

Monday, January 19, 2004 8:49 PM
This question of from someone totally not in the know. I have been to strip clubs in my life, yes, but infrequently and never got a private dance. I was out of town on a business trip, and went to a particular club. The girls were nice, but the hustle was definitely on. Eventually, I met someone that I had an interest in and we really had a great conversation, without lulls and had all the stuff you would expect from a regular bar with someone you would be interested in. When she asked if I would like a dance, I said yes, more out of obligation for taking up her time (in fully understand that time is money) and when I went in the back she got totally nude, grabbed my package several times, kissed my stomach and neck and when I asked if I could touch her skin, she said it was ok.. Before I left, she gave me a card where she had a second job, and I checked it out on the web, and she really does. She also gave me her cell number. I feel compelled to call her, but do not know if she is “working”, or not. Help me, I don’t know what the deal is. Signed, Tool or not – and your vote?


    20 years ago
    It's true that most dancers are attached, but some aren't. And regardless of what the laides say, some of them end up dating, living with and sometimes even marrying customers. It may not happen a lot but it happens. Don't judge the lady only by where she works.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Brent, it doesn't matter where you met, it matters that you did meet. You are one lucky son of a gun to have that beautiful lady, and I'll bet she considers herself lucky to have you, too. Take good care of each other.:-)
  • Brent
    20 years ago
    Actually, I ended up marrying a stripper. She didn't trust me at first and wouldn't go anywhere with me outside the club, which was actually good because I knew that she wasn't going out with every other regular customer there. It took a little while but I earned her trust and we started dating. Soon after we were engage and a year later married. We are a perfect match. We never fight or argue, she is kind, fun and worthy. I was never a rich man, and still am not, so she didn't marry me for money. I have average looks and an average dick, so it wasn't that. We just hit it off. I think I'm one of the rarest, luckiest people in the world because she chose to give her life to me. We owe our marriage to a tittie bar, to put it bluntly. It can happen, but hearing her talk about the other girls lets me know that it is easy to be taken for a ride. She was different though, and i could tell that from the beginning.
  • JungleMan
    20 years ago
    I agree with that ego comment. I have one of the biggest egos of anyone you will ever meet....and its deserved. All they are doing is working. Trying to earn money. However, I did have one girl ask for my number that I never have received dances from, but have talked to a few times. I haven't given her my number because I don't trust it. Who knows? Maybe she truley likes me, but I don't give a damn. I'm not their to pick up women, just lookin.
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    Sharkey6666, listen to kamrynstarr; she's giving you the straight dope. Strippers go to strip clubs to make money - not find boyfriends. Over 90% are already hooked up with a serious boyfriend or husband or (yes) even a girlfriend. Your EGO and lovelorn emotional state are your worst enemies.
  • sharky6666
    20 years ago
    I would like to initially thank each of you for your input into this question – everyone’s perspective was both informative and useful. I have to reiterate that this was my first experience with these types of clubs and since the “dance” was so far outside what is normal, I was really taken aback. Maybe I just got “mileage” (p.s. I learned this term from this site and its really terrible) and that was it. Also, I had understood that the dancers NEVER gave out their real names to customers, and apparently that is quite common. Keeping things in perspective, the everyman’s fantasy of “acquiring the unattainable” and the “hooker with the heart of gold” have been a part of our culture since the earliest of times with the myth of Pygmalion which transformed into current media in john waynes “stagecoach” and more recently “pretty woman”… Alas, fantasy is not reality, nor the converse. I will toss the info.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Don't worry so much, and if you want to, give the lady a call. Who knows, you might have a great time on your next visit to her town! If not, it was just a phone call, so no harm done...
  • token
    20 years ago
    This is a good post. Over the years I've been asked for my phone # (which wasn't called); have been given her phone # (which didn't work); have called/or have been called for the expressed intent of keeping me appraised of her schedule; etcal. Over-all, I kind of lean with the poster who said some of the phone # swappers may be more inclined to call during slow periods in their schedule or when the rent/utilities are due. Still: Whether she wants you for her personal pleasures, or her purse, or merely to keep you informed of her whereabouts.....what's the problem? My guess is that your dancer does not give/exchange #'s with every customer. Take it for what's it's worth. Enjoy what you want to enjoy. Pass on what you care to. Sucker???--nah.
    20 years ago
    Kam, I think you've wandered into a really grey area here. Alot of times it isn't the girl asking for something, it's the guy wanting to give her something and she reluctantly (or not so reluctantly) accepts. Let's face it, guys often like giving girls gifts, even if it's money. And their motives may be all over the place, from expecting something in return to just being nice guys who want to help. I don't think you can assume anything about a relationship just because money may change hands at times. Every relationship is different and unique.
  • kamrynstarr
    20 years ago
    Isn't it nice to know that we have such mature posters here?
  • JungleMan
    20 years ago
    Ok...Kamryn (or anyone else), If they ask for your number thats a good sign? I, of course, realize she may just be doing outside things, but is their more of a chance shes actually intrested in the person?
  • kamrynstarr
    20 years ago
    Not really. If she asks for your number there is a much bigger chance she's going to call you up when she needs something from you. Lots of girls do that, call up a regular when times are slow. If everytime she calls you it's only to ask you for something that results in you giving her money, than she's just interested in that. You're not a sucker if that's okay with you. But if you were to misinterpret that into her "liking" you, then you need a reality check. When I met an ex of mine in the club, I NEVER took money from him and never ever asked for a dance. I talked to him for a little while and then I left so that he wouldn't ask me for a dance. When he was about to leave, I asked him for his number. I never once took a dime from him. My reasoning was that since I liked him, I never wanted to give him the opportunity to believe I was just after his money. The best way, dancer or not, to tell if a woman really likes you is if she spends time with you (outside the club especially) without EVER seeking any monetary return. Believe me, dancers are not the only women that try to bleed you for cash. Whether it be jewelry, fancy dinners, new clothes, a car, etc...I've seen many women in "regular" jobs look for sugar daddies too. At least dancers are more honest about it. How many women in so-called "regular" jobs think if she fucks a guy, she deserves something in return? It may not be the old-fashioned prostitution leave the cash on the dresser form of thinking, but it is pretty damn close.
    20 years ago
    What difference does it make if she is working you or not? If you enjoy her company and feel that you are getting your money's worth, don't worry about it. You're only a sucker if you spend a bundle and don't get your money's worth. Give her a call and enjoy.
  • kamrynstarr
    20 years ago
    Most likely she gave you her contact info b/c she does "extras" outside the club. Either that, or she is just giving it to you so you can get her schedule. She's trying to make you a regular. Good guideline: many strippers will not date a customer that she has danced for. I knew a lot of girls who had a rule that if she wanted to actually date a customer, she would never dance for him. Plus, they tend to get your number, instead of giving you theirs. Just my two cents! Kamryn
  • driver01
    20 years ago
    Sucker?? Wrong question. Hey, you got her # and from your post, you never even asked for it. This is not an unheard of thing in regular bars, workplaces, social functions or even (surprise)strip clubs!-- Good for you! Having frequented more than a few clubs over the years, this has happened to me as well. A large part of the time a girl gives you her cell phone # because she felt comfortable with you and you tipped her reasonably well. The purpose more often than not is to give you an opportunity to call her to see if she will be working when next you plan to return to the club. Another less common though not unheard of reason is that she "works" outside of the club and is subtly letting you know that she is available for outside "extracurricular" activities(pay to play) should you be interested.The fact that she gave you a second job work # is an interesting twist and the fact that you are an out of towner doesn't bode well for a third and rather uncommon reason which would be she likes you and was interested in maintaining contact-relationship-friendship-boyfriend-fuck buddy-(pick one)... Taking her # when offered does not make you a sucker.... Calling her for any reason other than #1 or #2 might...Just my 2 cents.
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