As chandler(you remember her) recently put it to me, we like to have fun too. As she was dry fucking my leg said that (you customers) have to take care of us too. As long as you treat me right, I will suck you dry.
I need to explain. There are two Chandlers. The The old grumpy one you hear on here and the young petite one at am favorite club. They have met at least twice. Pop, Can you believe she has 4 kids ranged from 2 to 10 years.The girls tell me that that she just spits them out and then inflates them. Husband is now apprarently out of the picture. Ask her about having only one nipple piercing not do not ignore it. Just make them happy.
I guess "failed writer" wasn't even paying enough to fund her WalMart shopping sprees so she had to turn to sucking guys off.