
Who is Bobby? I just put it together

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 7:02 AM
Dude your flamers have made some valid [view link] have done no reviews You have attacked njscfan about his relationship with his wife which is no worse than half the guys that post on here You are in fact RL/davids reincarnated Who wants to,argue?


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “Who is Bobby? I just put it together” Shadowcat don’t you know that model glue and Alzheimer’s disease do not mix? With that said, I hate to admit it but you may have a point. So congratulations are in order. You are the proud father of the bastard child of the board, Bobbyl/dudester.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Good call, shadowcat. As "bobbyl", davids did a fair job at first of hiding his disgraced identity, but over time he couldn't control himself, revealing the exact same infantile trolling patterns. There's so much trolling on this board now, davids/"bobbyl" hardly gets noticed. *yawn* Too bad they give each other so much attention it probably doesn't matter that the rest of ignore them all.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    So we now have davids = RL = David9999 = BobbyI is that correct? Along with Kyle = jablake?
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    who are those people? what did they do?
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I would say the whole lot of them are pretty silly. But perhaps only a little sillier than the rest of us who post here.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    wondergrl: I believe what they all have in common is that they are internet trolls. So shadowcat and chandler are theorizing that they are the same person. That may or may not be true. I don't see why it is not possible that tuscl could attract more than one internet troll over time. But I do agree that they are all classic internet trolls, and so in that regard act very similarly. For those of you out there who don't know what an "internet troll" is, I didn't either, until the NY Times Magazine ran a really fascinating article about them a couple weeks ago. Wikipedia has a pretty good definition of them, which matches the description in the Times article: "An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion." That pretty much fits the description of David9999 and Bobby. The other guys mentioned I don't know. Interestingly, in the Times article, it appeared a lot of the trolls are young single guys who basically have no life; indeed, many of them are teens.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    David9999 seemed very focused about how one could use Alpa male strategy to do better with strippers. The "off-topic" seemed almost besided the point in that it was focused on self-defense. Too bad founder didn't help him out. :( (At least no one was dumb enough to start screaming that thus founder was a BITCH BITCH BITCH or some similar shit. The Horn-Dog vibe ***HAS*** to be a winner with strippers and other women if properly employed. I'm always highly tempted to provoke flag wavers. :(
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    almost beside
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl has been outed as the classic troll.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    I don't have a theory that "Bobbyl" is davids. He simply is. He has identified himself with his trolling in a way that anybody can recognize. (Forget about RomanticLover and david999 who clearly are different nutjobs.) For those who weren't around then, davids was a troll who plagued this board about 2-3 years ago, starting dozens of nonsense attack topics at a time, among other pranks, making the board practically unusable for days on end. (You can probably still go back and see pages full of his topics if you care to for some reason.) He often signed on under other aliases when it suited his purposes, once losing track and buffoonishly posting in his "cliffbar" persona under his own ID. He was finally put out of business after Founder added the ignore feature at my urging, then, when davids still didn't get a clue and go away, shitcanned him from the site. I suspected "Bobbyl" early on when out of the blue he repeated some of davids' insults. However, he disguised his identity by taking opposite positions (e.g., wanting to fuck strippers for money instead of wanting to pick them up). It wasn't until he went into full troll mode in recent weeks that he showed his hand. No "cliffbar moment" as of yet, but there can be no doubt - their posts are indistinguishable. If, by some wild chance, I'm wrong and there's another loser who has studied davids' trolling style and learned to mimic him in order to waste the time of a few dozen people on an obscure discussion board, what difference would it make? The effect is the same. At any rate, there's no point in arguing with "Bobby" or making fun of him for posting his stripper fantasies as real. Obvious fraudulence is part of his shtick, because his only objective is to goad other posters, get them angry and make himself the center of attention. I can't be bothered to spend any more time taking out such a nonentity all over again.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    "I can't be bothered to spend any more time taking out such a nonentity all over again." I think this theory has merit. Also notice BobbyI = bobby + I davids = david + s There's some difference in capitalization but otherwise same pattern. Needless to say "DougS" is also suspect. But, I'm a little confused. If chandler "took him out" why was it necessary for founder to ban him also, and why is he back as "BobbyI"? Perhaps, chandler "took him out" to dinner or something?
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Cute. I'll clear up your "confusion", davids. If not for the action I took, you might have been able to continue disrupting this board for as long as you cared to. After I got through with you, your sorry ass was reduced to trading fart putdowns with parodyman in 100-post threads that everyone easily ignored. It wasn't necessary to ban you. I don't know, maybe Founder felt like it. Nobody cares why you're back. It's no mystery why you hide from your past identity.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Well it definitely sounds like you are a hero and savior-of-the-board, chandler. Good work. A 100-post thread of "fart putdowns". I'm not sure exactly what a "fart putdown" is, but it does sound amusing. Got a link? Still a little confused though. If davids/BobbyI was ignored bye everyone how did you know about these "fart putdown" threads? Also if he was truly and effectively "taken out" how could he have returned? I still think you mean you "took him out" to dinner. Was he a good dinner guest? Did you at least manage to score a kiss for all your hard work?
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