
Comments by zipman68 (page 123)

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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    table dances
    Fuck, wrong thread... And I *haven't* had any "flavored" egg nog (or other potentially mind altering chemicals). Just wanted to check in on you bunch of whacked out perverts (no judgement... I be a whacked out pervert too!) before enjoyin' da time wit' family. Regardless, merry Xmas!
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    table dances
    Merry Xmas Drac... I'm sure we'll all moderate our alcohol intake over the holidays. Well, 'cept Juice, 'cos he is clearly a crazy MF. And, at least according to SC, Santa has some serious substance abuse AND flatulance issues. Sounds like a cool guy as long as you can keep 'im from blowing up yo' chimney with his gas. Seriously though, MERRY CHRISMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all. Enjoy the time with whoever you love. Or love the one yo' with... Whatevah floats yo' boat!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    did the world end ?
    @motorhead. The rapture? Cool! So does that mean you're posting from heaven? What are titty bars like in heaven? Are ya gropin' angel titties and fingerin' angel snatch? I bet that shit is TIGHT.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    Hmmm... So lemme get this straight Jestie. You were attempting to refute the argument that violent attacks in China weren't AS deadly as those here by pointing out that it is indeed possible to kill people without guns? So, should I let you scratch your head to figure out what is wrong with your logic? Maybe read this post for the word that I stressed and ask yourself if your argument actually addresses anything of relevance. You know, I heard you shouldn't worry about drowning due falling overboard while at sea 'cos it is possible to drown in as little as an inch of water. And it is like totally fine to get all drunk and send texts while driving 'cos people sometimes have car accidents when they are stone cold sober. Yep, guns couldn't possibly have any impact upon the degree of damage done in violent attacks -- after all, it is POSSIBLE to injure or even...gasp...kill people without guns. Now that I know I bow to Jestie logic.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    damn iPad. Typing on this sucks -- should be ...too liberal for ya?
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    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    And, just to be clear... The answer to "banning" vs "denying ownership to nutjobs" -- what do you thing is going to happen in America? The answer is neither... We'll cry and piss and moan and forget. 'Til the next mass shooting. Wanna stop it? Root causes are important...but it is more important to say "we don't care about stable, law-abiding citizens having guns as long as they use them responsibly and secure them...but we don't want crazy folks to have guns". Then take that seriously and find ways of implementing. Is that too liberal for ya.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    Yep yep yep Jestie... You're a moderate. I guess that convinces me! You point 'bout folks being able to kill using methods OTHER than guns wins the day, since it clearly implies that... Oh wait, it doesn't imply shit. Actually, you reply to tittyfan was pretty reasonable, so I'll be clear. Here is my issue with your BS of "but mass killings don't REQUIRE guns." Yes...so what? Guns sure as fuck make killings of all sorts easier. So we have a problem -- too many crazy MFs can get their hands on guns -- and we should be addressing it. But then wig nuts come on with BS like yours... So you're either a wing nut who claims to be moderate or you've been taken in on this issue. Since you claim to be moderate I'll ask you to think...somethin' you claim I wouldn't do. How do we address the problems of too many crazy folks with guns? We could: 1. Deal with mental health problems seriously, trying to identify folks like the shooter at CT (and CO and VA and...) ahead of times. Costs money. Only addresses the worst killings. 2. Try to keep guns out of the hands of people most likely to cause problems. 3. Outlaw specific types of weapons. 4. Outlaw guns altogether. #4 ain't gonna happen in America. Not in the foreseeable future. So if you're worried about you're stupid and shouldn't have a gun or you're crazy and shouldn't have a gun. We already do #3 -- I can't go to Walmart an' get me no full auto AK god damnit -- so the argument there is *which* guns to outlaw. Personally, I don't think this is the biggest issue...but be honest and admit the issue is where to draw lines and not whether there SHOULD be any lines. #2 is complex but it ain't gonna be address until nut jobs stop insisting that the gummint gonna deny dem der guns if we make screening more thorough and deny some crazy folk der sweet sweet firearms. As with everything the devil is in the details, but some sort of gun control (notice that control can mean "banning" or "denying gun ownership to nutjobs". -- whadya think is going to happen here in America). You've already said you're cool with titty's #3, so you should be cool with some version o' #2. You even want waiting period...you fuckin' liberal you. I don't care 'bout that, although it will take time to do checks so we would end up with a de facto waiting period. But I don't see an explicit need for that beyond the logistics necessary to screen out da nutjobs. And #1 is jes' common sense. But we ain't gonna do it...to damn liberal
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Jacksonville, FL
    True dat Drac... Though I was amazed to find the low costs for no holes barred hotties at rusdosug.com (found when I was contemplating a trip to Moscow that fell through). Man, if those pictures and prices are accurate fuckin' Russia is like heaven. On a serious note, Katya is a sweetie. Hopefully I'll get back to Jax soon. And I'm not actually sure I'd use a web site like the one I highlighted if I did do a Russia trip. Just not sure whether there would be issues...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Jacksonville, FL
    Don't worry Dougsta... I travel through the JAX land often... I'll give ya my honest eval of da reviews... Rick-a-roo, did ya get a dance from the amazing Katya? I haven't seen her since before DH closed. Me am sad DH close, now me am in Bizzaro-world where me am unable to see Katya's sweet sweet vag anytime me have time in JAX (she did a lot of double shifts at DH, for the uninitiated). Me not like Bizzaro-JAX
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    To be fair tittyfan actually put out some proposals. They sound pretty fucking liberal to me though. I mean really... "Severe penalties for losing your gun" and "restrictions on purchases at gun shows". Totally contrary to my "baby's first Derringer" proposal. The big issue with Derringers is low numbers o' bullets. But giving a baby a TEC9 would be stupid...even I as a right wing nutjob acknowledge that... no, my plan was that new loaded guns of an appropriate size would come in cereal boxes. Crazy people like the school shooter would KNOW that all the kids in class would be packin', so the wouldn't attack 'cos they would know the little kiddies would kill them in a hail of gunfire. Oh wait, I think I see an issue... So Jestie...can ya help us out? Help fix my proposal. Your slot in my Obummer resistance cell is hangin' in the balance. Oops, I'm a wing nut, so it should be "you're slot in my resistance cell..."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    @jestie (and other right wing nut jobs): at least you sussed out the satirical nature o' my question. Perhaps you could work on thinking through your responses. I see no evidence that you would think on your feet when we are fightin' against Obummer, our socialist moooslim Kenyan overlord who has just forced us all to gay marry. The rest o' my resistance cell would prolly frag you. We've seen some stifling examples of right wing logic here. Rather than wait for actual serious discussion the wingnuts call the "libs" "gun grabbers" and put words in their mouths. Easy to argue against the othe side when you construct the other side's arguments, in'it it? Likelihood o' your fevered scenario happening in 'Merica? Not very high... But never let that get in the way o' a good strawman! Other gems of logic are Samsung's "Japan has a low homocide rate for cultural reasons we can't emulate...plus it isn't really that low..." So, is Japan the only country with a murder rate lower than the US? 'Cos if it is you've got a point. If not, you're full o' shit. I think I smell some bullshit! Perhaps I'm just missing some brilliant but subtle point you genius right wingers are makin'. Spell it out for us "libs". I'll give you a template: It is POSSIBLE to kill people without guns so we should... Possible answers might include: A. Make access to guns totally unrestricted B. give everybody a loaded gun at birth. A little one, of course, 'cos we don't wanna be all crazy... C. Take everybody's guns away. Humiliate all former gun owners by making them wear a scarlet "G" D. Restrict access to specific types of firearms E. fill in your answer... I'm looking forward to the erudite inner policy wonk o' da Jestie man. It strikes me that the concrete policy proposals we have are "do ????? 'cos it is POSSIBLE to kill people without guns" and "become Japanese". I'll stipulate that "become Japanese" is off the table. How should we fill in the question marks? I promise not to run and hid from an opinion I disagree with. I may, however, point and laugh...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    @jester - so your argument is that since it is POSSIBLE to kill people without guns we shouldn't restrict access to guns at all? Cool! I'm gonna get me some of that anti-aircraft artillery - never know when I might get buzzed by evildoers - and maybe get me a TEC-9 (oops, an AB10), a full auto AK47, and maybe a few RPGs. I betcha those street thugs won't threaten me when I go all Rambo on their asses and blow up their house with an RPG. Will you join my resistance cell when Obama brings in those atheist Muslim socialist overlords from his birthplace in Kenya and they enslave us white people? I bet you would make a top notch guerrilla.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: China Highlights Contrasting Gun Law
    @Ermita - agreed. China is a fine place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there... However, we could choose less repressive laws AND sensible gun laws.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    strip club hound stories
    In Abq NM, when the Icehouse was in its heyday, they regularly did lesbian shows onstage. Full penetration with dildos, the whole nine yards. DJs would encourage patrons to crowd up by the stage and toss wadded up dollar bills at t he girls. When one of the girls had her ass in the air the line was "Seve years of good luck if you hit a lesbians asshole with a dollar bill". They got a fuckload of money on stage from those shows. Unfortunately, the Icehouse went downhill after a while. Last time I was in Abq (after several years of not visiting) the icehouse was dead and had a totally different vibe. I think they were mostly hiring out dancers at that point. I don't see the place listed so I suspect they closed. Too bad...good place in its heyday.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    lets do this right
    And let's that oil' Juice for some good words in the wake of a tragedy. And redouble our efforts to be positive and help others when we can.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    lets do this right
    C'mon everybody. Can't we all get along? Ignore Juice is ya don't like his humor. Laugh yo' ass off if ya do. Problem solved! Keep on Juicin' Juiceman. Ain't nobody else gonna do it!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Charged With Assault for Stage Tipping
    Have no idea who this dude is (rapper, R&B?) but makin' it rain is kinda obnoxious. Although my general policy is live and live and keep the law out unless things are really bad, I don't have much sympathy for the dude...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Official Fart Joke Thread
    In case y'all are wondering, now is the time to sing Bieber songs. I'll stat... FART... FART... FAAAAART! fuck yeah FART please, continue... but with dignity
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    But Jestie-dude... Somebody did like the idiotic post 'bout farting. I mean ...FART... you even replied. I guess you must ...FART... kinda like the post. Can't we all prep for the ...FART... Mithraic New Year miracle? Oh... FART
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Everybody admit it...
    Oh... FART
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Everybody admit it...
    And really... How will Juice reach his full potential unless he has encouragement? I mean really ranukam-dude, if you posted CRAY-ZEE-AZZ shizzle all da live long day I'd be the CFO of your fan club (don't know ya well enough to take on the CEO position...for now I'll stick wit' da filthy lucre behind the scenes) Prove me wrong! Write some brilliant shit bout fuckin' meth whores while you eat Long John Silver's (we've got crack whores an' KFC covered). I dares ya! I double dog dares ya!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Everybody admit it...
    Don't be dissin the Just-man ol' ranukam-dude. I bet Bieber tunes are SICK if you take some peyote an' eat cold pizza an' play 'em on a stereo wit' one blown out speaker an' have a stripper dancin' in front o' ya! FUCK YEAH!!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I usually bury a half of a sweet potato and pray to Aphrodite that my strip club venture will go well. Then I takes me some acid and DXM and XTC and get on stage, remove my cloths, an scream "MUJERES...MUJERES" til the bouncer brings me a bucket o' KFC and tell the hottest stripper in da place to give me a free BBBJCIM. Wait... Was this what we did in real life or a dream? 'Cos what I did in real life was way crazier.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    the speed force!
    Everybody admit it...
    It is a Chanukah-Christmas-Kwanzaa-saturnalia-Mithraic New Year miracle. Can't we all get along an' talk 'bout dat sweet sweet stripper vag?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ya know... Da meth is wearin' off an' da weed be kickin' in. It makes me all peaceful an' shit. Let's all get along Oh...FART