a couple of simple LDs. Turns out a high demand dancer was unexpectedly there and available.

I decided to put a private room on my credit card. I wasn’t worried about my (now ex) wife seeing the statement: electronically delivered and I pay it out of an individual account.

But I had almost forgotten about the credit card receipt the I stashed in my rear pants pocket. I remembered it only about 60 minutes before she started doing the laundry. And she would make sure pockets were emptied before washing.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I had a flashlight shined on my penis when a bouncer came back and the stripper jumped off in guilty panic. I think he kept the flashlight on it a bit longer than necessary, obviously admiring the specimen of male virility. 😉

But contrary to 25's opinion that I wanted to be caught, I would have much preferred to finish, lol. It was several years ago and not something I normally do as I prefer my action OTC, but she was hot as fuck and I had a few in the tank, all of which clouded my judgment a bit.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Your reading is impacting your comprehension of what I said RickiBoi go back and reread v e r y s l o w l y so you can understand it.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> IQ 25, how do you imagine that this was confusing?:

"I think that many of those that get caught on some level wanted to get caught'

I had zero interest, on any level, of getting caught.

Next time don't say stupid shit just because you can't track you own comments.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ My IQ of 25 still surpasses yours by 24 points

You’re still a moron RickiBoi when does many equal all but in your case getting caught by a bouncer was what you were trying for, dumbass
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
Back to the close call stories.

Last month I had an OTC session with a hot Latina in her apartment. We were just “hanging out” on her bed after a fun romp when her teenage son, who has no idea she dances and escorts on the side, unexpectedly came home early. They talked in Spanish (which I don’t know) through the door. And at one point she thought I might have to hide in her closet. But fortunately things settled down. She and I then canoodled for a couple of hours while surfing videos on her social media accounts. Eventually she snuck me out the front door.

I enjoy being with her, so I will go back.
avatar for londonguy
4 years ago
I had just finished having a shower prior to shagging a hot 20yr old posh English escort in her swanky London apartment. She came into the bathroom and unbeknown to me I had accidentally hit a quick dial button on my mobile (cell) phone. I just happened to glance at it and was mortified when I realised what happened. I quickly hit the cancel button. I was bricking it until I realised latet that I had managed to cancel it before it connected and was answered. Needless to say I always shut my phone down now.
avatar for SaltyNuts
4 years ago
I was sending an after action thank you text to my ATF and was just a second or less from hitting the send button when I realized that it was getting ready to be sent to my 34 yo son
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I was in one of the vip booths at a dirty NJ club - and I was laying back - enjoying a tight bodied Brazilian slowly ride me.

This was my first vip with this girl - and it was her first night dancing at this club. She looked so hot - and sweet - as she rose up and moved my (covered) cock out of her pussy - spit on her hand - and slid it in her ass. It felt better than it looked - and her ass had an intense grip. She then leans in and we kiss deeply - as I continue to fuck her ass.

Some drunk bumps into the wall of a nearby stall - and it startles us. Then the curtain covering the stall falls to the ground! The dancer is shocked - but I pull her back down - and continue kissing her as I fuck her ass.

She felt much too good to stop even if others could see what we were doing! She was more embarrassed than I.
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
My ex convinced me that she was down with hanging out at the clubs with me. What a crock of shit. She used it against me and we wound up breaking up afterwards. Woke my ass up about what I could and couldn't share with a gf that's for sure
avatar for codemonkey
4 years ago
While I've had some close calls over the years, the only time I was actually busted was described here:…
avatar for Eric_Murphy
4 years ago
Visiting new city with family before possible move. Decided to check out a club after they went to sleep one night. Did my normal scan of TUSCL to help me decide which one before heading out. Next morning my crying wife wakes me asking me how could I go to a strip club? “I know what happens at those places” she says. Before I can say anything she shows me our iPad.
I of course had forgotten to close the browser page.
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