
Comments by parodyman--> (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    I bet he has run off to SC to punch Shadowcat in the sack. Or maybe to throw the old bananna into Scat's daughter... And goober too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Describe the sexiest female customer you've seen....
    One blonde, (wife) the other with long dark hair. (close family friend) Nice rack! The two of them interacting with three dancers all night then teasing me was such a fun evening out. Back at the hotel...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Costume Important to You or Not?
    Hell yes! I love the evening dress or even better a good vintage pin-up type costume.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    There is a web site that keeps an up to date database on gun laws. Try: http://www.carryconcealed.net/
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    More of that Southern backward logic in action: “I don't own a gun.” – Nothing wrong with that. That is your personal choice. Besides the shaky hands of the elderly can be dangerous. “haven't felt the need.” – Everyone must assess their own situation. “In the 21+ years that I have lived here there has never been a violent crime.” Never? Can you honestly say there is no unreported domestic abuse or rape? How do you know? “Yes there has been some bank robberies. All caught within 24 hours.” -- They aren’t exactly criminal masterminds down South now are they? “A few burglaries. A few GTA's and some statutory rapes and some some drug busts.” – That is acceptable to you? “I had to be taken out of here 5 years ago by paramedics.” – Damn psych holds only last for 72 hours. “I was able to crawl to the door.” – And you claim alcohol isn’t a problem in your life? “Since then I always sleep with my door unlocked.—Many Alzheimer’s patients do. “My neighbors have told me that we have to look out for each other.” – Could be dangerous driving around with those white sheets over your heads. “My uncle, A cop, told me that if I ever had to shoot an intruder to make sure that he fell inside the house.” – Does your uncle own a rug cleaning business on the side? “I hope that I never have to heed his advice.” – Kind of hard for you to do anything with his “advice” because you chose not to own a gun.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    Clubber, Mayor Daley of Chicago who cries all the time how he will not rest until guns are eliminated has armed body guards. Sickening...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers missing stage rotations...
    Shit! I was going to write the presidential candidates and ask them how they plan to handle stage rotation in strip clubs as I see this as our glorious nation’s biggest challenge.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    MisterGuy, I have no issue with differing opinions. If you do not wish to own a gun then that is your business. My problem comes in when you tell me that no one should own a firearm. Try respecting my opinion if you want me to respect yours. Having witnessed violence on more than one occasion I can tell you that your "it won't happen to me" theory is sadly childlike. You need to grow up a little and join the rest of the world.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers missing stage rotations...
    SuperDude was just trying to make himself sound bad-ass. Like our pal Shadowcat his good time is determined by how cheaply he can get by.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cop: Sex With Hooker Wasn't Fun, It Was Work
    "It's a dirty job but some body has to do it. Sign me up." -- TUSCL's own Barney Fife in the making.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    I'm not calling him names. I feel he is being short-sighted and very close-minded on this subject. I have tried in earnest to get him to see reason. It just isn't happening for him.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    Shadow Shit: “Who, what, when do you believe?” – Are you writing dialogue for Vinnie Barbarino now? “Some are so obvious that you know instantly that it is shit.” – Like everything you post? “Others you can believe some of the time.” – I’m sure they like you. <SNICKERS> “others come off so innocent that you believe them immediately only to find out later that they lied to you.” – Say it ain’t so Shadowcat. Is your little heart breaking? “Do not trust any of them? Yes or No?” – I’m sure they have only your best interests at heart. “but you could be giving up some thing special. “ – Like an 8 layer cream pie? No thanks. “My current #1 favorite dancer has made me a believer.” – In what Scientology? Voodoo? Ass to mouth? What is it you believe in now? “stripshopper and snowtime have both met her. They both are believers.” – And they are a couple of easily duped tools just like yourself. “It will hurt if I find out that she has been lying to me but how do you know unless you take the chances?” -- Get ready for the pain asshole! It will be fun to see you crash and burn yet again.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    “What is a banjo?” – The ultimate icon for those inbred backward states like SC! “I was born and raised in California.” – Then they kicked you out? “The land of fruits and nuts. You would be welcomed there.” – California isn’t my trip; Too many stupid laws and special interest groups for me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers missing stage rotations...
    Another poor attempt at starting a topic. Yawn! “It pisses the DJ's off because it is their job to keep the stage/s filled.” – How sad for them. “It pisses the management off because they never want to see an empty stage.” – They are the management. You’d think management could manage the situation that’s their job. “It pisses customers off because they do not want to stare at an empty stage.” – I agree. “So why do dancers miss their stage calls? (1) they are stoned on drugs/alcohol. (2) They are in the back room with a good customer. (3) They have left the club and did not check out with the DJ.” – Could be other reasons. Maybe the dancer had to go throw up after dancing for some cheap old bastard in silk pervert shorts. “Ever had your back room experience interrupted because she answered her stage call? This can be avoided by first having her check her position. She can ask the DJ to bypass her. She can get another dancer to fill in for her. Or you can wait until she is off stage.” – No. I make sure these things are taken care of BEFORE embarking on an extended dance session. “Ever been in the back room with a dancer and she gets the stage call and she says "Fuck it. I don't want to go on stage". I like this attitude when I am in the back having fun but hate it when I am out front looking at an empty stage. I have seen bouncers ask/tell a dancer,not with a customer, to fill in. I have seen some dancers volunteer when the stage is empty.” -- What a full and interesting life you have lead. You sure have seen a lot. <SNICKERS> “Your thoughts?” – Shadowcat I think you suck. This was another boring pointless topic that goes nowhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    MisterGuy, What you mistake for fear is simply prudence. Why do you keep going on about the old west? That will not happen. If you think the world is a nice happy place 24/7/365 then you are a fool and no one can help you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    Sadly the nuttiness on his part is quite clear.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    Another “load” of wisdom from my pal Shadowcat: “Parody, Never send a monkey to do a mans job ( not even a boy).” -- OK no plane ticket for Bobbyl “If you insist, bring it on.” – You sound like a cheerleader. “Buy the monkey and make the trip to SC.” – I told you before I don’t visit states where banjo music is prevalent. “I will bring Shadowcat, My 4 legged 16 pounder.” -- A 16 pound leaving in your depends? Amazing! Or is this another Southern inbred monster? “While he is taking care of your friend, I will let the dancers bitch slap the shit out of you.” -- Dress them up in leather first! “They have always protected their interests, Me from other dancers.” – Is this bragging or do some of the women try to hurt you? “What is another pussy to them?” – Judging by their clientele…
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    MisterGuy, I am trying very hard to keep this discussion friendly because in general I like a lot of the things you say. But your statement is complete BULLSHIT! “The fact is that the chances of me or you coming "under attack by some gun (or any other weapon) wielding CRIMINAL" are extremely small...have fun living in continued fear of something that will never happen clubber...you prove my point very nicely!” Did you just pull this little tidbit out of your ass? You are so wrong. In fact one could say that thinking like this could end up with you being dead wrong. Here is a true story for those of you who have buried your heads in the sand and don’t believe that anything bad can ever happen to them. My younger sister’s college roommate was walking along Clark Street on the North side of Chicago on her way to meet some friends. (They were both students of the University of Chicago in Hyde Park.) Now we all like twenty year old college girls. No one would have any animosity towards this girl except maybe for Shadowcat. (He hates women as a matter of principal.) Anyway she wasn’t in a notoriously bad neighborhood yet some animal was able to grab her, pull her into a doorway and torture her. She was not sexually assaulted but this man beat the shit out of her and cut her face up with a utility razor. Fortunately she lived through this, but she will never be the same. The police were of no help to her. All they could do is take a complaint after the fact. Eventually this guy was caught. He is mentally ill and had done this exact same thing several times. Now maybe things would have been different for her if she had been allowed to defend herself with deadly force. She did fight back. She had the defensive cuts on her hands and arms to show for it. I blame idiots like Mayor Daley and all of the other pussies who think that self defense cannot be left to the individual. MisterGuy you should have to look into the one eye that she has that can still see and tell her the chances of these things happening are so small that it is really foolish to worry about them. I’d love to hear what she has to say to that. Most of the time my world view is fairly optimistic. I think the world can be a great place full of potential. But I am not unrealistic. I can also see a dark side to humanity. This isn’t fear; it is more of an understanding that in the end you have a certain responsibility to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Sometimes this involves doing things that we find distasteful. I take no pleasure in knowing that I have the potential to harm or kill another human being. The sad reality is that someday I may be called upon by circumstance to do just that. If and when that time comes I will be ready. I will not hide in the corner cowering like a beaten dog.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    You still did not define this big fear.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A pair of D's
    “I can still remember the time 6 years ago when Carter sent me flowers.” – Jimmy Carter? “My daughter said "Dad these are not cheap" – She ought to know being the cheapest “date” in town. Maybe the sender paid half price for them… “And because they were sent by FEDEX it included her real name and Credit card number.” – More and more people are getting busted for identity theft. Don’t do it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    Can the monkey be trained to travel to SC and punch Shadowcat in his sack?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Climactic experience
    Shadowcat, As always you are a great source of comedic material. Thank you! “I am confident that that I have accomplished all 3 but have one more to add.” -- That’s because you have to one up everybody. “I think that most of us would be embarrassed to admit that we had cum from just a lap dance(totally nude).” -- A partially clothed one would be OK? “I admit to having come extremely close at times on several occasions with one favorite dancer but it was rather strange when another favorite came on me.” – Shrek couldn’t help it. He gets so excited when he gets to serve his master. “We were doing it wheel barrow style when she got this strange look on her face.” – Did you try to go up her ass? “I asked if she was alright.” -- You are a true humanitarian! “She said "I am sorry but it happens some time and pointed to the mess in my lap" By the time I finished my drink it was fairly dried up but had left a tell tale sign of white right down the center on my black pants.” -- Where were the infamous silk pervert shorts? “I left knowing what had happened but doubted that any one else really knew or cared.” – No one does care! So why mention it here?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    $50 Lap Dances
    We are blessed with another decree from his majesty shadowcat. This one again written in his own special pigeon English complete with all the spelling and grammatical errors that make his posts so entertaining: “Any body that would pay $50 for a single dance is either a newbie or some one with more money than brains.” – You almost sound like you know what you are talking about until one sees that you have misspelled both “Anybody” and “someone.” “For the very rich, it is different.” – The rich get boners too. “I once saw a guy come into my favorite club.” -- Just one? It must not have been too crowded or do they shut down when you are there like they’d do for the president? “He looked like Vic Demon.” – To him you probably looked like a demented Mr. Furley. “He had 4 body guards with him and they sat in an area next to the Champagne Room.” – How nice for them! “They had 6 or so dancers sitting with them.” – Did you get jealous? I know you were too pussy to shoot your mouth off. “After a while Mr Big took one of them to the Champagne Room.” – You seem very interested in this man. Weren’t you supposed to be looking at girls? Why did you spend the whole night staring at a dude? “I knew her.” – Sure you did. Was she family? “A big faked titted blond named Linda.” – “Titted” is not a word and probably is an inaccurate description of this lady’s entire being. “She had a lousy personality and wanted more for dances that I was willing to pay.” – So your definition f bad personality is someone who won’t give into your senior tantrum for lower prices? “He came out and they left in their Limo.” – They co-owned this limo? Did she purchase her half in the champagne room? “I have never seen him since but have always wanted to know who he was.” – Once a fantasy gets in your head it is hard to get rid of it. “Mafia, etc?” – Always end with some of that Archie Bunker style stereotyping. Calling the Italian guy a member of the mob? So original.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A safer environment
    Mister Guy, What is this fear you keep talking about?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    now shrek has nothing to say?