
Comments by Mouse (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    verfolgung, thanks for your honest answer. Let me share now. Actually, I have had minor dates with girls I've met in strip clubs working as strippers - in fact, they were the dancers I had been buying lap dances from. Maybe, it was just bad luck, but in every case it didn't work out, and my relationship with them ended, even inside the club.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    I've never understood why these "rules" don't get more discussion - maybe they've been post too many times.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    FONDL, if you're happy in your marriage, why are you feeling lonely? When out-of-town, why not call your wife for some TLC? Buying conversation and companionship - is that realllly satisfying? You're paying for "false words" - it's all act without real substance. Knowing the truth, how is that fulfilling?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    verfolgung, I hope I'm not being to nosy, but how old are you? Have you hooked-up with strippers you had met frist in the strip club? If so, would you be willing to share some of the details?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    NiceAss Please block the troll threads again
    JimJazz, why can't you learn to block them yourself?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Why do some want to ban what they call "trolls"?
    I don't understand why some want to ban the "trolls" - without bad guys you can't have good guys and vice-versa. Besides, who's a "troll" or not a "troll" is a matter of taste, not fact.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Conventional experience vs stripping experience in job applicants ..............
    C&S, I bet most strippers can easily find work outside of stripping - that is, in those areas they have the appropriate job skills. But, those women who persist in stripping probably like the excellent wages, flexible hours, etc. much too much to leave - that is, until they have to because of age, children, or boyfriend/husband issues.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Are TUSCL posts are a form of PASQUINADE.
    TGG, thanks for the kind comments. Like you, I am an Italy fan. I have been to Italy twice, but never to Pompeii or Herculaneum. Most of my time was spent in Rome, Tuscany, the Italian Riviera, the northern lake country, and the Italian Alps – BEAUTIFUL! I’m going back for more soon. I like France and Germany as well.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Using emotion as ammunition
    Just like men, women can be smart or stupid, nice or mean, serene or contentious, and everything in between.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Why VERY INTELLIGENT Men Fail With Women
    Niceass, this is an obvious come on to buy the author's email "dating tips" book. What a way to get men to read his sales pitch - every body thinks their smarter than everyone else (and, yes, not appreciated). Hence, most men are going to read this BS. He also offers his "freebie" email dating tips. Nonetheless, this love meister probably has some good advice for ALL MEN.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Why VERY INTELLIGENT Men Fail With Women
    FONDL, maybe some of those "average guys with social skills" were actually true geniuses, but smart enough not to come off as nerdy genius types. And, the "nerdy geniuses" you describe were, in reality, not that smart.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Surgeons Remove Second Head From Baby [Off Topic]
    This is a sad story, but there's a good side to everything - Wiseguy (aka., wiseass) got the the removed brain as a transplant and his IQ tripled. But, his posts still make very little sense.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What is Up with This?
    Go to strip clubs for entertainment, not to find girlfriends - don't take it too seriously and don't get side-tracked, and you'll enjoy yourself much more and be much happier.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Did you still want to use this board?
    This is interesting. I've never seen the Board get this slow. Is it the economy with cut-backs in club visits and, thus, reduced customer interest? I've cut way back.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Did you still want to use this board?
    The Board has been and will alway be redundant - same ol'stuff posted and reposted. After a while any regular here will have read it all, get bored, and drift off to other things. The Board needs some new blood, but maybe the economy has reduced the number of "recruits." Any thoughts?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Did you still want to use this board?
    At present the most interesting thread on this Board is by founder "about the Board" - ironic.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Taxes, do exotic dancers report their income?
    Yoda and Clubber are right on.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Read this quote and respond
    Strippers smile because they want to make money - smiling helps them make money. The money make strippers friendly, otherwise they would gag around the customers.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What more (or less) do you want from a strip club ?
    Naked girls!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Yoda, PORN IS FREE! - go to The Hun's Yellow Pages (thehun.com) and see what I mean. Certainly, the free stuff is designed to suck in (no pun intended) the paying customers, who subsidize the free stuff. The women in porn end up looking like sluts and whores - it's disgusting! Why do they do it? Are they having fun?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Free or not free is not the issue; clearly, it is cheap and easily accessable to anyone interested and at a very early age. I believe women have let pornography get out-of-hand - they're debasing themselves too much! In time all women will pay a social price by accruing a more negative and whorish image - that is, women as mindless sex objects for male abuse. You don't see the mean swollowing the cum or having sex with dogs and horses. This kind of female behavior could become de rigueur. Moreover, I can't believe having multiple cocks up one's asshole, then in the pussy, is healthy; it leads to nasty urinary tract infections. If women as a whole suffer from abusive pornography, then they'll only have themselves to thank!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    If women are allowing themselves to be debased because of money alone (GREEEEED!), it's unfortunate for them. There is more to life than MONEY. How about maintaining simple human dignity - there are few things less dignifying than have three cocks up your ass at one time followed by swollowing cum splattered all over their faces. Think of the risks of HIV, hepatitis, GC, herpes, syphilis, etc. - if they don't already have some of these diseases. THE MONEY AIN'T WORTH IT!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Yoda, check this URL (form the Hun's Yellow Pages) out and tell me this woman can't make a living any other way. http://www.c700.com/promo/bullseye/index.html
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Yoda, that URL is a FREE movie of a woman having SEX WITH A HORSE! – I haven’t seen men having sex with horses or dogs, yet. I admit to viewing these things, but it’s more out of curiosity and amazement than anything else. (It’s LIKE YOU SAY; we feel bad about those who’ve had a car wreck on the freeway, but we can’t help rubber-necking as we drive by.) That horse URL is more of freak show than a sexual turn-on. I think you’re missing my point. This is not about me or my relatives or my forgiveness – I’m much more liberal minded than you realize. I’m more concerned about to the extent WOMEN are willing to degrade themselves, all apparently for MONEY – although I do believe some of these women are masochists and enjoy it. We can have pornography without having women fuck horses and dogs, without having three huge cocks up their asses, having them eating shit, or swallowing mouth-fulls of cum. It doesn’t have to go to such extremes. Women, in general, will pay a price for allowing this extreme debasing pornography to continue.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    The horse got his rocks off and generous helping of oats! No, just kidding; I don't know what the horse got, although that stallion was cearly turned on. Human cocks are not big enough for the woman, I guess. Yoda, just out of curiosity you should check out that URL - bizarre!!