Sex workers and politicians.....

avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
Other than the fact that ALOT of politicans like sex workers lol.....

They are kinda similar....

They both tell you whatever you wanna hear to get you hooked in needing/wanting them and they make you believe they are the only one to do the job right haha

However for me one of the things that separates myself from a politician is I actually follow through with my promises when I make them ;)


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
In politics the thing is to avoid getting caught with a dead girl or a live boy in your bed
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago

If they were smart they wouldnt have them in their bed ;)
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Bruh no one cares stop writing discussions for all your random thoughts. Make a Twitter
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago


Stop opening my posts to read if you dont care "bruh"

Also stop trying to get my Twitter account now to stalk lol byeeeee bruh
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Just said if u got random thoughts post them there unless u don’t want people in your ass for saying you’re racist🤷🏾‍♂️. I wouldn’t wanna pay 30 for a subscription on twitter when u post nudes and retarded thoughts here for free😂
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
You're the only one throwing around that word bruh.

You try to make anyone seem racist who isnt yourself and no matter what they post , you're a moron.

Someone can say, I enjoy scrambled eggs over hard boiled and you'll find a way to make it about race and attack the person.

You are a loser just trying to attack people to make yourself feel better about your own issues.

You dislike me soooooo much and call me.names but here you go again raping my thread with your stupid fucking comments and talking about me and my photos that you keep viewing and keeping up to date on.

Sad bruh ....

Come on we are all expecting your next dumbass comment in.....



avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Just put him on ignore Jane if nobody responds to him he makes a sound like one hand clapping all alone in the dark
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Don't insult good hard working sex workers by comparing them to dirty low down good for nothing politicians.

Most of us really love fucking sex workers but hate constantly getting fucked by politicians.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Men with authority tend to like hookers coz its about power. Its all about them. They get exactly what they want and don't have to reciprocate etc.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Men like hookers.
There you go Icey, I fixed it for you.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Please don’t denigrate sex workers by comparing them to politicians. Lol!

The filthiest street walker is cleaner than a first term politician.

Sadly, politicians have changed the game, as they will tell us our views are wrong, and still take our money, and piss it away on pork projects. At least with a whore - I can choose to take my business elsewhere.
avatar for BabyDoc
4 years ago
I’m reminded of a colleague who used to say: “Don’t call my hooker a whore.”

Yeah it applies here too.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Nah men like women wanting to fuck them. Not having to pay hookers. Men with problems use hookers as surrogates for psychiatrists
avatar for winex
4 years ago
I don’t think that psychiatrists allow you to have as much fun with them as hookers do.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Cd not sure how having to pay an illegal hooker to let you stick your dick in her pussy is fun. But then you have no idea what consensual sex feels like
avatar for winex
4 years ago
The "having to pay" isn't the fun part.

But a virgin, wanna-be internet pimp wouldn't understand adult topics like this.

Stoned and stupid is no way to go through life.
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
I just wish I could find a good, hot looking hooker in a bar or two that would play with me. I think it would be fun to pick up hookers in regular bars or at the casino. I look for them, but never seem to find them. Maybe that is an area of expertise that I lack.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."
- Ronald Reagan
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
@Nidan. I used to see a lot of them at the Cosmopolitan in Vegas. Also got hit up a few times at the Tropicana. In Vegas, just look for an attractive lady hanging at the bar by herself. They do run in groups, sometimes, but that's only because they know each other and happen to be at the bar at the same time. I saw about a dozen at the same bar at the Cosmopolitan once.
avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
4 years ago
Lol @cash it was meant as a joke....

Clearly sex workers are more honest than politicians lol

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