
Comments by Mouse

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Where's Yoda?
    Yes, Yoda I can see it now. You didn't answer my question. How you been?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Where's Yoda?
    I made a mistake and put Yoda on "ignore." I didn't want to do that. How do I undo it?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Where's Yoda?
    I didn't mean to cause trouble; I was sincerely interested in finding out how you're doing. I've been cutting a low profile at strip clubs - the hustle was getting old and not entertaining, especially for the price. But, I do go and enjoy the sights and sounds still. I find it stress relieving. About yourself? Still as active as before?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Where's Yoda?
    Yoda, I see things haven't changed much here. Yet, I haven't been here recently. Anything new? Still visiting strip clubs as much as before, or are you slowing down a bit?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If you spend MONEY while HOPING to see a stripper OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE,
    davids, you make great points!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How not to become a PL
    Jpac73, I agree with you! Indeed, you make some very good points - strip clubs are for superficial R-rated entertainment somewhat akin to a 3-D in-the-flesh girly magazine experience. By the way, the strippers care about as much for the customers as the naked images care about the buyers of the girly magazines - zilch! Don't take it personally; they just want your money.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    Niceass, glad you see the importance of freedom of press and speech. It's taken mankind thousands of years to reach the freedoms we enjoy in the USA. These freedoms make us stronger, not weaker. In fact, it is only the confident and truly good & strong people who can tolerate and appreciate the opinions of others - even though we may disagree with them. There is TONS OF CRAP posted on this Board, but I would never dream of censoring it - not to worry, CRAP CENSORS ITSELF!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    KingPin- if you own a club
    JJ, what would you do without RL, C&S, and KP? The vast majority of your posts involve these guys. You claim to despise them, but clearly you get most of your "energy" from their posts and opinions. You need to look deeply into your own motivations - or quit criticizing them.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What Will C & S accomplish?
    RL is here to SHOCK people - just like flashers show their genitals to shock people. What is the psychology of a FLASHER? Yoda and/or Niceasss.....do you know?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    Niceass, when someone is acting like a child or sophomoric, like you were when you unilaterally blocked other people's posts, you got what you deserved - an admonition aimed at your rigid, immature, unenlightened, and VERY non-libertarian behavior. Grow-up!! - and, leave other people alone. It's easy to ignore RL or anyone else on this Board - just skip over their posts. What is posted can only be disruptive, if you let it be disruptive; and, obviously, you're more "disrupted" than anyone else is here. By paying attention to these posts you give them credibility. If you don't like their posts ignore them, or find another Board to you liking and leave us alone with your JavaScript and puerile self-righteous behavior.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    I see ASSWIPE (aka., wiseass) is back doing his BRAINIAC PSYCHOLOGIST act. He's lonely again.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    ASSWIPE, moreover, I would be glad to send you some pictures of MINI-MOUSE to supplement YOUR BEASTIALITY FETISH. It's amazing what turns some people on, but in ASSWIPE's case I'm not surprised.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    Wow! "...The rush i get from all the attention and credibility Mousy gives me is overwhelming sometimes..." I didn't know I meant that much to you ASSWIPE - do you get a hard-on and whack-off too? INDEED, you are VERY, VERY LONELY. What happened to your stripper girlfriend or is the sex with her that bad3
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    Yoda, you're easy to talk too?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    Yoda, don't you have "other things to do" besides get involved in a flame war that has nothing to do with you.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    After reading this Board (even for a short time), it becomes very clear that different customers have had very different experiences - from good to very bad. I'm convinced that all the points of view expressed here have some validity. For example, if you happen to patronize a sleazy strip club loaded with sleazy strippers then you may end up feeling like Veracious of KingPin; but, if you happen to hook-up with your current girlfriend or wife, then strip clubs will likely look great
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Wiseguy has been discovered.
    KP, you make serious accusations, but you have not provided specifics of the crimes nor how you came by this information. It is only reasonable to ask for these specifics, before any of this can be believed.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    KP, is your significant other a dancer or former dancer? Most of your opinions expressed here regarding strippers are fairly negative, hence I assumed you would have not interest in developing a serious relationship with a stripper. This assumption may be wrong - please clarify.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Sharkey6666, listen to kamrynstarr; she's giving you the straight dope. Strippers go to strip clubs to make money - not find boyfriends. Over 90% are already hooked up with a serious boyfriend or husband or (yes) even a girlfriend. Your EGO and lovelorn emotional state are your worst enemies.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Here is a quote which mentions strippers' attitude about FRIENDSHIP
    I agree with RL and this post in principle. Strippers strip to make a living (MONEY) to support themselves and their family. They already have a significant other in over 90% of cases - virtually all have "friends!" Just stop and think of all the customers that hit on them trying to become their friend or next boyfriend - it's got to be ALL-THE-TIME! Give yourself and the strippers a break - go to strip clubs for entertainment only, not to find friends or girlfriends.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Wiseguy has been discovered.
    Come on WiseASS, nobody buys your "I'm too cool to react" ACT. You're EGO is getting hammered, and it's EATING you up in inside. You think you so fucking smart - instead you're so obvious. GIVE US A BREAK!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Wiseguy has been discovered.
    Yes, but KP, WiseAss is so entertaining here. Don't be too harsh on him, he might freak-out and leave the Board. What will the posters do without WissAss to kick around?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Wiseguy has been discovered.
    It was really loose when she first met wiseASS - her uterus was in her panties. But, since wiseASS, things have tightened-up considerably; in fact, she keeps asking, "is it in yet, is it in yet?"
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    A quote about CUSTOMERS' LOW SELF ESTEEM apparently written by a dancer
    For many customers (actually the vast majority) this is true. Young, thin, and beautiful women are in very short supply (indeed, our society has become obese), and the attractive ones can't be spread out to serve the needs of all men. Our society of men is currently fixated on the "Playboy bunny fantasy," a fantasy which will never happen to the vast majority of men – that is, 90% of men want the same 10% of women, and (vice-versa) 90% of women want the same 10% of men – and the latter 10% of men are not strip club customers. Strip clubs offer an opportunity for these lovelorn (fantasy-lorn) men to engage the company of a young attractive female. Strip clubs also allow older men – BORED WITH THEIR SEX-STARVED MARRIAGES – to spice-up their mundane life by engaging with another female with little risk of detection or threat to their marriage. They fear the financial losses and emotional turmoil associated with keeping a mistress, often leading to divorce – THE SUFFERING OF SEEING YOUR LIFE SAVINGS DEPART (UGH!!). Strip-club business would drop if American married men could safely take-on a mistress as a socially acceptable means for copping with their wives degenerating looks and waning (postmenopausal) sexual needs. Strip clubbing works as long the customer keeps everything in perspective, remains emotionally aloof, and goes for transient entertainment only – DON’T GET INVOLVED EMOTIONALLY WITH THE STRIPPERS. The strippers are there to make MONEY not find friends, boyfriends, or husbands. With the proper attitude and realistic expectations, STRIP CLUBS CAN BE FUN.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    verfolgung, thanks for your honest answer; let me share now. Actually, I have had minor dates with girls I've met in strip clubs working as strippers - in fact, they were the dancers I had been buying lap dances from and had gradually developed a “relationship” – or, at least, I thought initially there was a “relationship.” Maybe, it was just bad luck, but in every case “things” didn't work out, and my “relationship” (i.e., actually my delusions) with them ended, even inside the club. Some were reasonably nice women and others were out-right meretricious mercenaries (i.e., customer-eating white sharks – assholes [Ugh!!]). Those in the first category either failed to keep my interest (i.e., not my type), or they wanted to save me from going to strip clubs. Truthfully, some of the nicer girls thought I had serious deficiencies, because I was “buying” female companionship. They wanted to cure me of my strip clubbing disease. (Please know that some strippers consider customers bona fide losers – in dire need of help! Also, many don't want to hook-up with a man who intially meets them naked and giving lap dances - they are ashamed of their job and don't want a man who would tolerate them in these positions. Hypocritical and strange, but true.) The mercenaries wanted nothing but money for their time outside – that is, there were moonlighting in their own “strip club” female companionship business (on the side escorts) where they don’t have to tip-out to club owners. These girls would try to get into your head by insinuating romance, fleece you of your money (after you in the lovelorn emotional state), and dump you when your wallet was empty. But, good for me and bad for them, I picked-up on their scam early and never lost a dime to one of these sharks. Nonetheless, the meretricious mercenaries are scary people and leave you with a very bad taste in you mouth. Customers should know that these con artists frequent strip clubs, learn to recognize their modus operandi, and avoid them like the plague!