
Quality Threads

Saturday, August 24, 2013 3:55 AM
What makes a good quality discussion thread on tuscl ? Enjoy ;)


  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Getting strange without getting caught.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I dunno. It's been so long since I've seen one. But one involving KittyKate would be a good start
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Something thought provoking while still appealing to the prurient
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Guns Tits and Sex
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    Something related to stripclubbing rather than the adolescent stuff that prevails here lately.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I prefer silk or wool thread.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I have a simple thought...people behaving appropriately for the thread. Some threads are more serious. Don't invade those threads with juvenile bullshit. Let people engage with them as they want. The...ahem...less serious threads are actually more complex. When our dear semi-departed Juicebro used to post his joyful anarchy 'bout eatin' 7-layer burritos while assfucking a stripper on stage it is pretty clear he wanted a reaction. Most people played along 'cos many...I would say most...of those threads were funny as fuck. We've got a few other funny, funny folks on here that I won't name for fear that they'll be run out like Juice. So what happened with those threads? Some joyless shit-for-brains asswholes (sic...but appropriate) would invade and post useless crapola like "SMH". Two possibilities for those posts: 1) they are playing along and just engaging in some poo flinging expecting the poo to fly back and preparing to LARF; and 2) they really meant it. Alas, they really meant it. So rather than joyful Juice we were subjected to endless flame wars. Nobody won because a lot of TUSCL degenerated to bullshit. You know who really contributes NOTHING here? The joyless "SMH" crowd. They created the Frankenstein's monster of flamer Juice. They upset the delicate TUSCL ecosystem. I'm not pointing to folks like Shadowcat. He didn't invade other people's houses and crap on their floor. His one beef with Juice was about something (review quality). It blew up. No...I'm pointing to the crew who invade the funny threads but don't contribute. The guys who are too mind-numbingly stupid that they cannot come up with a more creative insult than "you're sucking Juicecarton's dick" or "you're a fag" (American usage...British usage would be funny). I'm pointing to the idiot whose defense of the most racist asshole on TUSCL was that he was a black rapper (well...that verged on funny, but I'm sure it is just the broken clock is right twice a day phenomenon). I say to that joyless crew...grow a brain cell and get a sense of humor or GO THE FUCK AWAY!!! Now back to nekkid (sic) chicks and LARFS!!!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I have a simple thought...people behaving appropriately for the thread. Some threads are more serious. Don't invade those threads with juvenile bullshit. Let people engage with them as they want. The...ahem...less serious threads are actually more complex. When our dear semi-departed Juicebro used to post his joyful anarchy 'bout eatin' 7-layer burritos while assfucking a stripper on stage it is pretty clear he wanted a reaction. Most people played along 'cos many...I would say most...of those threads were funny as fuck. We've got a few other funny, funny folks on here that I won't name for fear that they'll be run out like Juice. So what happened with those threads? Some joyless shit-for-brains asswholes (sic...but appropriate) would invade and post useless crapola like "SMH". Two possibilities for those posts: 1) they are playing along and just engaging in some poo flinging expecting the poo to fly back and preparing to LARF; and 2) they really meant it. Alas, they really meant it. So rather than joyful Juice we were subjected to endless flame wars. Nobody won because a lot of TUSCL degenerated to bullshit. You know who really contributes NOTHING here? The joyless "SMH" crowd. They created the Frankenstein's monster of flamer Juice. They upset the delicate TUSCL ecosystem. I'm not pointing to folks like Shadowcat. He didn't invade other people's houses and crap on their floor. His one beef with Juice was about something (review quality). It blew up. No...I'm pointing to the crew who invade the funny threads but don't contribute. The guys who are too mind-numbingly stupid that they cannot come up with a more creative insult than "you're sucking Juicecarton's dick" or "you're a fag" (American usage...British usage would be funny). I'm pointing to the idiot whose defense of the most racist asshole on TUSCL was that he was a black rapper (well...that verged on funny, but I'm sure it is just the broken clock is right twice a day phenomenon). I say to that joyless crew...grow a brain cell and get a sense of humor or GO THE FUCK AWAY!!! Now back to nekkid (sic) chicks and LARFS!!!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    And to the crew who suffer the slings and arrows of the joyless crew...when you feel down just have a listen to... [view link]
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    And I needed a double post for emphasis beyotches (well...it was a happy mistake). And the motherfucking video to cheer y'all up is... [view link] Now y'all NEED to go have a good LDK!!! Especially the joyless asswholes (sic).
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Simple, the ignore click!
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Click,click,click ! Yep works every time
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    I like some of the serious threads and the funny ones. I like the fried tuna stuff. What are you gonna do with the fried tuna my BigTuna1?
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    One without juicebox69 or any of his aliases being mentioned or participating.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    C'mon jab-dude...I stick by the position that Juice was a major contributor until the who board detoured into a poo flinging fest. The problem was just that our late Juicebro has energy to spare. So he was flinging shit like no tomorrow. THAT got boring... But the old school Juice... The due that could create gems like: went to [view link] today wit a seven.layer.Burrito.an.ate it in da Vip wit a dancer. [view link].the.shits. But it looked just lik th burito so I dint kno [view link]. ...second post.... has.that.Ever.happent to u??? THAT shit was hilarious. Friggin HI-lar-EEE-ous!!! Don't tell me you dint(sic) laugh at that!
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Zip, you just took this from what began as a quality discussion straight to the crapper.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    jabthehut- ROFL!!! I am begging to get a sense in this forum that zipperturd is the 2nd person that needs to get banned!! The third should be zipperturd's alias candyman
  • Dracula
    11 years ago
    Cmon playas lets get realz smoking the wee d is no goo d and zip is gold ! Juice may be gone but iz eit us in zip wr should love 1 anoder and eat snd ass suunday pres
  • Dracula
    11 years ago
    Juice ! Juice ! Juice !
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    NOT Today.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    OP: "What makes a good quality discussion thread on tuscl ?" The System by RickyBoy.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Nah. Zip is okay until he starts cheerleading for juice, etc.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Had to put Dracula on my naughty list. He is just another juicy crack ho.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    And NOT hardly any at ALL lately, just junk.
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