
Comments by casualguy (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of hearing tornado sirens?
    The tornado that went over my previous location was shaking my bedroom wall even with that many nails in the wall. Air was getting sucked out of the attic and house at a rapid clip because others heard the sucking sound. We had large vents and almost no insulation in that house. Another time I was at the center of a large supercluster of F5 tornadoes. The lightning was so constant I peeked outside and was temporarily blinded. I had never seen a constant bright light like that so I peeked outside. There were no lightning flashes. It was just on for over 2 or 3 minutes. No tornado sirens heard. It was dead calm at my location but apparently the supercell spanned at least the whole county. I'd rather hear the sirens I guess.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of hearing tornado sirens?
    I never heard any tornado sirens where I used to live at but I did hear the tornado that went over our house. It must have been big to take out the huge trees and it almost got me if it had been just a little bit closer. It snapped off a 3 foot diameter pine right at roof level but our roof was undamaged. The house I lived in then was built apparently with tons of nails to be able to withstand high hurricane winds. I know because I tried to tear off a piece of molding to replace it. It had about 100 to 200 nails in just a foot or two of board. I couldn't believe someone would put that many nails in a board.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of hearing tornado sirens?
    I found out from others that the volume was apparently turned up on the tornado sirens. I can easily hear them inside the house unless I have something loud on now. I live in a large county. It would be nice if they had separate warnings for the northern and southern portions of a large county since we were not in any threat based on what I saw on radar. Winds were calm. The sirens are designed to be heard if you are outdoors. Hopefully things will be calm now. Of course if I had a choice between not hearing them or hearing them, I'd rather hear them. Maybe not 2 nights in a row and twice on the second night. I think part of the problem is doppler radar in the bigger cities indicates some rotation but because of the curvature of the earth and the distance to the bigger cities, they can't tell if we have a tornado or not because they can't see that close to the ground, so we get false alarms.
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    15 years ago
    Don't you fucking hate it when....
    I usually don't care what others think unless I want something from them. Usually I don't so I don't care too much. I doubt most people care what I do. There are a few religious right fanatics that I'm sure would think what I'm doing is highly immoral but I think very poorly of them. I think their attitude of judging others like that is immoral and evil. If someone wants to have some fun and visiting a strip club seems like a good idea, go for it. I once had fun doing nothing but playing an Axis and Allies board game all weekend. We modified the rules and had huge armies and navies from the get go and battled all weekend long. One guy I believe spent more time playing the game than with his wife because the weekend took up a lot of our time and work the rest. He moved then I started visiting strip clubs after someone from work dragged me out to one for the first time. The pc version of the game came out and I played all weekend long and some nights Axis and Allies online with players from around the world. I was good, very good. It felt very rewarding to outplay someone one night who I knew was extremely good even though that game lasted several hours. I guess it all depends on what you want to do for fun. I know some wives and girlfriends didn't care at all for the game Axis and Allies or other online games because you can get addicted and ignore other people. Everyone has their addictions.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of hearing tornado sirens?
    If I was at Platinum Plus in Columbia, the sirens would likely have to be louder than a jet engine to be heard over the sound system. I think last weekend you wouldn't have been able to hear the jet engine. At least I can still hear.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    gridget. Who is she?
    I have been in this club at least a couple of times in the last year or two during the afternoon hours. I don't usually have the day off from work and I'm not usually in the area but I do live here in South Carolina so it happens. I think it's going to happen again one Sunday afternoon again. Probably not the best time to visit but at least it won't be crowded. Probably Sunday late afternoon the 17th. Just my luck.
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    15 years ago
    Traffic wrecks, please drive careful, saving a minute or two isn't worth it if
    I'd love it if they did away with the speed limit. However I don't think I would be going that fast if people kept wrecking all the time blocking traffic. The last accident I saw looked like the two vehicles collided on their sides badly damaging both and blocking most of the interstate going east. I think one lane was still empty. It would be nice if we had autobahn like interstates with a very fast lane.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    gridget. Who is she?
    I've seen her post on here. I'm wondering if I have already met her in the club but the music has been so loud, I can't seem to remember the names of any of the dancers I've met in the club lately. Are very many of the late night dancers familar with this web site?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    Well so far so good. I was in a crowded strip club with dancers kissing me and licking me, a couple of girls were very oral but it was too crowded for them to get as oral as I like. I'm not coughing or sneezing and I don't see any flying pigs. I believe most of the excess pork is still in Washington, DC. I didn't see any sign of sick people except when I went to church, definitely a breeding ground since they come there whether they are sick or not. Well if I get sick, I will definitely go to church and return the favor. I will stay away from strip clubs if I get sick but seeing how ethical everyone is, I must go to church and be friendly with everyone even if I'm sick. Actually I didn't see as many people in church the other day. Maybe they were afraid and stayed home. I saw some Mexicans in the strip club. There was a big empty section all around them. I think that was only because it was still early.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    credit card chargebacks
    I did have one stripper pick my pocket and got even a bit. I informed someone at the club before I left and then emailed the manager of the chain of the crime. I returned to the club and told someone I sent the email. At that point I didn't know if they were going to be pissed off and throw me out or what. Instead the manager invited me to his office. He had done an investigation. A few strippers and even one bouncer were on a two week suspension. The manger found out a number of red flags and found out the dancer who picked my pocket had been stealing from other customers and that was why his business and customers were leaving in droves (he was hinting at this at least). He just didn't know why. I didn't have much stolen, a wad of about 30 to 40 ones but I didn't like to have anything stolen and that amount didn't seem that small to me. He gave me $40 back and thanked me. He showed me a drivers license of the suspected dancer and I said that was her. I should know because she used to be one of my favorites. Yes she was stupid for doing that to me. I knew she did it because I knew I had the money before getting a lap dance from her and before we left the room, I felt her hands in my pocket but forgot I had my tip money in there. As the manager said, she didn't know if I had ones or twenties in my pocket. She wasn't working there anymore. I even informed another club I spotted her at that she was fired due to stealing from customers. Other things that were red flags, customers losing their wallets and only the one dancer still in the lap dance room but the lucky customer in that case still got his wallet and money back. Apparently she knew how to work a customer over to make the money or wallet slip out. Another week or night, the manager told me she had over $800 but hadn't done that many dances. The thing that really caught the manager's attention, his club used to be crowded but at that time it wasn't anymore and the economy was still good. It's nice to have some justice.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    SC's gone the way of sporting events?
    Or in South Carolina go to a nude club where it's usually bring your own beer. They usually make up for it though by charging a lot higher cover charge so you can't win.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    Dancers should stay away from work if they are sick too and strip club managers should be agreeable to sick dancers staying away. I've seen sick dancers working too but I prefer they didn't.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    Someone should get the word out. Don't shake hands anymore during flu season. We could save thousands of lives every year. Priest in church, health officials, maybe even the President could help get the message out. Instead wave, or give a peace sign, or bow as a greeting during flu season. It's worth it to save thousands isn't it? The only problem is sick people still go to church and cough and sneeze, they pump gas and get their germy hands on the gas pump, they sometimes go to work before they realize they have the flu and touch bathroom doors, handles etc. that you may touch afterwards. You can slow down the spread of diseases and maybe prevent a few thousand but it's almost impossible to stop.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    The regular flu kills 36,000 a year in the US alone. That fact to me tells me people should have already been taking precautions and preventative measures to avoid getting sick in the first place. If you're sick and achy, don't go to work. If you're sick especially do not go to church and then shake other peoples hands. They should do away with the handshake during church services. 36,000 people a year are dying and church services are spreading diseases and have likely contributed to a number of deaths because many feel they need to go to church whether they are sick or not. Then they want to feel like part of the crowd by shaking hands like everyone else at one point in the church service. Even the priest may be spreading diseases when people shake his hands. Maybe we should ban all hand shaking. Just give a peace sign or bow instead as a greeting. I heard this new H1N1 virus or swine flu is very contagious and the big fear is that it could mutate into something a lot more deadly come next flu season just like the 1918 virus did.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    If I have a lot of other unexpected expenses, I will cut back and not visit strip clubs for a while. That is a lot easier than trying to control how much money you spend in a strip club. I do limit my spending in strip clubs by not buying expensive dances and only using cash. You can limit your spending inside the club further but it's harder to have the self control in my opinion instead of just not visiting. Not drinking would probably help but doing too much might make the entire visit not worth it. To answer the original question, I only visit strip clubs 2 to 4 times a month. When I wasn't spending very much, I used to visit more frequently. I'm not as interested in visiting strip clubs as much as I once was though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    credit card chargebacks
    I'd just call her a ROB with the bouncer possibility in on it. Get her name, post it on the website or here or wherever you can get attention. Maybe even email the club owner with the information of how you were deceived if you have her name. The club owner is losing customers possibly long time customers worth a lot more than some temporary worker is getting him. That is if he realizes this. That's about as far as I would go if I was really ticked off. I figure a small percentage of dancers are working as con artists and thieves but it's the price I pay to continue visiting strip clubs and trying out new dancers. Kind of like the price you pay for driving down the road if you sometimes accidently exceed the speed limit and get pulled over. Mistake made, pay the price, try to avoid it as much as possible next time, move on. In my case I encountered two ROB's two weekends, one per weekend. I'm not visiting that club again for some time. It's possible I may not go back again since I once got upset at PP in Greenville one time and didn't go back for two years. The club and dancers lost out and are losing out again due to ROB's. I do have one favorite I may go back to visit in another month or two when she is likely to return. However, sometimes you get in new habits and don't go back.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Counterfeit money and strip clubs
    In the blacklight in some lap dance areas, the strip on the 20 dollar bill actually glows in the dark.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Counterfeit money and strip clubs
    They do have visible and hidden cameras in many clubs and I believe the black light might make some counterfeit bills glow in the dark. I'm not sure though. If counterfeit money was found, the secret service would investigate using every means possible. I was slightly concerned about trying to break a 100 dollar bill at a club. Actually more concerned with getting all change in two dollar bills even though I thought an unethical club receptionist could claim the bill was counterfeit and pocket it. I probably would press charges in that case but I wouldn't want the publicity. I went to the bank and got change instead of thinking of all the things some clubs could do. Getting $100 worth of two dollar bills seems like the nightmare that could come true at a couple of clubs I know of.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    off topic what on my pc might identify where I used to live several years ago to
    I just checked my ISP location. I'm supposedly somewhere between Fayetteville and Raleigh, NC. It's only off somewhere like 200 to 300 miles. I once lived in NC so I kept wondering if all these ads kept picking up on some info on my pc I didn't delete. If these random locations make me somewhat anonymous, I don't mind that much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    Officials never seem successful at stopping the regular flu so I don't expect much success this time either. Hopefully the story and the flu transmission dies out this year and a vaccine is developed in time for next years flu season. Unfortunately these flu viruses mutate from time to time. There are some probable cases already in South Carolina due to some students who were in Cancun and Mexico for spring break. Either the media is blowing this whole thing out of proportion or someone isn't telling us the whole story.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    So far I think the media has overdone the problem. If everyone in Mexico City were infected and less than 200 hundred people died, that number is a whole lot less than the regular flu kills every year here in the US alone. I believe the regular flu kills over 20,000 to possibly about 36,000 people here in the US alone each year on average. So the reality is the regular flu kills over tens of thousands here in our country each year but the media is making this new flu sound like a killer that is far worse but it hasn't shown signs of that yet in my opinion. However I don't want to get sick either.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What makes some dancers go after certain guys while other guys get ignored?
    I haven't noticed any difference with the beer I drink. There have been a few times when I wanted less attention in a strip club. It is times like that when I've noticed some guys sitting in a group of two or more and no dancers seem to come over to them and wondered what they are doing that I'm not. I have noticed when dancers sit in my lap, I don't seem to mind a lot of dancers stopping by. I may check out stripperweb again when I get time. From what I remember, it's like reading all the stripper attitudes about the way strip clubs are supposed to be in the perfect stripper world or stories given that are biased completely on the way some strippers believe things should be instead of reality. That is a site where the customer doesn't know jack and strippers rule their own little world and customers are only allowed to speak due to some stripper generosity. Just my opinion of the site even though I only visited once or twice when this site was down years ago. Doesn't sound any different from what I read above.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    off topic what on my pc might identify where I used to live several years ago to
    Lol, I guess my local isp lies routinely about my location or keeps listing somewhere in the boondocks, NC.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    off topic what on my pc might identify where I used to live several years ago to
    Thanks for those answers. It was always a mystery to me if there was something on my pc the ads were picking up on. I guess not since I clear cookies on a regular basis. Even though I live in western SC, the http://whatismyipaddress.com/ shows my location as near the outer banks of NC just about 300 to 400 miles away. Seems kind of funny when I occasionally see an ad for something like "meet local girls now" and they are in some far off location.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Requesting outfits?
    I don't usually request outfits since I prefer dancers I like to be naked. However if you did, I do believe they would want a tip at a minimum or some compensation for their trouble. That is if they even have the outfit you ask about. A number of dancers seem to stay in the same outfit or one or two others the whole night. Some dancers might suggest you can buy them another outfit. Prices if available at the club? I don't know where one dancer got her dress or skirt from she was asking about a part of she lost one night(taken off while dancing on stage) but she told me it cost her around $500. Another dancer once suggested I buy her an outfit that cost about $80. I wouldn't typically even entertain the thought of buying a dancer an outfit unless I knew her away from the club even though I don't believe dancers would mind. I have had a few dancers ask me about their outfits and what I like and some of those dancers did change clothes. I did get some dances from them.