
Manhattan open!

avatar for nicespice

It was discussed on Stripperweb.


According to a dancer, Ricks has a $7 house fee. Probably a necessity but wow that’s nuts.

I guess once the Bay Area opens back up again, then things will be more on their way back to “normal”. Well aside from the travel customers. 😅


last comment
avatar for nicespice
4 yrs ago

Oh and one club (Executive Club) is forever done. And another club is rumored that it might be done for.

avatar for blahblahblah23
4 yrs ago

I didn't wanna post this on sw, but someone I talked to doesn't think Manhattan will recover from this. They think these $$$$$$$$$ finance types will long term leave that area. Idk really for sure but yeah.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

I imagine club business won't be near as booming, considering NY doesn't even want an ant from out of state traveling and staying in.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Just because something opens doesn't mean it will thrive. Ive been to clubs...not in NYC but until theres more economic security and tye virus is under control I don't see nitelife doing well

avatar for nicespice
4 yrs ago

Ehhh...I’m not overly concerned with how Manhattan will ultimately fare, but I’m keeping my eye open out of interest. It seemed like a screwed up place from a dancer POV even before covid judging from this:


...And firms were already looking at smaller cities before all this. If it gets accelerated, then so be it. I’m all for the finance guys being spread out all over the place, and not being beholden to arrogant and extorting gatekeepers to potentially meet one.

I’m just celebrating because if the stricter lockdown areas are finally conceding to opening, then that means that other places are less likely to shut back down again. 😁

avatar for nicespice
4 yrs ago

Did have my eye on trying out Flash one day, but that was more out of wanting to vacation in the city one day and then leaving once I get tired of it. But I’ll wait for a bit. Maybe with luck in a few years lodging will be more affordable especially lodging with a dog. But a lot can change so we shall see...

avatar for TFP
4 yrs ago

Even with Manhattan opening up I doubt the Bay Area will soon follow suit.

I mean they still haven't even opened bowling alleys for fucks sake. Still no indoor dining, all our restaurants have set up these big tent type things outside and folks are allowed to eat in those. Which trips me out because those are just about as enclosed as a regular indoor restaurant.

I don't think we'll be setting foot in any SF clubs till next year for sure.

avatar for mike710
4 yrs ago

I looked at the fucked up Gavin color coded map for the various counties in CA from October 6th and the Bay Area is pretty much in the Red Zone. This means that the numbers allow for limited indoor dining by state definition. Anything that is less than that is the fault of the messed up county governments in the Bay Area. I grew up in Alameda county and when I was up in July it felt like the People's Republic of Alemeda County.

The problem is the cold and rain is coming soon. I have a feeling these counties will open up once holding the economy artificially down won't affect the election.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

^^ mike710

Agree completely. I've been saying since this whole shut-down bullshit started that it's being driven by Democrats who want people to be as miserable as possible when they cast their votes. Regardless of who wins the election, I expect a return to normalcy almost immediately after Nov 3.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Sign dnr forms and refuse all treatment for covid19

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
4 yrs ago


avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago


avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Are blowjobs that cheap also?

I'm asking for a friend - my little friend.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

Anything's possible with some negotiating.

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

I’m still gonna wait it out. I’m not interested in doing the CoVid no touch shuffle experiment. Let others bite that bullet.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
4 yrs ago

Where are the best beans in Manhattan. If Manhattan is worth 8ts beans, I may have to visit. Can I bring my horse?

SF clubs look to be mostly open now. So feel free to visit cali nicespice😉


avatar for TFP
4 yrs ago

SF clubs open? Uh.....you sure about that?

It's only topless clubs that serve alcohol, nude clubs are in the next phase

I am quite sure that I just had my first LDK in 7 months :) :)


avatar for TFP
4 yrs ago

So Gold's club, Hustler Club, and Penthouse are open? Thanks for the Intel, I didn't know any strip clubs were open in SF.

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