
Comments by zipman68 (page 74)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can a review be a review if you don't even get inside?
    Ridiculous... Can't come in a taxi? Have to valet park? Fucking assholes. I don't mind valet parking if I'm driving to a place, but c'mon.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Bot or Tard?
    If he is a stalker he shall feel my bat'leth and d'k tang. Qapla'
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Tube Top
    Had a fave that used a tube top as a miniskirt. Actually looked fucking hot. Black top and black tube top is kind of like a really short "little black dress". Not crazy 'bout them when worn as a top. Regardless of tit size. Sexier outfits available.
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    11 years ago
    Vibrating Bullets
    Many moons ago (mid-90s) I had a few visits dancer that had her own. Worked at the long-gone Icehouse in Albuquerque. She popped it in and gave me the remote to use while she did a show. Then she did some lappers. Chick had nice tits, but after a couple of times I said (as nicely as possible) "more time in my lap letting me grope your titties, less time playing with the remote controlling the vibrator up your pussy".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Step Aside rickdugan! Here is an Even Better System!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    Juice Juice Juice!!!
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    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    Meow Meow MEOW!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Names & Numbers...and Lists
    People must love this thread! 166 posts...167 with min. Wait, I'll add past 80... 80. Missing the point 81. Loving Bieber 82. Maybe, just maybe, talkin' 'bout nekkid chicks. 83. The Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Michigan 4AMer
    Invite her over and propose marriage my friend.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Step Aside rickdugan! Here is an Even Better System!
    JesterL...good suggestions. I always speak Klingonese to the strippers. Gets their motors revving!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Nobel Peace Prize
    @clubber -- you're right. Humans don't have the power to destroy the earth. There has been greater global warming in the past. However, the earth will be a less livable place if mean temperatures greatly increase. Coastal cities are going to flood. Earth will still be there though. But with fewer species and probably fewer humans. Not sure what you mean about the earth not having the power to destroy itself. You do realize the earth is inanimate, right?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Nobel Peace Prize
    @Sharkhunter -- I'm not following your post Mr. Shark. Whether or not ordinary people have reached a consensus is irrelevant from a scientific standpoint. Very relevant from a policy standpoint since ordinary people vote despite not understandin science. but irrelevant from the standpoint of evaluating the truth or falsity of claims regarding AGW. The Mars data are irrelevant. Overall climate on Mars is poorly understood, but the data you allude to are measurements of the Martian South Pole. It is shrinking during the summer. The asteroid impact comment is true, but orthogonal to the topic. But the bigger issue is that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. That's a fact. Without CO2 the Earth's mean temp would be ABOUT -20 C. Well known and relatively well understood for a century. We've moved atmospheric CO2 from under 320 ppm to about 400 ppm. Most of that is anthropogenic. IF global warming deniers were correct, what else is changing to compensate for the increase? There is a lot of complexity associated with predicting future responses to CO2, but that is the core of the issue. Denying that is like sitting in a room with a dude you can hear farting all day. When you complain 'bout the smell he replies "ain't me dude...next room also smells like farts...air is probably just getting fartier for natural reasons". All scientists that know what they're talking about say "room smells like farts because a dude is farting".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I see the nigger and the queer are hard at it this morning.
    Yep...you're outta here KKK-boy. What a lying dumbass douchebag. And why didn't you use my suggested post? To sophisticated for you?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Bot or Tard?
    Alas, the only way responding to a bot get you laughs is if you take the time to post the exchange. Or it could be a real tard. Wait, TDHQ (the real TDHQ that is)...are you Camcm21?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Only in Florida
    That kid has TIGER BLOOD. He's going to grow up and be the dude that goes to the club wit' a bucket o' da Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay and facefucks the strippers in xxxchange for a drumstick! TIGER BLOOD!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I Admit It; I'm an Impotent Faggot
    Oh, and in reply to the post that is totally the real TDHQ, no foolin', I have one thing to say: You may be impotent, but be kind to faggots. You're actually a DOUCHEBAG!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I Admit It; I'm an Impotent Faggot
    Dougster dude...are you fake TDHQ?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Nobel Peace Prize
    Al Gore also a mistake, but for a different reason. If you really don't believe 1) that there is climate change associated with greenhouse gasses; and 2) there is a big anthropogenic component you fundamentally don't understand the science. I don't have the time or desire to give you the requisite information needed to fully understand, but there is a really simple thing you should contemplate. CO2 has been known to be a greenhouse gas for more than a century (thanks Arrhenius). Human activities have dumped a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere. To believe there is no anthropogenic contribution to observed climate change you would have to believe that something magically compensates for the CO2. There is a lot more complexity, but the "global warming is a lie" trope fails on first principles. Unfortunately, the American public is scientifically illiterate and those who disbelieve AGW have been fed a bunch of nonsense. The problem is that Al Gore made AGW a political issue in the states, rather than something that both parties have to face up to.
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    11 years ago
    Nobel Peace Prize
    Obama was a bad decision. But the peace prize has had many problems. Two big reasons. It tends not to be given for long term contributions like the science and literature prizes. So hard to know whether a lasting solution was found. I have no problem with the Arafat award if the Palistinian issue had been solved in the sense of finding a compromise both sides could live with. Problem is that it wasn't. At least Le Duc Tho turned the prize down because there wasn't peace in Vietnam. The problem is that most of the folks that make war are sketchy dudes. But ending a war is often in the hands of the same sketchy dudes. So if you make the award before there is a real peace you give the award to sketchy dudes who go back on their word.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper, boyfriend and 72-year-old meth suspect busted in stolen car
    Does not make me want to go to the Shark Lounge. OTOH, $8 was half of her take home. Not sure how much tip out etc is there, but she couldn't have made much. Was probably going to do OTC with the freaky old dude. Poor guy, cock blocked by the cops. He should have targeted a higher class of stripper.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I see the nigger and the queer are hard at it this morning.
    He's not "outta here". He'll be back with a post just a little less intelligent than the template I suggested above. The dude is a racist dumbass.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: The Heisman Trophy
    I feel sorry for the woman. If the news reports are correct and she didn't know that he alleged attacker was Winston there is no way she was lying. Nothing to gain. Hope she leaves FSU and gets her degree elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    StripReviewer... have to disagree. If the chick is hot a lil' cleavage is called for. And a LOT of cleavage is called for MORE! WeeHaw!!!!! (@)(@)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I see the nigger and the queer are hard at it this morning.
    Yep...Juice and Alucard are ruining TUSCL. As opposed to the racist troll that only posts when he can draft something high-quality and insightful. Bonesbrother, I'd like to help you out. Simply copy what I write below and paste it in as a periodically as a new discussion. Trust me, we won't notice the difference: ---- The nigger and queer are at it again I don't like the nigger. He is obnoxious. And the queer is a fag. Zipman is sucking the nigger's dick. Dougster is a jerk. Go KKK! ---- Because I don't think you're that bright I would like to tell you that I was writing sarcastically in your racist voice. Unfortunately, the truth is that my mock post is actually more erudite than anything you've posted. Why don't you just STFU and let people wit a sense of humor and some degree of intelligence post?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper, boyfriend and 72-year-old meth suspect busted in stolen car
    The old dude is one freaky lookin' fellah. I wonder what his TUSCL screen name is... I bet the dude is TDHQ!