

Atlanta suburb
You flamers will never drive me off here. You can insult me but you can never brake my back. hee hee lol. Kiss her ass. That is what she wants. She knows that I or none of my followers have ever sent her any hate mail. But admitting it would destroy her image.Have you noticed that she does not even bring it up any more?" Some of you have accused me of being a drunk. Yes. I drink when posting on here but my job requires that I randomly get checked for alcohol/drug use. In 41 years I have been tested about 10 times and never failed. Some of you say that I am a women hater. Drop by the club anytime and I will prove you wrong. I will be spending time at my favorite club during the next 3 days. 4 TUSCLers plan to meet me there. They are not flamers.


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    By proclamation of his Royal Majesty:

    “You flamers will never drive me off here. You can insult me but you can never brake my back. hee hee lol. Kiss her ass. That is what she wants. She knows that I or none of my followers have ever sent her any hate mail. But admitting it would destroy her image.Have you noticed that she does not even bring it up any more?" Some of you have accused me of being a drunk. Yes. I drink when posting on here but my job requires that I randomly get checked for alcohol/drug use. In 41 years I have been tested about 10 times and never failed. Some of you say that I am a women hater. Drop by the club anytime and I will prove you wrong. I will be spending time at my favorite club during the next 3 days. 4 TUSCLers plan to meet me there. They are not flamers.”

    I never met a man who had a brake system for his back. Does it have ABS? Floating rotors? Do you street luge? Or did you mean “break?” I don’t think anyone here is trying to sever your spinal column.

    “hee hee lol” – Looks like the posting of a prepubescent little girl.

    “Kiss her ass. That is what she wants.” – I never heard her make mention of this. If we were both single and she was up for it my tongue would be swirling!

    “She knows that I or none of my followers have ever sent her any hate mail.” – Again I have never heard her say this. But that doesn’t matter. Your insistence that you have followers is disturbing. Are they like cult members? Are you going to make bobbyl wear a goat costume for your woman hating rituals?

    “Some of you have accused me of being a drunk. Yes. I drink when posting on here but my job requires that I randomly get checked for alcohol/drug use. In 41 years I have been tested about 10 times and never failed.” – Have you ever heard of a functioning alcoholic? It frightens me that you are employed by the air travel industry. If you are anything more than a baggage handler my confidence in the safety of flying will take a nose dive!

    “Some of you say that I am a women hater. Drop by the club anytime and I will prove you wrong.” – A fool’s errand to SC is not necessary. Your opinions of women come through quite clearly in the mangling of the English language you call a post. Maybe you and Bobbyl can take an ESL class together.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I've only started my 4th beer but I'm feeling a lot better already. I don't consider myself a follower but an independent. I have nice views of women. I just don't like the rip off bitches.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    By the way the view is usually pretty good when they are up on a stage.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I vote shadowcat for most original topic title tonight. Maybe I should start another topic called Miller Lite.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Actually I can't say I recall Shadowcat making any misogynist remarks, so how about Parodyman or some other anti-Cat person refreshing my memories. Certainly the comments in his Original Post are not misogynist, but I agree with Parodyman that the hee hee lol rant is childish.

    Before responding please remember that "misogynist" applies to females in general, not ONE particular female.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    He compared them to snails i.e. God gave 'em legs so they wouldn't leave a trail. He went on a long rant against ALL strippers because one ungrateful stripper took a $1,000 from him without so much as a thank you or maybe it was no forwarding number or maybe both. There was MiDancer who he made hateful comments to---yes you would say that was one particular female, but it seems like a pattern based on his prior and later behaviours. If a woman poster gets too much attention, then he can't handle it especially if she doesn't bow down to his commandments. His unhappy marriage---yes, he could be the innocent party, his feelings about Japanese women---yes, maybe they just don't fuck very well by everyone's standards or maybe it was hatred against invading and occupying U.S. soldiers, his other fight on this board with a dancer who knew him very well *in person* (his is sweet in person???)---yes, he could again be the innocent party. Like I said it seems like a pattern. And, the latest calling Wondergrl5 a bitch repeatedly and he starting a thread calling her a bitch because she didn't want to get involved in a stupid flame war. Founder and chitownlawyer both declined to get into the David1999 flame war and it seemed like overwhelming posters approved. Also, when Wondergrl5 first appear he was in her face calling her a liar and she was just being very friendly to everyone including him. It is, imo, a pattern of misogyny.

    Also, how would Wondergrl5 know if he wasn't the one sending her hate emails? How would Wondergrl5 know it wasn't one of his "many" follower's sending her hate emails? Sleazy, imo that he tries to drag her into his shit pile and worse attest to something she doesn't even know to be true! :(
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    Actually, Wondergrl5 did him a favor in that right when it started (again?) she announce that she didn't want to get into the middle of that mess. I think she might have even said she didn't want to be taking sides in the mess. IOWs, she would if the King of TUSCL would allow it try and focus on more positive topics and try to avoid the negative as much as possible.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Who knows what shadowcat is like in real life? Even if everything jablake says is accurate, there's still a couple of problems. What about the evidence SC does not hate women in general? (I have no desire to comb through his posts to find it. I am sure, however, jablake is cherry picking SC worst moments, which might not exemplify his over attitude, and if someone cherry picked the archives he could make an equally strong case the other way.)

    Maybe it's just strippers he dislikes? Almost all of jablake's examples involve strippers.

    I don't think there is enough evidence to say.

    In general, I think posters highly rate their powers of psychological insights on this board, and what they can conclude about people's real lives or personalities. Even much smaller "logical" extrapolation get them into trouble. And SC's biggest enemies, parody and MisterGay, are well known for just loving to fight rather than providing any real ideas of their. Not even real fights against real people and positions. oh no! That would be hard. Just trouncing of ridiculous caricatures.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I wonder if shadowcat's memory is better than mine. It seems hard for me to hold a grudge against any stripper for too long because I don't even remember them for too long usually. I'm thinking about a stripper who actually picked my pocket several years ago. I helped to get her fired. At least 3 clubs later and a number of months later, I actually bought a dance from her. A few months earlier I didn't even want to be in the same club as her. This dancer was originally one of my favorites so she must have been pretty desparate to pick my pocket. The manager of that club wasn't too pleased to find out why all the customers had been leaving and not returning. I always thought the dancer who did the stealing would not have been happy with me if she knew I caught her and helped to get her fired but I decided not to ask her.

    Ok, time for happier discussions. I'm feeling in a better mood. I'm hoping for a stock market rise so I buy back a short ETF at a cheaper price. Maybe we need more girls to raise their skirts to get the stocks going up again. :)
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "Maybe it's just strippers he dislikes?"

    Maybe paid contact is the ONLY interaction with women shadowcat has.

    Remember his wife bailed out on him in a big fucking hurry. I think he is just a lonely bitter old Archie Bunker type.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    At least he is teaching his son Bobbyl the "ropes."
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