
Quality reviews!

the speed force!
There have been some complaints about the low quality of reviews from certain joke members. Generating joke reviews is seriously uncool. After all, there is enough variation in review quality due to honest issues without adding in the shitty reviews being generated as jokes. So I was shocked -- SHOCKED I TELLS YA -- when I noticed that the man who Scooby Doo would refer to as "Rexas Ritty Rag", a man who has won the "stupidest troll on the board" award for the past decade (somehow he managed to get retroactive nominations) has alo produced POINTLESS JOKE REVIEWS:

In a previous review of this club I said next time I would go somewhere else. I went against my word because I went back last week. I was still hoping that maybe i'd run into George W. or his pappy George H.W. seeing that they're both retired but nope, those Bush's were nowhere to be seen. Sarah Palin wasn't here either so I kind of wonder why they include Alaskan in the club name.
They could call it "The No Bush and Nothing to do with Alaska Company" but I figure the owners wanted to avoid the obvious when they named this club. You can't predict how people think.
Like last time there were just a few regular guy customers drinking their shots and beers and once again a few average looking dancers running around and none approached me which I was fine with. Sat there kind of bored while I drank my beer and wondered, so where do the Bush family hang out with all the free time they have these days. Maybe I should be looking for them when i'm in Texas. Yup, that makes sense. Just an average bar, average customers, average dancers, move along nothing to see here.

So...I have learned that the Bush family is not involved!! WOW!!! I'm sure ol' txtittyfag will claim that he just wanted to suck W's cock. Hell, I suspect he does want to suck W's cock. But how does this review help the average monger that actually wishes to have fun.

Here is an idea... Maybe txtittyfag can lock himself in his momma's basement with some bottles of DXM cough syrup and a stack of GQ magazine men's fall fashion issues. Drink the cough syrup 'til you achieve a shamanic dose, then keep a rubbin' it to the pretty, pretty guys you find in GQ. I bet there is a well adjusted gay man inside that twisted little noggin of yours.


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yep, many of tittyfag's reviews are hilarious. Great satire. Especially when he is satirizing txtittyfan's reviews.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I guess this man's brilliant satire is another man's pointless dreck. Wait...this is just pointless dreck.

    So Dougster my friend...are you going to go on that GQ men's fall fashion issue vision quest? I think it would do a world o' good!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Sorry, zippie, me and tittyfag are different people.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    C'mon Dougsta...admit it!! Y'all are enraged at txtittyfan 'cos you followed his investment advice. Now you're living in a van down by the river wrestling with you sexuality. You want to admit you forbidden love for sweet, sweet man flesh but are having a hard time. And you think it is txtittyfan's fault. I'm trying to help you set yourself free!!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ew! You've really taken harshly to people calling you a juicebox sycophant haven't you? Lashing out at everyone now!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Let's be honest here, people. We are dudes and dudettes that talk and review strip clubs. Yes, for some people it's(stripping industry) their livelihood. For others, it's entertainment. Both Tiity and Dougster make me laugh. We all need to get a grip, relax, and enjoy ourselves. Like James Belushi once said, "Never lose your sense of humor."
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    By the way Zip, love the new avatar.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "Like James Belushi once said, "Never lose your sense of humor."

    I thought it was James Bond that said that.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Just for the record, I have no problem with Zippy. Kind of like the guy, actual (but not in a homosexual way, I reserve that for jester214 my one and only guy I pine for). If I wanted to attack someone I would just do it from my own account. I think my history should show I just do that. No need for me to us other aliases like tittyfag.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Will the real Juicebox please stand up,please stand up.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Dougster is juice
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    We are all juice. (Except for BonedBrother.)
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Not even bonerbreath is safe...he may be the biggest juice of them all
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Both Tiity and Dougster make me laugh"

    Do you laugh at their personal attacks on other members?

    "There have been some complaints about the low quality of reviews from certain joke members"

    DON'T grant memberships for joke or POS reviews.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    How about we not grant memberships to mentally ill people, just like we don't allow them to purchase guns and ammo.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ yeah, right. 80% of the board would be gone! (And that's even if you only count by person not by alias.)
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Tuscl board is just 3 guys
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Juice, juice and juice
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    And BonedBrother who doesn't count. So, yeah, just three.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Oh....I can't stay mad at Dougsta. That little Snidely Whiplash avatar is so perfect for the dude. I just dont have the heart to start a flame war with that dude. Long my your poison keyboad type away Dougsta.

    And we all know that Dougsta doesn't live in a van down by the river, amirite or amirite? Let's see...it was a '77 Chevy Nova down by the crick, wasn't it?
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    On the other hand...there is the Monsieur Tittyfag character...why exactly do those of you that find the character funny feel that way? Is it a Norm McDonald thang? You know...repeat a lame joke often enough and eventually people kinda sorta laugh. I just don't see it. The guy has no panache. I get no LARFS from that dude.

    I mean really...I'M SHOCKED that I can attack the dude directly and STILL not get an actual joke. At least the moron 23cambyman keep propping me with hostile props. Dumbass doesn't realize that I can remove them. Oh...he'll claim he knew but I'm certain that microbrain thought I was a friggin' WIZARD!!!

    But at least dat shizzle was funny. 23cambyman doesn't want to be funny but he is 'cos he is so fucking stupid. The problem with Txtittyfag is that a moron trying to be funny...like Monsieur Tittyfag...is actually completely unfunny. A moron trying to be funny...like Cambydude...is totally funny.

    I thought Tittyfag could fill Juice's shoes...alas, he cannot :-(
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