
Comments by parodyman--> (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    His new boy rushes to his defense...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    When I first saw the topic "I am published!" I wanted to ask bobbyl if his local police made him register as a sex offender. His review was self serving garbage with little useful substance. I'm not impressed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "While the flame wars continue on here, I spent last Sunday night and Monday afternoon at my favorite club with snowtime. What a nice guy. It was not his first time to my favorite club and he already knew some of the girls. I guess that we spent a total of about 8 hours sharing strip club experiences. What a blast. I am looking fore ward to the next time we can get together." I bet bobbyl is jealous. He wanted to be your only one. (disciple)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    "njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?" -- The rest of us just call you dick wad or scat's bitch.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    novelty features
    They used to have feature dancers 4 nights a week at the Admiral Theatre in Chicago. There were quite a few acts that were very good. Julia Parton comes to mind. Nina Hartley and Ginger Lynn too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    "logical impossible?" What is that?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I am published!
    Who cares?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    “Again, fuck you, parodyman.” – A cheerful and intelligent way to begin a dialogue! “ Shadowcat is NOT my leader. He must be yours because everytimes he posts to the discussion board your posts LEAD right to him!” – “Everytimes?” “Everytimes” you post you embarrass yourself with your poor spelling. Who can take you seriously? I think “everytimes” you post you should make use of the spell checker available in your word processor. “I guess you don't find a problem with burning the American flag you fucking piece of anti patriotic human debris as it's only a piece of cloth.” – In practice I find the burning of the flag to be a distasteful act. In theory (legally) it is necessary to have that option of political expression. I believe it is disrespectful to our veterans to try to outlaw the right of free expression. You should be embarrassed by what you post Shrek. I think it is a lot more patriotic to work for positive change than to wave around a piece of cloth uttering stupid platitudes. “That "piece of cloth" is what makes it possible for your sorry ass to live in this country.” – Funny, I thought just being born here made it possible for me to live here. (Bill of Rights? Natural Citizen?) I didn’t know that I had to wrap myself in the flag and say a pledge of allegiance just to belong. Or maybe that piece of cloth is the symbol of what protects me from fascists like yourself who’s stock answer is “love it or leave it.” “If this country is so fucking bad, get the hell out of it!” – No thank you. I’ll stay right here and do what I can to make the United States a better place. BTW: wasn’t “love it or leave it” one of Archie Bunker’s favorite expressions? “I'm sure many posters, counting myself among them, will be glad to donate to a one-way plane ticket or better yet steerage passage on a freighter to Iraq, Iran, China or some other dictator-run country as it seems you don't like democracy but sure take advantage of it whenever you can by lamblasting Shadowcat & anyone who knows him.” – Keep your money. In fact you should use any spare change you can find to bolster your education. If you were just a little smarter I wouldn’t feel the need to lambast you in a public forum. And for the record I love the idea of a Democracy. It gives you a vehicle to effect change when something needs improvement. “You are a piece of garbage of the worst kind.” -- Am I? Cool! I’m even worse than medical waste mixed with the contents of a port-a-john and some nuclear byproducts? My mom will be so proud! “Why don't you volunteer to go to Guantanamo so you can help your Al quada brothers down there? “ -- Do you mean Al Qaeda? Although I definitely do not approve of torture, I don’t go help them mainly because I am not a part of their international alliance of militant Islamist organizations. In fact I am an atheist and that automatically makes me an enemy to those who subscribe to the Islamic faith. “BTW I bet you've "Jewed" people down, haven't you?” – No. “Every time you drive a bragain that's exactly what you are doing whether you want to call it that or not.” – I drive a car not a “bragain.” But if you meant bargain, there is nothing wrong with frugality. Assigning that or any other trait to an entire race with the purpose of casting them in a negative light is what I find offensive. “If you've heard the expression in your racist community, what did you do about it?” – I have publicly called out racists and had them address their ugliness just as I do to people like you and shadowcat here. “Did you lead a protest or just keep your cowardly mouth shut about it? I'm betting on the latter! “ – No I didn’t lead a protest. What is your fixation with leaders and followers all about? I spoke up as an individual because I felt it was the right thing to do. “Since you're so smart why don't you explain to me & others exactly what the problem was beween Shadowcat & wondergrl5. I'm dying to know, not literally-I'll reserve that for you, you sorry bastard!” – The problem is scat is a psychotic hater of women. Your wishing me dead will not change that fact. “Why do you think your posts have credibility?” – Because I wrote them! “Do you know Shadowcat or me?” – Sadly I know the type. “Why don't you come to South Carolina & let's meet.” – Because I’ve seen the movie “deliverance” and want no part of your culture sir. “If you do not know what "gonna" means, look it the fuck up in a dictionary, you stupid idiot!” – Oxford lists “gonna” as an informal contraction, this does not mean it is a proper word. Your usage of it betrays your level of sophistication.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    njscfan, Do cadavers count?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    Shrek, You’ve said quite a lot there in defense of your “leader.” I will do my best to respond point by point. Be proud of yourself you’ve defended your king to the best of your limited abilities. “parodyman-You gonna bring up "Jewing dancers down" as evidence of an Archie Bunker attitude?” – That particular phrase is one small facet of his overall attitude. Are you “gonna” buy a dictionary so you can learn that “gonna” isn’t a word? “Obviously where you live in IL you don't hear the expression very much.” – I’ve heard it plenty. The town I grew up in is notoriously racist. “It's widely used by older people in the South & there's no racial slur meant by it.” – If it is not a slur then what is it? Perhaps it is a compliment on the cheapness of an entire people? No racism there. “Get over it!” -- Why should I? Wrong is wrong and not speaking out against such a blatantly racist attitude does not sit well with me. “I used the expression around Jewish friends when in grammar school but would not use it today in this age of political correctness around them.” – Your reluctance to use that expression in front of your “Jewish friends” is evidence that you don’t think it is OK or harmless. “As for the comment about his flag waving-if you're referring to the American flag what is wrong with that?” – It is a knee-jerk response that is used by people who are too lazy to try to improve the things that are wrong with this country. “Are you not proud of the American flag?” -- No, not really. It is just a piece of cloth. It is used as a tool to invoke certain sentiments which again I find to be the product of laziness. Also people like yourself and shadowcat use it as a symbol of what you perceive as your entitlement. “What about his attitude toward women?” – That’s easy, his attitude toward women sucks. I understand that he is bitter because life has kicked him in the balls so many times. But that is not an excuse for his disturbing behavior. “When he feels he's been mistreated by a dancer he lets you know about it-what's wrong with that?” – By its self nothing. But he has established a pattern of denigrating nearly every woman he writes about. He has a pathological need to make himself feel superior to the women he interacts with. “Have you never been mistreated by a dancer? I know I have.” – No I can honestly say I’ve never been mistreated by a dancer. To me this is just entertainment not life so I do not spend my out of the club time over analizing every word and action. I carry on with the rest of my life. “Been shorted on the # of dances, giving shitty dances, etc. Even had one dancer spit in my face because I caught her short changing me.” – You must be quite the imposing figure if people actually spit in your face. “I call them out in my posts like Shadowcat as a warning to other customers so they can avoid the ROB's.” – Well that right there makes you and shadowcat two fine Americans! “As far as the dustup with wondergrl5 I still haven't figured out what that's about but as far as her saying she started receving hateful emails, I highly doubt if they were sent as Shadowcat's urging.” – You don’t seem like a very smart man Shrek so let me see if I can help you connect the dots in your logic. You admit that you have no idea what the problem between Wondergrl5 and shadowcat is, yet you have already decided to believe that your “leader” can do no wrong. Do you see how your objectivity is compromised and any credibility you may have had is worth shit now. “I know I got no such request from him.” – Perhaps shadowcat will press you into the service of the crown along with the rest of the douche bags on his “B” list when he decides to resume harassing Wondergrl5. I’m sure you are chomping at the bit to be of service to your “master.”
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    "I will seriously consider your council." Then he will decide to continue on as the same old jag-off he has always been.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    "njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?" bobbyl, we ALL do! When we aren't calling you an uneducated pussy mother fucker.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cumming On/In A Stripper
    Maybe for his 14th. birthday shadowcat will take bobbyl out for some half priced cream pie. (kind of like day old bread?)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers say the damdest things...
    He can't stop. And he has to throw in a line about getting the sex cheaper than the other guy. More ego feeding here at TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who is Bobby? I just put it together
    “Who is Bobby? I just put it together” Shadowcat don’t you know that model glue and Alzheimer’s disease do not mix? With that said, I hate to admit it but you may have a point. So congratulations are in order. You are the proud father of the bastard child of the board, Bobbyl/dudester.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Another Troll Crushed!
    And so bobbyl continues his downward spiral into insanity.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    So sorry to hear you have problems reading or writing anything longer than a sentence or two ozymandias.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    "It doesn't require a very big man to admit that his post may have been poorly worded. I think that would have been well received and a lack of that type of courtesy says alot to me." See bobbyl, all you need to do is admit that you can only talk out of your ass and all will be forgiven.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should Bobbyl inform his blow-up doll every time he pays to have sex with men?
    They can test bobbyl's DNA against the stains in the infamous crusty silk shorts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers say the damdest things...
    Q: And the point of this is? A: Shadowcat belittling another woman to make him feel better about himself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen bitch. I tried to not involve you again.
    Maybe he could sneak into the clubs inside shadowcat's crusty silk shorts. If anyone asks just thell them bobbyl is the colostomy bag.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At least he is teaching his son Bobbyl the "ropes."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jury Nullification Reminder . . .
    Here is what I have learned through a lifetime of examples. Never tell the cops anything. Never help them. They are liars and are your enemy. Even if you are not the focus of their current investigation they will use any information they get to fuck you later.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan calls ME a "liar"?
    MisterGuy is right. njscfan's personal business is his own. I have no interest in bobbyl's moronic rantings.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jury Nullification Reminder . . .
    I doubt most prostitution charges get to a jury trial. I bet most cases consist of a plaintiff getting their rights raped right in front of their eyes, a judge, a DA, and a court appointed defender who's only real interest is making things go smoothly and not pissing anyone in power off. Useful jury nullification nullified!