
Comments by parodyman--> (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It is all about the money but...
    Shadowcat you seem to be giving out a lot of personal details of other people. Isn't that what got your old ass in trouble with shrek?
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    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    MisterGuy, If you and the other doubters want a real time example of the benefits of gun ownership all you need to do is watch what happens in Washington DC. The Supreme Court has ruled that the DC handgun ban is unconstitutional. Now that the law abiding citizens have had their rights restored the violent crime there will take a nose dive. Less rape, murder and home invasion… Sounds like a no brainer to me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat posts the damnedest things
    "Mr. Hand, I don't know" - Jeff Specolli
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Surprise! Surprise! How would you feel if...
    Shadowcat is too funny! This is from one of his posts earlier in this thread. Don’t know how this one slipped by. “I suppose I would be totally shocked.” – Preferably with a taser or a cattle prod. “My son and especially my daughter know about my strip clubbing.” – The family that plays together? “They do not totally like what I do but accept it.” – Sometimes anal is a pain in the ass. “My son and I once closed the Memphis Platinum Plus 3 nights in a row.” – He must be a regular chip off the old pathetic looser block. “My daughter is so loving.” – A true GFE or so I’ve heard. “She worries about me almost too much.” -- Fears for your sanity does she? “She continues to support my addiction by supplying me with Liz Clairborne Perfumes for the girls and constantly reminds me to be careful(condoms).” – Maybe she just doesn’t want to be saddled with one of those SC goober babies. “Some of us can have the best of both worlds.” – Yeah I’ll buy you a t-shirt that says “Incest Is Best!” on it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    trolls and trolling
    Shrek, I'll put my typos up against your dull grasp of the language any day.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    SHOULD READ: "I would volunteer to work any religious holidays that we didn’t close down for."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    “P-man: Sorry about the misspelling of "brother". “ -- I’m sure it was just a typo. But all the same it goes to show your character. “Guess that makes up for your most recent post's misspelling/” – What will make up for your post’s punctuation? “What holidays do you celebrate?” -- New Years, Fourth of July and even though it is a touch hypocritical Halloween. Those are my favorite holidays. “What do you do on the religious holidays?” -- I go about my normal business as best I can. Christmas sucks because so many things close down. “By all rights you should not take the day off if you're working as it's not really a holiday in your mind so keep working!” -- When I worked a traditional 40-70 hour work week at a single company I would volunteer to work ant religious holidays that we didn’t close down for. That way someone else could have the time off to spend with family. “What does IL offer as your incentive for living there?-more Muslims, illegals and minorities, more cold weather, snow & ice, more traffic, higher living costs, more crowded living conditions?” – More jobs in my field, higher salaries, better housing, culture, diversity and a better overall atmosphere than SC. “It's unbelievable that obviously someone with your liberal bent would be in favor of arming teachers in the classroom.” -- I am neither liberal nor conservative; I examine each issue on its own merits. I believe that guns have a place in an ordered society. “I'm flabergasted at your stance.” – I’m flabbergasted at the way at the way you spelled flabbergasted! And something tells me you are easily flabbergasted by just about anything. I bet you spend most of your life in a state of flabbergastification. (made up word but it fits...) “Seeing that you have a CCW I can understand that living conditions in IL must be what wonderful!” – Where I live the neighborhood is nice and quiet. Twenty minutes down the street it is a different story. And past that is the west side of Chicago. However I suppose I should explain to you that there is no legal CCW in the state of Illinois. My permit is issued through Utah and with reciprocity laws is good in over twenty six states. I carry when I travel. I’ve never had to draw my weapon on another person and I hope that I never do. But it is a nice little piece of insurance that if there is real trouble I don’t just have to sit there and be a victim. My carry pistol is a 5” Springfield XD in .45. It holds 13 rounds per magazine and has trijicon night sights. Were someone to threaten the lives or safety of either my wife or myself they would have a very bad day to say the least.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I hate it when...
    "No shocks, touch something non-metallic first." -- like her nipples?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A pair of D's
    “yes you did and I was Impressed as much of any other reader on this board.” – Speaking for your subjects? “I will still be taking flowers next month.” -- And you will still be laughed at behind your back. “They have always paid off for me.” – How exactly have they done that? “Silly me.” -- If by silly you mean delusional…
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    "Good four a thousan lulz." -- He be trollin.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    "Only me ass hole..." -- is that an admission to engaging in sexual relations with tropical fish?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    "This could really only happen in TX...let the shootouts in the lunch room begin!" -- The instructor that ran the class where I got my CCW permit is a High School teacher from Minn. He, two other teachers and the principal are armed at the school. They also have a plan between the four of them incase something bad ever happens at their school. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    Simulated Shadowcat: "The other night at the club a tropical fish said nice things to me. Could she really like my old ass? Or am I just a ATM to her. Did I mention she let me "gill fuck" her and then she told me I was the only one to ever do that. And I only paid half price! How many guys could do that?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A pair of D's
    “zorro: Good point.” – Hope he runs you through with it. “I have only two favorite dancers with fake tits and they are the two best looking and feeling that I have ever come across.” – And you did all your research at half price! “I just found out that they were both done by the same surgeon.” – Was his name Jethro BoDean? Did he specialize in brain surgery? “I couldn't decide where to post this.” – Up your ass would have been just fine. “Here or under "what I love or what I hate" I guess it doesn't matter.” – You are correct sir! “I will get flamed regardless. – You sure will! “I like my women petite. A 34B is perfect.” – Then bobbyl still has a chance to win your companionship back from snowtime. “My current #1 favorite is an all natural 36D. How did this happen?” – Her tits grew. That is how it usually happens. “As many of you know it isn't always about the body or extras.” – We know, it is all about the discounted price. “She captured me with her charm and personality.” – I bet a rabbit snare would have worked just as well. “She is no slacker on the couch.” – Just in her choice of clients… “Last week I asked her for a titty fuck.” – I bet she strapped one on and boned the hell out of your flabby old man’s chest. ”This doesn't work with a 34B but it sure works with a 36D.” – OK… “It was her first time (I believe it).” – Your gullibility is astounding! I bet your daughter says the same thing. “By her remarks, I think that she enjoyed it as much as I did.” – I’m sure she always wanted some horny old bastard to bust a nut on her chest. Probably her biggest fantasy. “Whats next?” -- I’m sure you will drink some more so you can create more posts like this one. ”She says that I have to woo her.” – Those snappy silk shorts weren’t enough? “I am going to take her flowers next month.” – You really are a dumb piece of shit aren’t you? She only wants your money stupid. “Flame on motherfucker...” – I just did!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    Here is what the Arizona CCW Permit web site has to say: http://www.azccw.com/ CONCEALED CARRY Facts & Statistics Today, there are only 5 states that do not have a right-to-carry system. States with right-to-carry laws have lower overall violent crime rates, compared to states without right-to-carry laws. In states whose laws respect the citizen's right-to-carry guns for self defense the total violent crime is 13% lower, homicide is 3% lower, robbery is 26% lower and aggravated assault is 7% lower. (Data: Crime in the United States 1996, FBI Uniform Crime Reports) Right-to-carry license holders are more law-abiding than the general public. In Florida, for example, the firearm crime rate among license holders, annually averaging only several crimes per 100,000 licensees, is a fraction of the rate for the state as a whole. Since the carry law went into effect in 1987, less than 0.02% of Florida carry permits have been revoked because of gun crimes committed by license holders. (Florida Dept. of State) Research reports printed in "More Guns, Less Crime", John R. Lott, Jr., the John M. Olin Visiting Law and Economics Fellow at the University of Chicago, examined data ranging from gun ownership polls to FBI crime rate data for each of the nation's 3.045 counties over a 1977 too 1994 time span. Lott's research amounts to the largest data set that has ever been put together for any study of crime, let alone for the study of gun control. Among Prof. Lott's findings: • While arrest and conviction rates being the most important factors influencing crime.... non discretionary concealed-handgun laws are also important, and they are the most cost-effective means of reducing crime. • Non discretionary or "shall-issue" carry permit laws reduce violent crime for two reasons. They reduce the number of attempted crimes because criminals can't tell which potential victims are armed, being able to defend themselves. Secondly, victims who do have guns are in a much better position to defend themselves. Concealed carry laws deter crime because they increase the criminal's risk of doing business. • States with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest decreases in violent crime. And, it is high crime, urban areas, and neighborhoods with large minority populations that experience the greatest reductions in violent crime when law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry concealed handguns. • There is a strong relationship between the number of law-abiding citizens with permits and the crime rate--as more people obtain permits there is a greater decline in violent crime rates. • For each additional year that a concealed handgun law is in effect the murder rate declines by 3%, rape by 2% and robberies by more than 2%. • Murder rates decline when either more women or more men carry concealed handguns, but the effect is especially pronounced for women. An additional woman carrying a concealed handgun reduces the murder rate for women by about three to four times more than an additional man carrying a concealed handgun reduces the rate for men. • The benefits of concealed handguns are not limited to those who carry them. Others get a free ride from the crime fighting efforts of their fellow citizens. • The benefits of right-to-carry are not limited to people who share the characteristics of those who carry the guns. The most obvious example of this "halo" effect, is the drop in murders of children following the adoption of non discretionary laws. Arming older people not only may provide direct protection to these children, but also causes criminals to leave the area. • The increased presence of concealed handguns "does not raise the number of accidental deaths or suicides from handguns." ****************************************************************** There are a lot of places to find stats, including FBI crime statistics reports. The bottom line is we are in fact safer as an armed society.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    trolls and trolling
    I am nether liberal or conservative. I think for myself. Pick an issue and I'll give you my honest opinion. Sometimes you may be surprised by my stance on things.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A pair of D's
    Hard to speak for everyone. Dancers seem to have a better concept of diet and nutrition then 15 or 20 years ago. This could account somewhat for those with larger natural breast having a tighter midsection.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strip Club Transportation
    Clubber, No, I'm still looking. Sometimes life butts in on fun. I have pretty much decided to go Harley. Now it's just a matter of finding a bike that is a perfect match. And the only time I hid my car was years and years ago when I would go to the Admiral Theatre and I did not want people from work to know where I was. I would park in a grocery store lot. My employer at the time was right in the neighborhood.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are all of these people that post on here?
    “Do you want the pictures of my grand daughters too? You can have the whole thing.” – I am not into sex with underage girls. Please stop trying to pimp your grandchildren that is illegal even in SC. “You just have to get past me first and I will kill you before that.” – Threatening violence is domestic terrorism. I wonder how your employer or your local authorities would view your activities. “You sick mother fucker.” – That’s funny coming from a psychotic old man who just tried to pimp his grandchildren and then threatened me with murder.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    THIS MAY BE THE MOST PURE EXPRESSION OF WHAT MOST PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR: "I equate going to clubs like going to the movies - I go see a movie for the pure entertainment value. I want to feel the emotions that the film intends to give me (laughter, horror, etc). I don't care how the film was made, or what the actors needed to do to "get into character". I want to sit back, shut the brain off (sort of), and have FUN. Entertain me..... 3 minutes at a time. That's all I ask." FUCKIN-A LOPAW YOU ROCK! GLAD TO SEE SOMEONE GETS IT!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Most lap dances are a waste of money.
    "Lucky for me. None of them have been duds." -- Bet you wish they could say the same about you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Only in Hollywood?
    “I have met Toni's brother twice.” – For OTC? “She says that she cannot get on stage if he is in the club.” – She must get lost easily. ”The last time we met OTC, she had to pay him $20 to get lost so that we could be alone.” – From the earlier part of this post I thought you would swing both ways. Not that I am judging. “Damn I miss her.” – And I’m sure she misses your money. “Don't even start Parodyfuck. This post was meant to my followers that knew her.” – Should read “that post was meant FOR my followers that knew her.” Not “to”. Learn some basic grammar please if you are going to post in a public forum. OH YEAH, this is a public forum so I guess you have no say in who may respond. Another glaring example of your impotence in life.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    “jablake-You can join your sick fucking borther parodyman in some gulag-you both do not belong in the United States of America.” – This run on sentence confuses me. What is a “borther?” Who died and made Shrek the Pope of deciding who is and is not eligible for U.S. citizenship? And why do either of us belong in a gulag? Why can’t we be partying it up in Amsterdam or something? “parodyman-you don't have the nerve to come south so we dumb hicks could kick your ass back to IL!” – I have plenty of nerve. I also have more class then to visit a minor state like SC. What would be the payoff? “As for being an aethist, p-man, don't you miss all the holidays?” – No, I celebrate many holidays; just not the religious ones. To me they do not exist so how could I miss them?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are all of these people that post on here?
    “For revenge.” – I guess you can’t tell sarcasm when you see it. This is not surprising after reading your posts. You have the writing skills of a rather dull second grader. “Tell me more!”—OK. I also have a suspicion that you exaggerate the importance of your job, the amount of your income and probably what it is you even do for a living. Why? Because it matters so much to you what people think. “What the fuck did I ever do to you?” – Many times you have tried to organize people into ignoring me. You can’t handle someone who isn’t willing to kiss your ass much less someone with a dissenting point of view. “It is just jealousness that drives you to attack me and others.” – Who are these others? Speak for yourself. ” You are one sick puppy.” – Maybe so… Can I have that naked picture of your daughter now?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat posts the damnedest things
    I think he is mad at me.