
Questions, questions, questions

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, June 6, 2009 7:11 PM
I know that most of you do not like to answer questions from dancers and I understand your reasons to keep your personal life personal. But I have to share this. I met my first ATF 7 years ago. I was getting what I thought was my last LD with a cute little blond. I saw her (ATF) doing a LD with some old dude.She was a 10 in any mans book. I had to have some of that. I went out and waited, hoping to get a chance to hook up. She came out but sat with the dude for a long time. I once again looked over to where she was sitting with him but she was gone. I figured back to the LD room. Just as I was ready to give it up and call it quits for the night, A voice from behind me asked "is anyone flirting with you?". It was her. She sat down in her black cocktail dress, placed my hand on her leg (midway between her knee and the glory hole)and placed her hand on top of mine. She kept it there. Then I got grilled! She asked every question that you can think of. All the while shoving those luscious 36 C's into my shoulder. I swear that she got more out of me in 27 minutes than my EX did in 27 years. I had nothing to hide. Then we went to the LD room. That dress literally fell off her. I was in heaven. That began a 2+ year ATF relationship that included lunches and gifts. I am sure that shekitout and Pop remember "Carter".


  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I have no problem conversing with a dancer. Matter of fact, it was a long conversation with one that made HER my ATF. We had mutual acquaintances and still see each other at times, although not in a customer/dancer relationship.
  • FinalLap
    15 years ago
    I love talking to dancers before, during and after trips to the LD room or VIP. I like hearing about their lives, as long as they don't get into a list of personal problems, boyfriends, pimps, etc. I also enjoy talking about the strip club industry with them. Often, with younger dancers, I'm teaching them. I don't mind them asking me questions. However, depending on the location and simply how I'm feeling about the dancer, I may or may not answer entirely truthfully. I'm sure that's a mutual thing, so I don't feel bad about it. I enjoy the GFE, so questions and conversation are a big part of a successful club night.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Don't like answering the personal questions (work, family) mainly because I'm at the club to get a break from all that. I'll try and steer the conversation to other topics of mutual interest - music, movies, sports, the club scene, etc., keep things light and fun, and be the one asking questions. Always some risk in that, however, since once some dancers peg you as a "good listener" they tend to start venting and sharing overly personal stuff.
  • Ironcat
    15 years ago
    If I don't know a dancer I will not share personal information regardless of how good she looks. There are too many psychos out there and living in a somewhat small community, I would never want my employer or family know of my hobby. If pressed, I just lie, which doesn't bother me in the lest since I know the dancer's name isn't really "China" or "Naughty". They probably want anonymity as much as I do.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I sometimes get asked a number of questions. Unfortunately the music is often too loud to ask anything but "what did you say?" "I can't hear with the DJ talking so much." "Oh you said the DJ must be on something because he's been going at it talking all day." "What?" "I can't hear anything with the DJ talking so much." A couple of times I was wondering "when is this dancer going to leave?" One dancer popped in my face to say hi and started asking me a question. I was thinking "whoa, who are you? You're acting like you know me or something." Then I said "you dyed your hair, I didn't recognize you for a few seconds." If I'm willing and able to get into a conversation at a strip club, I sometimes do get asked a zillion questions. If she gets too personal I might start wondering if she thinks the strip club is a dating opportunity instead of a chance to get lap dances.
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