
Comments by zipman68 (page 97)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCLing ... Desktop; Laptop; Tablet; or Smart Phone ?
    Carrier pigeon
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    11 years ago
    Miley Cyrus cumming to a pole in your town
    Dougsta my friend ...that would not be safe. That chick must have neurosyphilis. And at her age it has. To be a fast growing strain. How else can you explain the teddy bears? EEEWWWWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Quality reviews!
    On the other hand...there is the Monsieur Tittyfag character...why exactly do those of you that find the character funny feel that way? Is it a Norm McDonald thang? You know...repeat a lame joke often enough and eventually people kinda sorta laugh. I just don't see it. The guy has no panache. I get no LARFS from that dude. I mean really...I'M SHOCKED that I can attack the dude directly and STILL not get an actual joke. At least the moron 23cambyman keep propping me with hostile props. Dumbass doesn't realize that I can remove them. Oh...he'll claim he knew but I'm certain that microbrain thought I was a friggin' WIZARD!!! But at least dat shizzle was funny. 23cambyman doesn't want to be funny but he is 'cos he is so fucking stupid. The problem with Txtittyfag is that a moron trying to be funny...like Monsieur Tittyfag...is actually completely unfunny. A moron trying to be funny...like Cambydude...is totally funny. I thought Tittyfag could fill Juice's shoes...alas, he cannot :-(
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Quality reviews!
    Oh....I can't stay mad at Dougsta. That little Snidely Whiplash avatar is so perfect for the dude. I just dont have the heart to start a flame war with that dude. Long my your poison keyboad type away Dougsta. And we all know that Dougsta doesn't live in a van down by the river, amirite or amirite? Let's see...it was a '77 Chevy Nova down by the crick, wasn't it?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Quality reviews!
    C'mon Dougsta...admit it!! Y'all are enraged at txtittyfan 'cos you followed his investment advice. Now you're living in a van down by the river wrestling with you sexuality. You want to admit you forbidden love for sweet, sweet man flesh but are having a hard time. And you think it is txtittyfan's fault. I'm trying to help you set yourself free!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Quality reviews!
    I guess this man's brilliant satire is another man's pointless dreck. Wait...this is just pointless dreck. So Dougster my friend...are you going to go on that GQ men's fall fashion issue vision quest? I think it would do a world o' good!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Landing strip
    Fuck yeah landing strip! Nothing like a thin little strip o hair down there. Changed my avatar to one of the best landing strips I've seen in the pages o a girly magazine my friends.
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    11 years ago
    Dancers Named After Libations
    Absinthe would be perfect for a freaky goth chick. Ever meet an Absinthe?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i b getin HIGH !
    On another note Dracula-dude, what be yo' position on dancers named Buffy? Pro or con my friend?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i b getin HIGH !
    Right on Dracula-dude. Get yosef all high n shizzle. Maybe try some DATY for some chicas on da rag so yo' can drink der blood. Fuck yeah life as a vamp must be top shelf. But I'm still waitin' fo' some reviews o' Transylvanian strip clubs. I bet those places be off da hook!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What makes a good thread?
    Juiicebox my friend...I hate to tell you this 'cos I love you like a little brother...a mentally handicapped little brother, but still... However, I cannot tell a lie. That dude who has been sucking your dick. The one whose photo you've posted. It ain't me. I'm sorry bro, but it is actually somebody whose name rhymes with "rexas-ritty-rag". He is OBSESSED with me and constantly tries to pick up men and women by claiming he is me. Hell, he wrote me last night that he tried to fuck a snapping turtle after telling it that his name was "Zipman the magnificent". Turtle didn't care. Alas...you've been had. But if I ever did a dude I'd be pitchin'...and he wouldn't have yo' ugly-assed mug.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    BagBoyDude... You should consider investing either in a buttplug or in some depends with a whole in the front for your dick. Either one could save some defecation embarrassment. Unless...of course...you're having one of your "special nights" with Cambydude or txtittyfag. They have both PMed me telling me how much they like fucking toothless old bagboys that have trouble keeping Mr. Dookie in. I wish those sick fucks would stop PMing me this shit. I keep telling them that I'll share with the rest of the forum. But they just DON'T CARE!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    eatinging pussy ?
    So...does the Dracula dig the cunnilingus when the chick be on the rag? Seems that would be a good way to get the pussy and the blood simultaneously.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Fucked her last night...why are you interested?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What makes a good thread?
    Fair enough Mikey...I def hear what you're saying my friend. However, I think we both know this was a poke at somebody else. Im getting tired of the constant "you're a fag" bullshit from certain idiots. The issue isn't that the idiot in question calls me a fag. If he was funny when he did it I'd be rolling on the floor too. But the closest this idiot has come to being funny is pointing to a picture that somebody else posted. Weak :-( So I figure I'll poke that dude 'til he says SOMETHING mildly amusing or gives up. If the idiot in question actually manages to say something funny...coo-el, we all win! If he just keeps repeating "you're a fag" (American usage) I get to laugh at him for being an idiot so I still win. And if he stops with the bullshit and goes the fuck away WE ALL WIN!!! Watch...despite the fact that I've spelled out what I'm doing he'll come back and say something like "you're a fag" or "you're sucking REDACTED's dick". Oh...I will be so wounded by the rapier wit!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    wanna buy my used condum ?
    Dracula dude...DO NOT SAY THIS SHIT!!! 23cambydude will now be writing you 24-7. That dude is OBSESSED with eating semen from used condoms. Worse, that disgusting fucker apparently EATS whole discarded rubbers of the floor of strip clubs and booths in porn shops. How do I know this? Well, despite his limited intelligence he has inferred that I am...how should I put this...quite successful with the ladies. Although I likes the clubbing I hardly need it. I made the mistake of confirming that I am indeed a success in just about every area of life, trying to encourage the little guy to keep trying. After all, I think he might be able to do something worthwhile with his life. Perhaps he could learn to be a productive member of society...porn shop jizz mopper might be within his ken. What thanks do I get for my compassion? Dude keeps PMing me...begging me to FedEx him my used condoms. Please stop sending those messages Cambydude!!! Oh...and you should know that the reason you bud txtittyfag doesn't send you Santorum-encrusted used condoms is that he isn't actually gay. He is actually a pathetic troll who can't get sex with women...or men...even if he pays them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Ben Affleck as the Dark Knight...pro or con?
    And on another related topic... Should the movie have Supergirl? Who should play her? And SHOULD SHE GET NAKED IN THE MOVIE??? The answer of course is no, the movie should have POWERGIRL. And FUCK YEAH she should get naked!!! As to who should play Powergirl. I'm torn. Laura Vandervoort did a good job as Kara in Smallville. Does she have the rack to pull off Powergirl? I don't know...but she might make a good Powergirl. Of course, the costume needs to be more revealing that the standard Powergirl outfit. And why the fuck do Batman and Superman have to be in a movie? I'd pay $10 for Powergirl. As long as whoever plays the TIT-ular character gets naked. And jumps some rope. FAP...FAP...FAP...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Quality Threads
    C'mon jab-dude...I stick by the position that Juice was a major contributor until the who board detoured into a poo flinging fest. The problem was just that our late Juicebro has energy to spare. So he was flinging shit like no tomorrow. THAT got boring... But the old school Juice... The due that could create gems like: went to Da.club today wit a seven.layer.Burrito.an.ate it in da Vip wit a dancer. then.she.got.the.shits. But it looked just lik th burito so I dint kno what.to.eat. ...second post.... has.that.Ever.happent to u??? THAT shit was hilarious. Friggin HI-lar-EEE-ous!!! Don't tell me you dint(sic) laugh at that!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How much jerking it is to much??
    Wow! I keep finding myself agreeing with Drac. I think you're being a pretty coo-el dude Monsieur Draques. Drac on my brother...Drac on indeed!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How much jerking it is to much??
    You can never jerk it too much my friend. As long as it make you happy jerk it as much as you want. But also try to find some real women to fuck. Good for the soul. C'mon my pervo-brothers. Let's let Candydude know he is not alone!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    San Diego Mayor Filner
    But you have to admit that the dude has a groovy smile. If I smiled like that I'd have to grab ass to get some female contact. Or pay for it (not that there's anything wrong with that). So...which one of you pervs is Filner? 23cambyman hasn't spoken. Methinks he might be Filner.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ass Sundae... Is that anything like an ASS SMOOTHIE? 'Cos dat shizzle be off da hook. When my wife be givin' lip I says "make yosef an ass smoothie beyotch". Then 23cambyman, who is actually a Muslim dude named Yosef, drinks it. Pretty twisted shizzle my bros.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Quality Threads
    And I needed a double post for emphasis beyotches (well...it was a happy mistake). And the motherfucking video to cheer y'all up is... www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAfyFTzZDMM Now y'all NEED to go have a good LDK!!! Especially the joyless asswholes (sic).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Quality Threads
    And to the crew who suffer the slings and arrows of the joyless crew...when you feel down just have a listen to... www.youtube.com/watch
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Quality Threads
    I have a simple thought...people behaving appropriately for the thread. Some threads are more serious. Don't invade those threads with juvenile bullshit. Let people engage with them as they want. The...ahem...less serious threads are actually more complex. When our dear semi-departed Juicebro used to post his joyful anarchy 'bout eatin' 7-layer burritos while assfucking a stripper on stage it is pretty clear he wanted a reaction. Most people played along 'cos many...I would say most...of those threads were funny as fuck. We've got a few other funny, funny folks on here that I won't name for fear that they'll be run out like Juice. So what happened with those threads? Some joyless shit-for-brains asswholes (sic...but appropriate) would invade and post useless crapola like "SMH". Two possibilities for those posts: 1) they are playing along and just engaging in some poo flinging expecting the poo to fly back and preparing to LARF; and 2) they really meant it. Alas, they really meant it. So rather than joyful Juice we were subjected to endless flame wars. Nobody won because a lot of TUSCL degenerated to bullshit. You know who really contributes NOTHING here? The joyless "SMH" crowd. They created the Frankenstein's monster of flamer Juice. They upset the delicate TUSCL ecosystem. I'm not pointing to folks like Shadowcat. He didn't invade other people's houses and crap on their floor. His one beef with Juice was about something (review quality). It blew up. No...I'm pointing to the crew who invade the funny threads but don't contribute. The guys who are too mind-numbingly stupid that they cannot come up with a more creative insult than "you're sucking Juicecarton's dick" or "you're a fag" (American usage...British usage would be funny). I'm pointing to the idiot whose defense of the most racist asshole on TUSCL was that he was a black rapper (well...that verged on funny, but I'm sure it is just the broken clock is right twice a day phenomenon). I say to that joyless crew...grow a brain cell and get a sense of humor or GO THE FUCK AWAY!!! Now back to nekkid (sic) chicks and LARFS!!!