
Comments by Mouse (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Single mothers
    I would not look down upon her, although I might feel bad that the father wasn't around to help, hence making her strip to earn a living. Of course, she could have hooked-up with a more upright man to begin with. Next time, she may not make the same mistake. I would tip based on the quality of her dances and how much I like her.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    All or nothing ?
    To each his own, but I don't encourage customers to get too wrapped-up in FAVs. These girls are there to make money - not friends. I keep it "emotionally" light and go for the "strip-club sexual" (R-rated) experience. When I find myself getting "attached" to a particular stripper, I've found it best to just move on to another.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    TGG, it all makes for some "reasonable" discussion - THIS BOARD WAS DYING!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Everyone please NOTE how Wiseass (aka., asswipe) follows me around like a PUPPY DOG. Asswipe needs to get a LIFE!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Here puppy, puppy....here puppy, puppy....be a good little puppy.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Women and Pornography
    Asswipe, how does your ass feel after that little puppy ass of yours has been BUTT FUCKED by a hourse? Or, maybe you're one of those puppies that is smelling everyone's crotch and tries to fuck everyone's leg...hehehehe.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    The Board is fun, if you don't take it too seriously - although many do.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Yoda, did those strippers, to whom you refer, have trouble finding the "RIGHT" boyfriend (i.e., long-term mate potential) or just "a boyfriend" - say, just for sex. In my experience, strippers (i.e., the 9s and 10s) have men doting and slobbering over them constantly - that is, no trouble finding male companionship, but possibly (like most yound women) struggling to find and keep "Mr. Right."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers relationships effect how they treat you
    No doubt about it. When the stripper's boyfriend has dumpted her, she is more emotionally "needy" and, hence, reponsive or vulnerable to your charms. Play it right, and you'll get the lap dance of your life! Maybe more.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How To Tell If A Stripper Genuinely Likes You
    When a stripper likes you, she will act like any other women who likes you - she makes herself available to you and doesn't break your dates. The M.O. of a lady who likes you is that she goes out of her way to help you to be with her. She will also kiss you - on the lips at the end of the first date. Indeed, most will sleep with you within 3 dates. If you're suspicious of her motives, withdraw the MONEY and see what happens, and in the vast majority of instances the stripper will disappear.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How To Tell If A Stripper Genuinely Likes You
    When deciding if a girl REALLY likes you, judge by her actions toward you, not by her words – TALK IS CHEAP! Actions always speak louder than words, volumes louder. Women who like you don't break dates and don't make excuses - they want to be with you! If you’re getting excuses, delays, and/or broken dates, you have nothing but bullshit. Don't waste your time, money, emotions, or other resources on a woman who doesn't like you from the get go. I believe this is the biggest mistake men make courting women (i.e., chasing women who really don’t like them much). Anything less than clear-cut high interest throw away her phone number, expunge her from your mind, and find a new girl - ONE WHO LIKES YOU! And, the more she likes you from the start the better.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    Come-on Pinhead, you can go there. It's worth it!!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    Yoda, you must agree that the guy in the "deep state" depicted in the URL above would be totally unable to "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil." Yes?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    Verfolgung and Pinhead, this Board is dying. It desperately needs something SHOCKING to get it going! Whatever meaning that URL has, it is clearly SHOCKING. Even a horse dong would not satisfy that lady - not even an elephant DONG. Actually, I must admit, I've met a few strippers, who I wish, would let me do the same to them - but, then, this is not a perfect world.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    Yoda, it's hard for me to imagine how anything posted here could be shoved down anybody's throat, since this is an entirely voluntary Board (also only virtual) - even all the posts can be read or not read as we all choose. Thus, if something is being shoved down your throat, it's because you (yes, you Yoda) choose to have it that way. My conclusion is that you and Pinhead must LIKE IT! Tell us about it - how does it feel to have a horse dick shoved down you mouth?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    ...couldn't come close to catching...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    PeeeeeHead, did I hurt your little feelings? - too bad. Such a "big" man hurt by such a small furry creature. You must have a massively - vulnerable & insecure - ego. I bet you couldn't kick the ass of an ant let a mouse, who you could come close to catching if you tried. Maybe you should quit the Board to let your blood pressure drop - that is, before you stroke out. Hehehehe...
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    Come-on Yoda, if you didn't care about this thread, you wouldn't be posting here. You're here "rubber-necking" for the entertainment - you love it!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    SQUID, you're clueless as to what's going on here - get a brain and then come back.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    SQUID, I said get a brain and then come back - you still show no evidence of having a brain.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    SQUID, you read and remember my comments quite well - I'm impressed. Where did you read that comment?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When do you know your addicted to stripclubs
    I agree with Superdude. Let me share an interesting anecdote. Along with a friend, I was in a club recently getting to know some of the dancers. At this club my friend had a reputation for being "Mr. Deep Pockets," and all the dancers swooned over him, making him feel very welcome. He know each dancer by stage name (some by their real names) and discussed them as "real people/friends." However, in his absence they referred to him as, "a guy who came in often and spent lots of money." The bottomline - my friend was an income source and nothing more. The mercenary attitude is getting to me, and I'm visiting these clubs less-and-less.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When do you know your addicted to stripclubs
    I agree with Yoda. Yes, the odds are very much against making a stripper your TRUE friend. In fact, the odds are so much against it, that in every situation where an opportunity for "friendship" presented itself to me (sans one case)in time it proved to be a scam to get into my wallet. As a consequence, I never pay (and never have paid) a stripper to see me outside of the club - NEVER! Moreover, I don't buy them gifts, pay their rent, or whatever. The only money these ladies get from me is money paid for R-rated services in a strip club. I know what I'm paying and what I'm getting for that money!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    In my experience dancers know every customer in the room, and almost immediately when they walk in. These girls are working and eye-balling everybody like hawks, especially customers they know are good for some income. I believe that, when dancers "don't see you," they are deliberately ignoring you - the subtext message is "I know I'm your FAV, I know you're getting too attached to me, and this cold shoulder stuff is how I'm letting you know not to get too attached." Guys, these girls are stripping to make money, not to make relationships - don't forget it or it'll get even more painfull!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Strippers are constantly "walking the line" between keeping your interest in buying dances, while not turning you into a RIL and/or potential stalker. To prevent this, she may send you mixed messages - that is, "don't get too attached" (cold shoulder) but "I still want you as a customer" (friendly later). Your story is one method of how they do it. Another possibility is that you're dealing with a nefarious playette bitch, who likes playing with your "head." Some men, especially CEO types, are suckers for the "playing hard to get game" - they like the excitement of the chase. Don't underestimate how skilled these ladies are at the relationship game; men are amateurs in comparison. Having FAVs is risky business not only for the customers, but also the strippers. My advice - DON'T GO INTO STRIP CLUBS LOOKING FOR A REAL RELATIONSHIP - you'll be disappointed 99.9% of the time. Don't take strip clubs seriously. The simple fact that you're even mildly concerned about your FAVs behavior towards you indicates that you are way too wrapped in her. Time to put some time and distance between the two of you, and the sooner the better.