Outdated cultural depictions!

avatar for shadowcat
What does it mean? I just watched "Paint your wagon" on Starz and it was described as outdated cultural depictions.

On closer examination I find other films given the same description.

i.e Dances with wolves, Dumbo, Fantasia

Am I some kind of racist or some other "ist" if I watch them?


last comment
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
It's trigger warning for faint-hearted snowflakes who prefer revisionist history to cold, hard, facts. Because facts don't care about your feelings.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Did you find that the movie was an accurate depiction of modern culture? If not, it is an "outdated cultural depiction."
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I have a Hulu/Starz combo and along with free TUBI, I may cancel my Netflix when COVID passes and I have better things to spend my money on.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
The world would be a lot easier to tolerate if people weren't walking around looking for a reason to be offended. I guess even the phrase "sexual preference" is now offensive.
avatar for londonguy
4 years ago
^ Absolutely right Mike. Over here there are people that go out of their way to be offended. I guess it's the same your side of the Atlantic.
avatar for SaltyNuts
4 years ago
@desertscrub - STARZ has some exclusive original drama series that are popular with a certain demographic, Outlander is probably their most popular along with The Spanish Princess or their SC series P-Valley.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
It a sign of collapse and decline. As the Greek and Roman empires declined, the social norms broke down - including gender and sexual norms. They became fixated on perversity- homosexuality, transsexualism/hermaphroditism. Not a positive trend.
avatar for rickthevulture
4 years ago
Do you goofy apes ever think about the fact that it is pretty frickin’ snowflakey to be offended by a phrase appearing on a screen for three frickin’ second?

Besides, when I start up a movie for my buds I’m usually in the kitchen finishing the hors d'oeuvres (you know, delectable treats like rotting possum crostini) while the credits for the film start.

I guess that must mean you don’t have friends to share movie night with. A bit sad if you ask me. Squawk!
avatar for rickthevulture
4 years ago
Sorry not sorry ‘bout any hurt feelings... ‘cause facts don’t care about the feelings of snowflakes!

Jus’ living up to the rick motto: it’s ok to be an asshole as long as you aren’t 100% a dick! Squawk! Squawk!
avatar for Arigano_69 (Twat)
Arigano_69 (Twat)
4 years ago
"Do you goofy apes ever think about the fact that it is pretty frickin’ snowflakey to be offended by a phrase appearing on a screen for three frickin’ second?"

Of course not. They refuse to see their own snowflakiness. True hypocrites.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
So some are offended by movies being out of date and not culturally relevant?

It happens
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

I will play along and answer your questions.

Q: What does it mean?

A: Google says: A cultural depiction is how a person, object or other noun is represented in culture...


outdated(adjective) Out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated; obsolete, no longer current, no longer useful or acceptable : not modern or current.

“The “disclaimer” appears with some animated Disney classics such as 1967's The Jungle Book and 1953's Peter Pan, offering “caution to viewers” of “racist and culturally insensitive” depictions and references in the plots and characters of those movies.”

Q: Am I some kind of racist or some other "ist" if I watch them?

A: No, you are not some kind of racist or some other “ist” if you watch them.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
I think I might be an outdated cultural depiction.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
And I’m good with that.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Outdated cultural depictions are funny!

We have gotten to the point that everything must be highly non-offensive to certain groups - so those depictions seem even funnier now.

It might be worth watching Blazing Saddles again for a good laugh!
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
If you’re interested something I find hilarious is watching the old Tarzan movies on TCM there’s some outdated cultural references for y’all
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Imagine if the news honestly portrayed current culture in some communities lol. They'd be all upset because of the truth... Imagine a community that idolizes felons not being a resounding success lol
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